teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 070 Identification and identification at the scene, not to be outdone

Chapter 070 Identification and identification at the scene, not to be outdone

At 07:30 in the morning, we arrived at the detention center. Director Wu came along with reporters from the TV station very unexpectedly. I was familiar with these reporters and was busy greeting them. .

The entire identification operation was personally directed by Director Zhang, and all the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Leping Town Police Station participated, and a special police brigade was also mobilized.

Team leader Tan and his team were in charge of escorting Zhu Ruihai. Our technical team vehicles followed closely behind their vehicles and were responsible for taking pictures and videos. Two vehicles from the special police team cleared the way in front, and other vehicles followed.The long convoy came out of the detention center and headed for Zhuanmiao Village.

The police station has notified Zhu Zhishu in advance, and has done all kinds of work to prevent Zhu Haixia's parents from affecting our work, and has set up a guard around the scene to keep irrelevant people outside. However, the mood of the masses watching the excitement is not affected by this warning. Affected, there were people on the side of the road, on the ridges of the fields, on the hills, beside the ditches, and even on the trees. Many people scolded the running children not to step on the wheat seedlings and rapeseed. The whole scene was lively and noisy.

I am a little familiar with this scene. Thinking about it, it turned out that it was like this when we surveyed the scene that day, and it was a little different. The difference was that there were too many people this time.

After arriving at the scene, the special police team quickly got off the car, set up a cordon on the Jigeng Road and the small road near the scene, and cleared out all irrelevant personnel. After everything was ready, Director Zhang ordered Zhu Ruihai to be escorted out of the car.

Although it was said that after a night of rest, Zhu Ruihai's face was still pale, trembling all over, he lowered his head, not daring to look outside.

As soon as Zhu Ruihai got out of the car, there was shouting and crying. I looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was Zhu Haixia's parents who were struggling and wanted to rush to the scene. After struggling for a while, Zhu Haixia's parents gave up the idea of ​​coming to the scene, stood outside the cordon and continued to cry and curse.

Director Cai came over with the witness Zhu Zhishu and the village head.

The team leader talked about something to Zhu Ruihai again, Zhu Ruihai nodded hurriedly, and the team leader nodded to me, indicating that it was time to start.

With a wave of my hand, Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao immediately followed up with cameras and video recorders. Zhu Ruihai led everyone forward, and the rest of the criminal investigation team followed. The scene was surrounded, and Zhu Ruihai began to identify.

Pointing at the seaside, Zhu Rui said, where did he descend into the rapeseed field, how did he overthrow Zhu Haixia, how did he take off his clothes, how did he take off her clothes, how did he kiss her, kiss her, touch her, rape her... all the while. When it comes to pinching Zhu Haixia's neck at the end, strangling her to death and digging her vagina, and where she escaped from, he gave a detailed identification and explanation of the whole process of committing the crime.

Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao were busy taking pictures and videos, reminding Zhu Ruihai to speak louder from time to time, to look at the camera with his eyes, and to point his hands at the position. Zhu Ruihai constantly adjusted his posture according to the instructions. He had a good attitude and was very cooperative with the identification work. of.

After identifying this spot, the team leader looked at me, meaning if there was anything to add, I shook my head lightly, and Brother Crazy and Daxia Ke immediately took Zhu Ruihai from the rapeseed field, and Zhu Ruihai took him with him again. Then we arrived at the next scene, that is, the field of Maidi.

The basically similar process was repeated again. After the scene of Maidi was over, he went to the scene of Li Niu again. He stayed longer at this scene. Zhu Ruihai not only identified the location of Li Niu and the place where he first contacted Zhu Haixia, but also identified the location of Li Niu. The location of the bushes where he was hiding at the time.

For the bushes, Captain Zheng took Hu Yuhai and Chen Jinghai to conduct a survey.

The identification of the three known sites has been completed, and the whole process is the same as the original analysis, without any deviation.

The rest of the work is Zhu Ruihai's route to the scene and the route to escape from the scene.

