Stunning weapon

Chapter 1310

When Mo Xiaochuan returned to the palace, a lot of official letters were placed on the table in the study.Because of the disappearance of Yingying's mother and son, Mo Xiaochuan seemed a little upset, but he still habitually picked up these official documents and glanced at them.

At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, because even though Mo Zhiyuan sent a large number of officials to Yandi, in a short period of time, all matters, large and small, still had to go through Mo Xiaochuan, and this result would not change completely within five years. Therefore, official letters from Yandi are delivered almost every day, but most of them have already been processed and reported.Generally, the place where the official letter is signed will indicate the person who handles the matter.

Now that Situ Lin'er has just given birth and is involved in some major events, she has rarely intervened, and most of them are handled by Mu Guang, but the official letter in her hand has not only Mu Guang's handwriting, but also Situ Lin'er's private seal .

This caught Mo Xiaochuan's heart, and immediately made him frown.

The Southern Tang Dynasty, which had already settled down, started a large-scale attack half a month ago. Kou Yilang, who was caught off guard, lost three cities in three consecutive days. Fortunately, Han Cheng rushed to help in time, and then regained the lost land. The fortifications that had been built were mostly destroyed by Nantang. Now, Nantang was forced to retreat, but the attack continued, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. Mu Guang also included a letter from Situ Lin'er in his official letter.

The content of the letter mentioned that the reason why Nan Tang reacted so strongly was because of two things. First, the Xiliang army that was originally defending in Liaozhou and other places suddenly launched an attack and hit Nan Tang by surprise. Prince Tang was assassinated, and there were still clues left, which could prove that it was done by people from Xiliang, pointing directly at Mo Xiaochuan.

This made Mo Xiaochuan's heart startled. The one who had the deepest conflict with the Southern Tang prince should be Han Cheng.After the little princess of the Chu Kingdom was sent back, the Crown Prince of Nantang somehow got the news, and has been forcing the Emperor Chu to perform the marriage that had been agreed before. He suppressed it, but Han Cheng was also very annoyed by this. He once said that he would take the head of the crown prince of the Southern Tang Dynasty in the future.

When Mo Xiaochuan got the news, he didn't take it seriously because he knew what Han Cheng was like.Perhaps, Han Cheng would vent out the anger in his heart, but Han Cheng is a calm person, and he would never do such a thing of secretly sending someone to assassinate him.

Besides, since Han Cheng left Qixintang, the number of assassins he can mobilize is extremely limited. Although he controls an army of 10,000+, it is not so easy to assassinate the Southern Tang prince.

Therefore, Mo Xiaochuan does not believe that Han Cheng did this. As for targeting himself, that is even more nonsense. He is now in Shangjing, and he has no time to take care of the war in the Southern Tang Dynasty. If he can be stable, he will be stable. , How could such a thing that angered the people of Southern Tang come about.

After thinking about it carefully, Mo Xiaochuan was sure that the people on his side would not do this. Then, the answer was ready to come out. There must be someone secretly playing tricks, trying to drag his energy, or trying to fish in troubled waters and profit from it.

Mo Xiaochuan thought about it carefully, his face was very gloomy, and counting the time, the accident and the disappearance of Yingying's mother and son were not very surprising in terms of time. Could it be that the two incidents were done by the same person?Thinking of this, he couldn't help being startled, because the garrison in Liaozhou was controlled by Mo Zhiyuan, and Mo Zhiyuan should be the only one who could mobilize this army. The three things were connected together, so the person behind the scenes pointed at Mo Zhiyuan.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help taking a deep breath. If Mo Zhiyuan really did this, then what exactly did he want to do?Yingying is his daughter, if Yingying is really taken away by him, Mo Xiaochuan no longer has to worry about the safety of Yingying's mother and child, but should worry about himself.

However, Mo Xiaochuan is not sure. Although these three incidents are closely related, whether they were done by the same person is still uncertain.Moreover, another person who can use the Liaozhou garrison is also possible.This person is Liu Chengqi, although Liu Chengqi has retired, and it has been a few years.

But Mo Xiaochuan did not believe that Liu Chengqi's foundation in the court could be completely wiped out, especially in the land of Liaozhou, where Liu Chengqi's second son-in-law had served at the beginning, and also had a lot of experience in the army. reputation.

No one can tell whether he has planted a secret there.

To be sure about this matter, in fact, the best way is to ask Mo Zhiyuan, but this can only be an idea, he asked Mo Zhiyuan if he could find out the result, or two.If Mo Zhiyuan didn't do it, tell him, would he believe it?If it was really Mo Zhiyuan who did it, his question would only make Mo Zhiyuan more vigilant, and perhaps he would be forced to do some things that he didn't intend to do.

