The countdown is finally over.

In the evening of this day, less than two hours before the sun set, the voice of the system with no emotion finally sounded again.

"The third wave of monster attacks has begun, and the relevant data is being refreshed."

It's finally about to start... In the headquarters of the Haicheng Military Region, all the bosses gathered, their eyes fixed on a huge electronic panel.Countless green lights on the panel kept flashing.

"Everything is normal, this time the Dao system did not prohibit the use of any weapons!" A big man let out a long sigh of relief.

It's just that the other one poured cold water on it: "Does that mean that the Dao System thinks that the difficulty of this attack has already included our ability to use weapons of mass destruction?"

The atmosphere that was a little lively just now calmed down again in an instant.

Then on the satellite monitoring screen, you can see all kinds of monsters refreshed on the map, ranging from the lowest-level companion monsters, ordinary zombies, to the captain level.Someone soon discovered something was wrong, "Hey, why do the distribution of these monsters seem to be very regular..."

Just as he was talking, all the survivors of the entire Haicheng battle suddenly went dark in front of their eyes, and they had been cut into an aerial perspective by the Taoist system. [

On the entire land, an irregular triangle appeared.

One of the top corners is the general base of the Haicheng military, where the main combat power of the entire theater is concentrated.

Thirty kilometers away in a straight line from the base to the northeast of the urban area, there is a square in the city.The long-abandoned fountain in the center suddenly came back to life, spewing pools of unusually bright spring water exuding a strong innate aura.

There are also twelve quaint and lush towering ancient trees rising from the ground around the square. The giant trees are tangled into two thick and extreme arms, holding a round rock with a diameter of several meters in their hands, exuding a powerful aura.

Extending fifty kilometers to the west from this spring square, there is an extremely gloomy throne made of ice standing on the ground.With this throne as the center, all the buildings in a radius of tens of miles are covered with dark and desolate wasteland, and there are ghosts hovering in the sky.

In front of the Frozen Throne, there are six strange buildings, gloomy and gloomy like a tomb, and there are dark green stairs leading directly to the depths of the ground.

There are also twelve huge octagonal altars, each of which is topped with a huge blood-colored spar, and the cold and evil power is lingering on the spar.

The monsters refreshed by the system are evenly distributed between the fountain and the throne.


There was a gap in the Frozen Throne, and in the center was a deep black hole with no bottom, only to see monster lords coming out of it one after another...

The system's prompt finally sounded... "The third wave of monster attack - the ancient defense battle is about to begin! The following is the relevant introduction."

"If the fountain of life is destroyed by the Scourge, all members of the theater will be wiped out."

"You can get a slow full recovery effect when you are surrounded by spring water, and you can exchange the exclusive items for the guardian battle through the spring water."

"For every loss of one of our own ancient guardians, the soldiers of the Scourge will be strengthened by 10."

"The initial number of monster lords of the Scourge is three, and one will be added every four hours." [

"Neutral monsters are refreshed every half an hour, and you can get props, equipment, and items by killing them."

"Everyone is marked with a blood sacrifice mark, and the countdown is six hours. When the time is up, they will be sacrificed by blood and become the source energy reserve of the system."

"Killing an ordinary Scourge army will give you an ordinary battle point, which can delay the time for the blood sacrifice."

"Killing the elite-level Scourge army will give you a bronze record point, which will also have the effect of offsetting your own blood sacrifice mark, or delaying the arrival of other people's blood sacrifice."

"Killing the captain-level Scourge will get silver points, which can offset the blood sacrifice mark of oneself and the other two."

"Kill the lord-level Scourge, and destroy any buildings of the Scourge to get gold points, which can limit and offset anyone's erasure mark."

"Victory condition - destroy the Frozen Throne."

The final scene is a small group of monsters from the Sky Legion composed of ghouls, gargoyles, catapults, and crypt spiders, crawling out of the six tombs near the Frozen Throne, continuously All of a sudden, they rushed towards the spring of life, and the group at the front had already crossed the barren area and entered the urban area.

Isn't this Dota, or lol!

When they saw the introduction of the third wave just now, many people smiled contemptuously in their hearts, this brother is the best at it!

Some people have even begun to summon friends to play this kind of game together before the end of the world, and the little friends who have survived until now plan to show their skills.

But in the next moment, they discovered a huge problem-Nimma, the six large barracks of the Scourge continued to send troops, so where are our small soldiers?

Recalling the screen prompted by the system just now, many people couldn't help cursing in an instant.

Is there such a thing as cheating? There is no military building on the side of the spring of life!

Then, many people immediately realized the fact that the system intends to tell everyone... In this last days, not everyone is qualified to be a hero!

