Doomsday Killing God Reborn

013 Everyone's performance

() In the confrontation with the female ape, Shen Hong has completely fallen into a disadvantage and was in a panic.

Even at the first level of body training, even if [breathing and exhaling] is activated, the female ape has the upper hand regardless of speed, strength or lethality;

Moreover, those unusually long arms with sharp claws just restrained the kick attack of Taekwondo. Shen Hong just barely defended by relying on the "ground taekwondo" in Taekwondo. His whole body was covered with deep and shallow scars, and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

How can you die here?Died at the last moment of breaking through the south gate?Died after just seeing the amazing system?How can I be willing!

Shen Hong's gaze suddenly became calm, like a volcano before an eruption, or the sea on the eve of a storm.

"If it must be born, all kinds of dharmas will be born, and if it must die, the skeleton will not be different."

"So one is the same, only my heart exists."

"Taekwondo is the ultimate, just like the trend!"

The so-called "one rule" refers to the unity of point, line, surface, and space; "one suchness" refers to the unity of mind, mind and body;

Just like the trend, use your own spiritual willpower to carry out the power of heaven and earth, concentrate on one point, and bombard the enemy;

This is the ultimate meaning of taekwondo!

The figure flickered and swirled up, a kick was thrown out, the wind swayed, the tiger howled faintly, and the fierce beast came out of the box;

The female ape was rushing fiercely, suddenly showing a terrified look, and turned her head to one side at the last moment.

The heel struck the female ape's left shoulder, and the fur immediately shattered, the flesh and bones were torn, and the huge body seemed to be torn apart as if it had exploded inside.

The female ape screamed in pain and flew back, but her right paw scratched back, and the cold light pierced the air.Shen Hong was in a state of rigidity after the big move, and he couldn't dodge at all. There were five deep scratches on the vital parts of his chest and abdomen.

Severe pain, loss of strength.

Shen Hong clutched his chest and knelt down on the ground, with blood gushing out from between his fingers. With a bitter look on his face, he said to the two girls behind him:

"Escape...although I am very unwilling, but I really can't beat this monster even if I try my best...while I can delay for a while, you all run away, and you must persist until Bai Qi returns!"

"Squeak squeak!"

At this critical moment, the young ape had slaughtered the last survivor, and rushed forward screaming.

"Damn..." Shen Hong gritted his teeth and stood up unsteadily.

"Let me do it." Long Xiruo took two steps, stood in front of him, stretched out his hands, and faced the young ape and the female ape respectively.

"Burning the body with fire!"

Blazing flames suddenly ignited on the two monsters out of thin air, without any warning, only burning their fur scorched, howling and rolling, unable to fight back.

Shen Hong's eyes widened: "It's so fierce... Long Xiwei, you are a rare skill, so lucky! Why didn't you use it early in the morning? Maybe those people won't be killed, and I don't have to fight so hard .”

"Do you think there is no cost? I use my mental power to maintain the burning, and I don't know if I can burn them to death... And Bai Qi said that there is no need to care about the lives of other people. Their lives can be delayed for us. For some time, it is already a worthy death."

Long Xiruo replied fiercely, but when Bai Qi was mentioned, a strange frenzy flashed in his eyes.

This is a rare skill, but it's not luck, but the power that Bai Qi gave me...

When she became a tester, Long Xiruo, who was deeply insecure, couldn't wait to exchange her novice skills, and she was stunned all of a sudden.

The three candidate skills given by the Tao system are all rare skills!

She chose [Burning Fire] - a rare skill, using violent mental power to burn the opponent's spirit and body.Instant, sure hit, effective for spirits!

Note: This skill can only be selected by 【Spiritual Potential】.

The three rare skills all have the final precautions. Combined with Bai Qi's explanation later, no matter how stupid a person is, he will understand that Bai Qi has unintentionally given himself a great fortune... …

The burning continued, the two strange apes were still rolling and struggling, but Long Xiruo's face turned pale at an alarming rate, and sweat dripped down his face.

"I can't stand it any longer... It's impossible to kill two apes. I'll try to kill the young apes. I'll leave the big ones to you!"

She gritted her silver teeth, and pinched the young ape with both hands.

The young ape seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand, the violent struggle stopped abruptly, and it let out a high-pitched scream. At the same time, bright red tongues of flames spewed out from its facial features, and its body burst into flames, turning into coke in an instant.

Long Xiruo fell unconscious on the ground.

The female ape screamed loudly, and pulled on her body with the remaining intact right claw, releasing a lot of blood, and extinguished the lingering flames on her body.

The burning sealed the huge wound on the left shoulder, and the death of the young ape completely aroused its ferocity. After suffering heavy blows, the fighting power of the female ape was temporarily improved, and the madness struck again!

Wen Xin walked out slowly and greeted her.

"Damn... Xinxin, take Long Xiruo and leave, I'll take care of the rest."

The warm gesture made Shen Hong tremble immediately. If this bodhisattva loses a hair, I don't know what Bai Qi will do to him and Long Xiruo. It will be much more terrifying than a monster.

