Stunning weapon

Chapter 1359

The cold wind blew over the palace, and Mo Xiaochuan stood quietly in front of Wu Zhanhou's house. After a long time, little Mo Zheng in a brocade padded jacket came out. His eyes were red and slightly swollen. He raised his head and looked at the Mo Xiaochuan said in a sobbing voice, "Father, master...he's gone..."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to press his head, and said softly: "Your master is a generation of strange people, and father will choose a good grave to bury him. However, the matter of posthumous title, after you grow up, You choose for him."

Little Mo Zheng didn't quite understand, but he still nodded and remembered his father's words in his heart.

Wu Zhanhou is dead. It can be said that his voice is very legendary. If there is no accident, he will become the emperor of Xiliang for two generations, the teacher of his grandfather and grandson, and many people will commemorate him in the future.Mo Xiaochuan took Mo Zhengchao to the palace.

Along the way, Xiao Mozheng turned his head several times, but Mo Xiaochuan never let him stay. He just ordered someone to handle Wu Zhanhou's affairs, and then returned to the palace.Because, Mo Xiaochuan knew that only the harmonious atmosphere in the palace could make the little guy calm down as soon as possible.

It was too sad for his young age, not good for his development.

Early the next morning, in the courtroom, Gu Lianqing once again brought up the topic of "a country cannot live without a king", which made Mo Xiaochuan dumbfounded. He had said these words for almost half a year, and there was nothing new about them. However, Mo Xiaochuan also knew that this matter could not be dragged on.It was inappropriate for Xiao Mozheng to take the throne, and Mo Xiaochuan couldn't bear to bear this kind of pressure at such a young age.

Later, under the unanimous pleading of the courtiers, Mo Xiaochuan agreed to become the throne.Some people say that Mo Xiaochuan is just pretending, but in fact, he already wants to be emperor; some people say that Mo Xiaochuan is for the sake of the people, but in fact he has no intention of being emperor.

No matter what kind of statement it is, there are certain secret supporters, and Mo Xiaochuan doesn't mind here.He doesn't want to "become a bitch and set up a memorial archway", so I don't care what others think of him. Now that he has done it, he can say whatever he wants.

The enthronement ceremony was naturally presided over by Gu Lianqing, the Minister of Rites. Although Mo Xiaochuan had strongly requested that everything be kept simple, even so, things were really cumbersome. Worshiping ancestors, offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, and a series of things, Mo Xiaochuan only felt this The head-kowtows seemed like they didn't want money, and their heads were a little dizzy. With such a big head, I'm afraid this is the most kowtow-kowtow this time, and I've kowtowed all the heads in my life.No wonder the emperors in ancient times liked others to kowtow to him. Could it be because they kowtowed too much when they ascended the throne?Mo Xiaochuan thought so wickedly.

When Gu Lianqing was presiding over some matters, he seemed extremely pious, and every action he made was rigid.

It took more than a month from the preparation for enthronement to the complete conclusion of the matter, and Mo Xiaochuan sat on the dragon chair in the court hall, looking at the ministers who knelt down and shouted long live, his heart was filled with emotion, For a moment, he thought of his grandfather.

That old bastard said that there would be a generation of emperors in the family, but now it seems that he was not lying, and everything really happened as he said.I don't know if it's a coincidence or he does have some knowledge.

Mo Xiaochuan smiled wryly in his heart and shook his head lightly. It was useless to think about it. According to the age, his grandfather didn’t know where he was, and he was never born at all. Moreover, this era was also different from what Mo Xiaochuan remembered. Luo Yimin's early arrival has already changed this place, and Mo Xiaochuan is not sure whether this world is just a surprise in time with the world he was in before, or it is not related in space.

For these, he has no way of researching at all, and can only think about it.

From the day when Mo Xiaochuan ascended the throne, Xiliang and the original land of Yan were completely unified. Regardless of whether people from Yan or Xiliang were from Xiliang, Mo Xiaochuan adopted many national policies to encourage intermarriage between people from the two places, and , he encouraged business, so that the products of the two places were transported more frequently and the speed of integration was accelerated.

