() Because of being delayed by the fanatical equipment research and development minister, when Meng Xiaohu entered the meeting room, he was already the last one.

The entire meeting room area was immediately sealed off by the guards.

In the conference room, there were only six people.

General Shen, the commander-in-chief of the Haicheng Military Region, General Li, the political commissar of the military region, and the commanders of the two first-tier armies and two second-tier armies under their jurisdiction are all lieutenant generals.

"Xiao Meng is here, take a seat quickly." Admiral Shen greeted with a smile.He is a hale and hearty soldier with silver hair, sitting on a chair, straight as a pine.

As one of the Big Four Tigers, Meng Xiaohu's military rank is lieutenant general, and he is also a big man, enough to be on an equal footing with the commander of the group army.

"Sorry, I'm late." She smiled and nodded to everyone, and sat down quietly.

There were seven people present at the meeting, two generals, five lieutenant generals, and no other idlers. The level of this meeting was simply terrifying.

But... no one is sitting in the middle!

Holographic projections were placed on the presiding seat and an ordinary seat, showing that there were two more people attending the meeting remotely, one of whom was at least at the level of a boss, and the other was even higher than the commander-in-chief of the military region...

The pupils of Meng Xiaohu's eyes narrowed slightly, and she was extremely surprised.At such a tense moment, what kind of huge event is worth the precious time of these big bosses to hold meetings and discuss, and even alarmed Zhongjing?

Since the two remote ones did not show up, these military chiefs were chatting to pass the time.

After listening to a few words, Meng Xiaohu felt that these bigwigs were in a good mood, full of enthusiasm, although they were nervous, they were extremely excited.It seems to be a good thing.

"Xiao Meng, it's really the right time for you to come to Haicheng this time. We really want to thank you for helping us a lot!" Admiral Shen suddenly said something, bringing the topic to Meng Xiaohu.

"Commander Shen, thank you. I just came by chance to investigate terrorist activities. I didn't do anything for the war in Haicheng. Instead, I got strong support from the military region. I should be grateful to the Haicheng military region." Meng Xiaohu quickly replied.

"Haha, Lieutenant General Meng, don't be too modest. This time, you will definitely get the first credit!"

"That's right, otherwise we would be suffering from headaches now, and there is simply no way to report to Shangfeng."

"And I still don't know who to deal with the kid surnamed Bai."

The lieutenant generals laughed and talked, Meng Xiaohu was at a loss.

At the tactical level, she is one of the most powerful killers in Huaguo, but in terms of overall strategy, she is far inferior to the other bosses present.But the last sentence is a bit understandable, why is it related to that bastard again?

"Beep!" The holographic projection on the ordinary seats lit up, and a figure of a soldier in his thirties, with short hair and a deep and sharp breath appeared.

"Shield tortoise!" Meng Xiaohu stared.

This soldier is the captain of the shield turtle team!

"Commander Shen, several generals, fierce tigers." The shield tortoise nodded one by one, and then said directly in a cold voice: "This time, I am here to seek justice for my dead brother!"

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Commander Shen nodded: "Turtoise, we understand your feeling of losing a team member. But you should restrain your emotions first, and I will give you an explanation later in the meeting."

"Confession, hehe..." The shield turtle sneered: "My team members died in Haicheng, but they didn't die among the monsters, but were killed surrounded by countless soldiers in the rear. And you let the murderer leave?"

"I heard that it was the fierce tiger that you gave the order to let people go on the spot. Eat inside and outside, is this what you gave me?" The shield turtle's voice was stern.

Meng Xiaohu's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Shield turtle, watch your words!"

The shield turtle said fiercely: "If you can do it, you won't be afraid to admit it!"

"If it wasn't for your team members to snatch the opponent's weapon, how could these things happen?" Meng Xiaohu didn't back down.

"At this point, does it matter who is right and who is wrong? Attacking and killing soldiers in wartime and violating the dignity of the army is a capital crime! If you don't retaliate, do you know how much it will chill the hearts of the majority of non-commissioned officers? If things go on like this, the morale of the army will collapse !"

The shield tortoise thumped the table fiercely, killing Yingtian: "For the sake of the overall situation, this person must die! If you can't do it, I will apply to the chief later, and all of our shield tortoise troops will be dispatched and do it yourself!"

Meng Xiaohu had no choice but to remain silent. As a professional soldier, the words of the shield tortoise were correct and there was no way to refute them.

Even in peacetime, it is a serious crime for civilians to attack soldiers, let alone in wartime?No matter right or wrong, the army has to do something so as not to lose face and give other non-commissioned officers an explanation.

Alas, is this what you mean by "the general trend is mine"?What a naive idiot... Meng Xiaohu sighed inwardly.

"Okay, this matter will be discussed later, everyone calm down now, the chief is coming." Admiral Shen's voice was flat, without any emotion.After his reminder, all the people found that the projections of all departments on the host seat were lighting up, and they all froze and concentrated their spirits.

In three seconds, a radiant middle-aged soldier who appeared to be in his early forties appeared on the screen.

