There are three types of skills that appear at this stage—novice skills, formal skills, and scroll skills.

Among them, there is only one novice skill, and there is only one formal skill at this stage.But for scroll skills, the system generously gave four skill slots.

It's just that everyone has novice skills, and more and more people are mastering formal skills.

Only scroll skills, not only in Haicheng, but even among the testers in the entire Huaguo region, there are very few users...

In addition, the military has been buying materials at high prices, so once the civilian testers got the skill scrolls from monster hunting, they would rather let the military recycle them than use them themselves.

The military, on the other hand, mainly sends skill scrolls to the skill research and development department for development and research, and basically no soldier is willing to learn them.

Why doesn't everyone like scroll skills?

Because the scroll skills are not powerful enough and not practical?


With so many scroll skills, isn't there one that can complement the skills of the tester?

Because the scroll skills are not their own power, over-reliance is not conducive to the improvement of cultivation?

The same is a joke!

Unless they were top experts like Bai Qi and Meng Xiaohu who were far ahead, how many general practitioners, even members of Tiger Squad, were qualified to say such things?

The real reason is... Scroll skills consume reward points.

Nima, there is a fee for this skill? !

There are free novice skills and formal skills that can be used, who would waste bonus points using scroll skills?With that point, wouldn't I save it and use it for upgrades and enhancements?

This is the most common habitual thinking of the Chinese people who are immersed in all kinds of "free".

But with a population of more than one billion in China, there are always some exceptions, such as Wenxin...

The first skill she got was the f-level [Lightning Palm] given to her by Bai Qi. It was weak in power and low in consumption, but the cooling time was as long as 30 seconds.

When she first helped the army to spawn monsters, the soldiers saw Wenxin using scroll skills, because everyone was unwilling to use them, so they simply handed over the duplicate skill scrolls to the troops and left a copy for them. Warm.

One for you, one for me, Wen Guliang received dozens of skill scrolls in one afternoon, and the bags were all full, what should I do?

use up!

Soon Wenxin discovered something strange... Didn't you agree that there are four skill slots, and when you learn the fifth scroll skill, the first one will be overwritten and disappear?

But when she used the fifth one, a new skill grid appeared out of nowhere, and she mastered five scroll skills at the same time!

Then six, seven, eight...

When I learned the ninth scroll skill, one row of skill grids became two rows, then three rows, and four rows... But there were a lot of weird things that happened to me, and Wen Guliang didn't bother to think about it. Just wait for Bai Qi to come back and ask him.After making up her mind, she completely put this question behind her...

That's why when Bai Qi was watching the rain on the rooftop, after Bai Qi secretly kissed Wen Qing, he was so shocked and so prodigal.But Bai Qi was not surprised by Wen Xin's abnormal number of skills.

Yeah, what's the surprise?

You know, scroll skills are the power driven by the system, and the two sisters, Xinqing, have system backups...

Later, when they entered the military base, the soldiers learned that their guardian goddess had come, and immediately sent representatives to send a large number of skill scrolls to Wen Xin.

Keep using the scroll!When Xinxin's mastered skills are filled with six rows, they become a list, which can be extended infinitely...

Today, at this moment, on the spot.

Seeing a group of men rushing towards him with great interest, all of them looked so annoying, obscene, obscene, shameless, and cheap, Bai Qi!

Anger was overflowing, and Wen Guliang, who had always disliked fighting the most, couldn't help but explode.

The girl stopped moving forward, Zhuo Ran stood in the middle of the street, with one right hand stretched forward, slender fingers twirled, pinched in the air, and the power surged out of thin air.

"Everyone be careful! Lao Lei makes a move!"

The younger brothers reacted very quickly, and those with defensive skills immediately set up various shields, armor, resistant skins, etc.One of the trainees, Lao Lei, suddenly released the skill he had prepared for a long time—[Gravity Trap]!

Dozens of times of gravity instantly pressed down, Wen Xin's tender body sank obviously, and dust was flying around her body.

"Haha, she's trapped!"

The younger brothers were immediately excited, but in the next second, there was a bang, and everyone's bodies sank!

Gravity trap?

Does the opponent also master this skill, what a coincidence?The younger brothers were startled.

But Lao Lei immediately said loudly: "Her skills are less than half as powerful as mine, don't worry, go!"

"Come on!"

Everyone went up together, and then patter, their ankles sank deep into a sticky mud swamp, they sank to the knees, sucked their bodies deeply, and it was extremely difficult to move.

Nani, isn't this a cement road?Shock again, brothers!

Then a flaming wall of fire rose between them and Wen Xin, separating them.

E-level scroll skills - [Gravity Trap], [Mud Foot Trapped], [Wall of Fire]!

A tester burst out three skills at the same time. Such a shocking scene immediately stopped the progress of the younger brothers.They were very puzzled, how could one person have three skills, this is unreasonable!

Then someone quickly responded, "The scroll skill, she just mastered the scroll skill, don't be afraid!"

It turned out that the confidence came back immediately.

Then a bright flash of thunder suddenly fell from the sky, and at the same time, a thin arc shot out from the girl's palm. The lightning flashed and struck the speaker one after another, instantly turning him into an African black with an afro head, his body twitching and jumping wildly .

But it wasn't over yet, a small but crackling blue thunderball slowly swam over like an elf, and lightly touched his body under the terrified gaze of the man.


Black smoke and the smell of barbecue spread at the same time... F-level [Shlash Thunder], [Palm Thunder], [Ball Lightning]!

Six skills have been released, which happens to be one novice, one official, and the number of four scrolls.Someone really learned all four scroll skills?

