The coming of the end is like piercing a window in the hearts of people.

When the first thug who committed evil deeds was not punished in any way because of the incapacity of the government and the strength of the army, but gained huge benefits, more people immediately followed suit.

The city is in chaos.Then they discovered that when the number of testers increased, everyone actually returned to the same starting line, and no one could stand out from the crowd.

Therefore, whether it is evil or resistance, unity is strength!

In this sleepless night, countless large and small groups sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. All kinds of guilds, war groups, things that Bai Qi despised the most, were all over the place overnight.Various battles and skill collisions resounded through the night sky.

By dawn, a huge sea city had been divided up by these guilds and battle groups, and each had their own sphere of influence.It's amazing how efficient it is.

At the same time... the giant army also finished its rest and woke up.

Not only that, but the Supreme Command of the Haicheng Military Region received an order from Zhongjing Yizhi to all the military regions, and fully understood the high-level thinking.

Military, act now!

The soldiers with live ammunition spread out like beans and took over the whole city.

At the beginning, there must be some people who don’t have long-sighted eyes. They have a few rare skills in their hands and they are amazing. The boss of the sky is my second child. Come, the outdated antiques like the army should be eliminated.

In particular, the military actually wanted to confiscate the materials they had fought so hard to win. The conflict broke out immediately, and when a few skills were smashed, the soldiers didn't dare to resist at all, and they scattered.

These people were even more complacent because of this, but they didn't see a sneer from the corners of the soldiers' mouths as they retreated.

Soon, more than a dozen fighters armed with rotary cannons, like the protagonists of a large film, swarmed.

Standing across the street, without any warning, regardless of the innocent, just shoot and sweep!In an instant, the building was pierced, and blood flowed like a river.

What fireball, wind blade, ground spike, whirlwind leg, werewolf transformation, crow peck, all kinds of skills are scum in front of heavy firearms!

Occasionally, there are a few special skills, avoiding layers of fire nets, and finally throwing themselves beside these soldiers. When they are about to kill them, they are greeted by the soldiers' indifferent, ferocious and bloodthirsty eyes. ...

All the tester teams who dared to fight against the army were all killed in an instant!

The news spread quickly and was completely shocked!

Those teams who are still daydreaming are horrified to find that the imaginary good times have not come... At this stage, the strength of the testers is not enough to resist modern firepower. It is easier and more direct than any skill .What's more...the military has countless powerful testers!

Countless zero-levels, a large number of first-levels, many second-levels, dozens of third-levels, and even four-levels are mixed in!

They have orders like mountains, discipline like iron, firm will, well-equipped, tyrannical physique, fierce combat skills, and mutual trust and tacit understanding, orderly organization, advance and retreat, and a large number of ordinary soldiers for logistical support!

In contrast, most of the folk teams are naked mortals. Level zero is not bad, level one is a master, level two is fierce, and level three is regarded as the existence of legends, the true destiny.

They are loosely organized, lack trust, intrigue, internal divisions, and do not have any skills and military qualities to speak of. As for firearms, many of them hold kitchen knives.

How could such a team wrestle with the military?

In half a day, the military made all the testers realize the cruel reality - it's a dragon coiling up, a tiger lying down, and it's far from the time for you to jump around!

But things were not as bad as expected.

When the military suppressed civilian teams, it only warned and confiscated the looted materials. As for the crimes committed, whether it was murder, arson, robbery, or rape, they did not ask.Even if a woman who was imprisoned and abused was found, she was only released, treated for injuries, distributed some supplies, and dismissed.There is no intention of pursuing it at all.

This was a relief for most of the folk team, after all during the crazy time last night, everyone turned into a beast, and few were clean.

However, there are some exceptions...

When [Aotian Mercenary Corps] obediently surrendered under the heavy pressure of the military, the soldiers released several young girls from the room of the regiment leader Long Ao.

But already knowing that the military will not pursue it, the members of the mercenary group all acted calmly. Anyway, all the women are fucked up by the head of the mercenary group alone, and our younger brothers don't even have to touch them with our fingers.

Only Long Ao watched the girls being taken away with reluctant eyes, reminiscing about the taste of sex last night.

Suddenly, a group of obviously strong and powerful soldiers filed in. After carefully identifying the girls, they pulled out one of them and began to ask questions.

The girl burst into tears, and then a shocking murderous aura erupted from this group of terrifying fighters!

They turned around and rushed towards the Aotian mercenary group like wolves and tigers.

Before the confused team members could react, they were taken down one by one, and the limbs and joints were removed by the big hands like iron hoops.

"We didn't resist, we didn't resist, what are you doing!?" Long Ao threw himself on the ground, his mouth full of sand, and yelled vaguely.

