Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 056 The Hive

(New Year's Day, it's almost 2013, time flies so fast, how old is Xiaofeng?)

In the serene forest, a few elves are climbing on the branches and playing around, a group of long-tailed monsters holding berries and gnawing on them, and armored rhinos chewing fresh grass peacefully, accompanied by a loud noise The sound of propellers, a deep black helicopter from far and near, a deep red 'r' letter is vividly visible, the elves nearby seem to have gotten used to it, without any fright, they are still doing their own things After a while, the rocket team's helicopter stopped in front of a huge waterfall. The galaxy-like waterfall cascaded down from the valley. There was a loud bang and a splash of water. Suddenly, there was an alarm When the sound sounded, a channel suddenly protruded from the waterfall, bearing the impact of the waterfall and blocking the waterfall. The next moment, as the pilot pulled the joystick, the helicopter had already entered the waterfall along the channel.

After the helicopter entered, the passage was retracted again, and the waterfall once again vented down, covering the passage just now. The elves were still doing their own things, as if nothing happened.

After passing through the wide passage, a huge landing pad appeared in front of everyone. Countless helicopters that marked Team Rocket stopped silently on it like guards. After finding a location, the helicopters turned around in the air , stopped slowly and steadily, and in the next second, a pair of big hands had already opened the hatch, Zeus' tall figure jumped off the helicopter, and then several Team Rocket members followed behind, the pilot rested alone after saying hello went.

Walking quickly in this mountain base named 'Beehive', countless roads twist and turn like a huge beehive, and a group of people are like bees rushing back to the hive after picking honey. Elites, intelligence from all over the world is collected here, and then released from here to the Rockets branches around the world. This 'hive' is also called the first branch. As for the headquarters, except for the legendary boss of the Rockets , Sakagi, take you there, otherwise you will never know where the Rockets headquarters is, so that only a few of Sakagi's confidants know the location of the headquarters, and Zeus is one of them. Those who questioned could see Team Rocket members in black or white uniforms and research institutes or doctors in white coats everywhere. Facing Zeus who was in a hurry, countless people stepped aside and came to the elevator. Zeus pulled out a bag from his arms. A black and gold card was swiped in the elevator, and after a crisp sound, the elevator door quickly closed and kept moving downwards.

When the elevator stopped at the 30th floor underground, Zeus and others came to the control center named 'Queen Bee', which is the control core of the 'Hive', processing tens of millions of information every day, and Zeus came to the control center Afterwards, sophisticated computers were processing the information in a hurry, and the scientific researchers were constantly manipulating the keyboard, while the printers on the other side were constantly copying the data, and others were being used for filing. A huge display screen In the middle of the hall, countless small screens were displayed on the screen, monitoring everything in the 'Hive'. An old man wearing reading glasses, wearing a white coat, and putting his hands in his pockets watched Zeus approaching, and first nodded at Zeus. head, and then said: "Did you get the things?"

"Here it is!" Zeus took out a small bottle from his pocket, and one or two strands of hair were lying in the bottle, which were Mewtwo's hair.

The old man nodded and said, "Just get it!"

Zeus threw the vial at the old man casually, and the old man held it with his hand, and said slowly, "Although a person is old, his bones are not old yet, you are still the same, you insist on tossing my bones!" The old man had already handed the vial to a middle-aged man next to him, and said to Zeus, "There is still a lack of memory repair fluid, and Apollo has already gone to the V organization to get it, but I don't know why it is so late!"

"What does Sakagi want to do?" Hearing that Apollo also had a mission, Zeus frowned and said to the old man.

"I knew you would ask!" The old man didn't seem too surprised, and he sat on the seat and said slowly to Zeus: "The genetic medicine liquid I got from Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the Chaomeng hair you just brought, how much is it?" There is the memory repair fluid that Apollo went to get, just looking at these three things, what do you think of?"

Zeus thought about it, and the three things were connected together. With Sakagi's character, the only possibility was.

"Sakagi wants to create a Mewtwo?" Zeus raised his eyebrows, snuffed out the cigar in his hand, and said seriously.

The old man nodded lightly.


On the ghost ship, when only Xiaofeng, Chaomeng, Lizhuang Chicken and Rice Spoon Snake were left on the large deck, Xiaofeng took out the elf ball to take back the Powerful Chicken and Rice Spoon Snake, and was about to call Chaomeng When Xiaoyue and Yezi woke up, Xiaofeng suddenly turned his head, Chaomeng looked into the distance, and the old ghost and Geng Gui hurriedly floated from a distance, looked at the silent deck, landed in front of Xiaofeng, and said: "You drove them away?"

Xiaofeng nodded, although it is not clear how the old ghost disappeared just now, but at least it is certain that the old ghost did not hide, because neither Xiaofeng nor Chaomeng sensed the existence of the old ghost just now.

"I don't see how powerful you are, young man, since you have driven them away, I don't need this thing anymore, it can be used by your ghost companion!" The old ghost said, facing Geng Gui next to him Stretching out his hand, Geng Gui stretched out his hand, and a black spar had fallen into the hands of the old ghost.

"This thing is called a yin stone, although I don't know what people outside call it, but how do I call it! This kind of thing can increase the power of ghosts, your ghost companion is very weak now, this kind of thing is the best tonic Of course, it’s impossible to restore it just like this, you need to collect it slowly! This kind of thing can be found in the gathering places of many ghost-type elves, and it often falls on the leader of the ghost elves, because This kind of thing can increase strength, so you need to defeat it to get it, the piece in my hand belongs to Geng Gui! Here it is for you!" The old ghost said, the Yin stone flew out of his hand and landed on Xiaofeng hands.

Xiaofeng took the stone, and when he was about to face the necklace, the old ghost suddenly stopped him: "Don't use it like this, call out your companions, using it like this will greatly reduce the effect of the Yin stone!"

Xiaofeng heard the words, nodded, and called out Xuan'er, under the background of a burst of silver light, Xuan'er took the Yin stone, first expressed his thanks to the old ghost, then smiled at Xiaofeng, and then took the Yin stone in the Palms, both hands clasped in front of the chest, as if praying for something, only to hear Xuan'er murmuring a few times, a few lavender light beams emerged from the Yin stone, slowly flowing into Xuan'er's body, watching Xuan'er's gradual With a ruddy complexion, Xiaofeng once again expressed his gratitude to the old ghost. The old ghost is indeed an old thing that has lived for hundreds of years. If you have a yin stone, if there is a yin stone nearby, you should also be able to sense it.

After Xuan'er absorbed the yin stone, she realized that Xuan'er was weak, and Xiaofeng didn't let her stay outside. After calling back and going to wake Xiaoyue and Ye Zi, the old ghost smiled and said: "No need to go. Well, I have asked Guisi to send the two of them off the boat, they are quite frightened, when they wake up tomorrow, it will be just a dream!"

In this regard, Xiaofeng nodded and said nothing, after getting off the ghost ship, on his own yacht, watching the ghost ship gradually disappear in the thick fog, smiled at Chaomeng and said: "Go back! "

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