() Huaguo's 960 million square kilometers of land is so vast and rich in resources that it is impossible for most people to travel all over the country in their lifetime.

Every year, countless Chinese youths join the army to serve in the army, stationed in foreign lands thousands of miles away.

During the period of enlisting in the army, at least a year and a half, and at most three to five years, you can't go home to serve your relatives, which is very common.Although it is difficult, but since he has chosen the path of joining the army, he can only endure hardships.

But that was an era of peace, and now it is the end of the world!

When the soldiers fought against the monster zombies, they saw countless walking corpses and countless human beings bitten to death; was brutally humiliated.

They also hesitate, worry, fear, and restless.

I am guarding a foreign land...thousands of miles away, is there someone guarding my strict father, loving mother, loving wife and children? !

What is the most important in the last days?Not public opinion, not public opinion, not human rights, but the morale of the army!If the morale of the army is unstable and the team collapses, any talk of resistance, protection, and construction is false!

And the bosses of Huaguo thought of this earlier.Just last night, the red-headed document, referred to as the "Mutual Assistance Order of Military Forces" by later generations, has spread throughout the major military regions.

The content is very simple - each military region must establish a special military family protection circle, and give the military family members in the jurisdiction the protection above all else, and anyone who causes harm to the military family members will be severely punished!

With a single order, the generals and subordinates were instantly distinguished from ordinary survivors and became a special class.They can get the best care, they can get the highest priority of protection, they have the highest probability of survival.

A single order instantly alleviated the fear in the soldiers' hearts, greatly improved the morale of the battle, and stabilized the morale of the army.

Very simple reason.Although we cannot go home and protect our respective families, we can fight here to protect the families of other soldiers.

And our family members are entrusted to the guys in our hometown who are as desperate as us to protect them!

Injustice to other survivors?

Jokes, such things as "fairness" never existed before the end of the world.

A single order has a far-reaching impact, and it is the beginning of the military becoming the only superpower in the post-apocalyptic world.It also allowed soldiers to surpass civil servants and become the husband's profession most sought after by girls...

What Papa Bai meant was to use the bronze ring as a price to let Golden Eye and the others go through the back door, so as to improve their relationship, so that Wen Xin could also enter the military circle of protection.

But such a small request made Golden Eye and Captain Li look embarrassed.

The current situation is not as good as before. It is no longer a small note signed by the leader to walk in the back door...

The military protection circle is a red line drawn by the bigwigs in Zhongjing. Only the closest immediate family members of each soldier can enter, and no one who has nothing to do with it can't go beyond.Those who engage in malpractice for personal gain will be directly kicked out of the army once checked, and their relatives will be expelled from the circle of protection!

In the last days, such a punishment would not be an exaggeration to describe it as "scratch the family and exterminate the whole family".

Is it worth taking such a risk for a small ring?

Captain Li showed embarrassment on his face, while the golden eyes rolled around a few times, and suddenly smiled.

He patted his chest: "No problem, we can do this!"

Captain Li was taken aback: "Professor Huang, this..."

Golden Eye laughed: "I'll contact the commander and ask him to issue a pass. How difficult is it for one more girl to enter the military protection circle?"

"But anyone... Commander? Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, how did I forget this?" Captain Li suddenly realized.

"Mr. Bai, wait a moment, I'll be on the military network and help you get things done!" Golden Eye said, patting his chest.

"It's easy to say, easy to say. Archie, go get the Yuqian Longjing in my drawer and bring a new pot of tea." Bai Bai said with a smile.


Bai Qi nodded yes.

In fact, being warm doesn't require any qualifications at all.

Just yesterday, she rejected invitations from super elite troops such as shield tortoises and fierce tigers, not to mention a small military protection circle.

But Bai Qi didn't reveal it.

Because today in his previous life, he was not able to go home and meet his parents.

The Bai family is also a member of the military, and in the end, Bai's father and mother both entered the military protection circle.

Even the soldiers of the army found Bai Qi and Wen Xin who were still hiding in zang and struggling to survive in the post-apocalyptic Middle East. They were just ordinary people at that time.

At that moment, the soldier made it clear that Bai Qi could enter the protection circle, but Wen Xin was not eligible!

