Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 214 Scene 3

The next day, in the elf center, with an exclamation, everyone looked at the number of players in the battle group. Obviously, there were only a few players in the third round, and their own players were vividly remembered. Xiaofeng looked at Athena for a while, really didn't know what to say, Rosa glanced at the two of them, this time Athena's opponent turned out to be Xiaofeng...

Everyone looked at Xiaofeng and Athena. Everyone knew the strength of Xiaofeng and Athena. It seemed that the battle between the two would be a battle between dragons and tigers. On the other hand, Athena looked at Xiaofeng indifferently. On the contrary, I don't think so, because the three major cadres of the Rockets combined could not defeat Xiaofeng. Although the elves have been exchanged, Athena is still not sure that she can defeat Xiaofeng. Maybe that failure has left a mark in her heart. Huge shade too.

"This time it's Xiaofeng and Athena's turn! Xiaogang, you guessed right!" Xiaozhi looked at the battle group on the screen and said to Xiaogang, then looked at Xiaoxia and said, "You are so lucky!" !Xiaoxia, I haven’t met Xiaofeng or Athena!”

Hearing this, Xiao Gang immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, no! It's impossible for someone who can enter the third game to be a simple character. If you take it lightly, you will easily lose the game!"

"Don't worry! I will never lose! I am the master of the water elf!" Xiaoxia said confidently.

Xiaogang looked worriedly at Xiaoxia who was full of confidence. Although it is a good thing to have self-confidence, but too much self-confidence becomes arrogance, and you will not know what you will find.

"It's useless to think about it now! Go eat breakfast first and then go to the arena!" Rosa suggested looking at the crowd.

"Wow, wow!" Xiaozhi immediately agreed, since he hadn't had breakfast since he got up in the morning, his stomach was already growling with hunger.

Everyone laughed helplessly when they heard the words, the atmosphere was immediately disintegrated by Xiao Zhi, and then they started to walk towards the restaurant. After eating breakfast amidst the crowd's laughter, they started to walk towards the competition venue. After entering the venue, all kinds of noises came To everyone's ears, it seemed like the old rules, Xiaozhi and Xiaofeng quickly found their positions, they were still at the front as always, and it was Xiaozhi who found them. When everyone was watching how Xiaozhi found it in the crowd, Xiaozhi touched The head chuckled and said, "I don't know why, but I found it!"

Afterwards, everyone used the same method against Xiaofeng to fight against Xiaozhi, with helpless eyes, but it was enough to find the position. At this time, the battle on the field has begun to a fierce moment, a big crocodile is colliding with a water arrow turtle , The contest of strength seemed to make the two elves very excited, they kept roaring and punched each other.

"Water Arrow Turtle! Use the water cannon!"

"Grocodile, we also use water cannons!"

Two thick jets of water whizzed out from the two little elves in an instant, collided with each other, and kept hitting each other. At this moment, the water arrow turtle suddenly let out a loud roar, and the water output of the two gun barrels suddenly increased , the water column immediately overwhelmed the water column of the crocodile, and the crocodile was stunned for a moment, the next second, the water jet of the water arrow turtle overwhelmed the crocodile and hit the crocodile instantly, the crocodile snorted, and stood firmly on both feet On the ground, it was only a few steps back...


"Hmph! If you want to fight for the power of water-type tricks, it is indeed inferior to you, but if it is power! We definitely have the advantage here! Come on! Use brute force!"

"Roar~!" The crocodile immediately stood on the spot and roared, and immediately dived into the water and rushed towards the water arrow turtle. The next second, the crocodile waved its fist and hit the water arrow turtle, and the water arrow turtle subconsciously caught the crocodile The attack, the next second, the water arrow turtle's face changed, and the numbness from the arm suddenly spread to the whole body, the water arrow turtle looked at the crocodile in astonishment, when, how powerful this guy became!

As if the crocodile had expected it, it smiled in a low voice, and suddenly exerted force with both hands tightly holding the water arrow turtle, and suddenly the veins burst out. Amidst the exclamation, the water arrow turtle was thrown away...

"Use the shrink shell!"

Hearing this, the water arrow turtle shrank its body into the iron wall-like turtle shell. The next second, the turtle shell hit the stone pillar in the distance, and slowly fell from the stone pillar into the water.

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi, Xiaofeng and others watched the battle between the two water elves, and exclaimed: "They are so powerful!" When his little saw crocodile and squirrel turtle evolved into giant crocodile and water arrow turtle, they should be more powerful than them. Thinking about it, Xiao Zhi smiled foolishly by himself, as if he didn't notice the strange eyes of the people around him.

"Come back to your senses!" Xiaoxia couldn't help but waved her arms in front of Xiaozhi's eyes and said.

As soon as Xiaozhi heard the words, he was immediately pulled out of the fantasy world by Xiaoxia, looked at the shouting people around him, looked at them strangely, touched his head and smiled awkwardly, Xiaogang sighed helplessly when he saw this.

Xiao Feng watched the game on the field, and as the end of the game drew closer, the fierce battle between the two gradually began to cool down, and they began to become vigilant, because at this time the elves on both sides were already very tired, Both sides are in a predicament, but in the end there can only be one winner. Under the collision of the two sides, the trainer who uses the crocodile wins by luck...