"Have a good rest." Wen Xin turned her head slightly, her eyes were blank, as if covered in mist; her face was as beautiful as water, without any fluctuations.

Her posture is calm, and she is moving forward. Xianxiansu lightly holds the blood-patterned dagger, which has an inexplicable taste, as if she has really become a fairy in the clouds, without the smell of fireworks.


What to do, how can such three powerful monsters contend?

Bai Qi is not here, Shen Hong is injured, Long Xiruo is unconscious, what should I do?

By the way, I can exchange for novice skills, anyway, I have already collected [-] points.But what should I exchange to save everyone?

Wen Xin kept asking questions in her heart.

She doesn't know when this habit was formed. It seems that since she was born, she has had a very, very close person, who is closer than her parents, relatives, and even Bai Qi, who has always been with her and helped her make suggestions. , as long as you ask a question, you can get the answer.

But how can there be such a person... But if... If there is such a person, he or she must be a very calm, rational person who will not panic like me, yes...that's it... …

Unexpectedly, an idea came from nowhere, and Wenxin made a request to the Taoist system: "Exchange the novice skill [self-hypnosis], let me keep absolute calm and rational!"

"The skill you applied for is not on the candidate list... Drip - permission conflict, your application is approved."

"The rare skill [Self-Hypnosis] is only available for those with special potentials. You don't have the corresponding potential... Drip—permission conflict, all reward points will be deducted, and the skill exchange is successful!"

"[Self-Hypnosis]: A rare skill that can perfectly control one's emotions, give full play to one's potential, and be immune to all mental attacks on memory and inner world. This is a special talent possessed by very few people."

"Warning: You do not have the basic conditions to master this skill, and using it rashly will cause unpredictable consequences!"


The fairy-like warmth turned into the coldest fighting machine in a second.

Her speed is not fast and her strength is not strong, but she has a miraculous foresight, judging every attack of the female ape, using every bit of strength precisely, and dodging so cleverly that the sword will definitely gain something.

The attack power of the blood-striped short sword is not strong, even when it rubs against the iron-black fur of the female ape, it will make a screeching sound, but Wen Xin uses it to chop the body of the female ape piece by piece, which is worthy of the name. The knife cuts the flesh.

The female ape exposed her bones little by little, screaming and screaming, becoming more and more crazy, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, but Wenxin just walked around her body, jumped on its wound, dropped the sword from between its bones, Call it helpless, not stained with blood.

The last sword penetrated deeply into the eye socket of the female ape, twisted lightly, then kicked on the top of the female ape's skull, and floated back.

Feixian Miaowu, Rakshasa Witch.

The female ape roared one last time, and slapped her claws hard on the dagger.

The blood-striped short sword snapped at the sound, the hilt flew high, and the female ape fell down.

Shen Hong was dumbfounded.

"It turns out that I am the weakest person, these two girls are too good at pretending..."


The male ape came crushing, its huge body was like a mountain top, its giant claws cut through the air, and the sound of the wind was sharp, as long as it was caught, ten Baiqi would be turned into pieces!

Seeing the giant claw approaching the door, Bai Qi stood still, and slapped out his right palm continuously, pressing on the claw wrist of the male ape just right.


It seemed like a soft slap, but there was a heavy impact sound. A circle of airflow that could be discerned by the naked eye burst out from the place where the two collided. People's Stone Pit!

The male ape jumped like thunder, bowed left and right, swung his claws into a whirlpool of blades, and even his sight was cut off to pieces. The violent power and fierce sharp claws are simply an overclocking excavator. The destructive power is terrifying. Apes and baby apes are not on the same level at all.

Bai Qi is in the whirlpool eye, his breathing is always full of white clouds, his palms are slapped at a strange speed, like closed like closed, flowing water and clouds, endless, seemingly weak, but Every time it collides with the giant claws, it bursts into waves of vigor, showing tremendous strength.

What Bai Qi said to Shen Hong was actually half true and half false.

His counterfeit version of breathing and breathing is indeed only [-]% of the power of the system skills; but it is the most suitable strength, which can continue to breathe.

Shen Hong's skill is a one-shot deal, like the explosion of explosives, pushing the body to the limit at once; while Bai Qi turned this skill into an engine, although it does not have the explosive power of explosives, it can continuously supply powerful energy. power.

Four taels may not be able to move a thousand catties, but four hundred catties is definitely enough!

With magical defense skills, Bai Qi and the male ape became a stalemate.

Bang, bang, bang, bang... The sound of impacts continued continuously, and the energy surged violently until the female ape screamed before she died, finally breaking the deadlock.

With a huge explosion, the male ape roared, and Bai Qi was sent flying, arcing across the sky and landing in front of everyone.


The huge impact force rubbed against the ground for a distance of five or six meters before finally disappearing.

Bai Qi squatted on the ground, his whole body exuded a curl of white mist, and a hideous wound was deeply carved on his right shoulder.


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