Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 160 Mutation

"Huh~~" Lulio sensed the flames swarming towards him, turned around quickly, and walked forward quickly, looking at the golden flames in front of him, and moved back, only to find that the flames appeared behind him inexplicably , Lulio suddenly felt a burst of heat behind him, he was embarrassed to avoid the attack of the flames, and then he saw that the flames were still following him, and his position seemed to have changed again. Now the space here seems to have become very strange. As if everything is upside down, wait!Upside down... Guisi seems to have said such a thing.

Lulio seemed to be grasping something, and his eyes suddenly opened, if they were all upside down, could it be so?A "Shadow Ball" suddenly appeared in Lulio's hand, and he immediately threw it forward. The "Shadow Ball" rushed into the darkness. After a while, a burst of explosion sounded in Lulio's ears, but it was actually from behind...

"I see!" Lulio seemed to understand something, completely upside down?In this case, the front is the back, the left is the right, the top is the bottom, and vice versa, the back is the front, the right is the left, and the bottom is the top. This can also explain why my position is always wrong. Can explain why these flames appeared in front of me in such a misty and illusory way, and then suddenly attacked behind me...

"Oh! It looks like it has been seen through!" Guisi said suddenly, and then changed his tone: "But...see through is to see through, how to crack is the real problem, how do you deal with the attack and think at the same time, not to mention ...The habit of the body will fully display your movements...the stronger you are, the more intense! Sometimes you can't control it if you want to! It was just a test just now, and now is the real start!" Said, the ghost Si said to Ladybug Ann on the other side: "It's time for us..."

Ladybug Ann nodded, and fled into the darkness together with Guisi. Lulio only felt that two breaths entered his range, but then disappeared without a trace, which made Lulio very confused. Before Lurio could think about it, the flame struck again. After knowing the direction and position, Lulio looked at the flame in front of him and wanted to move forward to avoid the attack, but his body reacted by moving backward. Leo quickly controlled his body, shifted his direction in time, and avoided the attack of the flames. At this moment, several arrows of light emitting cold light shot out from the darkness, approaching Lulio. Quickly moving forward in the opposite direction, one by one "shadow balls" rushed out of Lulio's hands, and rushed straight ahead. The next second, the "shadow balls" burst into bursts of small explosions, and light arrows also shot from Lulio's hands. Disappeared behind him, at this moment, Guisi suddenly appeared in front of Lulio...

Seeing this, Lulio turned around quickly, and swept a whip leg towards the opposite direction where Guisi was. Then Lulio frowned when he felt the feeling of emptiness. Seeing this, Guisi, Jie Jie He smiled and said, "Where are you attacking? Oh! I forgot to tell you! I created this! So... completely upside down is not valid for me!" A black "shadow ball" was instantly formed in front of Guisi's mouth. As soon as Lulio heard the words, he immediately knew something was wrong and turned around quickly. At the same time, a light blue light radiated from the wrist guard in his hand, and a diamond-shaped cross crystal shield suddenly appeared On the back of Lulio's hand, he resisted Guisi's attack in time.

Seeing this, Gui Si laughed and said, "As expected of Lulio, he reacted very quickly, but... have you forgotten something!"

Hearing this, Lulio immediately thought something was wrong, and saw Ladybug Ann appearing inexplicably behind Lulio, a dazzling silver energy ball in his hand was attacking Lulio rapidly. "Iron block", I saw a burst of metallic luster flashing from Lulio's body, the next second, the energy of the ladybug pressed on Lulio's body, "Boom~" I heard a huge impact sound from Lulio's body Lulio let out a muffled snort, and quickly flew forward and backwards. Due to the upside-down relationship, the direction of Lulio's force was completely out of control.

Seeing this, Gui Si rushed out of thick black air from his body, and rushed straight towards Lulio who was flying backwards. Seeing this, Lulio quickly turned over and stepped his feet towards the void. Leo quickly flashed past the oncoming black air, frowning at Ghost and Ladybug An who were hiding in the darkness again, Lulio looked at the stone in his hand, and then sensed a dark space, since one-sided If it can't be lifted, then just break it, so what if it's upside down, if it's an all-round attack, then it's the same no matter how upside down...

At this moment, Lulio opened his eyes, looking at the darkness around him, his legs were constantly compressing his strength, "Boom~" Suddenly, a burst of impact sounded from under Lulio's feet, and in the dark, Guisi and Ladybug Ann felt There was a dangerous aura emanating from Lulio's body, and he was surprised again and again. At this moment, Lulio stretched out his legs and swept around frantically. In less than a moment, the overwhelming crescent-shaped "Lan" instantly fell from Lulio's toes. issued, with a sonic boom, cutting towards the surroundings in the darkness...

Lan foot - Zhou Huaduan.

"What!" Guisi looked at Lan who was rushing around and said in amazement, seeing that the flames of An Ladybug were being torn apart, at this moment, with the attacks coming towards him from all directions, Guisi unexpectedly found that there was no dead angle for him to avoid ...

"Bang~!" With a burst of shattering sound, the darkness suddenly shattered in front of Lulio like glass, and the surrounding area recovered again. At this time, the two shadows continued to retreat rapidly. Oh, unexpectedly, since it was crushed like this, Guisi looked at Lulio and sighed, thinking that with this strength, he no longer needs stones at all.

