teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 4 Temporary Work

() Later, seeing that the situation was not right, I went to the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau to contact work matters.

Director Wu of the Political Department of Dongyang County Bureau readily agreed.

Director Wu said: "You are welcome to come back to work. I thought you college students from public security colleges would not want to go back to work in a small county. To supplement the fresh blood of our county bureau, the policemen in our bureau are all too old, and their education is not high.

As long as you don't want to stay in the PUC and are willing to come back to work, you will have no problem with your job, and you can go to work tomorrow, so you can work in our political department.But let me tell you, this is not a formally arranged job, so there is no salary. You can exercise here.You also have to wait for a formal job offer.This is a formal job arrangement, it's just a matter of time arrangement, and it will be decided after a meeting of the Public Security Bureau.what do you say? "

"I agree." As soon as I heard that I could go to work tomorrow, I quickly answered yes, for fear that Director Wu would regret it after a long time.

I don't care if I get paid or not, I can finally do things, it's better than living at home, the feeling of doing nothing is really uncomfortable.After waiting for several months, I finally heard the news that I can go to work for the first time. Can I hurry up and say yes?That feeling is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving grass and holding on to it!

"Then you go to the Municipal Bureau to get your files and dispatch procedures back, and register with us." Director Wu said again.

"Okay, I'll pick it up tomorrow," I replied.

After bidding farewell to Director Wu, I immediately ran home and told my parents, but my parents didn't know what was going on, or I didn't figure it out myself.When they heard that I would be able to go to work soon, they were also happy for me, and told me to go to bed early and get the files and dispatch procedures early tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I rushed to the Municipal Bureau, still found the female police officer, got the dispatch procedures, and went to extract the files, then returned to the Political Department of the County Bureau, and handed it over to Director Wu.Director Wu made the registration.

After completing these procedures, I started to "work" at the Political Department of the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau, and rented a room near the Public Security Bureau as a place to rest.

Director Wu of the Political Department is a man in his 40s. He has a fleshy face and speaks slowly. Under his smooth hair is a pair of wide-rimmed glasses. He usually sees people through the top edge of the frame. Looking outside, it feels like the accountant in the old society.

The job he arranged for me was actually doing odd jobs in the political office.

No, this day, he asked me to go to a place called "Little White House" in the urban area to attend the county-wide Communist Youth League meeting. He said he was going there on behalf of the Public Security Bureau. That's it.

I rushed to the "Little White House" in advance according to the time Director Wu said. There were 30 men and women inside. There were more women and fewer men. They were all about the same age as me. The person who presided over the meeting was slightly older than us and sat next to him. It was a woman older than him.

When the time came, the host spoke without even a microphone.

First, there was a roll call by unit by unit. When the call came to the Public Security Bureau, I raised my hand, stood up, and agreed.Judging from the roll call, most of these people did not know each other.After the roll call, a document was sent out, which was the kind of red-headed document.

After the document was distributed, the host said that the theme of this meeting was how the Communist Youth League's recent work was carried out, and then it was to assign specific tasks. The documents stated that each unit had received a specific amount.

After the host finished speaking, he asked everyone to welcome Secretary Liu to speak, and everyone applauded immediately, and the applause sounded sparsely.

Secretary Liu continued to speak, repeatedly emphasizing that the people who attended the meeting in each unit must report this task to the leader after returning home, and that each unit must complete the task on time with quality and quantity guaranteed.After Secretary Liu finished speaking, the host announced the end of the meeting, and I followed everyone to prepare to leave.

I was about to leave when Secretary Liu called out, "The one from the Public Security Bureau, wait a minute."

I stopped, and when the others were almost gone, Secretary Liu stood in front of me.

"Secretary Liu, what's the matter?" I asked.

"After you go back, you must report the spirit of the meeting to the leaders of your Public Security Bureau." She replied.

"Okay. I promise to report." I replied.

"Why don't I know you?" Secretary Liu asked again.

"I'm a fresh graduate." I answered truthfully.

"Which school did you graduate from? How old are you?" Secretary Liu asked again, and looked at me with interest.

