Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 251 The Second Battle

With the end of the opening ceremony, the official competition will follow. In the contestant village and Xiaofeng House, two people are staying in the house. Showing attractive curves, looking at Xiaofeng who was using the computer to check the opponent's information, Xiaofeng didn't care about Athena at all, and his eyes were always on the computer screen.

"You are already very strong. Nine out of ten of these people are not your opponents. Do you still need to check the information?" Athena looked at Xiaofeng and asked quietly.

Hearing this, Xiaofeng glanced at Athena lightly, then continued to click the mouse to look at the information before saying: "There are some things that must be done, and it is better to know more than not to know..."

"Well...you make sense in what you say." Athena couldn't refute Xiaofeng's words.

The two stayed together, but didn't talk much, Xiaofeng still looked at the information on the computer, although the original 48 were eliminated to 48, this was only a huge number, and the match between the 48 was also very difficult. It's just the preliminaries. The previous one was the selection meeting, and there is another name, it is the 'mini-preliminaries'. Afterwards, the [-] people will continue to compete in the Silver Games. At that time, only [-] people will win, and the [-] people will compete for the championship. Location.

The pre-selection league of the Silver Conference adopts a three-player competition in one area. Among them, the trainer who has scored the most victory points can participate in the final tournament. The final tournament is a competition held by 48 people from the preliminaries alliance. The 48 people are divided into several areas, and there are three people in each area. The sixteen people who stand out from the [-] people are the real protagonists. It can be said that if you want to be the champion, you must defeat your opponent step by step and gradually climb to the top. A talent is a champion.

Soon, Xiaofeng had scanned all the information, looked at the time, the preliminaries had almost started, went to see which district he was in the competition, thought, Xiaofeng had already got up, and Athena next to him saw Xiaofeng turned off the computer , stood up immediately, stretched lazily, and the perfect figure was displayed in front of Xiaofeng's eyes. At that moment, I was exhausted, and I saw that Xiaofeng didn't seem to pay attention to herself at all. Suddenly, there was a flash of boredom, and then followed Xiaofeng and walked towards the center of the little elf.

At this moment, the Elf Center is already full of contestants who have won the selection meeting, looking at their positions and opponents, while Xiaozhi and others, Rosa and Xiaoxue have also arrived early, and are sitting on the sidelines chatting, Seeing this, Athena passed by first, and Xiaofeng came to the hall to look at her competition area. With a glance, Xiaofeng found her place.


There are also two young people, the information of those two people suddenly appeared in Xiaofeng's mind, their strength is not bad, but to Xiaofeng it is only good, after understanding their competition area and opponents, Xiaofeng turned and walked towards the crowd , at this time, everyone was chatting and laughing, seeing Xiaofeng coming, Xiaozhi immediately said: "How is it, Xiaofeng, which district are you in?"

"Area e" Xiaofeng slowly responded.

"I'm in area h! Luckily I didn't meet him! I still want to defeat Xiaomao~ hehe!" Xiaozhi laughed immediately when he heard this.

Seeing this, Xiaofeng smiled helplessly, gathered together, time passed quickly, today is the game in abc district, tomorrow is the battle in efg district, Xiaozhi and the others are going to watch the game, Xiaofeng nodded , everyone walked towards the silver stadium together, walked into the tunnel, a burst of excited shouts suddenly reached the ears of everyone, passed through the passage, Xiaozhi and others quickly found a seat and sat down, watching the battle below, obviously Both sides are evenly matched, you punched and kicked, recruited flesh, within a moment, both sides had lost two little elves, only the last little elf was left to fight, as the battle became more and more fierce , the people kept shouting, and finally, relying on their surname advantage, one person stayed, and the other left sadly, ready to fight the other.

Soon, after the end of one after another game, it was already the end of the day. With the end of the third district of ABC, the enthusiasm of the audience also weakened, but they were still discussing the results of today's game and what they regretted.


Sitting in front of the computer, Xiaofeng kept clicking the mouse. Xiaofeng was uploading tomorrow's battle list. Soon, the list was submitted. For tomorrow's competition, Xiaofeng will use Lulio, Ladybug An and Tutu Dog respectively. Although three elves have been registered, who can let Xiaofeng play all three elves? Maybe after Xiaofeng was in a good mood, after finishing, Xiaofeng poured a glass of water and stood on the balcony, looking at Gao Gao. The bright moon hanging in the sky smiled faintly, and after drinking the water in the cup, he turned and went back to the room to rest.

When the brilliance of Xuri shrouded the sky again, the Silver Games should be very lively. Countless people packed the seats. After hearing about Xiaofeng's reputation, today they were more talking about Xiaofeng. Some people thought that Xiaofeng would still go straight all the way. Easily defeating the opponent is not a good performance in the selection meeting. Some people think that Xiaofeng will still win, but it is impossible to easily defeat the opponent. After all, it is not a good performance to draw 48 out of [-]. It may not be an easy fight, Xiaozhi and others found a seat early and still occupied the frontmost position. Hearing people's discussions in his ears, Xiaozhi was also excited. After all, Xiaofeng was his companion, and then Xiaozhi also became interested Vigorously discussing with everyone what will happen to Xiaofeng today.

