Seal, god, battle, achievement, list!

Just listening to the name, there is a completely different feeling from the previous two lists.

Listing rules - only sorted by past record, take the top ten.

In other words, regardless of the comprehensive strength of the theater in which it is located, or the level of personal enhancement, whether it is a mule or a horse, you will only know if you pull it out and slip around!

No.1 prize: an s-level skill scroll, and can use the f-level system authority once in the task of [Yuguang Order].

Although it is not clear what the f-level system authority is for, the s-level skill scroll alone is already extremely coveted.In the first and second waves of attacks, what is the most advanced skill scroll dropped?

D-level, just D-level!

No one has even seen a c-level, let alone an s-level.

The reward for No.1 in the third list is so rich that it is more than a hundred times that of the first two lists.

With just two prompts, the system let everyone understand that this third list is the most important and most valuable list!

In the tense anticipation of all the living people in the world, the Conferred God Achievement Ranking——Announced!

"No.10, Vatican Trialist [Level [-] and Level [-]]. Cumulative record:

Participate in killing: 96 elite monsters, [-] captain-level monsters, [-] captain-level guards, and [-] special captain-level monsters;

Dominant Kills: None;

Solo kills: None. "

"No. 9, a trainer in the North African Theater [Tier [-] and Tier [-]]. Cumulative record:

Participate in kills: none;

Dominant Kills: None;

Kill alone: ​​140 seven elite monsters. "

Two rankings were announced at once.At the same time as the sound was heard, relevant record data was simultaneously refreshed in the vision of all the testers in the form of a list.clear and distinct.

You can see it at a glance.Both of them are strong players on the personal rating list.

The three categories of record data are very simple.No need to explain.

From the data, it is easy to see that the Vatican tester is an auxiliary emperor, and all his records come from [participating in killing], and he has no independent combat ability;

However, the North African tester is a lone ranger, not cooperating with anyone, and all his records come from [killing alone];

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why there are a large number of captain-level and captain-level guards in the records of Vatican testers.The special captain level, but was ranked in the front by the North African testers who were weaker and had only killed a large number of elite monsters.

The system obviously attaches the most importance to the [Solo Kill] record!

Why is there no kill data for companion level and normal level monsters?It's a joke, this is not Huaguo's college entrance examination, how can it be possible to use these rubbish records to evaluate the true strength of a top powerhouse!

From the data point of view, the two also have different horrors.

Generally, the practitioners work together to kill ordinary monsters, and they can kill ordinary monsters alone. Their strength and courage are already quite good.

Dare to lead a group of people to besiege and kill elite monsters.Those are the leaders of a team.

Solo kill elite level?In most people's opinion, it is equivalent to suicide.

The North African experimenter killed more than a hundred heads alone!

Elite level monsters are not common goods, each has different abilities and characteristics.It is absolutely impossible to find out a certain flaw, and eat it all over the world with one move, and can only kill it with strength.

Therefore, this North African tester is not only terrifying in strength, but also very comprehensive in combat effectiveness and extremely adaptable!

As for the captain-level monsters, it takes a large team of dozens or hundreds of people to dare to kill them.As for things like special captains and captains, they are simply not within the competence of civilians. They must be dealt with by suppressing the military in the entire theater.

Therefore, to be able to participate in killing so many captains, Vatican Trialists not only have strong auxiliary abilities, but also have absolutely terrifying backgrounds!

With just a few numbers and a simple record list, many interested people who follow this list can analyze countless precious information.

This Fengshen record list is indeed the list with the highest gold content!

"No.8, the Russian Theater Trialist [Level [-] and Level [-]], cumulative record:


"No.7, Washington Trialer [Level [-] and Level [-]], cumulative record:


The next two are the top powerhouses of the two big countries. Their records are much more balanced. The three types of kills are fully distributed, and the data is surprisingly similar. They also killed a lot of monsters, but there are still no monster lords. kill record.

It is probably because the level of the testers in Washington is slightly higher, so that they can be ranked ahead of the testers in Russia.

So far, except for the absence of one Vatican tester, this list of Conferred Gods is basically a replica of the personal ranking list, and there is a small change in ranking... Such a situation immediately made many non-Chinese people feel uneasy. It's cold, and there is a faint sense of despair rising from the bottom of my heart-if this trend continues, it will be the rhythm of Hua Guo's strong men winning gold, silver and bronze medals. Is it still alive?

It's just... the reality is more, crueler, crueler than they imagined!

"No.6, Zhongjing Trialist [Tier [-] and Level [-]], cumulative record:

Participating in the kill: ... (omitted), one of the monster lords.

Leading kill: slightly;

Solo kills: slightly. "

"No.5, Zhongjing Trialist [Level [-] and Level [-]], cumulative record:

Participating in the kill: ... (omitted), one of the monster lords.

Leading kill: slightly;

Solo kills: slightly. "

If there is anything more desperate than the top powerhouse in the Zhongjing theater occupying the leaderboard, it is probably the current situation—the top powerhouse in Zhongjing has not yet appeared, and the non-top powerhouse has already dominated the ranking... …

The second and second ranks, the second and third ranks, these two Zhongjing trainees who suddenly appeared in the fifth and sixth place on the Conferred Gods record list, have a record comparable to the No.7 Washington trainee.

But they have an advantage that future generations can't compare to - participate in killing one of the monster lords!

It turns out that monster lords can also be killed, instead of being bombarded with modern weapons... More than 90.00% of the living people in the world have not understood this until now.