In order not to leave Wen Xin alone, Bai Qi refused the opportunity to enter the protection circle without hesitation; but Wen Xin, in the end, died at the mouth of a monster in order to save Bai Qi...

When Bai Qi later entered the protective circle to visit his parents, what he saw was Bai's father who was paralyzed on the bed, dying... and until his death, Bai's father only told Bai Qi to try his best to get back the "water god" who had captured him. However, he kept tight-lipped about the events of the day and did not reveal anything.

So Bai Qi has been watching with cold eyes, not changing the original track of the matter, and restoring the scenes of the previous life.

Golden Eye is very efficient, and soon everything was done remotely through a portable device. The pass was printed out, with warm personal information on it, and the words that allowed to enter the military protection circle at any time. Signed, the degree of authenticity is quite high.

"This is a passport, you can directly check it online, it is absolutely authentic and reliable!"

"Oh, what I said, I absolutely believe you two."

"That's over, let's take our leave first."

"Oh, don't worry, there are still many taboos about the custody of this ring. I haven't had time to talk about it. You should sit and listen, otherwise something will happen."

Papa Bai held Jinyan very enthusiastically: "By the way, try my new pot of Yuqian Longjing. In the current situation, drink less of this kind of tea, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink it for a long time."

Goldeneye hesitated for a moment, then thought that the rings were already in his pocket, and with Captain Li around, the cooked duck would never run away again, so he sat down peacefully.

Then I heard Papa Bai spitting all over the place, talking about some old jokes from the Xianfeng period, talking nonsense all over the place, few words were useful, time gradually passed.If it weren't for Papa Bai's good storytelling ability, and the attractiveness of Longjing before Yu, Golden Eye would have left long ago.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and the doorbell rang again.

"There are guests coming, so let's take our leave first." The impatient Golden Eye immediately stood up.

"Oh, I've been waiting so long. It's finally here. Archie, hurry up and open the door." Papa Bai laughed: "Professor Huang, stop by and bother you for a few minutes. Maybe you know whoever is here."

Bai Qi opened the door, and there was another officer with several soldiers outside.

Bai Qi directly greeted them into the room; the soldiers on both sides were taken aback when they saw each other.

"You are Bai An, Mr. Bai?" The new officer glanced at him and said to Dad Bai with a smile.

"I am, I am." Papa Bai replied.

The officer handed him his certificate: "My surname is Zhang, and I am a lieutenant in the military rank. I cannot disclose my serial number. According to regulations, since your elder brother Bai Qianjun has not established a family, as his only relative, you can bring your wife Li Xiaolan, My son Bai Qi entered the military protection area together. I believe your brother has notified you in advance, may I leave now?"

Papa Bai smiled kindly: "Hey, it's all right, everything is ready. Wife, bring Xin'er down quickly!"

"I'm coming!"

Bai Ma walked down from the second floor of the villa with big bags and small bags in her bewildered warmth.

"Go, go, go, let's go, I have to drink with my brother at night." Papa Bai waved.

"Wait a minute, here...why is there an extra girl?" Lieutenant Zhang showed embarrassment.

"Oh, this is also a member of my Bai family, she has a pass." Bai's father handed the pass that Professor Huang gave to Lieutenant Zhang.

Lieutenant Zhang took a look and frowned deeply.

Papa Bai asked nervously: "How is it, is this pass okay?"

"Mr. Bai, where did you get this pass?"

"That's what Captain Li and Professor Huang just made for me. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

Lieutenant Zhang glanced at Captain Li and Golden Eye, their faces had already turned black.

The lieutenant sighed, and returned the document to Papa Bai: "The pass is real, but you can't use it to enter the military protection circle of Haicheng... because it is a pass for the military protection circle of the Shaanxi Military Region."

"What?" Papa Bai was stunned, turned his face away, and looked at Golden Eye angrily: "You lied to me!"

Golden Eyes shook his head and sneered: "How could I lie to you? I said I would give the little girl a real passport, but it was done. As long as she goes to Shaanxi Province, she will naturally be able to enter the military protection circle."

From Haicheng to Shaanxi Province, it is thousands of miles away, and it is simply impossible.Hearing such shameless words, Papa Bai became angry.

He tore up the passport and said to Lieutenant Zhang: "Lieutenant Zhang, it is this Huang who used such useless documents to defraud a treasure from my Bai family. You must seek justice for me!"

