Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 067 Respective goals

Updated: 2013-05-26

"Dr. Londo! Finally found you!" Mikri and Dawu walked into the research institute, looked at a crowd of busy people, hurried forward and said to one of the middle-aged people: "It's dangerous here, let's go quickly !"

"Wait first! Let's solve the problem of Deoxys first! Come with me!" Londo said to the two of them, came to the computer, and quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard a few times. Soon, two pictures A green-purple wave chart appeared on the screen. Mikoli and Dawu noticed that the wave lines of the two comparison charts were almost the same. Obviously, Dr. Lunduo also noticed the expressions of the two, and pointed to the purple one and said: " This is the purple aurora that recently appeared over the city of Larousse. It can be concluded that it was released by Deoxys, and this... The green wave line is emitted by the green spar we found on the ice continent a few years ago. Yes, there must be a connection between them!"

"That is to say, Deoxys' goal is that stone?" Mikri asked while clutching his chin.

"There is no doubt about it. Then, Dr. Londo, what about that spar? Maybe we can find a way to deal with Deoxys from that spar!" Dawu turned his head and asked after a serious look. [

"I thought so too, but the spar is not here!" Yuko came over from the side, and said regretfully, "We put it in the research institute in the battle tower before, but it happened suddenly just now, and we haven't had time to take it away. Walk!"

"We're going to get it here!"

"We still have to think about countermeasures. There are too many clones of Deoxys outside! If they are alarmed, the battle may be brought here, so we need to be careful!" Dawu stopped Mikoli and said.

Hearing this, Dr. Londo called an assistant to find out the model of the battle tower. After a while, the model of the battle tower with distinct layers appeared in front of the computer screen. Dr. Londo typed the keyboard quickly, and a red road map was already on the screen. It was planned in the model, connecting from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower, Dr. Rendo pointed to the red line and said: "This is the passage to the research institute, and when you come out, you'd better come out from the bottom, so as not to attract the attention of those clones , of course, it should be noted that the power supply in Larousse City has been cut off, so you need to turn on the backup power supply first, here!" Dr. Londo was operating the computer while talking, and soon a green route appeared .

"Okay!" Dawu and Mikoli nodded slightly.

"Here is the key, take it well!" Dr. Londo took out a blue card from his collar pocket and handed it to Dawu. Dawu took it and said, "Mikoli, you stay here to protect Dr. Londo!"

"You guys go together!" Dr. Lundo raised his hand to interrupt Mikri and Dawu and said, "Yuko and I are going to find Toy, and I am very worried about him! That kid should be terrified now..."

"But... what about your safety!"

Mi Keli and Dawu looked at each other. After some exchanges, Mi Keli and Dawu finally determined that Dr. Londo must go, but because they were worried about Dr. Londo's safety, they decided to split up. Dawu helped Dr. Londo find Back to Toy, Mikri went to look for the spar, and then gathered with the Four Heavenly Kings in the gymnasium. Dr. Lundo had no objections.

Leaving the institute quietly, Dr. Londo began to search according to the last message sent by Troy. Hearing the roar from the air, Dr. Londo's uneasiness and anxiety continued to rise. Along the way, he encountered many representatives. Ochisis' clone, perhaps because of the tense battle situation, ignored these people and hurried past, which also greatly increased their speed. Suddenly, several figures rushed from a distance, and Dawu hurriedly called out Several people, only to find that there are actually acquaintances.

"Xiaozhi? Why are you here!"

Xiaozhi looked at Dawu in surprise, and before he said anything, he was pulled over by another person. After a closer look, he found that it was Miss Yuko next to Toy.

"Xiaozhi! Where's Troy, isn't he with you?"Yuko asked hastily, and Lun Duo on the side was even more nervous.

Xiaozhi regained his composure, looked at Yuko and replied: "Miss Yuko, Toy and the others are fine now! They are in the basement of the botanical garden!" Deoxys' clone, but after looking at Dawu, it should be fine!

"and many more!"

Xiaozhi, who was about to leave, was stopped by Dawu again. Dawu frowned and looked at Xiaozhi. Aaron and Jiangtai said: "Where are you going now, come with us! It's too dangerous outside!"

"Xiaofeng is up there, we have to go to help! Mr. Dawu"

"What!" Dawu touched the bridge of his nose naively when he heard the words, looked at the three of Xiaozhi and continued: "That still doesn't work, you go with us first, and then I can go to Xiaofeng! You are not allowed now." Run around outside!"

It is very difficult to convince Dawu, so it is too slippery for Xiaozhi to take Aaron and General when Dawu's attention has not been focused on himself. [

"Those children!" The doctor and Yuko next to him have no ability, and Dawu can't leave the vicinity too far. Looking at the three people who are gradually going away, Dawu throws an elf ball, and a white light jumps out in the air. A piece of armor The bird waved its steel wings and hovered in the air, and after letting the armored bird follow Xiaozhi and the other three, Dawu took Dr. Rendo and ran towards the botanical garden.