As for reforming this centralized dynasty and marching towards modern democracy, Mo Xiaochuan believes that he does not have that ability, let alone whether this era is suitable for such a big step forward. Democracy alone should How to do it and where to start?Mo Xiaochuan felt a little helpless. After all, although he was born in the modern society, he lived at the bottom. He was just an ordinary citizen. When he came to this world, he was only 16 years old. He really grew up and completely It's here.Therefore, I can only introduce some concepts, but I can't really shake the fundamentals.

After Mo Xiaochuan ascended the throne, no one seemed to mention the matter of Mo Zhiyuan.In fact, many people are well aware of this, no matter whether Mo Zhiyuan is alive or not, it is impossible for him to do anything more. Under his heyday, he was defeated by Mo Xiaochuan. Now, Mo Xiaochuan has During the transition period of more than half a year, the power in his hands has been completely consolidated. Now even if Mo Zhiyuan reappears, he may be powerless.

What's more, whether he can appear or not, anyone with a discerning eye can understand this point.

On this day, Mo Xiaochuan came to the Empress Dowager's Palace again, and this was the first time he came here after ascension to the throne.When the old lady saw him in the bright yellow dragon robe, a smile appeared on her face.Mo Xiaochuan came to the back of the old queen as before, and hugged her: "Grandma, do you miss me? Are you feeling better? After a while, the weather will be warmer. When the time comes, I still want to take you Go out for a walk, you have been staying in the palace for so many years, and you are a little bored?"

"They are all emperors, why are they still so uncertain!" The old queen mother said with a smile on her face, "Grandma is old and has no energy to go out. It's better to stay in the palace honestly, Besides, you are now the king of a country, how can you go out for leisure, and the burden of a country is on your shoulders, so you must not slack off. You must not have those willful actions before."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded heavily, and said: "Grandma's teachings, Xiaochuan will keep in mind!" After Mo Xiaochuan finished speaking, he suddenly smiled again, and said, "Grandma, I'm hungry!"

The old queen smiled helplessly, but the look on her face became more kind.Mo Xiaochuan seemed to be different from Mo Zhiyuan. Since Mo Zhiyuan took the throne, he seemed to be a different person, but Mo Xiaochuan was still just her good grandson in front of her, not some emperor.

She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but the old lady didn't bother about it.No matter how Mo Xiaochuan will go in the future, she is no longer in her control, so there is really no need to worry about it.

This meal, Mo Xiaochuan was very full. In front of the old queen, he completely put aside his identity as emperor, and he felt a rare sense of relaxation, which he enjoyed very much.

It was very dark, and Mo Xiaochuan just came out from the old queen. He is still not used to living in the palace, so even if he became the throne, he never moved here. Instead, he still lives in the original palace. However, the current palace has been changed to left the palace.

For this reason, Xiaosanzi struggled for a long time, wondering whether he should become a eunuch or not, but fortunately, Mo Xiaochuan did not ask him in this regard, which made him heave a sigh of relief.Now when Mo Xiaochuan returns to the palace, he is no longer as casual as before. He is always accompanied by a large group of guards. Originally, Mo Xiaochuan didn't want to do this, thinking it was too ostentatious, but this time, Gu Lianqing was very persistent. It made Mo Xiaochuan a little helpless. In the end, he couldn't hold back the old man, so he could only follow his will.

Back in the palace, Lin Feng greeted him. Now, he is also promoted by Mo Xiaochuan to be the chief general of the imperial guards. The current imperial guards have also been separated from the imperial guards and become a separate army. A special army that guards the palace gates and the security of the capital.

Seeing Mo Xiaochuan, Lin Feng gave a big salute, before he finished kowtowing, Mo Xiaochuan lifted him up and said, "Say what you want."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Li Shangshu has been waiting for you in the study for a long time, and I don't know what's going on."

"Li Shangshu?" Mo Xiaochuan paused for a moment and realized that this Li Shangshu was the new Minister of the Ministry of War. After Kou Gu resigned, Mo Xiaochuan also sent someone to persuade him, but Kou Gu used the excuse that he was old , not intending to take over the post of minister of the Ministry of War, Mo Xiaochuan also knew in his heart that maybe this was Kou Gu showing his loyalty to Mo Zhiyuan with another attitude.So, Mo Xiaochuan didn't force him.

