teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 46 Secretary Li loves Dongyang, and 2 directors talk about the case

Chapter 46 Secretary Li loves Dongyang, and the two directors talk about the case

Director Tang answered the phone and said:

"Secretary Li and County Mayor Huang, just received the call, and Director Song of the Municipal Bureau will be here soon."

Secretary Li stopped asking, and his loud and powerful voice came:

"Okay, everyone go down to welcome Director Song."

A group of us left the meeting room, went down to the lobby on the first floor, and stood in the courtyard. It didn't take long, just a few minutes, when several cars parked in front of us. Political Commissar Ye accompanied Director Song of the Municipal Bureau and Ai Detachment The group got out of the car.

Secretary Li, County Mayor Huang, and Director Tang greeted them with smiles, and the group went up to the fifth floor talking and laughing.

I continued to wait in the lobby on the first floor with Team Zhang, Instructor Liu and others.

After that, many people came one after another, and I brought the people to the conference room.

After nine o'clock, I heard that Mr. Yu of the provincial and departmental corps brought a group of people over;

At ten o'clock, Team Liu and the leaders of their provincial department walked into the meeting room;


The last group to enter the conference room were Director Wang and the leaders of their provincial departments.

Familiar and unfamiliar, everyone introduced and greeted each other.

Leaders from all over the world sat at the round conference table, and I sat in the back with people from the criminal investigation team, leaning against the wall.

The meeting was chaired by Director Tang himself.

Secretary Li delivered a passionate speech:

"Respected Mr. Yu, Mr. Wen, Mr. Zhao, leaders, comrades in the public security front, good morning! You have worked hard!

The spring outside the window is full of vitality; the interior is full of guests.Laughter.Today, our Dongyang County welcomes the presence of distinguished leaders.As the old saying goes, 'It's a joy to have a Peng come from afar'!Here, on behalf of the Dongyang County Party Committee, the county government, and the Dongyang Public Security Bureau, I warmly welcome all leaders to visit Dongyang County to guide our work. "

There was warm applause in the conference room.

After the applause stopped, Secretary Li continued:

"Among all of you here, many leaders are visiting our Dongyang County for the first time, so I will give a brief introduction to Dongyang County here.

Dongyang County is located in the eastern part of Central China Province.The south bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.It means the sunrise in the east.Hence the name, administratively affiliated to Asus City.The topographical distribution is South Mountain, North Hill, East-West Lake, South High, North Low, East-West Flat.The total area of ​​the county is square kilometers, and the hilly areas of the county are mainly distributed in the middle, east, west and north of the territory.It occupies 62% of the territory area.The south-east is dominated by mountains.Accounted for 13%.

It is a typical continental monsoon climate with cold winter and hot summer, and four distinct seasons. There is sufficient sunlight.There is abundant rainfall, the annual average temperature is 16.9°C, the extreme maximum temperature is 40.1°C, the extreme minimum temperature is -10°C, the annual average frost-free period is 261 days, and the average annual precipitation is [-] mm.

Dongyang has a long history and a long history of culture, with a bronze history of more than 3000 years and a county-building history of more than 1000 years.As early as the Xiaoyi period of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the ancestors of human beings dug wells and extracted mines here, and ignited the fire of furnaces and smelting. For more than 3000 years, talents have emerged in large numbers, and a large number of historical celebrities have emerged.

Rich in mineral resources, it is known as "a golden land with hundreds of miles, a cornucopia in the south of the Yangtze River".278 large and small ore deposits have been discovered and proven, and 57 kinds of metallic ore and non-metallic ore. It is the 6 largest copper ore production base, the 10 largest iron ore production base and the key production area of ​​building materials in the country.

Jurisdiction over 1 district, 19 towns, and 435 village committees, with a permanent population of 929728, nearly one million, of which the urban population is nearly 12.

