teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 59 Reports from various groups at the meeting meeting, a good girl was brutally murdered

Chapter 59 Reports from various groups at the meeting meeting, a good girl was brutally murdered

By the time we dragged our tired bodies back to the village committee, dinner had already been eaten.

"Captain Li, you haven't eaten yet? Didn't I ask Xiao Ke to tell you to come back for dinner first?" Director Zhang asked.

"There is a job to be done, the time must be hurry up, I must follow up, and I will not come back for dinner in time." I replied.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Director Zhang said excitedly.

I couldn't say much, I just nodded.

"Okay, okay, you go to eat quickly, and after you finish eating, go to the police station for a meeting. I will wait for you at the police station." Director Zhang continued his excited voice.

I still nodded and didn't speak.

"I see that you are all very tired. You must pay attention to rest and pay attention to your health." Director Zhang said in a concerned voice.

"Thank you Director Zhang." I said.

With the help of Village Chief Zhu, we finally had enough to eat.

Captain Zheng has ridden his motorcycle back to the police station and left us the jeep.

When we sat in the conference room of the police station, the conference room was already full of people and filled with smoke.

After Director Zhang saw me push the door open, he pointed to the seat next to him and said:

"Captain Li, you just sit here, just sit here! I specially reserved the seat for you."

Everyone else looked at me, and felt that the leader was acting weird today. Where should I sit? Why do I have to sit next to the leader?

I whispered to Xiao Ke, and he and Xiao Cao sat down beside Captain Zheng.I sat down beside Director Zhang.

Director Zhang said:

"Comrades, the meeting is now.

I said something before the meeting.Just now I heard some people commenting that the waiting time is too long, which is a waste of time.We are not wasting time, but waiting for a group of good comrades who are working day and night, waiting for Captain Li and his party from the technical team.

Captain Li, Xiao Ke, and Xiao Cao have been working until now before coming back to eat. This spirit of selfless work is worth learning.

They are working in the dark, fighting continuously, while we are sitting in the brightly lit room.What can we complain about! "

Everyone looked at me blankly.It makes me feel a little embarrassed, we don't forget about our work, it's because time waits for no one.

"Comrades, according to Director Tang's instructions. We are now establishing the '4.11' murder headquarters. Director Tang is the commander-in-chief. I am the deputy commander-in-chief. Team Zhang, Jiaojiao Liu, and Director Cai are the direct responsible persons, and there is a technical team under it. , visit group, investigation group, key object investigation group, special situation group, office. The person in charge of each unit is the specific person in charge of each group.

We are now meeting on the case and each group reports on the situation. " Director Zhang said, he cut into the topic of the meeting very briefly.

The first person to speak was the team leader Tan:

"According to the arrangement of the headquarters, we investigated the situation of Zhu Haixia's family.

Zhu Haixia, female, 15 years old, is from Zhujiazhuang Bay, Zhuanmiao Village. She has a junior high school education. Last year, when she was in the second year of junior high school, she dropped out of school to help her parents with farm work because of family difficulties.This morning at around 08:30, she left home to herd cattle after having breakfast. In the morning, she ate porridge with red pickles in potherb and red cabbage moss. She ate two bowls of porridge.

At 1:20 p.m., he was found lying in a rapeseed field.

Let me summarize my various investigations: Although Zhu Haixia is only 15 years old, she is relatively mature and beautiful.During school, there were quite a few suitors. According to the information we have, we found four male students who had pursued Zhu Haixia. After investigation, all four of them were in school this morning, and none of them left school, including eating. The time of the crime has been proved by someone, so it is excluded because there is no time to commit the crime.

Zhu Haixia is an honest person and works very hard in her studies. Although she has many suitors, she has never had any contact with these classmates, and she is also very decent.In the eyes of teachers, classmates, parents, and fellow Wanzi people, she is a sensible, obedient, and well-behaved girl.

His father's name is Zhu Jiaohe, 38 years old, and his mother's name is Ye Sufen, 37 years old. Both of them are farmers.Both of them are honest farmers, and they get along relatively well with their neighbors, and they have never had any grudges with others.They met and got married through the introduction of a matchmaker, and they had never talked about friends before marriage.The husband and wife live a life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Although the family is difficult, it is relatively harmonious and united.

Zhu Haixia also has a younger brother named Zhu Haibo, who is 12 years old and is studying in the village primary school. He likes to play more and his grades are average.His parents doted on him very much, basically they were spoiled and spoiled.


The investigation of his entire family found no suspicious points. "

Ke Zunping, the group leader, went on to introduce:

"Our peripheral interview team conducted interviews along the site and interviewed 13 people. These people met or saw Zhu Haixia at different times this morning. The latest was Xiao Fang, a 42-year-old woman from Zhujiazhuang Bay. At 10:[-] a.m., Zhu Haixia was also seen grazing cattle on the back mountain in the southwest of the bay.