These two paths are basically the same. Zhu Ruihai walked in front, and a large group of us followed behind, crossing hills, crossing field ridges, crossing small rivers, cutting through woods, and finally arrived at Zhujiazhuang Bay.

Judging from the whole process, Zhu Ruihai took a relatively remote route, with Zhu Ruihai hiding and waiting in the middle.

When we searched at the beginning, we only searched along the road, and we didn’t go deep into the woods at all. I really regret it. If we think more broadly, we may be able to catch up to the bay at that time, which greatly saves the investigation time. and indicate the direction of investigation.

As soon as we arrived at Wanzi, we found that the dark crowd at the scene had already returned to Wanzi. It seemed that they took a shortcut and arrived before us.

Director Cai, Zhu Zhishu, and the SWAT team members were all sweaty from work, and the crowd continued to squeeze in. The scene was full of noise. Director Zhang waved his hand, and Team Zhang rushed forward with people, quickly opening a passage .

Zhu Ruihai lowered his head even lower, and led us to the door of his house. Personnel from the Criminal Investigation Brigade quickly stood in front of and behind his house. Team Zhang went in to check the house and came out after confirming that there was no one inside.

An elderly woman with white hair sat at the door, her eyes were dull, her face was expressionless, her clothes were torn, she just sat there blankly, neither looking at nor talking to anyone.

Zhu Ruihai didn't say anything, but directly led us into his room.

In the room, in front of the cabinet, Zhu Ruihai identified the clothes worn that day, and forensic doctor Lao Cai extracted them.

Chen Jinghai had already brought the shoes he wore when committing the crime, and Zhu Ruihai also identified them, confirming that they were the shoes he was wearing on the day of the crime.

When our group came out of Zhu Ruihai's house, the elderly women at the door were still sitting there, not talking to anyone or looking at anyone else.

When he got to the door, Zhu Ruihai suddenly knelt down on his knees and kowtowed three times to the old woman, with tears all over his face, but the old woman still didn't respond and continued to sit there.

Brother Crazy and Daxia Ke pulled Zhu Ruihai up.

After all the identification work was done, we left Zhujiazhuang Bay.

In order to celebrate solving the case, in the evening, Director Cai specially invited all the task force to dinner. Not only Directors Tang and Director Zhang attended, but also all members of the bureau's party committee and heads of relevant departments.

Still the old rules, a few people from the technical team gathered around the table.

Captain Zheng asked:

"Who's on duty tonight?"

Xiao Cao replied, "Captain Zheng, I'm on duty tonight."

"Well, you should drink less tonight. Others will continue to carry forward the tradition of our technical team, drink well, and drink well. Everyone has worked hard recently, so let's relax completely today. We not only want to do a good job at work , and the wine must be croaking, this is the quality that an excellent team must possess! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" replied in unison.

"That's good. I met Team Leader Tan just now. Do you know what he said?" Captain Zheng said.

Everyone shook their heads.

Captain Zheng went on to say:

"He said that this time our technical team made a quick move and saved them in time. Therefore, he said that the two teams should have a good drink. Everyone said, we have a lot of people, and we are afraid that they will fail? Come on, the four outstanding criminal investigators , Criminal technology is waiting for you to flee!"

Everyone laughed.

After the banquet started, we took the initiative to attack as usual, and returned to our boxes after toasting at each table.

As expected, Team Leader Tan brought the Four Elites of Criminal Investigation here, along with several people from the office.

The total number of people in this team and one room is more than the total number of technical teams, and the situation has been reversed in an instant!

The original loose tabletop was quickly squeezed, and everyone was really crowded together. People on both sides sat at intervals. On the left and right of me were Madman and Director Wang respectively. Ke Daxia.

After everyone sat down, Director Wang spoke first:

"Today, our office was honored to receive an invitation from the Four Elites of Criminal Investigation to participate in the PK with the technical team. I know that your technical team is a team that can recruit and fight well. Although we are a little bit more in number, I know that you I don't care about this. To ensure fairness, each person has a bottle of white wine, and each person digests it by himself..."