This wave of attacks is a final test, to see who is the player hero and who is the cannon fodder after many previous tests and improvements!

And with the restriction of the blood sacrifice mark, there is no need to worry about the weak not being a cannon fodder army because of cowardice, because if they don't participate in the battle, they will be killed by the system blood sacrifice six hours later.

In the Haicheng High Command, all the bosses looked at each other in blank dismay.Looking at each other, you can see a bloody red talisman emerging from the center of each person's forehead. The light changes from bright to dark, which is obviously the so-called blood sacrifice mark.

"What should I do? Do you want to blow up the Frozen Throne directly with a bomb, so that you will win directly." A big guy said.

He was instantly scolded.

"Boom your sister!"

"Blowing up the Frozen Throne is just a victory. But the system never said that it can be exempted from obliteration."

"That's right, once the Frozen Throne is blown up, those who haven't accumulated enough battle points to offset the mark of the blood sacrifice will all die!"

"No wonder the system doesn't ban high-tech weapons this time, it's not afraid of us using them at all!"

"Bang!" Commander Shen slammed his palm on the table, "Stop talking nonsense, and immediately mobilize all forces to dispatch. The vanguard of the monsters has already begun to attack the fountain of life. First, send a group of elite fighters with the most mobility to defend. Contact Bai Qi to see if he is willing to make a move!"


The military moved quickly...

In the military guard area, mourning was everywhere, and everyone's faces were gloomy.

These military families are the luckiest group of people in the entire last days, even happier than many high-ranking officials and dignitaries. With the best protection of the military, there is basically nothing that threatens them except equal obliteration.Therefore, more than half of these people are ordinary people, and the rest are basically low-level cultivators, and there are very few who exceed the first and fifth levels.

But when the third wave came, most people were dumbfounded.

Count down to six hours or die.

The key is that this time, according to the system's prompt, to eliminate the mark of blood sacrifice, one must kill elite monsters... Oh my god, how many people can meet this standard?And even if the captain-level monster is killed, it can only help the extra two people survive.

Those testers who have gathered countless beauties in the harem are already starting to have a headache. Look at this, look at that, and they are reluctant to give up on any of them...

At this time, Bai Qi's foresight was revealed.

He has always pursued the strategy of being expensive and not expensive. All his women are strong and can be self-reliant. In the end, only the white parents and mothers need to be protected, and they can be done with some silver battle points.

Bai Qi is well aware of the difficulty of obtaining gold record points, even for him, it is too rare.

Nowadays, many people are still struggling with whether they are soldiers or heroes, and they are still struggling to protect the beauty in the harem. It is because they are used to surviving as weak people and have not discovered the most important problem.

As soon as the Scourge attacked, at least three lords would strike!

Thinking about the second wave of attacks, only two lords came at the same time, and Bai Qi had to do everything possible to separate them before finally solving it.Although the strength of all the testers has increased significantly this time, as the tide rises, the monster lords spawned by the system will also increase accordingly.

As the military's inquiries arrived, Bai Qi also made arrangements.

Bai's father and mother continue to retire in the military protection area, and Bai Qi has already tied their achievement points to him, so let his son take care of everything.

Wenxin is still guarding Commander Shen's side, and follows the large army towards the spring of life.

And Bai Qi took Long Xiruo and headed straight for the Spring of Life with the vanguard!

Although Wen Guliang was a bit reluctant, but because Bai Qi asked very seriously and vaguely pointed out something, it seemed that Commander Shen was an extremely critical existence in the third wave of attacks, so he had to agree. down.

Then Bai Qi and Long Xiruo took off together with the six armed helicopters of the vanguard.

It is actually impossible for a small group of monsters to break through the fire defense line of the twelve ancient guardians, and the monster lord also stayed at the natural disaster base without any signs of dispatch.Through long-range fire volleys, the military has already discovered some particularly rough-skinned and thick-skinned creatures in the monster army, who are likely to attack the fountain of life with firepower. These require elite testers to solve them in advance.

Therefore, there were not many people in the vanguard charge this time. Five of the six helicopters were escorts, and only one of them was carrying passengers. Each of them was a top powerhouse in Haicheng's military and civilians.

Braving the icy wind from the propellers, Bai Qi and Long Xiruo boarded the helicopter.

Four of them were already seated, all second-level and fifth-level testers, and one of them happened to be an acquaintance—Tan Dong, the king of legs.

Seeing Bai Qi and Long Xiruo climb up, one of them, a man holding a sniper rifle, sneered: "Why are the second-level and third-level people here to join in the fun? Are all the people in the military area blind?" (to be continued)

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