Stunning weapon

Chapter 168 1 Qi Sword

Granny Lu was sitting opposite Mo Xiaochuan, holding the table with her hands, her face was calm, her eyes were half-closed, her weakness had improved a lot, and her face was even a little rosy.It's just that she didn't seem to want to speak.Mo Xiaochuan knew that the old lady had a bad temper, so he didn't rush her. When the servant girl brought the tea, she took it in her hand, poured it half full, put her hands in front of her, smiled, and said, "Mother-in-law, please use it."

Granny Lu raised her eyelids, nodded, took the tea bowl casually, raised her head to drink, and ordered a few other tea bowls with her other hand.Mo Xiaochuan understood and poured everything out.Granny Lu drank one bowl after another.It wasn't until she drank half of the pot of tea that Mo Xiaochuan was dumbfounded that Granny Lu opened her mouth.

Mo Xiaochuan smiled, and finally waited for her to speak, so he leaned forward, intending to listen carefully.


Accompanied by a long pause, a pungent smell of alcohol almost overwhelmed him.It turned out that the old lady didn't want to talk, but she was full of water and wanted to hiccup.Mo Xiaochuan's face twitched unconsciously a few times, and he looked at Granny Lu with black lines.

Granny Lu rubbed her chest, smiled slightly, and said, "It's much more comfortable."

"Are you always thinking that your life is too long? Drinking before you feel well?" Mo Xiaochuan looked at Granny Lu angrily and said.

"Slap!" A slap on the head responded to him.Granny Lu stared, and said: "When does my old lady need you, a brat, to teach me what to do. Am I a doctor or are you a doctor?"

Mo Xiaochuan rubbed his head in embarrassment, and said, "Grandma, do you mean to use wine to recuperate your body?"

Granny Lu smiled, and said: "You can teach me a little bit. I don't have any serious problems, but the qi in my body is suddenly empty, and the weakness caused by lying down for two days is much better. At this time, I need some Alcohol is used to promote the circulation of qi and blood, but today I was happy with the two girls and drank a lot, so I need to borrow tea to clear some alcohol out."

Mo Xiaochuan wiped off his sweat and said, "Why didn't the mother-in-law tell you earlier, why did you make it so mysterious. Are you feeling better now?"

Seeing the worried expression on Mo Xiaochuan's face, Granny Lu smiled and said, "You are still a little bit filial. The old woman will reward you with something. Take this." She said and threw a booklet over.Mo Xiaochuan reached out to catch it, opened it and glanced at it, the front is the method of meditation luck, and the back is a sword move, and this sword move is extremely weird, holding the sword with both hands, chopping or stabbing, it is all the same move, but The direction of the sword is different. Generally speaking, there is only one move in this sword move.

Seeing that Mo Xiaochuan was not very interested, Granny Lu gave him a blank look, scolded him angrily, and said, "You won't even recognize a baby if you have it."

"Baby?" Mo Xiaochuan looked at the sword move in surprise. This posture and the way of drawing the sword can be drawn by a woodcutter. He couldn't help but said: "Is this also called baby?"

Granny Lu said angrily: "This sword manual is the unique skill of the sword sect, a sword of Qi." After that, Granny Lu paused, looking at Mo Xiaochuan's face, as if she was waiting for something.After looking at it for a long time, she was disappointed. Mo Xiaochuan looked blank, and there was no change in the slightest because of the words "One Qi Sword".She shook her head in disappointment, Mo Xiaochuan's lack of knowledge made her want to beat someone helplessly.In fact, this is not to blame for Mo Xiaochuan, he has only been in this era for a little over a year, and the only people in the martial arts that he has come into contact with are Xiaoyao and Lin Feng. Yiqi sword is very famous, even called the most powerful move in the way of swordsmanship, but it is not surprising that Mo Xiaochuan has never heard of it.

Granny Lu suppressed her anger, and said: "Forget it, this sword manual focuses on the mind, not the moves. It uses the unique mind to condense the true energy on the blade. If the inner strength is deep, you can even use the sword body to control the sword." Out of breath. The legendary kung fu of striking objects in the air is nothing more than this. But with your current skill, you can only display the power of three levels of sword moves at most. How you achieve it in the future depends on yourself."

After listening to Granny Lu's words, Mo Xiaochuan finally realized how ignorant he was. Hitting objects in the air, resisting energy and breaking his body, seemed to be similar to Qingmen's nine styles, but Qingmen's martial arts were too dangerous If it is not done well, people will die.However, this method uses the words "steady and slow" to condense the true energy to control the energy and gather the sword. It is not as dangerous to the practitioner as the Qingmen Nine Forms. , can be attached to any weapon, and can also be directly used against the enemy with bare hands. Its practicality seems to be stronger than this Qi sword sword manual, but the Yi Qi sword comes out to attack the enemy through the sword body, and it seems to be better than Qingmen Jiu in this regard. Generally speaking, in terms of swordsmanship alone, it seems that Yiqi sword is more mysterious and powerful.

Seeing that Mo Xiaochuan's face gradually became serious, Granny Lu showed a bit of satisfaction on her face.However, Mo Xiaochuan's seriousness didn't last long, and he soon returned to normal, casually put the sword manual into his arms, and said: "Grandma, I'm still very curious about the elders of the four kingdoms of the Central Plains, you should tell me first Talk about it."

Granny Lu's complexion darkened, and she said, "You should treat these worthless things with caution, how can you dispose of them like this casually."

"Isn't this a sword manual?" Mo Xiaochuan asked suspiciously: "Since it is a sword manual, it is for practice. I will put it away now and look back to understand it. Is it possible that I have to confess it and pray three times a day?" bye?"

"..." Granny Lu was so angry that he couldn't speak, and she said after a while: "Forget it, your free and easy style is somewhat similar to that patriarch. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck. It's up to you to deal with it. But, you have to remember one thing, the Yiqi Sword cannot be passed on, not even to your close relatives, unless you have entered my Sword Sect, and are your personal disciples, and those who have good conduct can pass it on .”

I saw that Granny Lu was serious.Mo Xiaochuan nodded in agreement.

Granny Lu took a deep breath and said, "Since you are a disciple of the Sword Sect, it is time for you to know something about the Sword Sect. After our Sword Sect fought against Emperor Yan back then, we negotiated peace with the Four Kingdoms and finally agreed Sending four elders to sit in the four kingdoms is regarded as the liaison between Xiandao Mountain and the royal families of the four kingdoms, and they can be regarded as half hostages."

"Four countries?" Mo Xiaochuan was a little strange. He heard from Yingying that there was only Yan country, and it seemed that there was something hidden in it.

Granny Lu saw that he was puzzled, she waved her hand slightly, and said: "You will understand these things in the future, and I don't feel comfortable talking about them right now. Anyway, after that, I came to Xiliang, and because my medical skills are not bad, I entered the hospital. I went to the imperial hospital in Xiliang. The story is roughly like this. As for Long Ying, this child should come to replace me. I didn’t expect that so many years have passed in such a sudden..."

As Granny Lu spoke, her expression was a little sad, and she looked into the distance, as if she had endless regrets...

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