This has nothing to do with the content of the meeting. How can I ask this? I feel very strange, but I still choose to answer, "Graduates from the Provincial Public Security School." I didn't answer the age question.

"Oh." Seeing that I didn't answer my age, Secretary Liu was obviously a little disappointed.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Secretary Liu was silent, I asked.

"No, no, just go back and do a good job report." Secretary Liu replied while looking at me.

Back at the Political Department, I truthfully reported the materials and records to Director Wu, and said that Secretary Liu repeatedly emphasized that all units should complete tasks on time with quality and quantity.

After the report, I walked out of Director Wu's office and returned to the big office, where there were three people working: Lao Wang, Lao Liu, and Lao Qian.

When Lao Wang saw me coming back, he said, "Xiao Li, come here."

I hurried over.

"Here is an article to be sent to the newspapers in the city. Your handwriting is good. Please copy it carefully before sending it to me." Lao Wang said.

"Okay." I took the manuscript and a blank manuscript, and immediately found a desk to start transcribing.

This is an advanced and typical manuscript. Lao Wang's handwriting is too scribbled. I don't know many words, and I insert a few sentences here and a few sentences there.When I encountered something I didn't understand, I took the manuscript to his desk and asked him.I just copied it like this and asked him, but I didn't finish it when I got off work in the afternoon.

Following what happened yesterday, I started transcribing Lao Wang's manuscript again.When I was about to get off work in the morning, I finished transcribing and handed it over to Lao Wang. After reading it from beginning to end, Lao Wang patted me on the shoulder and said, "The handwriting is very good, there is no typo! What will happen in the future?" The manuscript will be handed over to you to transcribe." I feel that he is very satisfied.

Lao Liu and Lao Qian were also very satisfied after reading the manuscripts I transcribed for Lao Wang, and sometimes asked me to help them transcribe the manuscripts.

During this period, I inquired. The elder brothers who came back from school two years ago were all assigned to the police station below. They were all far away. I didn’t have time to visit them, so I just called them separately and told me to come back. Yes, they were very happy and told me to work hard.

The sun is repeated like this, boil, boil slowly; wait, wait slowly, the sun is just at hand in such a hurry, slipping under your feet.

Another day, Director Wu called me into the office.

"Xiao Li, are you used to working in the Political Department?" Director Wu asked.

"It's fine." I replied.

"You just came here, and you're slowly getting used to work. I've seen your profile, and you won the third prize in the essay competition at school, which is pretty good! As far as your level is concerned, I think you'll be able to adapt quickly." Wu The director praised me.

"I scribbled based on the internship situation." I said modestly.

"Are you talking about friends?" Director Wu suddenly changed the subject and asked with concern.

I blushed, lowered my head, and remained silent.

"Haha, what's so embarrassing about it. You are not allowed to fall in love in the public security school, so I know you are not in love." Director Wu said with a smile.

"Is there really no relationship?" Director Wu further confirmed.

I nodded, affirming Director Wu's conjecture.

Director Wu smiled with satisfaction.

"Xiao Li, I have a niece, and I don't have any friends. Why don't you meet?" Director Wu said again.

It happened so suddenly, I was not mentally prepared, my face became even redder, and I fell silent again.

"Then I have an appointment to meet after get off work today?" Director Wu saw that I was silent, so he made further arrangements.

"I have to ask my parents about this, I can't make the decision." I quickly replied.

"Your parents are not here, so I'll make the decision for you. Besides, I just want you to meet each other, so you don't need to ask your parents. It doesn't matter. If you get along, just talk. If you are nervous, just stay at my house Alright." Director Wu said again.

I lowered my head again and remained silent.

"You young man, you are pretty good at work, why are you so shy when talking about friends." Director Wu was a little unhappy.

I became more nervous and lowered my head even more.

"Haha, young people have no experience, so don't go to the cafeteria to eat at night, come to my house for dinner." Director Wu arranged again.

Seeing his arrangement, I nodded.

"That's right, you come home with me after get off work." Director Wu said happily. ;

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