"Ah~~ What a pity!" Xiaoxia said slowly to the trainer who used the water arrow turtle.

"That can only be blamed on him for being too impatient. If the water arrow turtle hadn't attacked first and defended the attack of the crocodile first, we might have won!" Rosa shook her head and said, although she lost to Athena in the game, but With his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to lose to these people.

"That's true!" Xiaoxia thought, the fight just now was indeed because that person was too impatient and forced to collide with the crocodile. If he defended first and then counterattacked, he was very likely to win.

"Now the third match is going on! Players, please get ready! Repeat, the third match is about to start, players, please get ready!" Just after the battle between the two of them, the radio suddenly sounded, Xiaozhi and others Immediately looked at Xiaofeng and Athena.

The third match...Xiaofeng vs. Athena...

"Let's go!" Xiaofeng stood up and said slowly to Athena, then turned around and walked towards the player's passage. Seeing this, Athena greeted everyone and followed Xiaofeng to the inside.

"Then everyone, next will be contestant Xiaofeng and contestant Athena, both of whom are strong opponents, who will win the final victory, let us look forward to it!"

Accompanied by the cheers on the field, Xiaofeng slowly walked out of the aisle, looked at Athena on the opposite side, and slowly took out the poke ball. The referee looked at the two and shouted: "Are the two sides ready? Then! The game begins !!" As he spoke, the flag in his hand was waved down decisively.

As soon as the referee's voice fell, two poke balls flew in the air instantly, and the next second, two beams of white light jumped out of the poke balls respectively. At this time, looking at the two pokemon on the field, the announcer began to explain up.

"Athena sent the dumb beasts to fight, and Xiaofeng sent the ancient elves and ammonites to fight the same as before. I can't wait to see what kind of battle the two sides will collide with!"

"First strike is the best, dumb beast, use your mind to pull the ammonite beast up!" Athena looked at the opposite ammonite beast and immediately ordered the dumb beast, the ammonite beast has a changeable fighting style, it is better to pull it up first. Pull out of the water.

"Moo~!" Hearing this, the dull beast glanced at the ammonite beast opposite, then uttered a low voice, and its eyes immediately emitted a faint blue light. Seeing this, Xiaofeng looked at the dull beast and said slowly: "Protect me!" ..."

The ammonite beast lurks on the surface of the sea, and a light green energy shield envelops itself. In the next second, the green energy shield disappears around the ammonite beast as if it was impacted by something. At the same time, the ammonite beast The blue light in the dull beast's eyes gradually faded.

"Shrink the shell and attack!" Seeing this, Xiaofeng ordered the ammonite beast with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Whoosh!" Hearing the words, the Ammonite quickly retracted into the shell, and then accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, the Ammonite broke through the waves instantly, and the shell rolled rapidly on the sea surface, and rushed towards the dull beast in an instant .

"It's astonishing!! The ammonite beast actually rushed towards the dull beast on the sea at high speed. This is terrible. The slow beast's speed is surprisingly slow. How should Athena deal with it!! "

Athena anxiously watched the ammonite beast rushing towards the dumb beast, and said quickly, "Use the water gun!"

A jet of water quickly spewed out from the mouth of the dumb beast and hit the ammonite. Athena looked at the ammonite who was still sprinting on the water jet. At this time, the water jet seemed to be unable to resist the ammonite. Chrysanthemum The stone beast instantly broke through the water column and came to the dumb beast...

"Mind power!" At this moment, Athena's voice suddenly reached the ears of the dumb beast. In an instant, the eyes of the dumb beast emitted a blue light, and immediately surrounded the ammonite beast heavily, and the ammonite beast surrounded by the blue light stopped. At the moment in front of the dull beast, seeing this, Athena exhaled lightly like a great release. Fortunately, this ammonite beast Xiaofeng didn't exercise much, and his will was not as strong as those elves before, otherwise this "Thinking power" may not be able to last for a few seconds.

Just when Athena was relaxing, the corners of Xiaofeng's mouth slightly raised an arc, and saw the body of the ammonite beast controlled by "mind force" suddenly moved slightly, and in the next second, under Athena's astonished eyes, the dumbfounded beast was instantly moved. crash...

"How is it possible..." Athena said incredulously, looking at the ammonite beast that fell into the water again.

Xiaofeng naturally knew what Athena was thinking. Although some of the elves he subdued had been trained with his own hands, the charizards had been nurtured by Xiaofeng for a long time, so they naturally had a little grasp of their own training methods. During Xiaofeng's absence, the training task was naturally given to them. At the same time, Xiaofeng also asked another elf to test their strength every once in a while. Naturally, there is no need to show mercy, that is Chaomeng , under the double impact, even without Xiaofeng personally training, their strength is still beyond everyone's expectations.




Slowpoke (ヤドン)

Hanhan elf

Attribute: water super power

Height: 1.2m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: pink

Trait 1: Slow (does not fall into a confused state)

Trait 2: Self-centered (will not fall into chaos)

Introduction: Always lying on the edge of the water with its tail hanging in the water, thinking about what it is.The tail is often bitten by water-type Pokémon, and it will evolve if it is bitten by a big tongue shell.


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