Lieutenant Zhang looked at the other party with serious eyes.

No matter how much you quibble, it is clear at a glance which is right and which is wrong.The guy from Shaanxi Province actually came to the territory of the Haicheng Military Region to cheat!

What's more, Bai's father is almost 50 years old, and his brother is still in the army at this age, so everyone knows that he will not be a low-level soldier.Although Bai Qianjun is not a military leader, he is the logistics director, a small official with great power!

Therefore, Lieutenant Zhang is definitely supporting Dad Bai. He immediately put on a straight face, looked at the Golden Eyes and the others with cold eyes: "This is your fault, it is simply the military's fault to deceive civilians with such abusive methods. Shame. I don't care which unit you are in, hand over your things right now!"

A few soldiers behind them surrounded the Golden Eyes with a clatter. Although they did not use their firearms for the sake of being soldiers, the powerful aura belonging to the testers had already exploded.

"That's right, beat them to death, and dared to trick our old white-haired man, he didn't know what to do!" Papa Bai was furious at the thought of Wenxin not being able to enter the protection circle.

He jumped up and cursed, and stared at the golden eyes angrily: "Skinny monkey, the Lord is merciful because he knows that my brother's brothers are on the way, and let you touch the family heirloom of my Bai family. But you are so brave, really Dare to play tricks with the master? Damn, even if you swallowed it in your stomach, you have to spit it out!"

"Hey... three points of color are bright red, I don't know who knows how to live or die." Golden Eye just sneered, looking confident.

"Okay, don't expand the matter." Captain Li finally spoke, his voice was clear and calm.

"Lieutenant, this is just a transaction between Professor Huang and Mr. Bai. As you can see, Professor Huang exchanged a real passport for an antique of Mr. Bai, which does not involve any fraud. As for whether to use it or not, That's Mr. Bai's problem, and it should not be considered by Professor Huang."

"You are only here to pick up people. Other disputes are not something you should deal with. Besides, everyone is a soldier of the Haicheng Military Region. It's better not to shout and kill casually."

Lieutenant Zhang sneered: "I won't talk to you. You help other military regions to deceive the people in your own jurisdiction, and you have the nerve to say that you are a soldier in Haicheng? What I hate the most is your kind of abettor. In a word , can you hand over the things?"

He took a deep breath, and instantly his muscles swelled, steam lingered all over his body, and a fierce breath rose into the sky.

"Oh, it's actually a third-level tester who has mastered [breathing and breathing]. In the regular army, a fighter like you can be called an elite..." Captain Li showed a playful smile, snapped, and took two shots. lower palm.

The two guards behind him burst out with the same powerful aura, the same breathing, the same third-level tester!

"How is it possible?!" Lieutenant Zhang was shocked.

"...But in my army, it's just an ordinary soldier." Captain Li continued with a smile.

The aura on his body started slowly, but climbed steadily step by step.

Level [-], Level [-], Level [-], Level [-], Level [-] Trialists!

Among the one hundred thousand sea city soldiers, there are no more than fifty such masters!

"...Are you from the Special Forces?" Lieutenant Zhang realized something and asked in a shy voice.

"Then, can we go?" Captain Li glanced at Papa Bai lightly, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Lieutenant Zhang was silent.

"Haha, Fatty Bai, thank you for the tea." Golden Eyes smiled sinisterly.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, but Lieutenant Zhang and several soldiers did not dare to stop him, Dad Bai became angry: "What do you mean, your number seven or eight can't beat the three of them?"

Lieutenant Zhang said bitterly: "They are members of the Special Forces, and their fighting power is much higher than ours. Mr. Bai, let's forget about this... Anyway, it's just an antique."

"Forget it? Without the bronze ring, what am I going to use to bribe Wen Xin and change her qualifications for a protection circle? If this counts, my fucking surname is no longer Bai!"

Papa Bai was furious.

Seeing the other party leave triumphantly, he instantly covered his eyes with anger, picked up the glass jug on the table, and pounced on it.

"Skinny monkey, I'll let you drink tea!"

The opponent suddenly turned around.

Golden Eyes was full of mockery, but Captain Li's eyes were full of coldness.

"court death!"


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