"Director Wang, I can't drink that much." Xiao Liu said immediately.

"Look, look at what you said, how can your words have the aura of the four masters of criminal investigation?! You will be afraid before you drink it! You take the wine first, and you can't finish it. You crazy brother is here!" The lunatic said loudly.

"Brothers of the technical team, do you have enough to drink?" Captain Zheng asked with a big hand.

"No!" They said in unison again, concise and clear.

"Captain Zheng, what are you doing, playing psychological warfare? Drinking and psychological warfare are useless, it depends on strength!" Team Leader Tan said with a smile.

Captain Zheng showed no sign of weakness:

"This strength, it's easy to say, if it's a donkey or a horse, you'll know if you walk around!"

"Then what are you talking about, don't say anything, let's drink!" said the voice of the team leader.

First of all, the first one to drink was the lunatic brother. He stood up with the bottle and said:

"20, I have experience with your drinking capacity, I know you can drink, but I am definitely not bad, you lunatic brother, this bottle of wine is dry at once, everyone will say that I am greedy for alcohol, how about it, me and How about you do half of it first, and then Director Wang will do the other half with you?"

Darling, are you planning on me?

Before I could speak, Captain Zheng immediately said:

"Crazy, it's not okay to drink like this. If you want to drink, everyone drinks at the same time. How about drinking half a bottle at the same time?"

Crazy brother just wanted to talk, the team leader talked first:

"20, what's your opinion? You don't object to this, do you?"

"The capital of the four masters of criminal investigation has spoken. I have to cooperate no matter what, otherwise you will lose face, right? How about this? I'll drink a bottle and a half first, and you, Director Wang, and Brother Crazy will each How about drinking half a bottle so that the total amount is equal?" I said with a smile.

The members of the technical team immediately began to applaud, and Captain Zheng said loudly:

"20, have momentum! Have momentum!"

The leader of the talk group never thought that I would open my mouth so loudly, and I didn't know what to say for a while.

Before they recovered, I drank a bottle and a half of white wine!

As soon as the wine was finished, the atmosphere of the technical team became even higher, with applause and cheers one after another.

Captain Zheng looked at the lunatic brother and said maliciously:

"Crazy brother, the three of you, do you want to find a representative and drink up a bottle and a half at a time?"

"Captain Zheng, how can a lunatic come to this kind of thing, how about it, 20 is so generous, and everyone is so happy, I will drink this bottle and a half of wine first!" The team leader also became interested .

After finishing speaking, the team leader also drank a bottle and a half of wine at a time.

"This, this, this is drinking, are you drinking water? If I had known that you were drinking like this, I would not have come!" Director Wang stammered.

Everyone burst into laughter.

With our previous effect, the others didn't say anything, and drank half of the bottle of wine.

After the first bottle of wine was finished, some of them shouted that they couldn't do it anymore.

"Director Wang, I only have the half bottle of wine left, and you want to drink half?" I asked with a smile.

"20, you're so bold, I'll take it." Director Wang readily agreed.

After the bottle and a half of wine was finished, Director Wang began to have problems, his face was flushed, and he couldn't sit still.

Captain Zheng is ready to pursue the victory:

"Director Wang, you only have half a bottle left, how about I drink it with you?"

Director Wang was so frightened that he just waved his hands again and again.

"Captain Zheng, aren't you taking advantage of others' danger? That's good, the two of us will each have a bottle of wine, and we'll do it straight away!" The lunatic brother stood up bravely.

A group of people booed immediately with the office.

Captain Zheng was really powerful. The two of them drank a bottle of wine each.

When we were drinking, Lao Cai, Xiao Ke and others also took the initiative to attack, and the first group and other people in the office did not flinch. For a while, there was the sound of bottles touching in the box, and empty wine bottles were scattered everywhere on the ground.

After the second bottle of wine was drunk, several people had problems immediately, while those of us who did not have problems continued to drink.

I don't know how I got home. I want to talk about the same situation as the team leader, Director Wang, and Captain Zheng.

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