"Huh~huh~!" Lulio clenched the stone tightly, panting heavily, "Lanjiao——Zhou Huaduan" was really not so easy to master, it was only the first time, the numbness came from the foot I almost made Lulio lose consciousness, but... this time I counted as my victory. Lulio looked at Guisi and Ladybug An as if they were looking at each other with this intention in their eyes.

At this moment, Guisi and Ladybug Ann are also exhausted. In addition to releasing their unique moves, they are also resisting Lulio's attack, which has made them unable to use their strength. Although Guisi is a ghost-type elf, but for Lulio It can be said that among the three parties, whoever moves first will be out first.

Looking at the situation of Ladybug Ann and Guisi, Lulio's body is also slowly descending. He is no different than Ladybug Ann and Guisi, and stepping into the air also needs to consume his own energy. In this case, the biggest saving Physical strength is the most important thing.

Ann Ladybug and Guisi obviously noticed Lulio's anomaly, and at the same time they descended with Lulio, they had to keep a distance, otherwise it would be more harm than good for Lulio to escape if they were not paying attention.

When Guisi, Ladybug Ann, and Lulio kept their positions and were paying attention all the time, Yukira saw a good opportunity and immediately pressed down on his body, and the branches began to bend, and Yukira used the rebound force to In an instant, like a bullet, he rushed towards Lulio, who was still holding his own things in his hand.

"Huh?" At this moment, Guisi, Ladybug Ann and Lulio also found Yukira who was rushing over. Oops, I forgot about this kid!Guisi thought to himself looking at Yukira, a critter, distressed.

Lulio looked at Yukira who was rushing towards him, and now he didn't have any remaining physical strength to entangle with Yukira. There was no way, Lulio turned over quickly, stepped on the void with both feet, and then With the sound of breaking wind, Lulio quickly moved away from Yukira, and rushed down towards the ground. Yukira was still following Lulio, and a "shadow ball" quickly gathered in his mouth and blasted towards Lulio.

Seeing this, Lulio quickly raised his arm, and the wrist guard suddenly emitted a burst of dazzling blue light. The blue crystal-like diamond-shaped shield appeared on the back of Lulio's hand again, preventing Yu Kira's attack.

Yukira was already approaching Lulio at this moment, and when his arm touched the stone, there was a sudden change, and a burst of white light suddenly flickered inexplicably in the void, ghosts and ladybugs.Lulio and Yukira looked at the white light. At this moment, they could only think of one result...

As the white light gradually disappeared, Lalu Lasi appeared in front of the elves again. Seeing this, Guisi gritted his teeth and said, "Sure enough...it was a miscalculation this time!"

As soon as Lalu Lasi appeared, there was a burst of blue light around her body, and ripples suddenly appeared in the air at this moment. Then, several steel chains exuding blue and milky white light protruded from the ripples, and the little elves looked at him in shock. Looking at the scene in front of me, when will Lalu Lasi do this trick...

"Chain of Time" Lalu Lasi said slowly.

In the next second, they couldn't tolerate their guesses, and saw the steel chain twisting crazily and rushing towards him quickly. Under the fatigue, there was no accident, and the ghosts and others were bound by the steel chain before they had time to dodge. You Kira still retains most of his physical strength, but due to his slowness, he was also tied up. When the steel chain touched himself, Lulio and the others only felt a strange energy on the steel chain that was crazily absorbing their own physical strength , this was a disaster for Guisi, Ladybug and Lulio who had just finished the battle. Within a moment, the three elves had to hang down powerlessly, and the stone in Lulio's hand also fell from the air due to his inability to hold it. fall……

Lalu Lasi hurriedly caught the falling stone, looked back at the four elves tightly bound by chains and said slowly: "Sorry, I have to get this stone, because I want to become stronger like you! "

You Kira watched his stones keep falling into the hands of other elves, and this time he was about to get them. At that time, Yu Kira thought that as soon as he got the stones, he would eat them immediately, lest they come to grab them again. In a second, the stone fell on Lalu Lasi again, and Yukira roared unwillingly. At this time, the black square on Youkira's body began to twist wildly. Within a moment, the blackened Yukira slowly opened. Open your mouth wide, a mouthful of hot air comes out of your mouth...

"Aw~roar~~!" The blackened Yukira roared loudly, waves of ripples quickly spread out from the air, shaking the space, the blackened Yukira looked at the chains that bound his limbs, and growled There was a sound, and as soon as the body exerted force, "bang~" I saw the chain quickly shattered...



Lalulas (ラルトス)

feel elf

Attribute: super power

Height: 0.4m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: white

Feature 1: Synchronization rate (when receiving an abnormal state (poisoning, paralysis, burn) caused by the opponent, it will be transmitted to the opponent; map effect - when placed at the top of the team, the probability of encountering an elf with the same character in the wild increases to 50%)

Feature 2: Dress Up (Copy the features of any elf on the field during the battle, but the mysterious guardian feature cannot be copied)

Introduction: It has the ability to use the horns on its head to feel human emotions. It rarely appears in front of humans, but it will actively approach when it feels positive emotions.


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