Other witnesses also saw or met Zhu Haixia at different times, and also confirmed that everything was normal when they saw Zhu Haixia.

The earliest discovery of the case was at 13:20, when the case had already occurred and Zhu Haixia had died.Therefore, the crime time is locked from 10:13 to 20:200, with a total of [-] minutes of crime time.

Regarding the nature of the case, Captain Zheng introduced it in the afternoon, and I agree with it.I personally think that this case does not seem to be deliberate, it should be a temporary case, the perpetrator probably met Zhu Haixia by chance, and committed the crime out of curiosity.

Regarding Zhu Haixia's personal and family situation, it is similar to what the team leader just introduced, so I won't repeat it. "

Chen Guanghui, the leader of the third group, went on to say:

"According to the arrangement of the headquarters, we conducted a thorough investigation of key personnel in this village and neighboring villages. We found out 26 people who had criminal records or bad deeds such as theft, robbery, rape, and injury. We met all of these 26 people one by one. After questioning and investigation, all of them were ruled out, and no suspicious persons have been found so far.

This is the case with our group. "

"You checked 26 people in one afternoon? So fast?!" Director Zhang asked, obviously he didn't believe the result.

Team Leader Chen immediately explained:

"We mobilized the cadres of the village group, notified them separately, and questioned them one by one. They all heard about the murder case today, and they all went to the scene to see it. So they were all at home. The people were relatively concentrated. At the same time, it was broad daylight, and the witnesses It is easy to find. This makes it easier to check the time point. So the speed is faster."

Director Zhang continued:

"Comrades. This is a murder case. We must be careful and cautious. We would rather slow down our work than let the suspect go because of our mistakes. This first round of investigation is very important. , it was relatively close to the time when we committed the crime, and the memory of the witnesses is relatively good, so when interviewing, in addition to hurrying up the time, we must pay attention to the quality. I hope everyone will remember it.”

Hu Yongliang, captain of the intelligence team, went on to say:

"According to the arrangement, we have deployed ten special agents in the four surrounding villages, including three special agents, but no clues have come up yet.

Among the three project special agents, one is an excellent special agent that we have used before. He is very clear about the local situation, and I have made detailed arrangements for him.Today's time is relatively short, and I will arrange new special cases according to the needs of the case. "

Director Zhang nodded and looked at Captain Zheng.

Captain Zheng hurriedly said:

"Our on-site investigation work and autopsy work are basically completed. We have divided it into two parts, one is the autopsy team led by me, and the other is the on-site investigation team led by Captain Li. The captain will introduce you later."

Director Tang looked at Captain Zheng, then at me, but said nothing.

Captain Zheng went on to say:

"In the afternoon, after obtaining the consent of Zhu Haixia's parents, we conducted an autopsy on the body in accordance with the law. Let me introduce the situation of the autopsy.

The deceased, Zhu Haixia, was 154cm tall, with black hair and 10cm long hair. She was wearing a plaid long-sleeved dress with complete buttons, but the entire jacket was pushed up above her chest, and a black bra was also pushed up above her breasts. The chest and abdomen are exposed; a pair of red briefs is worn in the middle, and a small amount of white secretion can be seen in the crotch; a pair of black pants is worn on the lower body, the belt is untied, and the pants are taken off to the knee; a pair of black nylon socks is worn on the feet, and a pair of blue The half-colored rain boots were scattered beside the corpse, with large wavy patterns on the soles.A large amount of soil adhered to the chest, back, sock bottom and pillow.

Further autopsy found that the mucous membrane of her upper lip was damaged, there was blood-like secretion in her mouth, and there were obvious choke marks on the front of her neck, which indicated that the perpetrator covered her mouth and choked her neck; there were bruises on the left and right sides of her face and thighs. , which shows that the perpetrator beat the deceased; there were varying degrees of damage to the inside of the vagina, and it was analyzed that the perpetrator not only sexually assaulted the deceased, but also took actions such as picking and digging.

The contents of the deceased's stomach were basically digested. From a forensic point of view, it took more than two hours. At lunch, he was killed two hours after breakfast.

Regarding the nature of the case, I still stick to my point of view in the afternoon, that is rape and homicide.The reasons are as follows:

Judging from the situation introduced by the team leaders just now, we can rule out love killings and vendetta killings. Regarding financial killings, Captain Li and his team have already found the missing cattle, so it is completely possible to investigate financial killings.

The traces of rape are very obvious. I will not repeat what I have already introduced above. In addition, we found suspicious semen spots on the crotch of the underwear.This is also a strong proof.

The cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation.Although there were marks of beatings on his body, these were not fatal injuries. What was truly fatal was being strangled.The autopsy showed obvious bleeding points in the front of the neck, heart, lungs, etc., which is a strong evidence of suffocation death.

That's all I want to introduce. Next, Captain Li will introduce the situation of the on-site investigation. "

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