teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 072 Responding calmly to jokes, wave after wave of good news

Chapter 072 Responding calmly to jokes, waves of good news come one after another

"My friends from the press, do you have any questions about the fingerprint remote query system?" Team Zhang asked with a smile on his face.

Everyone shook their heads.

All the people went back to the conference room to sit again, and Reporter Ye purposely sat beside me.

Another round of questioning began. Regarding the four murders and other series of cases, the reporters raised many questions. Team Zhang sometimes explained by himself, and sometimes asked Liu Jiao, Team Leader Tan, Team Leader Zheng and others to explain. Very lively.

Reporter Ye whispered to me, and he said softly:

"Captain Li, interviewing you is still enjoyable and exciting. You answer questions with humor and wit. I like interviewing you. Moreover, the way you are interviewed is always different from others, and you can always witness miracles."

I smiled and said:

"Why do you like to interview me? You obviously like to make things difficult for me."

The two covered their mouths and laughed.

"Embarrassing you? What can be embarrassing you? Why didn't I notice that there was anything embarrassing you? I have never embarrassed you. Or, tell me, what can be embarrassing you, okay? "Reporter Ye is really shrewd.

"My reporter Ye Da, have you interviewed the people's police like this?" I joked.

The two covered their mouths and laughed again.

"It is said that the Family Planning Commission offered 20 yuan in exchange for you, and you don't want to go?" Reporter Ye turned to the topic.

I was just about to answer when Director Wu asked:

"Reporter Ye. What are you talking about with Captain Li? Are you talking so happily?"

All eyes are on us.

"Nothing, I asked Captain Li about the Family Planning Commission exchanging 20 for him." Reporter Ye replied.

"What?! What did you say?! The Family Planning Commission exchanged 20 for Captain Li?!" Reporter Wan exclaimed.

"Haha, there is indeed such a thing, I know it." Director Wu said with a smile.

The eyes of the reporters turned to Director Wu again.

Director Wu told the whole process vividly.

After Director Wu finished speaking, Reporter Peng immediately asked questions:

"Captain Li, as a criminal policeman, after the case is solved, your duties will be fulfilled. Can you tell me why you still intercede with Director Zhang and take care of the perpetrator Qin Guotao's family? This seems a bit excessive. It's your duty."

Looks like another unkind reporter.

All eyes were on me, waiting for my answer, and I didn't.

"Captain Li. Are you related to Qin Guotao?" Reporter Peng didn't answer when he saw me.Added another sentence.It's a bit like chasing after victory.

I shook my head, just in time to see Reporter Ye gloating at me, waiting for my answer.

I smiled.Opened his mouth and said:

"Reporter Peng, it is indeed the responsibility of the criminal police to investigate and solve the case. The purpose of investigating and solving the case is to fight crime. Qin Guotao set fire to the family planning office. According to the law, he should be severely punished, so we are duty-bound to solve the case with all our heart.

You also know the situation Director Wu introduced just now. Qin Guotao is prepared to resist our censorship with his death.He simply believes that as long as he does not confess, he cannot be convicted and sentenced. In fact, whether he confesses or not is not very important. We have evidence in hand to prove that he committed a crime.

However, the enmity between him and the family planning office, that is to say, the cause of this case, we must digest, otherwise, Qin Guotao will continue to make trouble after he is released from prison. I think you don't want this to happen. .

Of course, when I did this, I never thought that Qin Guotao would resist our censorship by dying.Solving Qin Guotao's resistance to censorship in this way was purely accidental, or it could be said that it was a wrong attack.

I did this because the criminal police also have another duty when fighting crimes, which is to protect the people.Qin Guotao committed a crime, but his wife and children are innocent.You didn’t go deep into his family, and you don’t know what the tragic situation is. When you face his house with four walls, when you face women and children in naked clothes, when you see the New Year’s Eve, his house is When borrowing from east to west to have food and clothing, I think that even a hard-hearted person will feel compassion.I admit that at that moment, I felt sad and my heart softened.

However, I didn't do it purely because of my soft heart.As criminal police, we must consider deeper issues, that is, social issues.Qin Guotao set fire to the family planning office. On the surface, it was an isolated case. However, the conflicts caused by family planning work were by no means limited to this one incident. Such incidents have happened before and may happen in the future. Therefore, this incident has a wide range , that is a social problem.

