Stunning weapon

Chapter 1349

Time flies, one month passed quickly.During this period of time, Mo Xiaochuan only entered the palace twice, but unexpectedly went to court a few times.Mo Zhiyuan did not take back his right to listen to the government, and now Mo Zhiyuan doesn't attach much importance to this.What he values ​​more is his own ability and that unshakable power.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Ling did not go to court for a long time, and the state affairs were still going on. What's more, he didn't go to court, and he was not obsessed with female sex, but was making a bigger layout for himself.

It was impossible for Mo Xiaochuan to lead the troops, but Mo Zhiyuan's desire to conquer Chu was not stopped.Therefore, he is waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity, but opportunities are for those who are prepared, so while he is waiting, he is also constantly improving his plan.

Chu State sent envoys during this period, and when they couldn't see Mo Zhiyuan, they met Mo Xiaochuan, and even told Mo Xiaochuan that as long as Xiliang didn't attack Chu, he could say anything, even being a minister.Moreover, he happily agreed to the marriage between Han Cheng and the little princess.

It's just that Mo Xiaochuan has no control over this matter now.However, Mo Xiaochuan also promised the envoy that he would try his best to dissuade this matter. At the same time, he also hinted that it is not safe to go to the capital, so he asked the envoy to leave as soon as possible. By doing so, it can be regarded as giving Chu Yin a face and paying him back favor.

The envoy of Chu State was also a smart person, so he naturally understood that Mo Xiaochuan had no reason to lie to him, so he immediately handed over his credentials and left.Mo Zhiyuan didn't care about such a small person like him, and let him leave.

The current Mo Zhiyuan puts more energy on Yandi.Because, those women that he underestimated were already busy everywhere, causing him quite a lot of trouble.Qixintang's activities have become more frequent now. The green hats are hidden in the dark, but the people in the Xiliang branch are not idle for a moment. The divine guards have been dispatched several times. Tang was not afraid, and actually planned to ambush a group of hidden guards of the Shenwei outside Shangjing City. Not only did he lose more than ten hidden guards, but also caused the Shenwei team to lose a ground guard.For Mo Zhiyuan, these are still trivial matters. What's more important is that the army of Yandi is ready to move. Those surrendered troops from Chu and Southern Tang were useless to attack Southern Tang before, but now, the busy farming season is over, Zhang Li They actually organized them and headed directly towards Dingzhou. As long as they turned west, they could go directly to Shangjing at any time.

After learning the news, Mo Zhiyuan immediately slapped the table and shouted loudly: "Zhang Bochang gave birth to a good son, let me call him here."

Seeing Mo Zhiyuan getting angry, the little eunuch hurriedly said: "The emperor calm down, Mr. Zhang is not in the capital."

"Huh? Why don't I know?" Mo Zhiyuan said with a cold face.

"It was the prince who sent him out to help the disaster." The eunuch replied.

Mo Zhiyuan was puzzled: "Didn't you come back early?"

"Sent out again." The eunuch knelt down and said in fright.

Mo Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment. He knew about Mo Xiaochuan's visit to court several times in this month, and he didn't take it seriously all the time.Unexpectedly, Mo Xiaochuan transferred Zhang Bochang out calmly.

In fact, it was logical for Mo Xiaochuan to do so.Zhang Bochang had experience in this field, so it was very easy to transfer him away directly, and no one would think too much about it.But Mo Xiaochuan already knew that Zhang Li would be impulsive, so he wiped his ass in advance.

Without Zhang Bochang, it would be difficult for Mo Zhiyuan to get angry with Zhang Fu.In the mansion, there are mostly women and servants nowadays, and they got angry with them and lowered their status.

As for Kou Gu, although he was able to get out of bed now, he seemed to give up his mind. He wrote several times to ask for his resignation, and Mo Zhiyuan had already agreed. A lot of land was rewarded and he was allowed to retire.

As for Cui Xiu, the illness is getting worse now, Shan Cheng and Cui Huosheng, who helped the officials of the town guard, did not play a role in containing Mo Xiaochuan, they became completely neutral, and the two departments helped each other.However, doing so is tantamount to helping Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan has been operating in Yandi for many years, and controls the military power.Mu Guang even suppressed the officials sent by Mo Zhiyuan, making them useless and unable to shake Mo Xiaochuan's foundation in Yandi. It can be said that if Mo Xiaochuan wants to separate Yandi now , If you don't think about the will of the army and the people, but in terms of strength, it is enough.

