The little policeman that Ai Detachment talked about sat down. I knew that I, the captain, was going to take the stage.

"Director Tang, Director Zhang, I want to listen to the results of the reform of your technical team, do you think it's okay?" Team Ai said with a smile.

"Haha, you are the leader, you can do whatever you want." Director Tang said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'm not going to be polite. I'm really going to be a leader today. As the saying goes, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. I just listened to Xiao Cao's report, and I was deeply touched. Next, I want to hear what his leader said. Report, Captain Li, can you tell me your opinion on this series of cases?" Team Ai looked at me and asked.

All eyes were on me, and what I expected finally happened.

I nodded and said:

"As the person in charge of the technical team, I am obliged to report my work to the leaders. Let me first explain why Xiao Cao is the chief inspector of the scene of this case today. I know this is a series of cases, and it is a major case. Logically, it should be I will lead the investigation team, but our technicians need to be trained in major and important cases, and they need to improve. Therefore, I decided to let Xiao Cao take charge of the site survey. Several people cooperated. I just asked Xiao Cao to lead the investigation, and we were always involved in the whole process. Secondly, so many cases have occurred, and the cases have occurred for such a long time, but they have not been solved. Although there are various factors, as the support for solving the case Criminal technical work. No hard evidence was extracted at the scene, which led to the stagnation of the case, which should be a very important factor. Here, I will conduct a review on behalf of the technical team. If I can’t analyze it below, please ask the leader Criticize and correct."

"Captain Li, don't be modest, don't criticize, don't explain, I still have a certain understanding of your level and ability, let's get down to business. Let's talk about the case." Team Ai said with a smile.

I went on to say:

"Just now Captain Zheng, Team Ke, and Xiao Cao made comprehensive reports on today's two cases, each with its own focus; for the problems that occurred during our technical survey, thank Team Ai for reminding us, we will definitely solve them in future work be overcome and corrected.

under.Let me talk about my personal views on this series of cases.

This series of cases started when Zhong Aifen was raped in Zhongjiawan, Kehua Village, Dalong Township, in the early morning of June 1985, 6. It has spanned 8 years until now. We can combine 13 cases, and there are also 19 suspected cases can be investigated together.For the cases that happened before today, we have already made the submissions for the serial merger case, and Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao sent the materials to the leaders. "

The two were busy distributing materials.

I went on and said:

"The opinion papers in the hands of the leaders and comrades are the sorting out and sorting out of the case by our technical team. The purpose is to solve the case better. Only when the law of the case is clarified. characteristics, we can solve crimes faster and better. At the same time, it is also conducive to our research on the law of crimes and find better investigative measures and methods.

The following are some of my personal views.

The first is a matter of time.

This question of time, the first is the year.

Judging from the current situation, the perpetrator committed the crime for the first time in 1985, and did not continue to commit the crime until 1990. There was a gap of 5 years in the middle, followed by 1991, 1993, 1995, and 1997.There is an interval in between.During these intervals, the perpetrator did not commit the crime.Or did we not grasp it after committing the crime?There are two possibilities. If the crime was committed, it means that the victim did not report it. Therefore, it is necessary for us to conduct investigations of similar cases; if the crime was not committed, why did the perpetrator not commit the crime?We must figure out the reasons for this, which provides us with a greater space for thinking.I personally think that there must be cases that we have not grasped.

The second is the month.

Let’s take a look at the opinion form of serial merger cases. The cases before this year were all concentrated from June to November. This season is hotter and the personnel are thinly dressed. It is the peak time for sexual assault cases. This is different from general sexual assault cases. The rules of occurrence are the same.However, this year's crimes started in May, and the perpetrators moved ahead of schedule.This is based on the fact that we have not solved the case for so many years, and the perpetrator thought that we could not solve the case, and underestimated the ability and level of our public security organs to solve the case. Therefore, he committed the crime more recklessly, thus advancing the time for committing the crime.Based on this analysis, we can boldly speculate that the perpetrator may continue to commit crimes.

The third question is the specific time.

According to the crime time we visited, the earliest time the victim slept was 21:0, and the last time he was found was 6:2. In fact, the perpetrator’s real crime time was from 4:0 to 5:20, especially focusing on [-]:[-] to [-]:[-].We can start capturing and waiting based on this point in time.I suggest that the waiting time can be set from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-].We have already carried out this work. Directors Tang and Zhang attach great importance to this work. They have transferred [-] people from the special police team of the bureau to set up a capture and waiting team.But very unfortunately, the cases continue to happen. It seems that the reason for this result is not that our investigators are not working hard, but that the perpetrators jumped out of the scope of our network.It is necessary for us to further study and improve the catch and wait program.

