Doomsday Killing God Reborn

070 Not Killing Enough

The judge could clearly feel that Bai Qi opened up his whole mind and accepted the blow of his own judgment.

This is a sword directed at the heart and the spirit of torture!

Although Bai Qi didn't show the slightest bit of fear, the judge was full of absolute confidence in his skills!

In this world, there will never be a shortage of perverted, mentally ill, and distorted people. In their hearts, it is completely possible to distinguish between good and evil, to reverse right and wrong, and to lose morality. There are reports].

Because [Good and Evil Rewards] represents the good and evil, right and wrong, and moral concepts that belong to the human race in the dark. The so-called "absolute justice" is from the perspective of the human race, not the perspective of personal concepts!

It doesn't matter if a person's mind is twisted, since it is twisted, it means that the subconscious is still imprinted with the appearance before the distortion, and there will be sins hidden in the heart!This is an unavoidable spiritual imprint of every social member who grows up in human society.

Unless there are biological pathological changes in the brain, and the concept of being a "human" has been lost; or "human beasts" such as wolf children and ape children who have never entered human society and were raised by wild beasts, Those who will not be judged directly as human beings will not be judged.

It is impossible for any other member of human society to escape the judgment of "Good and evil will be rewarded".

Bai Qi is no exception!

In just a split second, the fountain erupted with an unprecedentedly powerful aura of judgment, which was eighteen times greater!The scenes of countless killings were faintly visible behind Bai Qi, like a slideshow constantly switching.

Even though he was mentally prepared, the judge still couldn't help being moved: "Murder, what a serious murder!"

However, this is just the beginning... Nineteen times, twenty times... The aura of judgment soars wildly, and the sins Bai Qi bears are simply an abyss, endless!

36 times!

The terrifying atmosphere of the trial finally reached its peak, but this is not the peak of Bai Qi's trial, but the limit of the judge...

Even if he used [Heart Origin Flow·Point] to strengthen his spirit, the judge still has a limit, but he never felt that any individual human being could commit a horrible crime that touched this limit!

"Tsk, tsk, with the power of fireflies, you dare to judge me?" Bai Qi chuckled, with 36 times the aura of judgment on his body, but he was in a relaxed posture of walking in the garden with a gentle breeze .

The judge's face turned red, and even Judithia, the goddess of justice behind him, was trembling slightly. Such extreme output was also a huge burden for him.

Bai Qi's ruthless ridicule shocked him deeply, and he spit out blood, and the figure of the goddess behind him fluctuated, almost collapsing.

This kind of feeling seems to bring the judge back to the past... In those trial after trial, he has clearly discerned the legal principles and can make a fair decision, but there are always various powerful forces intervening, forcing him to compromise, retreat, maneuver, and reverse!

Not reconciled, but there is no way...

Because he knew that his own strength was small, and if he resisted for a moment, he would immediately lose his position as a judge, and when the time came to replace him with another person, what should be filthy would still be filthy, without any change.

I would rather bear the burden of humiliation and join forces with others, but I must die as a judge.Because as long as you don't fall down for a day, you still have the opportunity to make a fair trial, you can secretly do something for the disadvantaged, and let certain people do certain things, and you will always have scruples!

The time is busy and the years are long. Although we survive in the cracks, the belief deeply buried in my heart has never given up...

The consciousness awakened from the memory, and the judge's excited expression calmed down.He opened his mouth, his voice was melodious, with a taste of relief:

"From the moment I got [Good and Evil Retribution], I made an oath. From now on, I will never wrongly judge a good person, and I will never let a sinner go... Weakness is not an excuse. Even if I die, I will carry it out." My belief!"

As his voice fell, ferocious veins and blood vessels spread like small snakes on his peaceful face.The judge began to burn his life, and his mental strength continued to increase. The form of Juditia behind him shone with golden light.

38 times, 42 times, [-] times... The aura of judgment has been continuously strengthened in an instant, as if there is no limit, and it is even more tainted with a taste that may not be clear-the taste of "Tao".

[Tao · Good and evil are rewarded]!

