Pokemon Breeze

Chapter 45 Battle Exam

"Then the first question!" said the examiner.

A round black shadow appeared on the screen...

"What is this elf?" the examiner pointed to the shadow and asked.

"What! This is too simple! It's a lightning ball," Ash wrote confidently on the screen in front of the computer.

Xiaofeng frowned and looked at the black shadow on the screen, and wrote it down in front after the meeting.

"Thunder Ball..." After finishing moving the pen, Xiaofeng wrote the Thunder Ball.

"I seem to have seen this black shadow there?" Xiaoxue looked at the black shadow and thought, yes, I took care of a fat boy before, and it looks like this round one from top to bottom, it should be fat boy!Fat Ding...

"This is too simple! It must be a poke ball!" Said Kojiro on the top, I really don't know what structure his ears are made of, they all said they were pokemon, so he dragged the poke ball...

"Haha~~ It's a naughty bullet," Musashi said with a chuckle.

"Then, the correct answer is...a fat man looking down from above!" The examiner pointed to the lighted up shadow and said, a round fat man looking down from above was exposed in front of everyone.

"Bang!" Xiaozhi and the Rockets were overwhelmed, "No!!!!"

"It's interesting..." Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows and said, it was really unexpected!It seems that the front is given points.

"That's right!" Xiaoxue thought happily, it will definitely work! !

"Question [-]! The elf with this pattern is..." At this moment, a swirl-shaped pattern appeared on the screen, and the examiner pointed to the swirl pattern and said.

"Huh?" Xiaofeng frowned looking at the pattern, a counterclockwise swirl pattern?It seems to be mosquito-repellent tadpoles, mosquito-repellent frogs should be clockwise, mosquito-repellent tadpoles, Xiaofeng wrote.

"What is this?" Xiaozhi asked suspiciously.

"This is the shell of the ammonite beast!" Kojiro said.

"It's a crumpled (quan) Abo monster," Musashi wrote.

"Hmm... good! It should be a mosquito-repellent frog!" Xiaozhi wrote after thinking for a while.

"It should be mosquito-repellent incense tadpoles! Mosquito-repellent incense frogs are not in this direction!" Xiaoxue chose the same answer as Xiaofeng.

"Have you chosen! Then...the correct answer is...mosquito-repellent tadpoles!" the examiner said, and the image of mosquito-repellent tadpoles quickly appeared on the screen.

"Aha!!" Xiaozhi and the Rockets lost again!

"This is often mistaken! After the mosquito-repellent tadpole evolves into a mosquito-repellent frog, the swirl pattern on the stomach will be reversed," the examiner explained.

"Hey! It's so difficult!" said Xiaoxia who was watching from outside.

"These are all advanced questions!" Xiao Gang agreed.

"Is this considered advanced for you? You are too unqualified! These problems are taught in elementary school!" Said Xiaosheng next to him.

"Why are you so arrogant!" Xiaoxia said unwillingly.

"I'm better than you in everything! Can't you be arrogant?" Xiao Sheng laughed.

"What! You just look cuter, have more money, have better knowledge, know how to cook, what else can you do~" Xiaoxia roared.

"Even so, you're not cute at all, you have a worse temper, you only know a little bit of knowledge, you don't know how to cook at all, and you have nothing but three gym sisters!" Xiao Sheng laughed.

"You..." Xiaoxia pointed at Xiaosheng angrily, angrily, so angrily that she couldn't speak.

"Forget it, let's see how Xiaozhi and the others do in the exam!" Xiao Gang whispered.

"Huh!" The two sides hummed at each other and looked towards the examination room.

With the passage of time, the second exam is gradually coming to an end.

"Question No. 15! What is the elf with this kind of tail?" The examiner pointed to a flame tail on the screen and said.

"Little fire horse!" Xiaofeng wrote, he had ridden a little fire horse with Fengzi, and Xiaofeng also clearly remembered what it looked like.

"Hmm... is it Charmander, Fire Dinosaur or Charizard?" Xiaozhi thought distressedly, "Okay! This time we can never go wrong!" After a while, Xiaozhi said confidently.

