Doomsday Killing God Reborn

093 The Lord Arrives, Bai Qi Elopes

When the battlefield turned into a huge chessboard, the suffocating changes of the bone altar finally stopped.

On the altar, a skeleton monster with a height of only two meters appeared.Compared with other tall and mighty horror monsters, it looks very miniature.But no one dared to underestimate it.

This skeleton has white jade-like bones all over its body, glowing with a dark gold color.On the skull is a shining king's golden crown, wearing a blood-red thick cloak, and holding a strange gold-cast scepter with a transparent crystal ball embedded in the top on one paw.

The system's emotionless prompt sounded in everyone's mind.

"Please note that the monster lord - the 'Undead King' has appeared, please kill it as soon as possible."

Is this the lord?

It doesn't look like anything special!

The bosses glanced at each other, and Commander Situ said first, "I suggest sending a 99a2 up there, and try it out with a shot."

Commander Shen pondered for a moment, and before he could nod his head in agreement, the situation in the arena has changed drastically!

The Necromancer King raised his scepter high, bark bark bark... The pale ripples spread out endlessly!

The ripples wiped across the battlefield, the bodies of soldiers and zombies. The soldiers showed no abnormalities, but the remaining hundreds of thousands of zombies withered and shriveled in an instant, and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of bones!

Countless light spots were extracted from the zombies and gathered on the undead king.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bangCounting heads, tens of heads, hundreds of heads, thousands of heads, thousands of heads...

A series of system prompts appeared one after another.

"Please note that the captain-level monster of the Guards - 'Undead Bishop' has appeared, please kill it as soon as possible."

"Please note that the captain-level monster of the Guards - the 'Castle Chariot' has appeared, please kill it as soon as possible."

"Please note that the captain-level monster of the Guards - 'Death Knight' has appeared, please kill it as soon as possible."

"Please note that a large number of undead soldiers have appeared, please kill them as soon as possible."

In the blink of an eye, large expanses of pale undead monsters burst out, forming a huge army on the edge of the black and white chessboard!

Then, the undead soldiers in the front row began to attack...

The ripples continued to spread, spreading across the entire base, and even in the highest command, you can also see for yourself how the pale ripples wiped over your body, and continued to spread far and endlessly!

Normal human beings are indeed not impressed, just... beep beep beep!All the instruments and equipment of the entire Supreme Command were alarmed in a mess, and red lights flashed randomly!

"Report, the weapon system was invaded by an unknown computer virus and completely paralyzed. It will take 24 hours to repair!"

"Report, the vehicle's fire control system is out of control, and the cause cannot be determined for the time being, and it does not have the conditions for battlefield repair!"

"Report, individual weapons and ammunition have failed due to unknown reasons!"

A series of urgent reports, in fact, said the same thing - modern weapons, forbidden to use!

Everyone's face sank, but the bosses were already vaguely alert to such a result, and if they panicked over this matter, they would be underestimating Hua Guo's soldiers too much.

Although the weapon system fails, the various monitoring systems and power systems are still operating normally, which does not hinder the command and observation of the bosses.

Commander Shen looked at the screen solemnly, and suddenly sighed: "The chessboard of heaven and earth, the common people are the sons. It turned out that it was not a hint at all, but a naked explicit statement. This brat Bai Qi... Chess pieces, chess pieces, our military, don't we? Do you really want to be a pawn to fight monsters on the chessboard?"

"Chief, I think we should withdraw all the soldiers!" Commander Situ said suddenly.

"Huh?" Commander Shen glanced at him, "Tell me your opinion."

"It is a taboo for military strategists to fight at the time and place designated by the enemy!" Commander Situ hurriedly said, "Although we can't see anything unique about this large chessboard for the time being, we must not let the enemy's strategic The intention has succeeded. Whether it is the Dao system, Bai Qi or these monsters, we cannot act according to their ideas!"

This remark was not complicated, and it was exactly what the other bigwigs wanted to say, and they nodded their heads immediately.

Commander Shen smiled slightly, "That's a good point! Heroes come out of troubled times, and the more life-and-death conflicts, the ones who lead all the trends should be us soldiers! In this disaster, we are the chess players!"

"Order, the whole army retreats to the second line of defense!"

Because there were no zombies to entangle, the frontline tester soldiers retreated easily.But the retreat had just begun, when the communication from the headquarters suddenly rang.

"Chief, the Minister of Equipment R&D has a call..." the orderly reported with a strange expression.


"The minister requested that the whole army assault and take the initiative to fight..."

"Nonsense!" The faces of all the bosses suddenly changed, this is simply to let the soldiers die!

"Why?" Commander Shen asked coldly.

"Uh... the minister didn't elaborate, he said he was coming, but he wanted the troops to act on what he said."

Commander Shen frowned slightly, "What do you think?"

"What kind of war situation does he know as a researcher?"

"Let him take care of his own department, and don't interrupt the war."

"But the professor is not a rash person, maybe he discovered something?"

"The battle with monsters cannot be guessed with common sense. The professor's research on the system is far deeper than ours, and his opinion should not be ignored."

The six army commanders were actually divided into three factions, with two agreeing, two opposing, and two remaining silent.

Commander Shen frowned deeper. He looked at the advancing speed of the undead soldiers, and ordered coldly: "Don't turn off the vehicle, all soldiers are ready to evacuate at any time, and arrange some people to be the rear troops, and stand by for orders!"