Even killed one of the monster lords, the real strength of the Zhongjing theater.It's so scary...

AIA was surprised.

The whole country rejoices!

And just when the sixth, No.5 was announced.There are even more visions in the Haicheng theater.

Circles of bright silver halos rose from the shield tortoise and the blue dragon's body layer by layer. The source energy light spots swarmed and gathered, and countless metal debris condensed out of thin air.

After a while, a pair of silver knuckles and a quiet long sword appeared in front of these two people respectively.As soon as they grabbed the equipment that fell from the sky, they couldn't help showing joy in their eyes.

The shield turtle looked up to the sky and laughed.Very happy: "Hahahaha, it is actually a captain-level weapon [Pluto Knuckles], this No.6 reward is a bit interesting."

Canglong smiled indifferently, flicked his fingers, and the sword in his hand hummed, "Mine is the captain-level weapon [Inverse Scale], the No. 5 reward. Unfortunately, at the end of the second wave of attacks, you, Scarlet Phoenix, have only completed the baptism of dragon veins." , the records are too few. Otherwise, breaking into the top ten and getting a prize is not difficult."

"It doesn't matter what the prize is. It's just that if you take a closer look, the faces of the trainees in the Haicheng Military District are a bit strange..." Chi Huang narrowed his eyes.low voice.

Having said that, the two people reacted from the joy, looked around, and were suddenly surprised.

Only seeing so many Haicheng trialists around, the attention originally focused on the three of them actually changed the target.

All of them looked at the other person with fanatical, admiring, and excited eyes—the guy who was sitting in the wheelchair and was still extremely arrogant.

Even the bosses of the Haicheng Military Region, although they tried their best to suppress it, still had similar expressions and gazes.

What is going on here?

The three of them were suspicious.

The list continues to be announced.

"No.4, the Vatican Trialist [Level [-] and Level [-]], cumulative record:

Participating in the kill: ... (omitted), one of the monster lords.

Leading kill: slightly;

Solo kills: slightly. "

It turned out that there was another Vatican tester who was not squeezed out of the list, but soared to the No.4 position.

This is obviously a huge good thing, but why do my dear American bigwigs and European bigwigs look so sad?

"No. 3, the trialist from Shaanxi Province..."

It was the Shaanxi Province theater again, and finally it was the Shaanxi Province theater of operations. The leaders of many foreign forces immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, these people hoped that the top powerhouses in Huaguo were just showing off their appearances, but now they just hope that they will stay where they should be, and that there will be no more newcomers... But the reality has given these people A slap in the face.

"[Second Tier [-]], accumulative record:

Participate in killing: Omit;

Leading kill: ... (omitted), one head of the monster lord;

Solo kills: slightly. "


I don't know about other places, but in a certain shrine in the island country, there really was a beast in a suit and leather shoes who vomited blood in horror...

The world was in an uproar.

Tier [-]?

Shouldn't it be level two and eight?

Leading kills?

Shouldn't it be involved in the kill?

This is by far the lowest-level trainer on the list, but also the trainer with the toughest record!

"No.2, Zhongjing Trialist [Level [-] and Level [-]], accumulated record:

Participate in killing: Omit;

Leading kill: ... (omitted), one head of the monster lord;

Solo kills: slightly. "

The list is still being announced. Although No.2 has a stronger record than No.3, there is no qualitative change.On the contrary, No.3 has achieved such a level with the strength of the second level, which is even more eye-catching!

And even more people counted their fingers, only No.1 was left unannounced.

In this last position, no matter what, it cannot be squeezed out of Zhongjing's second-tier seven, second-tier eighth, third-tier one, and Shan Province's second-tier eighth, these four superpowers who have not yet appeared.


People who still hold such thoughts now can only ask him why he gave up treatment.

Just look at those low-level testers in Zhongjing and Shaanxi Province who can occupy the top ten of the Conferred God record... These two powerful and bottomless theaters are basically invincible in fighting monster attacks. Full power is not required.

There are at least three top powerhouses in Huaguo who spent their time sitting on the sidelines, and did not fight in person...Huaguo, this is really terrifying!

So when the system announced "No.1, Huaguo...", no one had any special reaction.

People of China, those who should cheer should still cheer;

Foreigners, full of anger, anxiety, nervousness, fear, and doubt, still continue to vent their emotions. Most people don't pay much attention to the most important No.1 announcement.

It's nothing more than one of the top four... Everyone has such an idea.

So when the answer was actually announced, the whole world fell silent instantly.

"Haicheng Trialist [Level [-], Level [-]]."

Sea, city, war, district!

One, level, ten, level!

In an instant, everyone's minds went blank in all regions of the world except the Haicheng theater, including the mainland of China.

The news was so shocking that everyone's brains froze.

When they finally reacted, they were all at a loss and extremely confused.

Is something wrong?

Is there a virus in the Dao system?

Is that mysterious beauty kidding us?


Shaanxi Province Theater, Xianyang City.

In a pitch-black hall full of ancient styles, there is a terrifying powerhouse of the second and eighth ranks, sitting high and high in the depths.

Hearing the No.1's identity, his eyes suddenly burst into a deep cold light.

The sun, the moon and the stars, mountains, rivers and lakes, rolling waves, faint dragon chants;

The entire vast hall, following this person's thought, transformed into a mysterious and magnificent picture scroll.

"Sure enough, Bai Qi's bloodline descendants have also awakened, very good..." (to be continued...)

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