"Noisy, shut up!" A grim-looking warrior casually crushed Long Ao's finger bones.

The pain was severe, but the terrified Long Ao didn't even dare to shout out the pain.

He only heard the soldier whispering murderously in his ear: "Bastard, if you touch someone who can't move, you are waiting to die."

is that girl

Long Ao couldn't figure it out. When he robbed, he clearly figured out that the other party was a very ordinary worker's family, absolutely without any background strength...

correct!Long Ao suddenly remembered something.

On the lintel of that family's door, there seemed to be a bright red iron plate issued by the Civil Affairs Bureau, on which was written "Glory to the Military Family"... just because of this?

[Aotian Mercenary Group], all destroyed.


On the outskirts of Haicheng, there is a single-family villa complex with a beautiful environment, but it is empty and there is no human habitation.

The traffic here is remote, which is incompatible with the busy life of Haicheng, a metropolis.Although they were all sold, it was because the housing market in Huaguo was so hot that it was hoarded by many rich people.

There are very few people who have actually stayed here, so the place has not been attacked by monsters or plundered by mobs.

"Military Glory".

Standing in front of his own house, looking at the iron plate on the lintel that has experienced many years of mottled corrosion, but is still as bright as blood, Bai Qi felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The last time I saw this sign was a lifetime ago...

Even Bai Qi couldn't help feeling overwhelmed with excitement, took several deep breaths, and pressed the doorbell with trembling fingertips.

"Who are you looking for?" the voice rang.

A kind of strange familiarity, a kind of warmth lost in the long years and endless killings, a kind of sense of security that even though Bai Qi no longer needs it, he still misses it and can never let it go. It diffused out, filling Bai Qi's whole body.

That is Dad's voice, unique and irreplaceable forever!

"Dad, I'm Bai Qi." Bai Qi patted his face with both hands to make himself look calmer.

Clap, the door opens.

A fat middle-aged man with a slightly bald head, wearing a traditional Huaguo Tang suit long gown, and a benevolent face appeared.

"Oh, I'm back." The voice had the hoarseness unique to old smokers, as if possessing a unique magical power, penetrating deeply into the weakest part of Bai Qi's heart.

"I'm back!" Bai Qi couldn't hold back anymore, and hugged him up.


Papa Bai slapped him away mercilessly.

He glanced at Bai Qi suspiciously, first lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and breathed out:

"How long has it been since I went home for dinner last time? Don't make it look like you've been separated for many years. How much will it cost this time? It's the old rule that if you want to pick up a girl, first show me the photos of your bare makeup for review, and don't talk about other things."

Bai Qi looked at him speechlessly: "Dad, you're too calm, what's the world like without seeing it? Don't you worry about me hanging out?"

"Come on, this is such a big deal, what's there to worry about? After all, it's the seed of our Bai family. Everyone died, and you were the last one to hang up." The calmness in Bai's tone was almost gone. Transcendence, becoming a sage, ascending to the Tao.

But Bai Qi seriously thought about his experience in his previous life, Nima... It seems that he was really right...

Papa Bai poked his head out of the door, looked left and right, and frowned immediately: "Ah Qi, where's Wen Xin?"

"Uh...she has something to do and will be here soon."

"Really? There's nothing wrong with Wenxin, don't fool me!" Speaking of Wenxin, Dad Bai showed a nervous and worried expression instead.

"It's okay, it's really okay!"

"Well, then you wait for her to come in together."

Crack, the door closes.

Bai Qi was dumbfounded.

This posture means that if I deceived him and failed to bring back the warmth, then the house would not let me in?

Dad, am I really your real son?

10 minute later.

"Bai Qi, why don't you come in?" The warm and tender voice came from a distance, and she drove an electric car with an open door specially used for the community, and parked slowly in front of the door.

"Hehe, what do you think?" Bai Qi's mouth twitched.

"Hee hee, if you want to see uncles and aunts, you must dress up better. Do you think I look okay?" She turned around lightly, and from nowhere, she changed her clothes again.

There is no makeup or powder on her beautiful face; her long hair is combed so that it fits softly like black silk; her whole body is only a simple off-white one-piece dress, which is pure and elegant, with long ankles; her feet are wearing casual sandals, revealing a pair of The white and slender jade feet, stepping on the thick and soft soles, are comfortable and moving, but there is no temptation and sexiness of high heels.

At this moment, she truly brought out the temperament of the girl next door to the extreme, the empty valley is elegant, the forest wind is refreshing, and the clear spring springs up, refreshing.

Thanks to Wen Xin, Bai Qi was finally able to enter the gate of his house.