Mo Xiaochuan fell into deep thought. He really didn't like the feeling now, as if everything was beyond his control. This was very different from when he was galloping on the battlefield, which made Mo Xiaochuan very uncomfortable.

Walking out of the study room, with the breeze blowing, Mo Xiaochuan decided to put this matter on hold for the time being, and wait and see how it changes before making a decision.After adjusting his mood, he walked towards the bottom of the hill, and just after he walked not far away, Liu Huier poked his head out from the woods in front, with a happy face, he called softly: "Husband!"

Mo Xiaochuan looked up, looked at her smiling face, smiled too, and said, "Why are you so happy when something happened?"

Liu Huier ran forward quickly, took Mo Xiaochuan's arm, and said, "Husband, do you know? My mother hasn't laughed since my father died, but she is very happy these days. We When talking about you, my mother always said that I would choose a husband better than her, although I think my father is not bad, but compared with my husband, it seems that what my mother said is not as good as my husband."

Seeing that Liu Huier was full of sincerity and without the slightest compliment fell into Mo Xiaochuan's eyes, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help reaching out and touching her head. He knew that every word she said came from the bottom of his heart. Xiaochuan hears it every day, and he has taken the trouble. However, what Liu Huier said made Mo Xiaochuan accept it calmly. Being valued by his own woman is a good feeling for every man.

Naturally, Mo Xiaochuan was also like this. His originally depressed mood seemed to be much better when he was told by Liu Huier's crisp and pleasant voice.

"Then do you feel happy?" Mo Xiaochuan asked after thinking about it.

When Liu Huier saw Mo Xiaochuan asking this sentence, she suddenly became serious, but she couldn't answer for a while, and the smile on her face was also stagnant. Her expression fell into Mo Xiaochuan's eyes, but it made Mo Xiaochuan Somewhat hesitant.

Suddenly, Liu Huier laughed and said: "Of course I am happy, husband, you don't know, except when I was young, I feel that these few days are the happiest in my life." After finishing speaking, she rested her head on the On Mo Xiaochuan's arm, he whispered again, "I don't know why, but when I'm with you, I feel so happy. You don't understand. At that time, when you married my sister-in-law, I was really disappointed. It’s so sad, I blamed you in my heart, why didn’t you choose me, but my sister-in-law, even if my sister-in-law is the main wife, it’s fine to let me be a concubine, even if I’m not a concubine, it’s fine to let me stay here. But, you I never cared about me, even when I stayed later, my sister-in-law came forward to speak. However, in the end, you still helped me intercede on behalf of grandpa. At that time, I was so happy, but when you came to the palace, you didn't seem to pay attention As long as I exist..."

Listening to Liu Huier's grievances, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help hugging her shoulders tightly.

Liu Hui'er shook her head lightly, and then raised her head that had been lowered in frustration when she spoke just now, and said with a smile on her face, "However, these are all in the past. What matters is now and the future."

"Yeah!" Mo Xiaochuan nodded and said, "It's just as long as you're happy."

"I'm very happy." Liu Huier broke free from Mo Xiaochuan's embrace, took his hand, bouncing back, and kept shaking her little hand, saying: "Husband, I'm really happy, so happy! "

After all, she accidentally stepped off her foot and almost fell down the steps. Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly reached out to support her.

Liu Huier was slightly startled, seeing a trace of nervousness on Mo Xiaochuan's face, and then laughed happily again.Laughter came from far away, making this cold early spring seem to have become a bit warmer, and the snow that had melted and frozen seemed to no longer freeze, and completely melted...

Seeing Liu Huier so happy, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help feeling relieved. This time, because of Mo Zhiyuan's relationship, he accepted Liu Huier as a concubine. In this, he was somewhat helpless. He was always worried whether Liu Huier would Will be heartbroken because of this.If this is the case, Mo Xiaochuan will definitely blame himself, but now, all these worries are gone, Liu Huier is still the happy girl, and even smiles more than before, which is better than anything else.

As for the matter of Liu Jingting being paraded through the streets, Mo Xiaochuan had already issued an order that in the palace, this matter should not be discussed casually, otherwise, there must be serious consequences.

The servants and guards also understand that Mo Xiaochuan has some relationship with Liu Jingting. Besides, there are two other women in the Liu family who have become the mistresses of the palace. Liu Jingting's matter was completely suppressed.

Liu Hui'er didn't go out of the house all day, so naturally she didn't know anything about it.Even Liu Qingrou, these days, because of the affairs of the Liu family, she has rarely shown her face in public, and she no longer manages the Mo family's property herself, but entrusts it to Liu Huier and Situ Yuer.

After so many years of training, Liu'er is no longer the young girl brought by Lu Shang, and she is already a person who can stand alone. With her outside and Situ Yu'er included, the Mo family's property is not so good. Flourishing, nothing to worry about.

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