But everyone knows that this chief is actually in his sixties, and he is one of the two deputies of the highest leader of the Hua Kingdom in the army.He also has the rank of general, but sits in Zhongjing, and his power is slightly higher than Commander Shen's.

As soon as the chief appeared, he smiled and said, "Well, everyone is very punctual. Old Shen, your Haicheng Military District has done a good job this time, very good!"

Simple and direct, the first sentence set the tone for the meeting.

Congratulations to the Haicheng Theater!

Admiral Shen smiled loudly: "The leader is overrated, it's all luck."

Hearing this, the chief smiled and said nothing.

As the head of a country, what you need is not the difficulties, problems, or excuses, but the results!

All the good things that happened in your Haicheng Military Region, no matter what the reason, are all credit to you, Commander Shen;

But in the same way, any bad situation, great difficulties, and all kinds of excuses will not alleviate your sins in the slightest.

There is no need to continue this topic.

The chief changed the topic, still smiling: "Now the meeting begins, first of all I will briefly introduce the situation of the whole world."

A huge projection appeared on the wall, and images of disasters around the world kept flickering.

Frankly speaking, the disaster came too fast and too scary.In less than 72 hours, the world was turned upside down and the government was paralyzed. All the burdens were on the shoulders of these military bosses. They had to think about everything beyond description. Their heads were about to explode. They didn't even have time to worry about their families. , not to mention caring about the situation in other places.

Now, under the guidance of the chief, they saw the scenes in various parts of China and the world for the first time.

There were horrible scenes, the monsters were terrifying, and the loss was overwhelming.But gradually, everyone opened their eyes wide, and they discovered something different.

The monster, a monster that has never appeared in Haicheng, is extremely powerful, extremely terrifying, killing people like hemp, and bleeding profusely!

Its body is not big, but its intelligence is extremely high, its strength is strong, and it has almost no shortcomings. It is surrounded by captain-level monsters all the time, slaughtering everywhere and spreading death.

The strength of the tester, any firearms, rotary machine guns, or even tank main guns, have almost no effect on this monster.

All the images show that the only way to kill this monster is to wait for this monster to slaughter all the living people in the area, and then completely submerge that area with precisely guided missiles.

The chief's deep voice sounded slowly: "This is a super powerful monster called the lord class, a perfect and highly intelligent monster, ten times more terrifying than the captain class you have ever seen. We have already fought with the world The countries that can still be contacted have confirmed that in every area with a total population of tens of millions, a monster lord will inevitably be born."

"The only exception is the Haicheng theater!"

"However, this information has been roughly disclosed to you in advance, so the purpose of today's meeting is to let me know the reason for Haicheng's exception!"

After being silent for a long time, Admiral Shen finally came to his senses first. He sighed, "Although I was prepared for it, it is beyond my imagination to truly see the horror of the monster lord. If you want to fight it, you really have to It is not known how many fighters will die."

These words caused the others to nod bitterly in agreement.

"But we have prepared the answer you want."

Everything on the screen, warm photos, a close-up of the Blood Demon Blade, and a list of weapon attributes appeared.

"This girl once lent this blood demon blade to hundreds of our warriors, allowing them to kill monsters and obtain the qualifications of testers. This weapon has a special effect of [Banshee Frenzy], which can emit lord-level spirits. interference."

"At that time, we didn't delve into the meaning of this special effect. It wasn't until the news from Zhongjing that we realized that this was the only thing in Haicheng that could be related to the monster lord so far. We began to trace the origin of the sword, and I found the two companions who escaped the siege of monsters with this girl..."

On the projection, the pictures of Shen Hong and Long Xiruo were switched, as well as the relevant level prompts. They all reached level 3.

Admiral Shen continued to report: "The prototype of this blood demon blade played a key role in their escape. Therefore, these two people have very deep memories of the weapon prototype and related attributes."

The screen was cut again, and a hand-drawn drawing of the blood-striped dagger appeared, as well as related attributes.

"We only need to pay attention to the first sentence." A line of red highlights the first line of text.

"Blood-patterned short sword: an ordinary handicraft, some lucky guy used it to kill a monster lord!"

There was an instant uproar!

Meng Xiaohu's pretty eyes widened, her heart pounding.

Killed a monster lord, just relying on a pure and harmless girl like Wen Xin?How is this possible, how is this possible!

The bastard's face flashed in her mind.Meng Xiaohu's breathing stopped, an unbelievable guess...

"But the key is not this girl, but her boyfriend!"

Following Admiral Shen's resolute voice, another photo appeared...Bai Qi!

"This person's name is Bai Qi. According to the confession of the relevant personnel, he is the maker of the Blood Demon Blade. He has been in the leadership position during the escape process. He seems to have a foreknowledge of disasters, monsters, skills, equipment, etc. advanced understanding of the future."

"Coincidentally, Captain Tiger, Lieutenant General Meng once fought with this Bai Qi. Her evaluation of Bai Qi is even higher than that of related personnel. Moreover, this person's strength is far beyond that of ordinary testers. He once fought against the shield turtle. The team members clashed and killed each other easily, even Lieutenant General Meng couldn't stop him."

