teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 082 The director personally arrested sexual assault, and there is one hidden case

After the vehicle came out of the bay, Lao Liu got into Director Zhang's car, and I was also in the car.Nothing to do, we chatted:

"Master Liu, your bay doesn't seem very big."

"That's right, if it's big, the devil won't dare to commit crimes." Old Liu replied angrily.

"Why doesn't Dawanzi dare to come?" I asked casually.

"You see, my house is in the middle of the bay. If the bay is big, if there is any noise, can he run out?! Our bay is small, and we are always bullied by the bay next door. If nothing else, let's celebrate the New Year, next door Caijia Dawu Bay, more than 200 households, 800 people, they put a paper lantern during the Chinese New Year, and it floated to our bay. The young people in our bay picked it up, and they snatched it back! This is all the bay. The reason is small, if the bay is big, would they dare to take it back?! Can they take it back?!" Old Liu continued to be aggrieved.

"According to what you said, there is no such case in Caijiawan?" I continued casually.

"No, definitely not, I have never heard of it. Not to mention doing such a thing, ordinary people would not dare to go to Caijiawan to steal things!" Old Liu's voice. "36 families, more than 100 people, too small, always being bullied by others." Lao Liu sighed.

In this way, we chatted all the way, half an hour later, the car arrived at a bay, and Lao Liu called to stop.

"Wait for you to be leaders. I'll come as soon as I go." Old Liu said.

We nodded and smoked for not very long.Lao Liu came back with a nearly 30-year-old woman.

"Ping, this is the director of the Public Security Bureau. They have something to ask you." Lao Liu introduced.

"It's the director of the Public Security Bureau, just right, I'm going to find you!" Liu Suping said happily.

"What are you looking for us for?" Director Zhang asked.

"I met that bad guy who raped me in Copper Mine Town!" Liu Suping said firmly.

"Tell me about the situation," Director Zhang said.

"Go home and talk about it, how can you let the leaders of your Public Security Bureau stand and talk outside. It's too disrespectful!" Liu Suping said.

"Ping, it's more convenient to talk about it here." Old Liu hurriedly reminded.

"Don't worry. Ah Jun listens to me. He also knows about my past. He doesn't mind. What are you afraid of? Besides, he is not at home, even if he is at home, I am not afraid! How old is the director Officer, why don't you get a glass of water at home." Liu Suping's voice.Liu Suping led the way, and our group followed to her home.

After sitting down at her house, she was busy up and down, moving chairs, pouring tea, and distributing cigarettes.I couldn't help but take a serious look at this woman: According to the information, she should be 28 years old this year, and she seems to be in her thirties.Basically commensurate with her age, without the obvious oldness of rural women; she has short black hair, capable and shrewd, and although her clothes are plain, she wears them more decently.She poured tea.While talking politely, he seems to be a more active and warm-hearted person.

"Sister. Tell me about the situation," I said.

Liu Suping nodded and said:

"A week ago, I can't remember the exact day of the week. I went back to my parents' home to see my parents. Hasn't it been a long time since I went back? I miss my parents. You said, this daughter went back to her parents' home , I can’t go home empty-handed, can I? I went to Copper Mine Town to buy some meat, and when I got to Copper Mine Town, I remember it was past ten o’clock in the morning.

There were many people around the meat stand, and everyone was waiting to buy meat.Suddenly, I saw a person's back slipping past my eyes. I felt that this back was very familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was for a while.I thought and thought, and then I remembered, this person is the one who raped me!There was a burst of excitement in my heart, but I was afraid of admitting my mistake.I just followed him, walked a few steps, went to the door of a non-staple food store in front, pretended to buy something, and soon, the man passed in front of me. This time, I saw his front face clearly, the pair of triangular eyes are What raped my eyes back then, even if it was burned to ashes, I would still recognize him!

Fortunately, he didn't notice me.After I saw him walk past me, I followed him from a distance.He didn't stop in the street, but went straight home.His home is at No. 34 North Street, a one-story red brick house with a yard in front of the door.

After figuring out the situation of his family, I went back to my mother's house and told my dad.I originally wanted to go to the police station to tell you that day, but I had something to do at home, so I didn't go.I was about to sue him after finishing the family affairs, and you just came here!Have you heard any news? "

"How can you be sure that this person is the one who raped you?" Director Tang asked a key question.

"When that man raped me that night, he was wearing a flashlight. I saw his eyes clearly through the light of the flashlight. They were the triangular eyes of the man I saw on Copper Mine Street. Don't worry, this man Absolutely can't go wrong!" Liu Suping said firmly.

"Apart from the triangular eyes, what else do you remember about the perpetrator?" Director Tang asked.

"He has a scar on his left chest!" Liu Suping's voice said.

"Is there a scar? This is not reflected in your previous materials?" I asked.

"When you asked me about the situation, I was still nervous and afraid, so I didn't think about it. I just remembered it later. I didn't think it would be useful to you, so I didn't tell you." Liu Suping explained.

"From previous materials, you said you washed your underwear after the incident, right?" I continued to ask.

Liu Suping nodded and said:

"We didn't understand at the time. My parents were also afraid that my boyfriend would not want me if he knew about it, so I didn't report it. So I washed my underwear and my body. My uncle knew about the report. Finally. The one who persuaded us to report the case. Who knew that my boyfriend who killed a thousand knives knew that I was raped, so he really didn’t want me anymore. I was so angry that I was dying. This incident hit me very hard. Time did not slow down.

But this incident made me grow, and now I am not afraid of anyone!I will take you to catch him now! "

"Thank you, this is not urgent, I still have something to ask you." I said.

Director Tang and Director Zhang looked at me, not knowing what I wanted to ask, so I nodded.They didn't make a sound.