Dongyang is located in the hinterland of the "Middle Triangle" of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the fourth largest core growth pole in China. It is an important fulcrum of the metallurgical and building material corridor of the Jiangcheng Circle in Central China.It is only 100 kilometers away from Jiangcheng International Airport. There is Beijing-Kowloon Railway Dongyang Class II Passenger and Freight Station. Dongyang Lake leads directly to the Yangtze River. National Highway 106, Provincial Highway 213 and 314 run through the territory. The transportation is very convenient.


To be honest, as a native of Dongyang, it is the first time for me to have such a comprehensive understanding of Dongyang County. I really admire Secretary Li!It's not easy to be a leader!

However, Secretary Li hadn't finished speaking, and continued to be passionate:

"Since the reform and opening up, Dongyang's economic development has generally gone through three stages. The first stage is the initial stage of reform and opening up. It started from household industries, developed various economic components, solved the problem of economic aggregate, and formed a 'small commodity, big market'. The second stage is after the mid-80s, with funds, talents, and technology as the link, it guides the family industry to shareholding cooperation, vigorously develops the shareholding cooperative economy, and exerts the effect of "small capital, large radiation"; the third stage is After 1992, the second entrepreneurship with the core of comprehensively improving economic quality was carried out, creating a trend of "small area, big development". Last year, our Dongyang County completed a regional GDP of 232 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.3%; The total fiscal revenue was 27.46 billion yuan, an increase of 34.3%.

The rapid economic development is inseparable from the social security in Dongyang County. It is the political and legal officers and police officers in Dongyang County, especially the comrades of the Public Security Bureau headed by Director Tang, who escort the economic construction of our county and set up an express train for the economic take-off of our county. Dao said that the slogans they put forward were 'Dongyang develops, public security first', 'I contribute to Dongyang, I add glory to Dongyang'.

They not only move forward in thinking, but also follow closely. In recent years, social security has improved significantly, various criminal crimes have dropped significantly, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment. This is why we have the opportunity to gather together today to discuss major issues.

Director Tang reported to me that the leaders are coming to Dongyang to inspect the work, so I changed the location to our biggest star hotel, which is also a kind of support from our county party committee and county government for the public security work!

I won't waste any more time for you, I wish your public security meeting a complete success in advance! "

There was once again warm applause in the meeting room.

Director Song also delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Huashuo City. Both leaders highly affirmed the work of Dongyang County Public Security Bureau.

Then, Director Zhang introduced the situation:

"Respected leaders, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this meeting. At the same time, I would like to thank Secretary Li for his support and love for the public security work! Entrusted by Director Tang. I will give an introduction to the situation.

Since the beginning of this year, with the strong support of the Provincial Department and the Municipal Bureau, our bureau has taken the lead in introducing the fingerprint remote query system in the whole province. Through our continuous efforts, with the help of this remote query system, 67 criminals of various types in Bizhong were arrested. There were 98 criminals, and 489 cases of various types were cracked, including three murder cases, and two murder cases were directly detected by fingerprints.Together with solving the murder case.

We rely on technology for police force.We rely on technology for results.

Next, I will introduce the current situation of the detainees.

The member is called Song Guoguo, male, born on January 1972, 1.A native of Songjiazhuang Bay, Liuhe Village, Huapai Town, our county.There are three people living in the family.Both parents are farmers.

His personal experience is as follows:

Primary and secondary schools are all in our local school. Graduated from junior high school in 1987.

From May 1988 to May 5, studied at the Lantian Chef Training School in Pinghu City, a neighboring province;

From May 1989 to June 5, worked as a chef in many restaurants in our county;

From June 1990 to May 6.Worked as a chef in several restaurants in Jiangchuan County, a neighboring province;

From May 1991 to October 5, worked as a chef at the Nanfang Hotel in Jiangchuan County, a neighboring province;

Since October 1992, he has worked as a chef at the Red Sun Hotel on Minzhu Street in our county.