Fortunately, Director Zhang of Fenggang Township Family Planning, Secretary Feng of Fenggang Township, Mayor Huang, Director Yuan of the Family Planning Committee, and other leaders have seen this problem, and it is precisely from a simple case that they have seen the deeper Only then did the methods and methods of family planning work change.I think, while ensuring the implementation of the national family planning policy, wouldn't it be better for us to usher in a harmonious situation?

As for your second question, I think, even if I don't answer it, you already know the answer. "

As soon as I finished speaking, Reporter Ye took the lead in applauding, and the conference room burst into applause, and Reporter Peng followed suit.

"Captain Li, I understand. No wonder the Family Planning Commission wants to exchange you with 20 yuan." Reporter Peng nodded and said.

Director Wu and Team Zhang gave me a thumbs up.

Reporter Ye said with a smile:

"Captain Li, we are old acquaintances, can I ask you a question?"

I knew that he definitely didn't have a simple question when he opened his mouth, but he said it so clearly, can I not agree?

So I nodded and said:

"Reporter Ye, you can ask whatever you want."

I strengthened the tone of the word "casual".

Reporter Ye nodded in satisfaction and said:

"During your stay in Jiangnan Town, you went from solving big cases to small cases, from township cases to rural cases, from local cases to provincial cases; to the criminal investigation team, I also interviewed you, robbery cases, theft cases, and even It's a homicide case, a case in this province, and a case in another place. You are like a duck to water. I know that your ability and level are relatively high. What I want to ask you is. Is there any case that you can't solve?"

The problem seems simple.But Reporter Ye will never stop at this simple question.I thought about it and said:

"Reporter Ye, I'm just an ordinary criminal policeman. I try my best to do my job. Although I put my heart and soul into it, it's limited to the level of ability. There are also objective situations on the scene. We have many cases that cannot be solved, or In the face of many cases. There is nothing we can do."

"Then here comes my second question. In handling cases, did you choose easier cases or cases with better conditions to investigate and solve the case?" Reporter Ye continued to ask.

This question is really acute!I knew his question could not be so simple, and it was as expected.If I don't answer well, he will come with a third question, and the third question will be more pointed.

I couldn't give reporter Ye a chance to ask the third question, so I replied:

"Reporter Ye, although we are very familiar with each other, you may not know much about our Criminal Investigation Brigade. Our Criminal Investigation Brigade is a team that overcomes difficulties and is also a force that rises to difficulties. We never face difficulties. Say no, in the face of failure and setbacks, we got up and continued to fight. It can be said that we represent the ability and level of Dongyang County's investigation and crime detection, and we grasp the last hurdle of case detection.

Director Wu also introduced just now that we not only solve major cases, important cases, and murder cases, but also solve small and ordinary cases. When it comes to cases, we do not distinguish between simple and easy. We take every case seriously and try our best to solve it. Ability and level to investigate and solve crimes.After we solved many small and general cases, we didn't publicize and report them as much as major cases, important cases, and murder cases, so you don't know.Of the cases that Director Wu reported to you just now, the vast majority of cases are such small and general cases.

Every time you interview me, it makes me very ashamed, because in the whole case investigation work, in fact, I only do part of the work, and the more work is done by all the staff of our criminal investigation team in obscurity. , because of work needs, in different positions, use your youth and blood to interpret the word criminal police, they are the real heroes, they are the people who need more reports, I hope you will pay more attention and Pen and ink follow them. "

This time, Team Zhang, Director Wu, Jiaojiao Liu, Team Leader Tan, Captain Zheng and others took the lead in applauding, and there was another warm applause in the conference room.

After the applause, the City Daily reporter said:

"Captain Li, hello, do you have any short-term and long-term plans?"

I smiled and said:

"Hello, Reporter Xi, can Captain Zheng answer this question?"

Reporter Ye nodded and looked at Captain Zheng.

Captain Zheng looked at it in surprise, I smiled and nodded, he also nodded and said:

"Hello, friends from the press. Let me make an explanation on the question that reporter Xi just asked.