"Apart from being raped, have you suffered other injuries?" I asked.

"No. I just got raped." Liu Suping replied.

"Have you ever been scratched by anything on your body?" I continued to ask.

Liu Suping shook his head.

"The night before the incident, you went to bed at eight o'clock, do you usually go to bed so late?" I asked further.

"No, those few days. We had a power outage in the countryside, and there was a power outage this evening, so I had nothing else to do, so I went to bed early." Liu Suping replied.

"Is there a power outage?" I followed closely and asked.

"Yeah, the power was out for more than a week at that time, what's wrong, is there something wrong?" Liu Suping's voice.

I shook my head and looked at Director Tang and Director Zhang.

"Director Zhang. Do you need to call someone else?" Director Tang asked.

"No need, there are enough of us." Director Zhang said.

Director Tang nodded.

Under the leadership of Liu Suping, we came to No. 34 North Street, Tongkuang Town.The two bureau chiefs personally commanded me to rush into the house with Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao, and captured Lu Zhenhe basically without encountering any resistance.

Lu Zhenhe, male, 38 years old.A native of Lujiawan, Liuchanghe Village, Dalong Town, now works as a porter in Tongkuang Town.Rented at No. 34, North Street, and lived alone. Sure enough, there was an oval scar on the left chest.

Director Zhang has transferred the team leader back. After Lu Zhenhe was brought to the police station, the review work started immediately.

Under the fierce attack of the four outstanding criminal investigators, Lu Zhenhe quickly explained the circumstances of the crime.

In July 1992, he committed two crimes. In the first case, the victim was Liu Suping. On the night of July 7, Lu Zhenhe entered Liu Suping's home by grabbing the back door, strangled Liu Suping's neck, and after Liu Suping fell into a coma, raped him. What rape, the whole process of committing the crime is consistent with Liu Suping's statement.

The second case was about a week after the first case. According to reasoning, it should be around 7:20 a.m. on July 20. Lu Zhenhe used the same method to enter Cheng Shiping Bay, Baxian Village, Tongkuang Town and raped someone A woman in her [-]s.

"Keep talking!" The team leader's voice was still stern.

"Talk about the team leader. I really don't have one anymore. I just did this twice." Lu Zhenhe said with a sad face.

"Bones itching again?!" Team Leader Tan said.

"It's really gone. I, I, and I talked about friends in August, so I didn't commit crimes anymore." Lu Zhenhe explained.

Facing the subjects captured by the two directors personally, how could the team leader give up so easily? He listened to other people doing love things and explained them one by one.

At the end of the trial, Lu Zhenhe didn't look at anyone but the team leader, for fear that he would make another flick.

In Director Wan's office.

"Report to the two bureau chiefs, the review has been completed, and two cases have been explained, but there are no cases in our series." Team Leader Tan reported.

Director Tang nodded, and Director Zhang said:

"You will tell me the details."

Team leader Tan introduced the review situation in detail, and the two directors took notes while listening.

"Captain Li, what do you think?" Director Tang asked.

I said:

"Judging from the current situation, Lu Zhenhe has confessed Liu Suping's case, and there is indeed an oval birthmark on Lu Zhenhe's left chest. This is the scar Liu Suping mentioned. The confession, the victim's statement, and the witness's testimony are basically the same. Therefore, it is certain that Lu Zhenhe did the Liu Suping case.

As for the other case, I searched all the information, but I didn't find any report of rape in Cheng Shiping Bay;However, I think the situation Lu Zhenhe explained should be true, we just did not receive a report, and we will know the real situation of this case when Lu Zhenhe identifies the scene.

Judging from the circumstances of these two cases, both cases occurred during the blackout period. Although the way of entering the house is similar to the series of cases, it is certain that the series of cases were not done by Lu Zhenhe..."

"What's the reason and basis?" Director Tang asked.

I nodded and said:

"After the forensic examination by Lao Cai, Lu Zhenhe's blood type was type 0, which was inconsistent with the blood type of the perpetrator we extracted at the scene as type B; moreover, his footprints were compared and excluded; thirdly, we carried out an investigation on Lu Zhenhe's family The search did not find any tools that formed the scars of the series of cases. Fourth, the whole way of Lu Zhenhe at the scene is still different from our series of cases. In the cases that we can string together, most of the victims suffered physical injuries. Yes. Based on these aspects, Lu Zhenhe is not the object of our series of cases."

Director Tang nodded in satisfaction, while Director Zhang asked:

"Besides these two cases, are there any other cases?"

I smiled and said:

"No one can take the case away from the hands of the four outstanding criminal investigators. In addition, in August of that year, Lu Zhenhe had a girlfriend, so he didn't dare to commit another crime. Judging from the review situation, his first crime was a temporary one. Criminal intent, so I personally think there should be only these two cases.”

"Then what are your plans for the next step?" Director Tang said.

"We are going to ask Lu Zhenhe to go to Cheng Shiping Bay to identify the scene and determine the specific location where he committed the crime when it gets dark at night; the other thing is to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Lu Zhenhe." Team Leader Tan replied.

"Okay, after you finish your dinner, go to identify the scene and keep it secret. After the identification, send Lu Zhenhe directly to the detention center. You have all worked hard recently, so you don't have to rush around at night. Take a good rest at home and come back tomorrow. Talking about the team leader, you have to arrange the work of waiting and catching at night." Director Tang arranged.

Around [-]:[-] p.m., I, the criminal investigators, and I, in plain clothes, secretly sneaked into Cheng Shiping Bay with Lu Zhenhe. Lu Zhenhe identified the scene of the rape case.

After the identification, team leader Huang and others stayed for investigation and interview. Team leader Tan and I sent Lu Zhenhe to the detention center.

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