"A bunch of trash!"

The one who spoke was one of the three leading officers of this group of soldiers, and there was undisguised mockery in his eagle-like eyes.

The voice was very cold, although it wasn't loud, it was clear enough for the trialists at the beach party to hear clearly - the powerful momentum of this group of soldiers had already woken them up.

Lei Tong just woke up from a hangover, his head was still buzzing, and his mind was still not clear.

Hearing this, he instantly became enraged, smashed the wine bottle in his hand, pushed away the female companion beside him, and was about to rush out to spray that idiot with spit all over his face.

The glasses held him tightly, and his voice was extremely tense: "Brother Lei, look at the information on the mini-map!"

"I'm afraid! We have thousands of people!" Lei Tong cursed, but he finally pulled out the small map to take a look, and his eyes immediately glowed.

The hundreds of soldiers in front of them are all--Hua Guo, the testers in the Shanxi war zone!

Shan Province of China, the theater with the highest average level of trainees in the world!

Taking a closer look, this group of soldiers from Shaanxi Province is roughly estimated to be close to 500 people, all of whom are level [-] trainers, and three of the leading officers are level [-] in body training!

Hiss... Not only Thunder Copper, but all the trainees gasped.In the entire huge beach party, there are tens of thousands of testers, and there are definitely no more than 100 people who can reach the seventh level, and there are only two people who can reach the ninth level.

This is the number of people in more than a dozen different war zones, but Shaanxi Province is only one war zone, and there are [-] seventh-level people assigned to this point.

What about other points?

This is the strength of the world's number one theater!

No one dared to say anything, and silently gave way to the soldiers from Shanxi Province.

When passing by.A strong bloody smell could be smelled from them.Many people were even more injured.But that doesn't make them feel like a bully.On the contrary, such a question will come to mind in horror.

With the strength of these soldiers, they could definitely arrive here early in the morning, but they were delayed by almost a whole day compared to other trial practitioners!

How many monsters did they kill and how many reward points did they get?

Soon, they knew the answer.

Except for a taunt, the soldiers from Shaanxi Province said nothing, and silently settled down on a stretch of sandy beach, exchanged for many marching tents to rest.He went to the hospital to heal his injuries, and went to the copper coin to exchange for pieces of equipment.

Their victories are obviously extremely fruitful, and they don't seem to think about the second stage. Everyone has assembled a whole body of powerful equipment, and their strength has been greatly strengthened!

Just when the other trainees were shocked by the wealth and wealth of the Shaanxi soldiers, three groups of brilliant silver light erupted from the soldiers at the same time!

It was the three leading officers who broke through level ten at the same time!

After this promotion, their whole bodies were ignited with light blue true essence fire, which was obviously not a cheap forced promotion.Instead, it consumes an unknown number of tens of thousands of reward points to temper the true energy to reach the state of perfection.Reaching the peak of body refining, there is only a thin line between the second level of Qi refining!

If it was just shock and forbearance just now, then the other testers now only have fear and vigilance in their hearts.

After a carnival party, the atmosphere, which was harmonious even after a little bit of music, suddenly became cold and dignified.

In the tent, the three officers were sitting together, with a trace of inexplicable excitement and anticipation on each other's faces.

"How much time is left?" asked the officer with stern eyes.

"10 minutes, plus or minus 30 seconds." The second person said.

"According to the information, we have basically figured out the distribution of the powerhouses at each point of suppression. Other places are guarded by Tier 1 powerhouses. Only our place is No. 3 in the Conferred God record list. It is said that it killed nearly [-] first-level and tenth-level masters sit in the town." Said the cold officer.

The other two suddenly laughed.

The third person said: "Level one and ten are not weak, it is enough to sit on an equal footing with the three of us. I just don't know if he is forcibly promoted, or has been tempered to the realm of perfection."

The cold officer said solemnly: "Don't underestimate him. To make the commander attach so much importance to him, this person must be extraordinary. Moreover, the commander also said that that person is the inheritor of a special power, and the power of one person is enough to match a Fight against the brigade. Let us focus on observation, and we must never fight the opponent."

"Of course the commander is not wrong, but now there is not one combat brigade gathered here, but three!" The second person said: "What's more, we have already given up on taking the reward points out of the mission, and we must do our best to strengthen it. Gathering the power of three hundred seventh-level cultivators and three tenth-level peak powerhouses, and suddenly making a surprise attack, I don't believe I can't kill him!"

"Even if he is really incredibly powerful, it doesn't matter if we fail in the sneak attack! Now every conflict between the trialists is announced to the world by the Dao system. We are all the trialists of Huaguo, so it doesn't matter if we kill him alone. Killing many of us by one person will definitely lead to the encirclement and suppression of other superpowers in Huaguo. So I don't believe that he dares to kill us all regardless of the overall situation!" The third officer nodded in agreement, "This battle, our side has nothing to do. Without any scruples, the other party casts a mouse.We are already invincible! '

"Haha, well said! If that's the case, then let's go down together, and all fighters are ready to fight. We just wait for the mission of the second stage to be announced, and that person must make a move. We must not show mercy when the time comes, and we must kill with one blow." !” Said the cold officer.

"Naturally!" the two replied together.

10 minutes passed quickly, just as the officer predicted, the time limit was up!

In each point, there is a huge beam of light descending from the sky, shining in the center of the point.


"The first phase of [Yuguang Order] is over, and the teleportation points have been refreshed at various points."

"Occupy the teleportation point and meet the time limit requirement, you can advance to the second stage."

"The more points you gain in the first stage, the shorter the time limit for occupying the teleportation point, but the shortest is no less than 30 seconds."

"Only one person can teleport at each point."

"When all points are transmitted, the second phase begins."

"The rest of the trialists in the battle zone to which the advanced person belongs can choose to continue to stay or return to the real world!"

"No one advances to the theater of the second stage, and all trialists will be forced to leave!"

"[Note]: In the second stage, staying in the mission area will not be in danger of death. If you are fatally injured, you will only be forced to return to the real world."

A series of prompts, another uproar.

Only ten people can advance to the second stage!

And only the trialists in the area to which these ten people belonged can continue to practice in the exiled continent.Originally, it was nothing. This place is filled with unimaginably terrifying monsters. Who wants to stay?

But when that sentence of attention is added, the meaning is completely different.Farming monsters without life-threatening, this is a privilege like a dream!

But so what... Each of the superpowers at the suppression point firmly occupied the position of the teleportation point with the assistance of a large number of testers in the same theater.

Anyone else want to snatch?OK, then I'll leave it to you.It's just who dares to stay in that teleportation point until the time limit ends?

As a result, there was no suspense at all from the very beginning. The top ten powerhouses in the Conferred God Records list were qualified for teleportation, and they disappeared one by one.

There is only one exception. (To be continued..)

PS: Happy New Year!

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