Under the suppression of the captain-level Obsidian Destroyer, it is like a murderer holding a pistol. Even if there is only one bullet in the gun, he can hijack a tourist bus with dozens of people, because no one is willing to sacrifice himself to block it. Drop that bullet.

But Ye Yingzi's extremely powerful flying sword from far behind stopped this threat, and then Bai Qi's unpredictable figure followed up, and exploded a big move to completely eradicate the threat.

Colonel Li and his friends can finally feel proud.

At this time, those who can break through to the fountain of life are the stronger group of people in the Haicheng war zone, and most of them are those who are stuck in the bottleneck of the second-order level, the ninth or tenth level.When they erupted, they were not the usual fireballs, wind blades, ice bombs and the like.

First of all, two or three sacred shields were lit up by different testers, blocking the front of the entire team; then, various abilities that enhanced one's own side and weakened the opponent's abilities were emitted one after another, and the colorful lights lit up the whole field.

In an instant, the curses on the testers were covered and eliminated, and each of them increased their strength by more than half. However, the Scourge was blessed by such negative states, and with the protective cover, almost all long-range attacks were ineffective.

The reason for this is that status-type auxiliary skills save too much power than the big move of range damage, which is crucial for most people.They would rather kill monsters slower and consume less.

But for Colonel Li, there is no need to save.

He suddenly stopped in place, and with a bang, his whole body seemed to be heavier than cast iron, and a large piece of the concrete floor was crushed and collapsed.

Colonel Li turned and bent over.The right hand hangs tight.Press the left hand on the right shoulder.

Vigorous and turbulent Qi Jin erupted all over his body.Then it vortexed back and was compressed into his right arm.

This kind of compression is very thorough. The meridians of the whole body, the two black and red channels, and the central zodiac, every point and every drop of power are injected into one point of the right arm, and they are constantly squeezed against each other, and then a horrible feeling gradually occurs. Variety.

At this moment, all his strength is gathered in his right hand, and he is completely defenseless.Exposed to monster fire.

Fortunately, he had the assistance of other fighters to help him block all the attacks.

Everyone smartly didn't rush to start attacking, but slowed down and waited.

After three or four seconds, Colonel Li let out a thunderous roar, his body turned into an afterimage, and punched him.

The fist of the right hand was completely red, just brushing through the air, it exploded a huge wave of terrifying sparks.

How can incombustible air explode?

Because there is water in the air!

The high temperature of Colonel Li's fist is enough to decompose the water molecules in the air into hydrogen and oxygen, and then ignite the mixed gas of hydrogen and oxygen, which explodes!

This is Colonel Li's strongest attack.From the character Ralph of the King of Fighters series, a punch known as a humanoid nuclear weapon-official skill [Cosmic Phantom]!

He charged through the Scourge.Just the aftermath of a series of explosions blasted all the monsters around him into pieces.This punch of Cosmic Phantom did not fall on any monster, because that would be a huge waste.

Colonel Li slammed this punch on the ground in the center of the Scourge formation. In an instant, the sky collapsed, the earth shook and the mountains shook. The power of a small nuclear explosion directly gasified the monsters with a radius of [-] meters. The formation of the natural disaster troops was instantly destroyed and completely collapsed!

A small mushroom cloud rose up, followed by countless monsters, and was swarmed by the well-prepared trialists, killing them all in an instant with various supplementary attacks.


Crackling, crackling... After all the wreckage of the Obsidian Destroyer fell to the ground, the white wizard slowly landed.

Ye Yingzi's performance was very good. She clearly had the ability to instantly kill the Obsidian Destroyer, but she kept her promise, deliberately avoided the vital points, and left the silver victory point to Bai Qi.

Yu Jianshu is extremely powerful, and her personality is gentle and considerate. This goddess girl feels very good!

Bai Qi felt a little bit excited again, do you want to add a double cultivation partner?

Cough cough, now is not the time to think about these things, the imprint of the blood sacrifice of Mom and Dad has not been eliminated yet!

In front of him were three scarred gargoyles who couldn't even fly, struggling and thrashing on the ground.The key point is that the damage caused by [Void Cut] cannot be recovered even if they turn into stone statues.

Losing the advantages of flying ability and high-speed self-healing, even though the melee combat ability of these gargoyles is still extremely terrifying, they can no longer pose a threat to anyone.

Bai Qi was not pretentious, and simply took out Hei Tan, and killed these seriously injured gargoyles with three terrifying shots of magic thoughts, and gained three bronze battle points, just enough for him to eliminate his blood sacrifice mark.

And to eliminate the blood sacrifice mark for others, you need two silver battle points or one gold battle point.Therefore, in order to keep Bai's father and mother out of the danger of the blood sacrifice, at least one more captain-level monster needs to be killed.

Retracting the cracked and dying Heitan Spear in his hand, Bai Qi turned his head to look at Ye Yingzi who was slowly approaching from behind.