Second, there is the issue of the number of cases.Recently, Directors Tang and Zhang took me to conduct a return visit to the cases we have mastered. During the return visit, we found many problems.For example, a few days ago, directors Tang and Zhang personally led a team to solve Lu Zhenhe's series of rape cases, some of which were not reported by the victims.In the first case on June 1985, 6, all investigators, including technicians, failed to find the dog-headed hat left by the perpetrator in the toilet at the back of the house.In sexual assault cases, it should be an objective existence that the victim did not report the case due to various concerns.The bottom line of this case is unclear.It has a great influence on the research, judgment and analysis of the case.For this reason, I am in favor of conducting return visits to relevant victims on the basis of in-depth find more clues.

The above mentioned my views on past cases, and I will talk about my views on future cases.

I personally think that the perpetrators will continue to commit crimes, and they will intensify.Two cases were released in one day today, which is a good example.In less than a month from May 5 this year to the present, four cases have occurred, and the perpetrators have significantly increased the frequency of crimes. This frequency is not only reflected in the increase in the number of single cases.And it also showed that he committed crimes twice in a row in the same bay, which was not seen in previous cases.It is a new trend of perpetrators.If we cannot solve the case in time and control the occurrence of the case, the psychology of the perpetrator will be further strengthened, and he will enter a peak period of crazy crimes, and what awaits us will be even greater pressure.

fourth.Let me talk about my understanding of the individual characteristics of the perpetrator and the conditions for committing the crime.

Judging from the current situation, the perpetrator meets the following conditions:

Male, with a local accent, currently has 5cm long, short straight hair; wears Jiefang shoes, blood type B, has masking experience, farmer, good at climbing.On foot, no transportation, left-handed.There is no need for money; the crime tools carried with him include special injury tools, gloves, lighting sources, ropes, and scissors; the local accent, although there is communication with the victim, but the language communication is less..."

"Captain Li, please speak slowly, you have too much information, I have to ask some questions." Team Ai interrupted me.

"Ai detachment. Please tell me." I said.

"You said that the perpetrator was a farmer, but you also said that the perpetrator had no need for money. Does this farmer still want money? How do you understand this?" Team Ai's question was indeed different from that of ordinary people.

"It means that the perpetrator is a farmer with a relatively well-off family. His motive is rape and he has no need for money. Among all the cases that can be combined, there is no sign of property infringement, and the perpetrator has no need for money. Interested." I replied.

"Then why is the perpetrator left-handed?" Team Ai continued to ask.

"The injuries of all the victims are heavy on the inside and light on the outside, from left to right, forming for the left hand, so the perpetrator is left-handed." I further explained.

Team Ai nodded and said:

"Captain Li, please continue."

I went on to say:

"We have cleaned up the traces and physical evidence extracted over the years, and found that there are a total of the following traces and physical evidence that can be used:

Semen spots (blood type is b), socks marks, Jiefang shoes, special tool marks, fibers, glove marks, bite marks.Unfortunately, we did not extract the perpetrator's fingerprints.Due to our limited technical level, the only traces that can be identified at present are socks prints. "

"Do you have any suggestions for the next step of the investigation?" Ai Detachment asked.

"Our traditional investigation method is nothing more than going from case to person and from person to case, and the current investigation measures are basically an extension of this idea.

From a technical point of view, whether it is on-site investigation, serial case, fingerprint identification, or footprint identification, it is hoped to find clues and find the perpetrator. etc. In a sense, it is from the person to the case, that is, to find out what kind of person committed the case, it is from the person to the case. "

"From what you've said, isn't it easy to solve the case?" Ai Detachment asked.

"Strategically, we must despise the perpetrator; but tactically, we must pay attention to the perpetrator." I replied.

"What is the best investigative measure at present?" Team Ai continued to ask.

"Based on the simultaneous advancement of various investigative measures, I believe that capturing and waiting is the best investigative measure." My voice said.

"Why?" Ai Detachment's voice.

"Catch the current situation and prevent crimes from happening." I replied.

"However, practice has shown that there is a problem with the method of catching and waiting, and cases continue to be reported." Ai Detachment was not polite.

"There is nothing wrong with this measure itself. It is because we lacked research and did not figure out the rules of the perpetrators that the problem occurred." I replied.

"Haha, Captain Li, you can answer questions fluently, you have theoretical and practical knowledge, and the methods and measures are feasible. Very good! Very good!" Team Ai finally ended the questioning.

"Thank you for your compliment." I said with a smile.

"As long as your leader is satisfied," Director Tang said with a smile.

"Satisfied, if this answer is not satisfactory, then I am a bit too harsh, Director Tang, do you think I am too harsh?" Team Ai said with a smile.

The two laughed.

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