During the fingerprint battle, Song Guoguo's fingerprints were stamped and put into storage.The criminal technical team of our bureau put the fingerprints of the overseas assistance investigations over the years into the database, and successfully compared the fingerprints extracted at the scene of the murder case of Cao Xiangtian of Jiangchuan County Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

After contacting the Jiangchuan County Public Security Bureau, Director Wang attached great importance to it. He led Political Commissar Cai, Criminal Investigation Brigade Hong Brigade and others to our bureau.

During the review, Song Guoguo quickly explained the process of "theft and murder" in the face of iron evidence, and confessed to committing 12 thefts in places such as "Qiangsheng Tobacco, Alcohol and Non-staple Food Store" and "Huaping Parity Non-staple Food Store" in Jiangchuan County facts of the crime.

However, things are not over yet.

According to Song Guozu's account, our investigators analyzed that Song Guoguo should still have cases that have not been explained, so we formulated a new review plan. Song Guozu also explained that in September 1988, he deceived his classmate Ming Ruifa to Fenghuang Mountain and pushed him away. The crime of falling down the cliff to death, the body is currently buried in a low-lying place under the cliff of Fenghuang Mountain by Song Guoguo.

According to Song Guoguo's account, the reason why he wanted to kill Ming Ruifa was that Ming Ruifa often bullied and beat him, and had raped him for a long time.

We contacted the Ouyang Detachment of the Public Security Bureau of Pinghu City, a neighboring province, and confirmed that there was indeed a man named Ming Ruifa who disappeared in September 1988, and the body has not been found so far.

That's all for what I'm going to introduce. "

There was applause in the conference room.

Director Tang said:

"Director Wang, can you introduce the situation here?"

Director Wang nodded, looked at Director Liu, and Director Liu said:

"First of all, I would like to thank the comrades of the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau, thank you for helping us solve this murder case, and also lead to solve so many theft cases.

On July 1992, 7, Cao Xiangtian, an on-duty officer of the supply and marketing cooperative in our county, was killed at the door of the bathroom on the second floor. A bloody right thumb fingerprint was extracted on the Internet. Since it is a blood fingerprint, it must be left by the perpetrator.

Since the blood fingerprints were extracted from the case, we are full of confidence and think that the case will be won soon.In the investigation of this case, we mobilized the whole world, thought of many methods, and took many measures, including fingerprint assisted investigation. The special team persisted in working for two years, but none of them were cracked.

After Director Wang came to work in our Jiangchuan County, he paid more attention to this murder case, and re-established a special team to use the overall force to break through the case. In this way, we investigated for another year, but the case still did not achieve a critical breakthrough.

Later, due to other work, we streamlined the special class, but we never stopped the investigation of the case. Whenever there was a new situation, we immediately deployed the police to investigate.

It now appears that our analysis of the case was wrong.Based on the fact that the scene was on the second floor, and the perpetrator opened the door on the first floor with a key, we thought that the perpetrator and the victim might be familiar, so we investigated a large number of acquaintances of the deceased.

The day before yesterday, Director Zhang of the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau, thousands of miles away, contacted us and informed us of the situation, saying that comrades from the technical team of the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau had identified the perpetrator of the murder, Song Guozuo, through fingerprints.

After learning about the new progress of the case, Director Wang attached great importance to it, and he and I rushed to Dongyang County with investigators and technicians.

Our technicians at the city and county levels re-checked the fingerprints and confirmed that the conclusion of the fingerprint identification was correct, and that Song Guoguo was the perpetrator of the "homicide".

The public security bureaus of our two counties studied the capture plan and captured Song Guozu in place.

At present, the situation explained by Song Guozu is completely consistent with our on-site investigation, and with the strong backing of fingerprint identification, it is certain that Song Guozu is the perpetrator of this murder case.

Thank you again to all my colleagues in the Dongyang County Public Security Bureau! "

There was another round of applause in the conference room.

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