In addition, in the past two years, the weather has been good, and the harvest in Yandi is quite good. Zhang Li, the general who farms the fields, has also done an excellent job, and now he has achieved initial results. Therefore, even without the support and supplies of Xiliang, Yandi can now completely recover. Be self-sufficient.

This series of changes made Mo Zhiyuan feel a sense of crisis. What Mo Xiaochuan did was beyond his expectation.However, he didn't take it as a real threat. As long as Mo Xiaochuan didn't dare to use the troops guarding the border of the Southern Tang Dynasty, he wouldn't be a threat to him. In his opinion, Mo Xiaochuan just wanted to act as a deterrent by doing this, and he didn't think that Mo Xiaochuan really dared to mobilize troops to attack Shangjing.

However, just when Mo Zhiyuan felt confident, he suddenly received a message that a team of 3000 cavalry suddenly appeared in the desert. They actually broke through three important towns for seven days in a row, and they were delivered to Lanzhou yesterday. ...

Just when Mo Zhiyuan received the news, someone came to report that this team of cavalry had arrived at Shangjing City. Among the 3000 people, only a few were slightly injured, and no one was seriously injured, let alone died in battle. .

"What? How is this possible!" Mo Zhiyuan couldn't help standing up, he had never heard of this kind of army.Lianke's three important towns, even though these are the internal cities of Xiliang, and there are not many garrisons, but the city walls are solid, and they cannot be easily attacked. It is unbelievable that 3000 people can be captured, but there are not yet People who died in battle, how is this possible?

After being silent for a while, he sat down again, and sent people to investigate in detail again. This time, the news they brought was more specific. This group of people, the two cities in front, were all fraudulent. People, if the army does not stop them and does not conflict with them, they were only discovered when Lanzhou was cheating in the city, and a brief conflict occurred.

These [-] cavalrymen all used iron spears and black horses.Moreover, there are not only three thousand cavalry in the news, but also eight hundred swordsmen.

"What are the origins of these people? Check it out first, don't pay attention to them, how could they capture the capital with just this few people!"

After Mo Zhiyuan's words fell, at this moment, the old Tianwei behind Mo Zhiyuan said softly: "Your Majesty, it may not be impossible."

"Oh! What do you mean?" Mo Zhiyuan asked.

The old man of the divine guard hesitated for a moment, and said, "If the divine guard has 3000 people, it is not difficult to do such a thing."

"Three thousand guards? Are you joking with me?" Mo Zhiyuan frowned.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the elite of King Qi disappeared out of thin air. According to rumors, they are all in Mount Qi." The old guard said.

"Qi Mountain? Didn't you search for ten years and finally confirmed that there is no such mountain? It's just a rumor..." Mo Zhiyuan suddenly thought of something, his complexion changed slightly, and his eyes darkened: "What do you mean?" Yes, this so-called Qi Shan has always existed, and it is controlled by Xiao Chuan?"

"This, it's hard to say. However, it's very possible." Said the old guard.

Mo Zhiyuan frowned.Regarding the old man Shenwei's words, he was still a little skeptical. You must know that Shenwei now only has 1000 or 3000 people.There are [-] people in Qishan, and they are still like a guard?It's almost unimaginable.

A look of hesitation appeared on his face, after thinking for a while, he said, "Take someone to take a look."

"Yes!" The old guard nodded hurriedly and walked out.

Seeing him leave, Mo Zhiyuan's face became gloomy. At this time, he had already moved to kill Mo Xiaochuan. If Qi Shan really existed, then Mo Xiaochuan had enough threats to him, and he was no longer scruples. It's time to garrison troops in Yandi.

Because most of the troops stationed in Yandi were from Xiliang. If Mo Xiaochuan really brought them to attack Shangjing, they might not be willing. Even if they came, there were too many ways to deal with them.However, Qi Shan is different.Back then, these people were only loyal to Mo Zhiming, and they even ignored the imperial decree of Taizong back then.For so many years, they have not appeared in the Central Plains. It can be seen that they must have lived an isolated life. Then, they must be determined to be loyal to their master, just like the Divine Guard.

Such a person with such a strong combat power, no matter who they are, will be scrupulous.

How dare Mo Zhiyuan be contemptuous.He is now waiting, waiting for the news from the old man of the guardian to make a decision...

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