"It should be the little fire horse!" Xiaoxue also saw the little fire horse and wrote.

"The correct answer is...Little Fire Horse!" The examiner pointed to the Little Fire Horse that appeared on the screen.

"Why... so..." Xiao Zhi felt that his world was completely dark!

"At least one problem that I understand!" Musashi slapped the table and stood up and shouted violently.

"You... sit down for me!" The examiner sternly shouted.

"Are you kidding me! It's no wonder that you can become an elf master in such a test!" Musashi said angrily.

"The so-called elf master...is able to calmly face no matter what kind of elf problems, and master the ecology of elves, otherwise you will not be able to be a master!" The examiner explained calmly.

"Ah! I can't stand it! Who knows what you're talking about! I can't stand it!" Musashi said irritably, throwing away the pen in his hand.

"Send you out!" the examiner shouted angrily, pointing at Musashi.

"I don't want to stay in this kind of place yet!" Musashi slammed the door and went out.

"Xiaofeng, that person is really irritable!" Xiaoxue next to him whispered to Xiaofeng.

"Just ignore her!" Xiaofeng shook his head and said.

"I seem to have seen that attitude somewhere!!" Xiaozhi looked at Musashi and said.

"Okay! The second test is over here, everyone go outside to check your scores!" The examiner patted and said.

"Oh! Let's go, let's go!" Everyone walked out one after another.

Elf Alliance Identification Center Hall

Everyone gathered around the ranking list that was gradually declining. The ranking list was divided into three parts, from left to right: awesome job - doing a good job - still need to work hard

"Xiaofeng, look! No.1!" Xiaosheng said, pointing to the top corner on the far left, No.4 on the list took the top spot, occupying the first position, next to No.2 Joey.

"Unexpectedly," Xiaofeng said softly.

"Xiaoxue is No.3!" Xiaosheng said when he saw Xiaoxue under Xiaofeng.

"Not bad!" Xiaofeng nodded and said.

"I thought I would fail!" Xiaoxue said with a slight smile.

"As expected of Miss Xiaoxue and Miss Joey!" Xiao Gang said.

"Where is Xiaozhi?" Archer asked Xiaozhi next to him.

"Well! I think you did a pretty good job!" Xiaozhi said confidently.

"Really? It doesn't have your name on it!" Xiaosheng said while looking at the ranking list.

"Xiaozhi! Here! Here!" Xiaoxia who was outside the crowd pointed to the signboard and said to everyone.

Everyone came to Xiaoxia and looked at Xiaozhi with a strange expression on the signboard.

The signboard reads: Still need to work harder, no.7, no.546, it is the numbers of Xiaozhi and Kojiro, and there is Musashi with a big exit.

"How is it possible!!!" Xiaozhi shouted in surprise.

Archer took the camera and "clicked, clicked" to take a few pictures.

"Archer!" Ash yelled angrily.

"Just taking a commemorative photo!" Archer said awkwardly.

"It's really well done!!" Xiaosheng said.

"Ah~~ You've disgraced the person who gave you the badge!" Xiaoxia said, squinting at Xiaozhi.

"Keep working hard!" Xiaofeng encouraged.

"Ha! The elves are not for exams! They are for battles! Hahaha!" Xiaozhi laughed loudly. Xiaozhi is really a master of this emotional sublimation method!

In a corner of the hall...

"I must work hard with Musashi's share!!" Kojiro clenched his fists and said.

The third exam, against...

Exam vs battlefield

Joey was fighting with an instructor, "Dang..." As the bell rang, the battle began.

"Jenny Turtle, use the water gun!" Joey ordered while looking at the Charmander across from him.

"Jenny... Puff!" The Jenny Turtle screamed, sprayed a jet of water, and attacked the instructor's Charmander, hitting the Charmander head-on!

"Ah~~" the little charmander screamed, and the flame at the tail suddenly weakened a lot.

"Squirtle, use the rocket hammer!" Joey said, looking at the tired Charmander.