But he chose a compromise solution.


The ripples continued to spread and reached Haicheng, where the poisonous mist polluted the area. It wiped away deeply, but never penetrated again, as if it had merged with the poisonous mist and became one.

Then, the highly poisonous black air all over the city seemed to be purified, and the color became lighter, turning into a grayish white color.

Even all the monsters with mutated fuel were instantly extinguished and died, and still flew out of the light spots of source energy, converging into the scepter of the undead king far away.

The gray and white spread rapidly, and in almost 3 minutes, it spread throughout the city, completely completing the transformation.

Breathing in these mist, there will be streams of cool air pouring into the nose and mouth immediately, making the respiratory organs damaged by pollutants and high-temperature air feel extremely comfortable.Even the millions of survivors who were dying from the pollution quickly recovered and recovered their health one by one.

Miracle, this is simply a miracle!

The High Command saw this scene, and everyone looked at each other in disbelief.

"What does this mean? The system releases water?" A military commander was very puzzled.

"No, I have a premonition."

"Me too."


Their doubts didn't last long, because only 1 minute later, the system's cold reminder sounded again.

This time, it was all the testers who heard the reminder, and the population of more than 1000 million in the urban area of ​​Haicheng who breathed the gray mist.

"The mutation of the smog has been completed. The highly polluted poisonous smog has evolved into a necrotic cloud."

"All ordinary people who have breathed the necromancy cloud will become zombies at a rate of 1% per hour when they enter the state of the living dead."

"Killing the king of the dead can restore all the living dead to normal."

"Sucking the blood of a normal person can make the sucker return to normal."

Undead clouds, undead, zombies!

This sudden news, like a heavy hammer, hit everyone's minds heavily.

No one thought that a seemingly innocuous ripple from the Necromancer King would directly cause a change in the smog, dragging tens of millions of people into the abyss of death!

1% per hour doesn't sound like much, 10,000+.Anyway, the number of people killed by the poisonous smog is almost the same.

But think about it carefully, that is 10,000+ zombies, not 10,000+ corpses, these zombies will continue to kill people, and the actual number of dead people is much higher than this number.

But this is not the most vicious, what is even more vicious is the last reminder - sucking the blood of a normal person can restore the sucker to normal!

Where are normal people now?

No matter how you think about it, there are only civilian testers in Haicheng and 10,000+ soldiers outside Haicheng... It is easy to imagine that the living dead who are caught on the edge of life and death will definitely attack the military base in order to survive.

That's a number of 1000 million...

A meeting ceremony and an opening speech by the king of the undead turned tens of millions of survivors into enemies of the military and the trialists!

This is the horror of the monster lord?The temperature in the entire High Command instantly dropped to freezing point.

But right away, they knew that they still underestimated the cruel terror of this second wave of attacks...

The professor stumbled and rushed in, shouting loudly: "Commanders, why don't you let the soldiers charge? Go up, you must go up, and you can't let those undead soldiers go any further!"

"What's the reason?" Commander Shen asked.

All the bosses looked like steel.There are a large group of monsters in front, and tens of millions of undead people in the back. Life and death are on the line. The battle situation collapses at any time, and their calmness cannot be shaken.

The professor was completely crazy, and he shouted:

"None of you have discovered that the chessboard and the distribution of the types of monsters are actually chess, which is what we usually call chess?!"

"So what? No matter China or foreign countries, Xiangqi, Go, and beast chess can't change their monster nature." A military commander said coldly.

"It's not the same, it's not the same! In this situation, the most terrifying chess game is chess! Some of you should know that there is such a rule in chess-the bottom line changes!"

"When the lowest-level pawns reach the bottom line of the enemy's position, they can be upgraded to become high-level pawns! It's just like those high-level monsters in the back row!"

The professor's words once again dealt a heavy blow to everyone!

Can necromancers be upgraded?When these undead soldiers reached the bottom line and were all upgraded, thousands of captain-level soldiers charged together... It is unimaginable how terrible the situation is!

It turns out that this is why the Dao System drew the black and white chessboard!

It turns out that this is what Bai Qi military, just do your part with peace of mind.

From the very beginning, the military had no choice but to fight head-on, defend firmly, and fight for every inch of land.Because if you take a step back, you will die without a place to die!

"You are in charge of commanding, you must stand against the bottom line of the chessboard!" Commander Shen just pondered for a moment, then said to the other bosses, then he turned around and strode out.

"I, go to suppress the tens of millions of living dead in Haicheng, and guard the rear!"


"Here we come." Bai Qi smiled slightly, quietly stood up from the sleeping Lian Xiaoyue, and walked towards the door.

Opening the door, President Mei Mei's frightened and anxious face appeared, and she was about to knock on the door.


"Shh, I know what you want to say." Bai Qi smiled and winked at her, "Don't tell other people, the two of us eloped."

President Mei Mei's eyes instantly burst into a brilliant brilliance: "Bai Qi... We really have a good understanding, ha ha. Then come with me, I have a good place that is absolutely safe, and I have enough supplies, and Lots of servants."

"But the safety of this road depends on you to protect. And in that place, there are several godfathers who get in the way of me who hold the power. You may need to discuss it with them."

"Master Meimei, I will listen to you in everything." Bai Qi was very gentle.


After reading this chapter, what should we see?

Thanks to the reader "ryd" for the two 6000-word humanized reminder tickets, haha!

Thanks to the reader "srqg" for rewarding two combos!

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