Letting go of everything, even giving up his life, at the last moment, the judge broke through the limit and sublimated the belief he had insisted on all his life to Dao!

If he can survive, keep spawning monsters, upgrade and become stronger, after a long, long time, he may even enter the realm of asking.

"It's such a pity, Your Honor, you chose the wrong stepping stone object. How dare you try me to awaken your own Dao. This is already a situation of immortality... either you die, or my Dao disappears."

Bai Qi restrained his leisurely attitude, his expression was indifferent and cold.

"Do you really think that the good and evil, right and wrong, and morality of the human race can judge me? Then let you see how hopeless the future is..."

"Tao · Dominate the Undead!"

The huge shadow demon form rose up at once, carrying the terrifying aura of the abyssal demon, and competed with Judithia's power.

The judicial power of the Goddess of Justice comes from Bai Qi's murderous crimes; and the shadow demon's necromantic energy also comes from the souls collected by Bai Qi's slaughter!One is good and the other is evil, the earning is evenly matched, and it is difficult to distinguish between them!

Only burn, keep burning, burn at all costs!

52 times, 54 times, 56 times... The judge's body began to tremble and crack, and [Tao·Good and Evil Rewards] gradually approached the limit again.

But at the moment when it reached sixty times the aura of judgment, the power of the shadow demon's form stagnated slightly, as if it couldn't keep up with Juditia's improvement.

This made the judge feel relieved - even if this small gap is almost impossible to really hurt Bai Qi, at least, I have completed his trial, and the absolute justice has not been broken!

But the next moment, he heard a sentence that made him feel cold and almost collapsed.

The young man who was symbolized by demons and used undead as power suddenly showed a icy smile: "This kind of intensity collision is enough to cover up...then, I have to be a little more serious."

An energy of endless destructive aura gushed out from Bai Qi's spiritual world.

With just a touch, the aura of judgment, which has reached 64 times the limit, is defeated in an instant!

The judge's eyes widened to the limit, and blood was streaming down the corners of his eyes. He couldn't believe that a person's heart could be so terrifying!

Nothing can stop and restrain this power;

When this power to destroy everything appeared, even all the sins on Bai Qi disappeared!

No, what disappeared was not sin, but the source of the power of judgment - right and wrong, good and evil, morality, and even the existence of the entire human race...

When the entire race of human beings ceases to exist, how can there be any crimes against human beings?

The judge never thought that what lurks in Bai Qi's heart is such a terrifying thing, a power so terrifying that even the entire human race can't bear... When human beings can no longer exist and society disappears, then the society built on the basis of society will disappear. Justice, what's the point?

This is what Bai Qi said, the hopeless future?


After realizing this for several years, the judge spurted out a mouthful of glistening blood and fell to the ground, as if the mercury had solidified and lingered.This is the essence of his strength, the blood of his heart. Once it is sprayed out, it means... the judge's way has collapsed!

Vitality quickly left the judge's body.

Almost at the same time, the shadow demon's sharp claws suddenly stretched out, pinching Juditia who was dissipating, grabbed the goddess in white robe and golden crown, and sucked it into the dark and deep hell passage in its chest.

"The taste of Tao..." Bai Qi was tasting this rare food when suddenly his right hand felt cold!

The killing intent, the endless killing intent, the majestic killing intent, the killing intent that devours the sky, emanates from the bronze ring in his hand!

Before Bai Qi could react, his consciousness went dark, and he was actually sucked into the ring!

Then this unprecedented terrifying killing intent was poured into the Shadow Demon's body.This little devil soul, who has just started to be cultivated and is still in its infancy, instantly received tremendous nourishment, and its power increased dramatically!

It even began to materialize, and the skills belonging to the shadow demon itself began to awaken... Although it is not a terrifying skill like [Destroy Shadow] or [Soul Elegy], it is only the lowest level of [Demon King Advent], which is also very terrifying.

A faint black halo spread from its body like ripples, and all soldiers, testers, and support personnel within a radius of 500 meters were instantly shrouded in a huge psychological terror...