"Come on! Miss Joy, it's so beautiful!!! Archer, take advantage of this time! That glowing sweat is a good opportunity to press the shutter!" he.

"Yes~~Yes~~" Archer said weakly.

Elf Pickup.

Xiaofeng, Xiaoxue, Xiaozhi, Xiaojiro, why are there Xiao...

The examiner just now became an instructor...

"Come on! Please choose one at random!" The instructor pointed to the long table and said seven belts, each with three elf balls embedded in them.

"Which one should I choose?" Xiaozhi looked at the seven belts and said hesitantly, "Can't you know what elf is inside?" asked the instructor.

"This is called an exam! These elves are trained for combat, and they will listen to you! What we want to see is... no matter what kind of elf appears, the trainer can adapt to it!" The instructor explained .

"Are we going to challenge the instructor?" Kojiro asked.

"That's it!" The instructor nodded.

"That's all I need!" Xiaofeng said as he picked up the first belt.

"Then... I'll take the second belt!" Xiaoxue picked up the second belt and said.

"Okay! Then I'll take this!" Xiaozhi picked up the fifth belt and said.

"I choose this!" Kojiro said, picking up the seventh belt.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the scorching sun was baking the earth.

"Dang..." Following the ringing of a bell, Kojiro came to the field and looked at the instructor in front of him seriously.

"I want to avenge Musashi! Go!" said Kojiro, throwing the poke ball.


In a burst of white light!A Pikachu appears...

"Ah~~~" Xiaoxia and the others looked at Pikachu coming out of the poke ball in surprise.

"Heh heh heh... I'm sure I'll win this time!" Kojiro said in a low voice.

"Electric shock, lightning, [-] volts, I am always defeated by these moves! I am too familiar with Pikachu's unique moves!! Hahahaha!!!!" Kojiro laughed wildly.

"He looks quite pathetic!" said Musashi above, looking at Kojiro speechlessly.

"That's right~~" Miaomiao agreed.

"Then, I'll come too!" The instructor threw the poke ball, and Rumble Stone appeared in front of Pikachu in a burst of white light.

"Pikachu! Use one hundred thousand volts!!" Kojiro shouted imposingly.

"Pika!" Pikachu yelled, nodding.

"Oh! It hurts so fast!" Kojiro said obsessively.

"Pika!! Chu!" Pikachu released "One Hundred Thousand Volts" and attacked Rumble Stone.

With a flash of the Rumbling Stone, "One Hundred Thousand Volts" disappeared without a trace, and then Pikachu was knocked out...

"Why! Why! What's wrong with me!" Kojiro said frantically.

"It's useless to use the special moves of the electrical department against the ground-type elves, this is basic knowledge! Therefore, 1 point will be deducted," the instructor said sternly.

"Then what about this one!!" Kojiro said as he threw out the other two poke balls.

"Bang~bang!", Charizard and Froggrass appeared in the field.

Kojiro looked at the Charizard and Froggrass and said, "This way we can definitely win, how about it, admit defeat! Ah~hahaha!" After speaking, he laughed wildly.

"Exit!" The instructor came to Kojiro's side and sent Kojiro to hell with one sentence.

"Nani!!" Kojiro looked at the instructor in puzzlement.

"It's a foul to use more than two elves at once on the playing field!" said the instructor.

"Cut! I don't care!" After Kojiro finished speaking, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

really!The instructor immediately became taller and said to Kojiro, "I am the book of rules."

"It's over!" Musashi sighed.

"Well! Even a villain has a villain's dream!" Miaomiao comforted.

"It's my turn!" Xiaofeng stood up and said.

"Oh! Xiaofeng, come on!" Xiaozhi said.

"Come on~" Xiaoxue nodded to Xiaofeng.

"Yeah!" Xiaofeng said, walking towards the field.

"Finally it's Xiaofeng's turn! Come on! Xiaofeng!" Xiaosheng shouted loudly.

Xiaofeng picked up the first elf ball and threw it towards the field...

"Bang!!" In a burst of white light, a butterfly flapped its wings and appeared in the field.

"It's Ba Dahu~~I miss you so much!" Xiaozhi said while looking at Ba Dahu.

