Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 240 Sneak Out

Xiaofeng's sound immediately startled everyone. Looking at Xiaofeng, the young man with a white cloak and brown hair looked at Xiaofeng suspiciously and said, "Who are you?" This is Lei Huang's resting place. Come, how did these people get in.

At this time, another young man who came in with Junsha said: "They are the ones who discovered and rescued Lei Huang!"

"It's them? Kudo!" the young man in the white cloak said to the young man.

"Yes, but you are too reckless. Didn't you see that Emperor Lei is resting? Mizuki!" Kudo said with a light smile to Mizuki. He only came here when he learned from Dr. Soraki that Emperor Lei was here and was entrusted by Kongmu Look, I didn't expect to meet Mizuki who came in a hurry on the way. It seems that Mizuki got the news from Dr. Kongmu and knew that Emperor Lei was here, so he hurried over.

"Miss Junsha... who are these people?" Kenta looked at the two and asked Junsha in doubt.

Junsha heard the words, looked at the two of them and explained: "It's okay, Kenta, they are not suspicious people"

The two noticed that they hadn't introduced themselves yet, and Kudo immediately said to the three of them, "I'm Kudo, and Dr. Soraki called me here."

Mizuki looked at the three of them and nodded and said: "I didn't expect you to be the ones who rescued Lei Huang. I am Mizuki, and I am studying the legendary elves with the doctor..." As he was speaking, Mizuki felt that the person in front of him was in front of him. Marina, who kept shaking her eyes and fiddling with her clothes, said helplessly, "Please don't study me, Miss..."

Kenta next to him looked at what Marina was doing in embarrassment. After Xiaofeng nodded slightly to several people, he walked out with the notepad in his hand and the documents recording Lei Huang's information. These should be handed over to Dr. Oki first. , Lei Huang slept very soundly, and probably won't get up for a while, after Xiaofeng finished everything, it was already night when he came to Lei Huang's medical room again, and at this time, Mizuki was talking about Lei Huang's Kenta and Marina next to him listened to the story fascinated.

"Lei Huang, it is said that he has been the patron saint of electric elves since ancient times..."

"The patron saint of electric elves?" Kenta murmured softly after hearing this.

"No wonder Lei Huang came to rescue those electric elves..." Marina nodded.

Mizuki nodded again and said: "Thunder Emperor can use thunder clouds and lightning freely. It seems that we lived in peace with human beings in the past. However, human beings cannot guarantee that there will be people with ulterior motives. They want to use the power of Thunder Emperor to fight for hegemony. The situation has destroyed Lei Huang's trust in humans." Mizuki was a little indignant, if it weren't for those people, these legendary elves might still be friends of humans, so they have such vigilance and hostility towards humans.

"Elves are also sentient beings, but there are people who forget this and only use elves as fighting tools..." Kudo said slowly.

"Is that why the Emperor Lei refuses to let us approach?" Marina said slowly while hugging the Dream Demon. After helping the Emperor Lei out of the siege, Marina thought about approaching the Emperor Lei, but a bolt of lightning struck from between the Emperor Lei's eyebrows. Marina seemed to be implying that Marina should not get close.

"Wait! You said that the Emperor Lei refused to let you approach, but Joey just said outside that you could approach the Emperor Lei, and the Emperor Lei did not show any aggressive behavior. What's going on..." Mizuki was puzzled when he heard the words Said, why is it different from what Joey said.

"Of course it's us! Except for this guy! He seems to get along well with Lei Huang, and he collected Lei Huang's information!" Marina pointed to Xiao Feng who was walking slowly from a distance.

Xiaofeng came in front of the crowd and looked at Lei Huang who was still sleeping. It had been a long time since this guy could sleep so well. At this time, Kudo and Mizuki seemed to have something to say to Xiaofeng. Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng Looking inside, Lei Huang first said: "When it wakes up, I will send it back..."

"Wait a minute, according to our investigation, it was the Rockets who attacked Leihuang this time. They will definitely not give up just because they fail once..." At this moment, Junsha said to Xiaofeng.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous right now. The Rockets may be looking for Emperor Lei near here, waiting for the opportunity, or wait for a while!" Kudo said to Xiaofeng. The Rockets do have a lot of power. I have encountered Team Rocket, and their tools for capturing elves are endless.

"The Rockets? What are those guys?" Kenta asked in confusion when he heard the words.

Junsha heard the words, and immediately explained to Kenta: "That is a secret organization that tries to use elves to control the world!"

"What! Unforgivable, what do they want to do to the little elf!" Kenta suddenly said indignantly, he never thought that these guys would treat the little elf like this, absolutely unforgivable.

Xiaofeng looked at the crowd and responded indifferently: "They can't do anything to me..." As he spoke, he ignored everyone's stop and walked out alone. It might take some time for Lei Huang to wake up, so he should go find something during this time After that, Xiaofeng came to the phone in the hall again and dialed Dr. Oki's Institute.

