Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 182

"Aw~roar~!" With the roar of the circle bear, the berserk breath immediately filled the surrounding space, and as two huge brown bear paws slammed into the ground, the ground suddenly groaned, and countless cracks came from the ground. The surroundings were cracked, and Lulio quickly stepped back, looking at the circle bear in front of him, showing a different look.

Obviously, Xiaofeng also noticed the abnormality of this circle bear. The strength of this circle bear is too extraordinary, and its power is far stronger than the sum of the power of the three circle bears. The state doesn't seem to be very good, Xiaofeng happened, and the circle bear entered a violent fighting state from the moment it appeared, huh?At this moment, Xiaofeng suddenly felt that there seemed to be some substances flowing in the circle bear's body. With the rapid rotation of the magic pupil, Xiaofeng clearly saw through the substances flowing in the circle bear body. It seemed that these things had improved All aspects of the circle bear's body, but it is easy to damage the body, which is the same as the medicine in Yukira's body, but because of Xiaofeng's relationship, the side effects of the medicine in Youkira's body have been almost cleaned up by Xiaofeng. The rest are hardly a threat...

The physical condition of this circle bear does not seem to be as bad as that of Yukira, but from the feeling, Xiaofeng feels that after Yukira has fully grown, he is also a general. Although he is still immature, thinking, Xiaofeng once again Order Lulio to attack, this circle bear is not my elf, I don't need to care about this circle bear, now just let Lulio play for a while and defeat it.

"Crazy grabbing!" Ah Sui ordered while looking at the agile Lulio who kept dodging the circle bear's attack, frowning slightly. I have seen the strength of this little elf before, but now it seems to have improved again. What is that thing on the wrist and leg?Ah Sui looked seriously at the blue cross wristbands and blue cross leggings on Lulio's body and thought.

The circle bear roared, spread its arms, its ten fingers suddenly swelled, and scratched at Lulio with the sound of breaking wind. Lulio's eyes flashed, his hind legs kicked on the ground, and he squatted down slightly, only to hear With a sound of breaking through the air, Lulio suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of the circle bear. The circle bear grabbed Lulio's original position with both hands, and the sharp minions were immediately embedded in the ground. The circle bear saw Lulio, who disappeared, roared loudly, and with a strong arm, he immediately pulled out the sharp claws and stones emitting cold light from the ground, and threw them into the air.

Lulio looked at the stones flying towards him from the ground in mid-air, and frowned slightly. How did the circled bear find himself in the sky?Ah Sui seemed to understand Lulio's thoughts, looked at Xiaofeng and said indifferently: "The strength of the circle bear is not only powerful, but on the other hand, the sense of smell of the circle bear is far stronger and more sensitive than its strength. As long as you are within range, even if you cannot see your shadow, the smell will still reveal your location."

As a killer, Xiaofeng naturally knows these reasons better than Ah Suiyuan. Xiaofeng has also experienced the bear's sense of smell when performing missions in his previous life. Now he wants to test how Lulio can attack his opponent when he is unable to hide. .

Lulio flipped backwards and hit the stone with one leg. The stone turned into powder and fell to the ground. In the next second, Lulio opened his arms, and two "shadow balls" appeared on the ground. Lulio clasped his hands, Lulio swung his hands, and the "shadow balls" immediately circled each other, broke through the air and rushed towards the circle bear.

"Arm strike!" Ah Sui looked at the "Shadow Ball", and did not order the circle bear to dodge at all, but let the circle bear carry out the attack order.

"Roar~~!" The circle bear roared, with bright silver light shining on its hand, it opened its fangs and sharp mouth, and roared to the sky, the right arm shining with silver and white light, the iron arm and the "shadow ball" began to confront each other Then, the circle bear seemed to be impatient, roared, and swept the "shadow ball" like a baseball player. The powerful force immediately made the "shadow ball" into an oval shape, and immediately rebounded into the air, colliding with each other in the air. Together, with a loud noise and thick smoke, the circle bear roared to its heart's content, Lulio broke through the smoke with his hands crossed, and came to the circle bear in an instant, his seemingly petite fist quickly landed on the circle bear Huanquan Xiong let out a muffled snort, and took several steps back. The pain in front of his chest made Quanquan Xiong furious. He quickly walked in front of Lulio, and the huge bear paws were about to attack Lulio against the sound of the wind. At the time of Leo, Lu Lio suddenly stretched out a fist, and rushed into the giant claws of the circle bear, a burst of air flow suddenly radiated from the contact between the two, and the next second, the two sides retracted their arms one after another, They took a few steps back.