For a long time, our technical team has played a pivotal role in investigating and solving crimes, but this role is mostly reflected in serving the investigation and solving crimes.Since last year, we have improved ourselves on the basis of serving the investigation and solving the case, that is, criminal technology must play a leading role in the investigation and solving of the case, that is, the criminal technology should lead the investigation.

Our change of thinking has won great attention and support from the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the Public Security Bureau. The leaders of the bureau even put forward the slogan of asking for police power from science and technology and achievements from science and technology. It is the technical team. The Dongyang County Public Security Bureau was the first to introduce an automatic fingerprint query system within the city.It can be said that the Public Security Bureau and the Criminal Investigation Brigade have created a good environment for us to investigate and solve crimes. Therefore, we must build a stronger ourselves.

Since last year, we have reformed the technical team.We used to divide traces and photography majors. On the basis of ensuring professionalism, we require each technician not only to be able to take pictures and videos, but also to independently inspect the scene, conduct case analysis, trace processing, identify perpetrators, etc. , forming a generalist, our goal is to make each technician a comprehensive and comprehensive development of talents, and make the technical team a first-class team in the city and the province.It is precisely because of such reforms that the level of our technicians has generally improved and enthusiasm has been high. In just a few months, our achievements have surpassed those of the whole year of last year. "

Reporter Xi then asked:

"You are changing concepts, thinking, and practices. Can I understand that?"

Captain Zheng nodded.

Afterwards, reporters from all walks of life continued to ask questions, and there were no more tricky questions, and other comrades answered them.

After the press conference was over, the Criminal Investigation Brigade hosted a banquet for various reporters, it was nothing more than drinking and eating.

All of a sudden, radio stations, newspapers, and television broadcast the voices of the Criminal Investigation Brigade overwhelmingly, and they all reported positively.

After reading it, Team Zhang was very happy. At a meeting of the criminal investigation team, he smiled and said that I would be the spokesperson of the criminal investigation team in the future.

Strangely, one afternoon a few days later, accompanied by Director Wu and Team Zhang, Reporter Peng came to the Criminal Investigation Team again and found me.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Reporter Peng said:

"Captain Li, after interviewing you, I went to Fenggang Town again to conduct a comprehensive interview on the Fenggang family planning case."

I nodded and didn't speak.

Reporter Peng went on to say:

"You said it very well. The criminal police must not only be able to solve the case, but also pay attention to the interests of the people and social issues at a deeper level.

The case in Fenggang Township is very typical. I wrote an internal reference for this, comprehensively introducing the situation of the case, and the practices of Fenggang Township and Dongyang County Family Planning Commission after the case.After reading the internal reference, the provincial leaders attached great importance to it, and instructed the Provincial Family Planning Commission to study and study it.

Director Su of the Family Planning Commission invited me over and asked about the situation in detail. Afterwards, they immediately organized a special person to Dongyang County to study the work, and decided to promote the experience of Dongyang County in the whole province. Tomorrow, a provincial family planning work conference will be held in Dongyang County. So I have time to come and visit you. "

"Thank you, Reporter Peng, for remembering me." I said with a smile.

"What does it mean to remember you, do you know? Because of you, because the internal reference I wrote caused such a big sensation and produced such good results, Jiangnan Evening News awarded me the honorable title of Chief Reporter!" Reporter Peng said with a smile, his face full of joy.

"Then congratulations." Everyone said with a smile.

"I'm not the only one to congratulate?" Reporter Peng said with a smile.

"Really?" I couldn't figure it out.

Reporter Peng didn't answer, but Director Wu said with a smile:

"We just received a notification from the county party committee and the county government that you have been awarded the honorary title of advanced individual in the province's family planning work. You are required to attend the meeting at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

"A criminal policeman participated in the provincial family planning work conference? And was awarded the advanced individual?" I was a little puzzled.

"Captain Li, this is your personal honor, our Public Security Bureau's honor, and our Dongyang County's honor!" Director Wu said.

Happiness came so suddenly, I was a little uncomfortable.

Afterwards, Director Wu made a detailed explanation on the specific situation of attending the meeting and the matters to be paid attention to.

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