The current Li Shangshu, Mo Xiaochuan didn't pay much attention to this person before.He has always served in the Privy Council, and since Cui Xiu was seriously ill, the function of the Privy Council was basically a decoration, so Cui Xiu recommended Li Shangshu to Mo Xiaochuan.

After the old man took office, he did not disappoint Mo Xiaochuan. In just over a month, he achieved initial results. He not only reorganized the garrison of Shangjing City, but also made some reforms in the Ministry of War. He is a capable minister.

Hearing that he wanted to see him, Mo Xiaochuan knew that there must be something wrong, so he went straight to the study without even changing his clothes.

When he came to the study, Li Shangshu hurriedly stood up and saluted. After Mo Xiaochuan waited for him to salute, he waved his hand and said, "Stay flat, sit down." Afterwards, he also walked over and sat down.Mo Xiaochuan attaches great importance to these old ministers who are somewhat pedantic in a certain way, but he doesn't get close to them on weekdays. Everything is business-like, and there is no personal relationship.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After Mo Xiaochuan sat down, Li Shangshu followed suit.

"Li Aiqing, it's so late, do you have something important to do with me?" Mo Xiaochuan is somewhat unfamiliar with the self-proclaimed "Zhen". In front of you, it can't be like this, otherwise, instead of saying hello, they will say that you don't have the majesty that an emperor should have, and they will make that old man Gu Lianqing annoying.

When Li Shangshu heard Mo Xiaochuan's question, he hurriedly stood up and replied, "Your Majesty, the war in the Southern Tang Dynasty has changed..."

"Oh?" Mo Xiaochuan frowned. Nantang's side has been very non-stop recently. They have lost several times, but instead they put on a look of endlessness.Perhaps, the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty also understood that if Mo Xiaochuan had just ascended the throne and the Xiliang court was not yet stable, he would make some articles. Once Mo Xiaochuan came back, he would definitely deal with them. The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry.

Mo Xiaochuan thought for a while and said, "Li Aiqing, sit down and talk, what's going on, please explain in detail."

Li Shangshu sat down, and immediately explained the situation to Mo Xiaochuan in detail. It turned out that after the Southern Tang sent troops to Jingzhou and Qinzhou last time, which had no effect, this time Li Yishan personally led 20 troops to raid Dingzhou.Although the defense of Dingzhou City is tight, it never occurred to him that after Nantang had restrained a large number of troops in Jingzhou, he still had the power to mobilize so many troops, and he was caught off guard. Once, even more extreme than Li Shaobai.They actually raised a large amount of kerosene, burned the entire Dingzhou City into a sea of ​​flames, and then quickly occupied Dingzhou City.

The defenders of Dingzhou City were defeated, so they had to retreat back to Bao County. Unfortunately, Bao County is on the side of Yandi, and there is no natural danger to defend. If it is also lost, Li Yishan can directly defend Bao County, and at the same time divide his troops to attack Mozhou. At that time, Kou Yilang and Han Cheng will become very passive. Mo Xiaochuan knows that Nantang is facing Jingzhou now without even thinking about it. , must also be watching covetously, ready to cooperate with Li Yishan to pinch Kou Yilang and Han Cheng at any time.

Mo Xiaochuan thought for a while, and asked someone to find a map, and discussed carefully with Li Shangshu for about half an hour. Basically, the situation became clear.Today, the only people who can be used are Zhang Li's [-] troops left in Xinzhou.

However, these people are all descended from the army. Although they are mainly from the Chu state, after all, they were allies with Nantang at the beginning, and now they are used to deal with the people of Nantang. No one can guarantee what will happen.

Li Shangshu also looked sad, and said: "Baoxian can't last long. Although General Han has divided up his troops to support him, he still has to guard against the Southern Tang army's surprise attack on Mozhou. Therefore, the role of reinforcements is extremely limited. , the veteran feels that it is still necessary to make preparations early, and it happens that General Zhang is also in the capital now, it is better to let him lead the imperial army to support it, which is the best policy."