Lulio was a little surprised by the strength of the circle bear. You must know that the punch just now was definitely not inferior to the full strength of those circle bears. I didn't expect this circle bear to have such power, and the circle bear was discovering After Lulio resisted his attack, he became even more annoyed. Doesn't this mean that his strength is only compared to this little thing? Thinking of this, the circle bear became even more violent, roaring loudly, and his hands radiated bright lights. Silver light rushed towards Lulio.

Seeing this, Lulio showed no fear at all, and walked forward quickly, his hands gradually clenched, watching the circle bears rushing like a fortress, he roared in a low voice, and slowly closed his eyes, "Waveguide" suddenly looked around Spreading away, the actions of the circle bear were also exposed in Lulio's mind one by one. At this time, Lulio caught the thought of the circle bear's mind, and looked at the circle bear who was rushing aggressively. Dodging, easily avoiding the attack of the circle bear, and then following the steps of the circle bear's next move, Lulio caught the circle bear's movement again.

"Huh~!" Lulio held the giant claws of the circle bear, exhaled lightly, then turned over, grabbed the giant claws of the circle bear, and turned upside down in mid-air, a gorgeous upside-down immediately Throwing the circle bear into the air, and then with a silver light, it jumped continuously and rapidly in the high air. Lulio looked at the circle bear, turned over vertically, and hit the big belly of the circle bear again with his feet .

"Bang!" The circle bear fell heavily to the ground like a cannonball, and suddenly a mist was stirred up. Lulio quickly descended from the air. At this moment, in the mist, a huge figure stood up swayingly, a pair of red The eyes are exposed from the mist, which makes people feel extra frightened. When the mist clears, the eyes of the circle bear are filled with red light at this time, and the long fangs are exposed, roaring and roaring , stepped on the heavy footsteps and rushed towards Lulio.


"Shua! Shua~!" A red figure, like lightning, kept shuttling through the tree trunks, making people unpredictable, scanning around indiscriminately, and his vision continued to follow the movement of the giant pincer mantis. At this moment, Ah Yi suddenly yelled: "Giant Pincer Mantis, use the cross scissors!"

"Heh!" After the Giant Pincer Mantis moved to a nearby tree trunk, it jumped high, crossed its hands and rushed towards Hudi with bright silver light.

"Reflective shield! Then use your mind power!" Athena looked at the giant pincer mantis attacking from high to low and said slightly to Hu.

Flipping the two spoons in Hu Di's hands, they crossed together immediately, and let out a clear cry. An orange light wall immediately blocked the giant pincer mantis, and the giant pincer mantis hit the giant pincers hard on the orange "reflecting mantis". Shield", the next second, a force rushed out from the "reflective shield", directly rebounding the giant pincer mantis, and then Hu Di's eyes quickly emitted a light blue light, slowly covering the giant pincer mantis.

The giant pincer mantis was startled and resisted vigorously with anxiety. Seeing this, Ayi felt that the secret path was bad, and he secretly encouraged the giant pincer mantis. He pointed his finger towards the sky, and saw the giant pincer mantis surrounded by blue light gradually floating towards the sky. Go, at this moment, Hu Di suddenly felt that the giant pincer mantis had begun to resist. Vigorously breaking free from Hu Di's control, his wings fluttered high in the air, and he rushed towards Hu Di quickly.

Seeing this, Athena secretly thought: No, this time it did not harm the giant pincer mantis, but let the giant pincer mantis rise into the air to use the pressure to increase its attack power.

"Come on! Mantis with giant pincers, use the cross scissors!!" Seeing this, Ah Yi immediately shouted.

The giant pincer mantis hummed softly in the air, and the giant pincer was suddenly surrounded by a burst of silver light. The giant pincer mantis crossed its hands, and fell from a high altitude rapidly, approaching Hudi.

"Use the reflection shield! Hu Di..." Athena quickly ordered.

Hu Di hurriedly set up the "reflection shield". At this time, he saw the giant pincer mantis holding up the giant pincers and hitting the "reflection shield" heavily. The place spreads in all directions...

"Bang~!" With a crisp shattering sound, the orange "reflective shield" was shattered into pieces and disappeared in mid-air. The next second, the giant pincer mantis groaned, as if it had been hit by some huge impact, and its body Like a bullet, it rushed backwards rapidly...



Lurio (riolu)

Ripple Elf

Attribute: Fighting

Height: 0.7m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: blue

Feature 1: Mental Power (will not fall into a state of fear)

Feature 2: Unyielding Heart (Increase one level of speed when afraid)

Description: If it is frightened or sad, the scent emanating from its body will be enhanced.


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