"I'm going too!" The instructor looked at Xiaofeng and said, throwing the poke ball.

"Cami~Cami!" Kami Turtle appeared in the arena, screaming at Ba Dahu, who was looking at the sky.

"Dang..." As the bell rang, the battle began...

"Paralyzing powder!"

Ba Dahu quickly flapped its wings, and bursts of yellow powder flew towards Kamigui...

"Use Qifeng on the paralyzing powder" Suddenly, Xiaofeng said again.

"Li~~~" Ba Dahu flapped his wings again and rushed towards the "Paralyzing Powder", and in an instant, the originally slow "Paralyzing Powder" quickly attacked Kami Turtle...

"What!" The instructor said in surprise, looking at the fast "paralyzing powder".

"Cami~~" Kami Turtle was covered with "paralyzing powder" and could not move immediately, crying out in pain.

"Spiritual light!" Xiaofeng said looking at Kamigui who couldn't move.

"Li~~~" Two "spiritual rays" shot from Ba Dahu's eyes and reflected in Kamigui's eyes. The next second, Kamigui's eyes circled and circled in place.

"The last blow! Blow away!" Xiaofeng said looking at the confused Kamigui.

"Li~~~" A gust of wind formed from Ba Dahu's wings, blowing the Kami turtle to high altitude, and then, the action of gravity pulled the Kami turtle back to the ground...

"Bang!" Cammy Turtle fell to the ground hard, losing the ability to fight.

Outside the arena, there was a loud applause.

"It's great! Xiaofeng!!!" Xiaosheng shouted.

"It's amazing! Is this really Xiaozhi's friend? It's not at the same level at all!" Archer quickly pressed the shutter of the camera and said.

"As expected of No.1! I'm going to be serious, Xiaofeng!" the instructor put away Kamigui and said.

"Please!" Xiaofeng nodded and said.

"Go!" The instructor threw the elf ball, and a bright red fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Xiaofeng.

"Come on! The effect of the fire element against the insect element is doubled!" Xiao Gang said in a bad way.

"This time it won't be like last time! Come on! Charizard, use flame jet!" The instructor shouted.

"Roar~~~" A "flame jet" rushed towards Ba Dahu with high temperature.

"Avoid~~" Xiaofeng frowned and looked at Ba Dahu. The elves here have too little autonomy, knowing that the opponent is going to attack but still waiting for the trainer's order.

"Mil!" At this time, "Flame Jet" has struck!Ba Dahu, who had no time to dodge, was hit by the "Flame Jet" in the front, and the flames dissipated in the next second, and Ba Dahu fell to the ground after being scorched black.

"Xiaofeng, you actually lost!" Xiaoxia said in disbelief.

"Of course Xiaofeng didn't lose, it's because the elves here are too weak!" Xiaosheng said.

"It's okay! Xiaofeng!" Xiaoxue looked at Xiaofeng worriedly. After all, Xiaofeng hadn't lost since his debut. I was really afraid that he couldn't stand the blow, but Xiaofeng's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Come back!" Xiaofeng calmly took Ba Dahu back to the poke ball, as if he hadn't noticed the scene just now.

"How about it! Attribute compatibility is the weakness of elves!" said the instructor.

Xiaofeng didn't seem to hear what the instructor said, and wordlessly threw another elf ball in his hand...

"Bang!!" A big needle quickly flapped its wings and appeared in the field.

"How could this happen! It's another bug-type elf!!" Xiaosheng said.

"It seems that Xiaofeng's crisis has arrived~~" Xiaogang said.

Everyone looked at Xiaofeng worriedly, but they didn't see the slight smile at the corner of Xiaofeng's mouth...




butterfly elf

Attribute: insect flight

Height: 1,1m

Weight: XNUM X kg

Color: white

Features: compound eyes (the basic hit rate of the skill is increased by 30%. Map effect - when placed at the top of the team, the probability of carrying props when encountering enemies in the field increases, and the red blood effect is more obvious)

Introduction: It can fly and jump on the water with the help of the scales on its wings.


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