Mo Xiaochuan thought for a while, waved his hand lightly, and said: "Whether you are far away can't quench your thirst, let's not talk about whether the Forbidden Army is the elite opponent of the Southern Tang Dynasty. In terms of time alone, I'm afraid it will not be enough. It starts from today." I'm afraid it will take some days to raise food and grass."

Li Shangshu frowned. He naturally understood what Mo Xiaochuan said, but he couldn't think of a better way.If Zhang Li were to go directly to Xinzhou to take over his old troops to meet the enemy, then the choice of the person to lead the imperial army would be a bit of a headache...

Mo Xiaochuan thought for a while, and said: "Well, I will go to meet Li Yishan for a while, and you discuss it with Zhang Li, and try to make complete preparations before..."

"No!" Mo Xiaochuan hadn't finished speaking, and Li Shangshu's old face was covered with cold sweat. He was joking, the emperor had just been enthroned for two months, and he left Beijing. Moreover, he still brought a group of soldiers to fight. Once the elites of the Southern Tang Dynasty who are twice as strong as myself fail, the blow to the entire Xiliang will be very big.Therefore, at this moment, the old man didn't want to be polite, so he said directly, "Your Majesty, absolutely not, how can you..."

"Li Aiqing, do you dare to underestimate me?" Mo Xiaochuan's face darkened: "What a body of gold, since I entered the Imperial Army at the age of 17, I have been fighting for so many years. How often have I been afraid of fighting! He Li Yishan certainly He is a famous general of the Southern Tang Dynasty, so is my reputation weaker than him?"

"That's not what I meant..." Li Shangshu was so anxious that he didn't know what to say.

"It's fine if it doesn't mean that, so it's settled. Later, I will ask someone to draw up an order, and Li Aiqing will also arrange it. The military situation is like a fire, and there is no delay. As the Minister of the Ministry of War, you should understand this point..." Mo Xiaochuan He waved his hand and told Li Shangshu to leave.

Li Shangshu's face looked a bit ugly, he hesitated for a while, and said again: "Your Majesty, do you want to..."

"No need!" Mo Xiaochuan turned around, lowered his head, stopped looking at him, and said, "Back off!"

Li Shangshu was so anxious that he clenched his fists, but never dared to disobey Mo Xiaochuan's intentions. After all, he was not Mo Xiaochuan's close minister, and he was a little confused about Mo Xiaochuan's temper. Thinking about how to solve the problem in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he felt that there were only two people who could help him, and that was Gu Lianqing and Mu Guang.Gu Lianqing was the first person to indicate that he was part of Mo Xiaochuan's faction. Now that Mo Xiaochuan has ascended the throne, he has the merits of being a dragon. His Minister of Rites, however, has a different status in the court.

As for Mu Guang, it goes without saying that he has been lurking in the country of Yan for many years, helped Mo Xiaochuan destroy the country of Yan in one fell swoop, and expanded the territory for Xiliang. Others can't say anything, but Mo Xiaochuan seems to have no intention of setting up a Xiangguo for the time being, but many people are already thinking that the reason why Mo Xiaochuan has the position of Xiangguo vacant now is just to let Mu Guang familiarize himself with the affairs of the court. Then, push him up smoothly.

After thinking for a long time, Li Shangshu did not return to his mansion, nor did he go to the Yamen of the Ministry of War, but came directly towards Gu Lianqing.

As soon as the two old men met, Li Shangshu told the whole story, and Gu Lianqing was also frightened. The emperor personally conscripted, and brought his soldiers with him?It can be said that Mo Xiaochuan is his fate. If something happens to Mo Xiaochuan, his position will be shaken immediately. How can he not be in a hurry? Xiaochuan got in touch, how dare to let such a thing happen.

Immediately, when the two of them summed up, Gu Lianqing knew a lot about Mo Xiaochuan. He felt that he and Li Shangshu alone would not be able to change Mo Xiaochuan's determination, so the two old guys rushed towards Mu Guang. Come from the house.

After the three old men explained the matter face to face, Mu Guang shook his head again and again.