The person who opened the door was Bai Ma, a skinny and ordinary housewife, plainly dressed, with fluffy curly hair, age lines on the brows and eyes, and a sad expression on her face.

When the door opened, seeing Bai Qi and Wenxin standing outside the door neatly, he immediately smiled.

"Oh, these two children are finally back."

"Mom." "Auntie."

"Okay, okay, okay, Archie is going to help dad clean up the dishes, and dinner is ready. Xin'er, come and let auntie see if he is injured, it's so dangerous outside."

As he said that, he took Wen Wen's little hand and dragged her in. Like a doctor, he carefully checked Wen Wen's whole body from head to toe, and his face turned red.

This kind of differential treatment can't help but make Bai Qi doubt his own life experience again.

"Wow, it smells so good, what does Auntie have for lunch?" The warm and pretty nose wrinkled, and the starry eyes sparkled.

"There are a lot of delicious food. Seeing that your child is hungry, didn't you have a serious meal yesterday?"

"I've eaten. Bai Qi gave me instant noodles, bread, milk, snacks..."

"It's all unscrupulous food. Archie, why don't you take good care of Wen Xin?" Bai Ma scolded.

Bai Qi looked at Wen Xin with resentful eyes, and Xiao Nizi snickered triumphantly...

After the dining table was spread out, only white-cut chicken, stewed beef brisket, braised pork with preserved vegetables, steamed fish, boiled shrimp... It was like a banquet full of a large table, enough for ten people to eat.

Papa Bai also poured a large glass of white wine and poured it slowly by himself.

"Dad, who else is here?" Bai Qi couldn't help asking.

"No one else. But now the voltage is unstable, and the refrigerator can't be turned on. I'll just cook all these reserve ingredients at once. It's just that you come back to help share some, eat, let go!" Dad Bai laughed.

"Eat a chicken leg, sweet, Bai Qi made you suffer."

"Ah, eat it, auntie, and give the other one to uncle." Wen Xin was very obedient, and gave two chicken legs to the two elders.

"You child, why are you being polite?" Bai Ma said lovingly.

Father Bai took a sip, and also laughed: "That's right, Xin'er, don't be polite. We are all a family, and we have long regarded you as the child bride of the Bai family..."

Child bride?

Wen Xin was taken aback.

Then Mama Bai put down her chopsticks and glared at Papa Bai angrily: "Old man Bai, don't talk about it if you can't speak, what kind of child bride, Xin'er is obviously the future daughter-in-law we raised when we were young! There is such a thing that the two of us know. Well, how can you say it!?"

Wen Xin: "Hehe, hehe, it's okay..."

Is there any difference between a child bride and a future daughter-in-law raised since childhood?

Bai Qi had no choice but to die, what about cheating on his son?

He already felt two warm and murderous fingers on his waist.

Papa Bai laughed awkwardly: "Oh, it's all my fault for talking nonsense. Xin'er don't mind, if you are unhappy, pinch Bai Qi hard twice, we are all a family, if he dares to resist, my boss will slap him!"


Wenxin pinched Bai Qi's waist, and the fingers that were about to exert force were instantly stuck. This pinch, didn't the word "family" be confirmed?

I am not Bai Qi's child bride...

Wen Xin pouted her small mouth, and retracted her fingers angrily and aggrieved.

Seeing his father blinking secretly at him, Bai Qi finally felt relieved.I really am my own...

Lunch proceeded slowly amidst the noise and joy, and gradually came to an end.

At this time, the doorbell rang again.

Bai Qi went to open the door, but there were four men standing outside.

An officer, two guards, and an old man in his fifties with narrowed eyes.

"My surname is Li, and I am the captain of a certain division of the Haicheng military. I can't disclose the number. This is my military officer's card. You can check the authenticity. This is Huang xx, a senior professor of archeology at the Shaanxi Provincial Museum. "

"The purpose of our coming is to implement an urgent national treasure cultural relic relocation and protection mission plan. I hope you will cooperate."

Bai Qi was not surprised at all.

He looked at Professor Huang whose eyes were narrowed into slits, and asked with a smile, "Professor Huang from the Shaanxi Provincial Museum, golden eyes?"

Professor Huang let out a "huh" and said, "Student, you actually know the nickname my colleagues gave me? That's right, I'm Golden Eye, can you let me go in and have a chat with your lord?"

"Please come in."

It was this guy who helped the "Water God" get the secret key from his father on this day in his last life.

The killing intent flashed away in Bai Qi's eyes.

ps: Thanks to the reader "Peng 7∑" for the 5 full-score reviews, and to the reader "Four Lights—" for the reward!

For this chapter, 2000 words count as yesterday, and 2000 words count as today.Another chapter tonight...

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