Her eyes were still closed, and her face became a little pale after the powerful blow; the long sword turned into a faint sword light, like white electricity winding around her for protection.

"Is your right hand okay?" Ye Yingzi asked.

"You can spot it without looking?" Bai Qi chuckled, his right hand was covered with scars.

"I can feel that when you made a move, you were backlashed by power." Ye Yingzi said.

Because the second Yan Mo's sickle had been broken in the lord's battle, Bai Qi used his power to condense an illusory sickle just now out of desperation.

Without the support of top-quality weapons, the result of forcibly releasing [Void Slash] was to be backlashed by power, and the right hand was severely injured, and he had to go back to the fountain of life to repair it.

"It's just that you can't use your right hand for the time being. It doesn't affect much. By the way, what kind of move was that sword just now, and it's the first time I saw you use it." Bai Qi changed the subject.

"[Wufang Flying Sword] is a technique similar to sniping in Yujianshu. It needs a long distance acceleration to achieve the power just now." Ye Yingzi replied in a faint voice, without any concealment.

"Fang Gu can be laid off. By the way, I'm still short of a silver reward point. Do you need to go back to the base to meditate and adjust your breath, or can you continue to fight?"

Ye Yingzi thought for a while, "You're injured too, if we act together with Colonel Li's troops, we can continue, otherwise we can go back."

"Oh, that's easy." Bai Qi disappeared in a flash.


Colonel Li was weak and weak, and when he jumped out of the deep hole in the ground, his knees almost gave way and he fell to his knees.

This is the third time he has used [Cosmic Phantom]; the first two uses have consumed his only two chances to fully recover the amulets, otherwise he would die on the spot.

This tactic known as human-shaped nuclear weapon is too terrifying, even if he has reached the second and fifth levels now, he has to exhaust all his strength to use it once.If it wasn't for the fountain of life, he wouldn't have used this trick even if he was killed in this situation.

This feeling of weakness made Colonel Li very upset, so he decided to take the team back to the camp and take a hot spring for himself.

At this time, Young Master Bai appeared in front of him, "Colonel, where shall we go next?"

Colonel Li was taken aback when he heard the words, and seeing the injury on Bai Qi's right hand, he couldn't help being surprised: "Lord Killing God, is your right hand okay? How about going back to heal your injury first?"

"Oh, this injury doesn't affect my combat strength, don't worry. Come on, tell me where to go to kill monsters next?"

Bai Qi's high-spirited performance made Colonel Li's face twist: "My lord, the brothers in the World War I just spent a lot of energy—"

"Ahem!" Bai Qi interrupted, and he sighed deeply: "It was hard for me to take Zizi out to relax and beat the little monsters. She said just now that she must be with your army before she dares to continue with peace of mind." Fight, or you have to go back. Do you understand? Miss Wen is in the base..."


The barking is so affectionate, have you known him for a whole morning?

No wonder the commander asked the commander to check Ye Yingzi's details for you just now. It turned out that he fell in love with her... What a beast!

But the situation is stronger than people... Colonel Li said with a bitter face, "Master Killing God, then you have to protect us well."

"Don't worry." Bai Qi's eyes lit up with silver moon pupils.

He patted the colonel on the shoulder: "With the help of this radar, you will have fun hunting monsters."

Colonel Li: "..."

Then, Colonel Li simply dismissed all the folk testers, asked them to go back to repair, and broadcast the scene just now.

Not long after, the images of the three top powerhouses performing [Wufang Flying Sword], [Void Slash], and [Cosmic Phantom] bursting out became a publicity tool, which was broadcast all over the city and boosted a lot of morale.

Although the three of them have a certain amount of consumption, there are more than [-] elite soldiers around them to protect them, and their strength is not weak.

Bai Qi used the pupil of the silver moon again.With the improvement of monster power, this equipment can no longer detect movements above the captain level, but it is not bad for monitoring the movements of small groups of natural disaster troops, especially because you can know the number of opponents in advance, and you can pick soft persimmons to bully .

So they eliminated several monsters in a row, but unfortunately they didn't meet the captain-level monster Bai Qi wanted.The soldiers brushed very well, but Colonel Li was keenly aware that they were already five or six kilometers away from the spring water base, almost reaching the edge of the urban area.

He wanted to remind him a few times, but Bai Qi stared back at him.

The colonel wanted to die.

Could it be that Bai Qi was bullying Ye Meimei, who couldn't see her eyes, and wanted to take her to a corner where no one was around for an in-depth exchange?

That's okay, but there's no need to piggyback on us!

"Wait!" Ye Yingzi suddenly stopped and said in a low voice, "There are three monsters ahead!"

"Monster?" Colonel Li was startled, there was nothing displayed on the radar screen shared by Bai Qi! "Could it be a monster above the three-headed captain level?"

"Of course not." Bai Qi laughed: "How could I bring you close to three captain-level monsters? This is already a hunting area, and those three are neutral monsters, which are covered by the fog of war by the system. You won’t find it if you get very close.” (To be continued..)

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