Gu Lianqing became a little anxious: "Brother Mu, you are talking at this moment. What do you mean by shaking your head?"

"That's right, Lord Mu, if you can't persuade the emperor, I'm afraid there will be a big mess." Li Shangshu also said.

"My lords, I don't think we should worry about this matter anymore, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop it..." Mu Guang shook his head lightly.

"Brother Mu, what do you mean by that?" Gu Lianqing was taken aback.

"If what I expected is not bad, I'm afraid, the emperor is already on his way." Mu Guang sighed lightly, and said: "What we can do now is to contact General Zhang as soon as possible and arrange reinforcements as soon as possible. It is already impossible to dissuade the emperor from rushing to help."

After Mu Guang's words fell, Gu Lianqing and Li Shangshu both frowned. They glanced at each other, still a little unwilling to give up: "No matter what, we have to give it a try. If Brother Mu is not willing to go, we It's not too much, let me say goodbye..."

Seeing the stubborn appearance of the two, Mu Guang was also a little helpless, and hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, my lords!"

"Brother Mu, what else is there?" Gu Lianqing showed displeasure.

Mu Guang smiled bitterly: "In this way, let's arrange someone to contact General Zhang first, and then go to work together to persuade the emperor. If this is the case, there will be no delay. What do you mean?"

Gu Lianqing thought for a while and nodded. He was also a little confused by his anxiety. Indeed, persuading Mo Xiaochuan was one thing, and the matter of reinforcements could not be delayed. Immediately, the three of them sent people out, including Minister of the Ministry of War and Hu With the Minister of the Ministry, there will basically be no problems with food, salary and reinforcements. Mo Xiaochuan has already let go of the matter of appointment, so it is very easy to handle.

After the arrangement was made, the three old men came to the palace in a hurry, but when they arrived, they saw the gate of the courtyard was closed, and they stepped forward to explain their purpose. After a while, Su Yan came out and looked at the three old men. With a wry smile, he said: "Three elders, you are late. Your Majesty left half an hour ago, and now I am afraid that he has already left the capital..."

Hearing Su Yan's words, Gu Lianqing and Li Shangshu were a little dumbfounded, but only Mu Guang showed an expression that he knew this was the case.Seeing Mu Guang's expression, both of them were a little depressed, Gu Lianqing calculated the time, half an hour ago, wasn't it the time when Li Shangshu came to his house?It seems that what Mu Guang expected was right, Mo Xiaochuan really couldn't persuade him what he decided, he couldn't help but sighed, looked at Mu Guang, and said, "Brother Mu, you really guessed it right. "

Mu Guang shook his head slightly, and said: "My lords, we are not talking about these things now, but we are still thinking about how to deal with the aftermath. The emperor's departure may cause people's hearts to fluctuate in the court, and they need stability..."

"Don't they dare to do anything to make it fail?" Gu Lianqing snorted softly, and said: "The emperor is not in the capital anymore, but if they do something wrong, they will still..."

Seeing the seriousness of Gu Lianqing's words, Mu Guangshen was afraid that he might say something too serious, so he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master Gu, it's not that serious, I mean, there are probably many people in the court, There will be our worries, we must let the reinforcements go out as soon as possible, in this way, we can calm people's hearts and reduce the burden on the emperor..."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Gu Lianqing nodded again and again, and said, "Brother Mu's words are absolutely true. Those two go..." Before Gu Lianqing finished speaking, he saw a group of fast horses galloping towards him. , a general jumped off his horse and asked loudly: "Where is the emperor?"

"General Zhang?" Gu Lianqing opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect Zhang Li to come so quickly.

But Mu Guang smiled: "General Zhang, you came just in time, and it saves us from looking for you."

Zhang Li frowned, looking at the smile on Mu Guang's face, he seemed to think of something: "The emperor has already left?"

Mu Guang nodded.

Zhang Li sighed, and said: "In that case, I will trouble you two adults, and I will prepare for this at the end..." After Zhang Li said, he got on the horse and headed towards the way he came before without waiting for the three of them to speak. And went.

Li Shangshu was a little stunned by his actions. Why is the emperor like this, and the generals brought out are also like this?

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