"Oh? I know he killed the shield tortoise member, but I don't know that Xiao Meng still has contact with him?" The chief was moved when he heard this, and turned his questioning gaze to Meng Xiaohu.

"It's true, this Bai Qi's strength is far above mine." Meng Xiaohu replied simply.

The audience was dead silent, and even the face of the shield tortoise was dripping with water.

Personal strength stronger than that of a fierce tiger... Everyone here is a big boss, with insight into the inside story, and a deep understanding of what kind of monster this sentence represents.

"According to all these signs, we believe that the person who killed the monster lord was Bai Qi. There are important secrets related to this disaster in him! We have locked his location!"

Silence... for a long time, the chief suddenly smiled heartily.

"Hahahaha, Old Shen, you really didn't disappoint us!"

"Luck, it's just luck." Admiral Shen replied with a smile.

"Oh, you don't even know how much pressure Zhongjing is facing these days." The chief pinched his brows and sighed deeply:

"That system, what a bad name it should be called 'Tao System'. Once a foreigner becomes a tester, he can immediately associate it with our Hua Kingdom. Rumors like 'Hua Guo Destroys the World' , so many are flying in the sky."

"Especially after the list of gods comes out, the tester will brand a word of Dao on his head, which is the ancient Chinese characters. At that moment, our foreign newsletters were blown up by other countries. The two spokespersons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turning into a repeater can’t be explained. For a while, the nuclear warheads of several major powers were aimed at Zhongjing, and it was about to go off.

However, there are also many countries with poor brains who called South Korea to demand the truth. South Korea has been forced to issue a statement, officially admitting that they did not invent Chinese, hahahaha..."


The following laughed together, Nima's leader is capable, and he has gone around a dozen circles and still doesn't know what he wants to say.

"Frankly speaking, even those of us feel that the 'Tao System' has some connection with our country of Hua, but we have not found evidence. But this time, the abnormality in your Haicheng seems to confirm our conjecture.

This kid named Bai Qi may know more secrets than anyone can imagine. You must treat him well, and don't act rashly to make enemies with him! "

"As for the dead members of the shield tortoise, no matter who is right or who is wrong, they will be canceled. Shield tortoise, I know you are not angry, but everything is the overall situation, and now the organization needs you to make sacrifices..."

"I see, Chief."

Facing the chief's sharp eyes, the shield tortoise gritted his teeth and agreed.Having said all of this, it would be unimaginable if he continued to pester...

"I have wronged you, the country will remember your contribution." The chief nodded indifferently, "That is not a waste of everyone's time, today's meeting is over. Bai Qi's identity and his secrets are now listed as the highest priority." State secrets. Dismiss the meeting!"

The chief's image suddenly went out.


The tide is with me... the tide is with me...

Meng Xiaohu walked out of the meeting room in a daze, her head was in a mess, only echoing the words Bai Qi said.He really did it?

It's unbelievable that the guy didn't do anything at all?He actually stirred up the vortex with one hand, attracted everyone's attention, and got the protection of the highest level in Zhongjing!

All along, the four super elites are state violence machines, responsible for harmonizing others.

But just now, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the shield tortoise was already on the verge of life and death, and if he answered a wrong sentence, he would be crushed to death like an ant.

"The organization needs you to make sacrifices"... It seems to be a light sentence, but in ancient times, it is said that the monarch wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die!

"Xiao Meng, I have something to trouble you for." Admiral Shen called to stop Meng Xiaohu.

"Commander Shen, what's the matter?"

"About Bai Qi, I would like to invite you to come forward and bring him to the base for a meeting."

"Does it need to be dispatched by our tigers? It's just an invitation, not a forceful capture?" Meng Xiaohu frowned, she was directly under Zhong Yang, and with an imperial envoy status, it was logically impossible for Admiral Shen to use her to do such a thing.

"Oh...you don't know..." Admiral Shen showed his helplessness: "After killing the members of the shield tortoise, that guy killed a deputy battalion commander and captain in the most elite special regiment in our military region this morning, and Two leading soldiers. Now all the officers are afraid of this killer..."

This devil...Meng Xiaohu was completely speechless: "Okay, I'll go there myself."

"That's good. In fact, I searched the entire military region, and you are the only one who can be as beautiful as Bai Qi's girlfriend." Admiral Shen was very relieved, "Try to be gentle with him, we still expect He told the secret."

"Commander Shen, this has nothing to do with appearance!"

Meng Xiaohu was embarrassed, but after thinking about it, she was faintly worried.

Is Bai Qi really willing to reveal his secrets?

If he insists on not speaking, how will he get along with the military?

ps: Two chapters in one.

November 11th, a memorable day ha.The number of words exceeds 11, and the collection exceeds 20. It is recommended to vote, thank you everyone!

Uh, in the new week, it's time to change the top book reviews, and everyone speaks enthusiastically.


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