And people didn't learn it and put it there as a background, but based on the principle of applying what they have learned-able to use, dare to use, and willing to use!The younger brothers were deeply shocked, looking at Wen Xin with admiring eyes, an impulse to worship spontaneously arose.

Rich girl, shall we be friends?If you run out of points, you can share some with us!

But this also made them feel lucky, because after the six skills were let go, all of them fell into cooling down, so there was no need to continue fighting?

We don't want to offend a beautiful local tyrant from a military base!It's just that although their fighting spirit has disintegrated, Wen Guliang hasn't calmed down yet.In the next second, all the little brothers were about to cry, and they really wanted to kneel down to the local tyrants!

I could only hear layer upon layer of dragon chants, coming from the sky, the ground, and all directions, four powerful and terrifying skill qi condensed and appeared at the same time.

A water dragon that is sharply ground by crushed ice and blue like the deep sea comes fiercely across the space;

The ground was shaking endlessly, the swamp was boiling and surging, and a dragon of mud filled with an earthy smell slowly floated up;

The wind roared like a knife, countless small wind blades condensed into a light blue wind dragon, and the huge dragon body spun and rolled over;

Finally, there is a red fire dragon that strikes straight, the lava is hot, the fire is burning, and the terrifying power is ready to explode;

E-level scroll skills - [Water Dragon Wave], [Earth Dragon Earthquake], [Wind Dragon Twist], [Flame Dragon Break]!

A complete set of dragon-strength combined attacks, frozen ground cracked, fire and smoke, incomparably gorgeous and spectacular, just like computer special effects, so shocking that it lost its sense of reality.

But Xin'er was still angry, and waved her hands again and again, countless small skills flew out like money.

Fireballs, water bombs, ground spikes, holy hammers, star rays, corrosive flasks, sulfuric acid rain... and even summoned a few half-length dogs, goblins and other accompanying monsters...

Crushing, crushing again, another beautiful woman crushing a group of enemies!

Outside of the battle situation, Xiaoyue Meimei, Hong Ba, Lao Mao, Fatty and others were all stunned.It turns out that scroll skills can be so domineering and terrifying. Is it true that charging is the way of the king?

Because the scroll skills are all driven by the Tao system and are not limited by themselves, the casting speed is astonishingly fast. Thirty seconds later, Wenxin stomped her feet, and stopped attacking in dissatisfaction—most of her skills were cooled down, and she would feel uncomfortable if she continued to fight.The nightmare finally passed... The little brothers got up one by one tremblingly, their bodies trembling non-stop. The severity of their injuries varied, but none of them died.

It's not that the scroll skills are not powerful enough, it's mainly because Wen Xin is just venting her anger, and the goal is not to kill people.

She bombarded aimlessly like this, only a few parts were actually directly hit.In addition, the order of releasing the skills was not carefully planned, resulting in conflicting attributes, which in many cases weakened the power instead.

Even so, it was enough for the younger brother to collapse.

They secretly calculated, in the past half a minute, big and small, D, E, and F ranks add up, this beauty has exploded at least a hundred scroll skills!

How did she have so many scroll skills?This is not important at all.

The key many bonus points will be burned! ! ! !

Sure enough, this Guliang is a real local tyrant, Bai Fumei in the last days!What kind of Blood Cross Chamber of Commerce, compared to her, is completely shabby!

It's just that the younger brothers will soon know that although they have exhausted all their imaginations, they still underestimated Wen Guliang's level of local tyrant...

Seeing that these baiqi-like guys still had the strength to get up, and dared to look at themselves with strange eyes, the anger that Wen Xin had not completely subsided suddenly ignited again.

"It's abominable!"

She gritted her silver teeth, her strength surged again, her body flickered unreal, and then a figure of a beautiful woman who was exactly like her emerged from in front of her.

[Dance of Taoism Kagura]——Wen Qing's Phantom!

Another new skill, but depending on the situation, it is probably the local rich girl's own skill this time.

Although there were a lot of people, the younger brothers didn't have any thoughts of resistance, and they all looked at each other blankly, desperate to die.How can it be possible to win a fight with a local tyrant? It is better to wait for the final judgment obediently.I just don't know, how will we be dealt with?

Then they saw Wen Qing's phantom standing upright, with one right hand stretched forward, her slender fingers twirling, pinching in the air, and the power surged out of thin air.

The energy of four dragon-shaped dragons with different attributes began to condense... The cooldown time of Wen Qing's phantom and Wen Wen's deity's skills are actually independent of each other!

Although the little brothers don't understand the mystery, but in this situation, the idiots understand the intention of the local rich girl... She actually planned to review the previous bombing again...

It turns out that real local tyrants are beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures like us!

Putong putong, many younger brothers couldn't bear the stimulation and fainted, and the rest followed closely and lay down and pretended to be dead. Anyway, it is impossible to win the fight...

"Hmph!" Seeing these people fall down one by one, although many acting skills were terrible and they didn't pretend to be like one at all, Wen Xin was also satisfied, and finally withdrew her skills.

Sure enough, local tyrants are very forthright and won't care about us small people... The little brothers were moved to tears.

Meng Xiaohu and Wen Qing ended the battle at the same time, looked at each other, and walked towards Bai Qi.


Thanks to the readers "before making money" and "a millet in the sea" for their rewards!

There is actually a reader "Sujue" who saw the name of the fifth episode I prepared in advance?Sir, how did you do it, please explain!Otherwise, my thoughts will not be clear, and the code words will not be clear... Other good people who know the answer can also tell me.

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