After a while, Dr. Oki picked up the phone, looked at Xiaofeng and said with a smile: "Oh! Xiaofeng, I have already received the information you sent to Lei Huang just now. I didn't expect you to be able to collect such details. Sure enough. It is right to leave it to you, and now the elf illustrated book can be improved a little bit!" It can be seen that Dr. Oki is excited at the moment.

Xiaofeng looked at Dr. Oki's excited expression and nodded lightly. Thinking of the huge amethyst stone of the Rockets before, Xiaofeng told Dr. Oki that he heard that the crystal can absorb and release lightning, and Dr. Oki frowned. , touched his chin and thought for a moment, then slowly said to Xiaofeng: "Well, Xiaofeng, go and collect those fragments, and then send them to me for viewing, I will study it!"

Xiaofeng nodded, these things should be handed over to Dr. Oki for research, and the night resting in Leihuang passed quickly. Early in the morning, Xiaofeng came to the treatment room. At this time, Kenta was lying next to the long The chair seemed to be in a deep sleep, Xiaofeng looked at Lei Huang who was already awake inside, and said slowly: "Go!" As he said, Xiaofeng opened the door, Lei Huang stepped out slowly, and followed behind Xiaofeng. The sky was not yet bright, the little elf center was silent, people were still asleep, Xiaofeng signaled Lei Huang to move lightly, and soon, one person and one beast left the little elf center and ran towards the distant forest.

"Kenta! Kenta wake up!" Marina looked at Kenta lying on the bench, constantly pushing Kenta's body and calling out.

"Hmm..." Kenta slowly opened his eyes, looked at the flustered Marina in front of him and said in a daze, "What's wrong? Marina?"

"Lei Huang is gone!" Marina said to Kenta, pointing to the empty medical room.

Shi Potian was startled, Jiantai jumped up when he heard the words, looked at the medical room, the yellow figure had already disappeared, and said in a panic: "How could this happen! Why did Emperor Lei disappear? Could it be that he was captured by the Rockets... It's all my fault Going to bed!" As he said, Kenta kept scratching his head, and at the same time blamed himself, otherwise, if he fell asleep, such a thing would not have happened.

"It wasn't taken away by the Rockets, probably that person took it away..." At this time, Kudo and Mizuki came in from the outside, looking at Kenta and said.

"That person?" Kenta heard the words, and after a while of doubts, he suddenly shouted: "Could it be Xiaofeng?"

Mizuki nodded when he heard the words: "This is the only possibility, and we haven't found any trace of Xiaofeng. It is very likely that Xiaofeng will be taken away by him. Didn't he say it before? Lei Huang will take Lei Huang with him when he wakes up." leave"

"Xiaofeng really did it! But hasn't Lei Huang recovered? What if he meets the Rockets again? How can he defeat the Rockets alone!" Hearing this, Kenta was suddenly worried.

"We must catch up as soon as possible, come with me, Kudo, you go to contact Dr. Soraki and Miss Junsha!" Mizuki immediately ran outside with Kenta and Marina, and said to Kudo.

"I know, but don't force it!" Kudo shouted suddenly.

Soon, a red sports car drove away from the elf center and rushed towards the forest. On the other hand, Xiaofeng and Lei Huang rushed in the forest. At this moment, Lei Huang seemed to feel something. He kept probing the air to sniff something. At this moment, a huge purple thundercloud slowly moved in the sky.

"Calm down, keep going, it's okay..." Xiaofeng looked at Lei Huang's slightly angry expression, patted Lei Huang's back and said slowly, and walked towards the previous battle site, where there is still a "crystal system" The fragments need to be recovered and sent to Dr. Oki for research.

After a while, Xiaofeng and Leihuang came here again, looking around, Xiaofeng frowned suddenly, the crystal shards destroyed by Shakira disappeared completely, and the remains of the robot, what's going on?There is only one possibility that someone came here to recycle before him, the Rockets came back and recovered the crystal fragments and wreckage here.

"Roar!!" At this moment, Lei Huang suddenly roared inexplicably, and immediately ran away into the distance. Seeing this, Xiaofeng quickly followed up. It seemed that he was about to fight again...



Steel Snake (Haganel)

iron snake elf

Attributes: steel ground

Height: 9.2m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: gray

Feature 1: Stone head (will not be damaged by the reaction force of the skill, for rushing (とっしん), sacrificial impact (すてみゃックル), Konoha hammer (ウッドハンマー), high-voltage electric shock (Bolteckaー), flame impact (Flea DRAI BU) , Raptor (ブレイブバード), flying kick (とびげり), flying knee kick (とびひざげり), hell rolling (じごくぐるま), double-edged head hammer (もろのずつき), etc. do not suffer reaction damage)

Feature 2: Hard (Immune to one-hit kills (sharp drill, scissors guillotine, absolute zero, ground fissure))

Introduction: The body compressed in the deep underground is harder than diamond.


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