In the ring space.

Appearing before Bai Qi's eyes was a distorted world, an endless battlefield.

The two ghost armies, who do not know the number of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, are fighting frantically.

These are armies of two different countries, with completely different military wills. Every ghost that makes up the army is an incredibly powerful army soul, and each has at least the strength of an elite-level monster!

It doesn't sound very scary, but you know, what Bai Qi can feel now is hundreds of thousands of military souls!And this is just the battlefield in front of him. In an extremely distant place, it seems that there are more armies from different countries, and there are countless army souls.

Moreover, in this space, these army souls cannot really die. Every time they are torn apart by the enemy, they will be reborn at the end of their own formation, waiting for another chance to fight.

However, the killing intent emanating from their fighting in war has been accumulating continuously.

Infinite years, endless army souls, endless fighting, how terrifying is such a killing intent?It has filled the entire space, and even condensed into blocks of killing intent crystals on the ground.

Such a terrifying killing intent, even Bai Qidao's soul will and the power of inanimate killing, unexpectedly have a feeling of being difficult to bear!

How could there be such a terrifying world in this ring?

In just a few breaths, some killing army souls discovered Bai Qi who had appeared inexplicably, and began to swarm towards him.

"Get out of here!"

In this space, the killing intent is ferocious, Bai Qi can use Wu Sheng to kill without any scruples, and with a random movement of his mind, dozens of army souls are instantly shattered.But a kind of miraculous power makes them regenerate quickly in the rear, making endless impacts!

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill...

Bai Qi was also caught in this endless cycle of killing.Fortunately, the killing spar all over the ground is the best source of energy for his lifeless killing way. In this space, his power is also endless, so he can protect himself.

It would be difficult for any other strong Daoist Realm to resist the terrifying impact of the army soul!

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly... "Stop."

A loud voice came out from the distant sky.

All the fighting souls stopped in an instant and stopped attacking.

A man in a white robe, his face hidden behind the black mist, slowly stepped out of the void.

In the next moment... all the army souls screamed in unison, unwillingness, anger, fear, panic, complex emotions, and killing intent tens of thousands of times, all pointing at this white-robed man.


"Get out!" He just said coldly, as if the principle of heaven and earth, the ancient avenue, cannot be violated, irresistible.In an instant, all movement disappeared, all military souls prostrated themselves on the ground, and all boiling killing intent was suppressed into thin slices!

Before today, Bai Qi had never imagined that someone could suppress the will of a team by himself.But at this moment, the white-robed man not only achieved it, but even went far beyond this realm.

He simply suppressed, overwhelmed, and enslaved countless military souls from countless different countries and millions of extremely ferocious soldiers in this space at will!

And Bai Qi felt even more deeply that the power that this man exuded in an instant was also killing.

Stronger, fiercer, more domineering, and more unique than his own Wushengshadao!

"What kind of existence are you, and where is this?" Bai Qi asked as calmly as possible.

"Hmm... the Dao of Killing at the elementary level of the Asking Realm is qualified to know the truth. But you are too weak in this reincarnated and recultivated body." The white-robed man said softly and delicately.

Bai Qi was instantly horrified: "You can see through me, who are you?"

"A little gift for you." The white-robed man answered irrelevantly, and with a casual pinch, the thousands of powerful military spirits in front of Bai Qi exploded in an instant, and were wiped out irreversibly.

They turned into pure souls, pouring into Bai Qi's body like a torrent.In just an instant, Bai Qi's necromancer energy surged from 6 points to 12 points, overflowing directly!

Then an irresistible force directly sent Bai Qi out of this space.

In a blink of an eye, he has returned to the real world.

The bronze ring was still quietly put on the finger, but the man's voice, both illusory and real, echoed in his ears.

"Want to know the answer? Hehe. Boy, you haven't killed enough..."

ps: It's past 3 o'clock, I won't do this again next time, staying up late hurts the liver.This time because of the **** exception of episode [-]... I need more recommendations!

Repercussions... There will only be one update tomorrow.

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