"I know Xiaofeng's strength best. Those people are not opponents at all, not to mention that the little elf sent by Xiaofeng is Lulio. Now all the little elves in Xiaofeng's hands have evolved, and Lulio is the only one left. Evolved, obviously experienced so many battles and experiences, but still not evolved, so Xiaofeng will definitely send Lulio to fight! There is no suspense at all!" Rosa said to Xiaozhi after hearing the words, her tone was full of pride and affirmation , Athena next to her heard the words and nodded in agreement. Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also agreed with Rosa's words. After all, everyone has seen Xiaofeng's strength.

"Why hasn't Xiaofeng come yet? The competition is about to start!" Xiaozhi saw that Xiaofeng's opponent was already in place, and immediately stood up and looked into the distance.

"Yes! Xiaofeng is here!" Sharp-eyed Xiaoxia immediately looked at Xiaofeng coming out of the passage, and said repeatedly to the people beside her.

Everyone looked at Xiaofeng, dressed in black and white, walking towards the field. Xiaofeng looked at his opponent, a seemingly arrogant young man named Yanliu, who challenged Xiaofeng without fear So, I checked Xiaofeng's information last night, an unknown elf, Ladybug An and Tutu Dog, all seemed very young, although people praised Xiaofeng, they were all rocks. Liu thought that those people were too weak to be defeated by a little elf like Ladybug An.

At this time, seeing that both of them were present, the commentator began to shout: "Okay, here at the stadium, the first match in zone e will start soon! Will the much-anticipated player Xiaofeng be tough again? ?Let us look forward to it, first of all, I feel the first striker! The roulette is already spinning!" With the narrator shouting, the roulette on the electronic screen between Xiaofeng and Yanliu began to spin, and Xiaofeng was Red color, rock flow is green color.


With a sound, the red board lit up, and Xiaofeng was the first striker. With the loud shout of the commentator, the emotions on the field were also mobilized, and people shouted excitedly.

When the referee saw that the two were ready, he said loudly, "Then! The game begins!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, an elf ball was thrown high into the air, and as a white light jumped out of the elf ball, Lulio stood proudly in front of Xiaofeng, his ruby-like eyes looking calmly at the opposite side .

Seeing this, Yanliu on the opposite side snorted, and threw the elf ball in his hand with his big hand. With a roar, a little elf with a red body and high heat around him appeared in front of Lulio.

"Okay, both sides sent their own elves. According to the news from the elf alliance, the elf used by Xiaofeng player is the elf in Xin'ao area, named Lulio, and Yanliu The contestant sent a duck-billed fire dragon to fight!" Following the commentator's explanation, on the electronic screen, three spaces below the two sides suddenly lit up, which were the images of Lulio and the duck-billed fire dragon.

Looking at Xiaofeng, Yanliu said loudly: "You are the first striker, attack!" Yanliu was secretly happy as he said that, the temperature on the surface of the duck-billed fire dragon was not too high. As far as he knew, this Lulio was Fighting type, to attack, you can only get close to the duck-billed fire dragon, when the time comes, you will not be able to attack, and you will be burned instead.

Xiaofeng looked at the duck-billed fire dragon indifferently, as if the duck-billed fire dragon didn't exist in his eyes, waved at Lulio, and let Lulio go.


With the sound of breaking through the air, Lulio instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot, leaving only a spider-like crack on the ground. Seeing this, Yanliu was shocked, so fast!Quickly shouted at the duck-billed fire dragon: "Hurry up and use the flame spray!"

Before the Charmander Duck-billed could react, Lulio had already arrived in front of the Charmander Duck-billed. With his wrist stretched backwards, and then forward, with the sound of breaking wind, Lulio punched the Charmander Duck-billed belly , as the eyes of the duck-billed fire dragon burst out, it turned into a fiery red arc and rushed back fiercely. With a bang, the duck-billed fire dragon immediately hit the wall, and then slowly walked away from the wall. Sliding down, at this moment, circles were already appearing in his eyes.

One punch kill!

Following this scene, the noisy Silver Games fell silent for a short while, and everyone stared blankly at the duck-billed fire dragon who had lost the ability to fight, losing their ability to judge for a while.

"It's great! Spike!! It's amazing!!" With a sudden sound that broke this quiet moment, there was a sudden 'wow' on the field, and screams and shouts immediately shook the entire Silver Games. Following the shouts of the people, the referee also reacted and quickly judged that Lulio won.

"I can't believe it, Xiaofeng's Lulio actually beat the duck-billed fire dragon with one punch..." The commentator also started to shout. .

Xiaofeng looked indifferently at the opposite Yanliu, showing no signs of expression at all because of the shouts of the people on the field. After defeating the duck-billed fire dragon, Lulio returned to Xiaofeng again, waiting for the opponent to send out a second Xiaofeng. elves.

"Damn it!" With Yan Liu's words coming out from between his teeth, the elf ball in his hand was violently thrown towards the field.



Duck-billed Charmander (ブーバー)

Fire-breathing elf

Attribute: fire

Height: 1.3m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: red

Feature: Flame body (30% chance of the opponent being burned when receiving an attack that touches oneself; map effect - when placed at the top of the team, the hatching speed is reduced by 23)

Introduction: The elves found around the crater are scorched around the body, and the dry weather will cause a fire.


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