On the roof of the building, Xiaofeng stood in the sky, looking at the Rift and Deoxys who were constantly entangled in the distance. Although Chaomeng and Frozen Bird had drawn the attention of both parties, most of the attack targets were also on both sides. , the three-party melee made the empty seat a little tired, the use of destroying death light is not as frequent as before, and Deoxys seems to never tire, the constant regeneration makes Deoxys very good at fighting protracted battles, But every time Deoxys fights, he will protect the purple spar on his chest. It is estimated that the spar is the source of Deoxys' power. It is obvious that the cracked empty seat has also discovered this problem not long ago, attacking again and again They all attacked the spar, leaving Deoxys with no strength left to fight back.

The three parties in the air are at a stalemate. Xiaofeng is looking at the situation in the air contemplatively. What is needed now is to appease the anger of Likongzao and the lost spar of Deoxys. Qixis will not give up when he is expelled, the target can only turn to the spar, the problem has arisen now, he does not know where the spar is, nor what kind of spar it is.

At this time, the three figures in the distance fell into Xiaofeng's eyes, and Xiaozhi, Jiangtai and Aaron rushed over, and with a movement, Xiaofeng had already landed on the street, looking at the three of them, he said quickly: "You guys What are you doing here!"

"Of course I helped you!" Xiaozhi smiled.

"The situation here is really bad!" Looking at the collapsed houses around, the scattered broken glass, and the cracks on the ground, Jiang Tai scratched his head and said.

"What's the situation now!" Aaron also frowned and looked at the tragedy in front of him. It seemed that the power of the legendary elf was really immeasurable, but he really didn't consider people's feelings, it was completely nonsense.

Xiaofeng briefly introduced the goals of Rikuza and Deoxys, and everyone fell into silence for a while. Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder, and shouted at Rikuza and Deoxys in the air , Rikakuza's body circled in the air and looked at Pikachu below.

"You told me to suspend attacking, it only wants to find something, and it will go back as long as it finds it? Huh! Where did you let my anger and dignity go!" Rikuza roared, Pikachu persuaded, and from Rikuza's mouth The destructive death light condensed in the middle pierced the sky and hit Pikachu directly. Xiaozhi's eyes enlarged instantly. After shouting Pikachu, he flew to hug Pikachu. The lotus flower bloomed in an instant, and a mysterious force instantly pulled the destructive death light up into the sky. Likongza let out a light sigh, and looked at Chao Meng. Because, at this moment, Deoxys seemed to feel something, and immediately rushed towards another place as soon as his body transformed. Seeing this, Rikakuza roared in his golden eyes, and with a roar, he had already chased after him.

"Go, follow!" Xiaofeng waved, and the Frozen Bird had already landed beside Xiaofeng.

On the other side, after Mikri came to the research institute of the Battle Tower, the moment he opened the door, a black shadow fell into his eyes. Mikri quickly threw the poke ball, white light flashed, and a jet of water flowed from the mouth of Menus. He rushed out and hit the shadow ball that was attacking head-on.

"Who are you!" Mikri hurried into the research institute, looked at the blond woman in black, with a beard standing beside her, and then looked at the protective cover in the middle, where she was lying quietly A crystal-clear and glowing green spar, seeing this, Mikri secretly exhaled.

"Mikoli..." The woman in black seemed to know Mikoli's identity. After taking a deep look at Menus next to Mikoli, she knew that she couldn't fight against Mikoli. She put her palm on Hu Di's body. After saying teleportation, Hu Di's eyes glowed with blue light, which changed into a beam of colored light and disappeared in place in the next second.

Someone still knows that this thing is what Deoxys was looking for, who is it!Thinking deeply about the problem, Mikoli walked to the computer, and after sliding the key card across the switch, the protective cover slowly opened. After finding a piece of cloth to wrap the spar, Mikoli put it on his back, looked around, and called After leaving Menus to keep up, he left the institute.

Now I hope that the doctor and Dawu will find the child as soon as possible. Thinking about it, Mikri has left the battle tower and came to the tunnel.



Hu Di (フーディン)

Psychic Elf

Attribute: super power

Height: 15m

Weight: 480kg[

Color: brown

Feature 1: Mental Power (will not fall into a state of fear)

Feature 2: Synchronization rate (when receiving an abnormal state (poisoning, paralysis, burn) caused by the opponent, it will be transmitted to the opponent; map effect - when placed at the top of the team, the probability of encountering an elf with the same character in the wild increases to 50%)

Introduction: Its brain performance exceeds that of a supercomputer, and its IQ is as high as 5000 according to tests.Good at using superpowers.


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