Stunning weapon

Chapter 253 It is better to take pity on the person in front of you

The moonlight was hazy, beside the flower garden, the handsome men and women under the moonlight smiled similarly.Mo Xiaochuan stretched out his tongue and shook his head, then turned his head and asked, "Are you more handsome now than before?"

Situ Yuer froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Indeed!"

"So!" Mo Xiaochuan patted his leg and said, "It's better now than before, and today is also better than a few days ago. After feeling that kind of pain, this kind of pain is really not considered pain."

"This is not a reason to be brave!" Situ Yu'er shook her head and said, "Besides, didn't we agree?"

"Huh!" Mo Xiaochuan exhaled, and said, "Okay, since Miss Yu'er has spoken, I have to give this face."

Situ Yu'er smiled, nodded, and said, "Go and sit by my side≡Since I came to your house, you haven't sat there yet. When you get home, you take off the clothes from your shoulders, let I'll give it a try."

Mo Xiaochuan smiled and said, "You can't bear it."

"Really?" Situ Yu'er rubbed her forehead and smiled very nicely. At least, Mo Xiaochuan hadn't seen her smile like this for a long time.

"Try!" Mo Xiaochuan suddenly put his arms on her shoulders, and jumped off the stone platform. The pain came, and he couldn't help taking a breath, and said "drink... …"the sound of.

Situ Yu'er asked somewhat, "How are you?"

Mo Xiaochuan chuckled, and said, "It's okay, I jumped too fast. How about it, Miss Yu'er, Young Master Mei is very heavy!"

Situ Yu'er smiled slightly, grabbed his hand, straightened her body with all her strength, and said, "It's almost the same as before."

The closeness of the gentle and tender body made Mo Xiaochuan feel a little sway in his heart, but this feeling was only fleeting, because it reminded him of the time when he went out to play together in the city of Los Angeles.

Suddenly, the front yard was lit with fire, and the light shone, and the servants ran over there in a panic.

"It seems to be on fire!" Situ Yuer said in surprise.

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Don't worry about him, it's just right if it burns. Anyway, no one will have the appetite to eat in that house in the future."

"What if we burn everything else?" Situ Yu'er asked.

"Burn it, burn it." Mo Xiaochuan smiled and said, "I didn't have this house before, so I still lived."

Situ Yu'er also smiled slightly. She also knew that the servants had already discovered that they would not let the fire spread any more, so she asked on purpose just now, and after hearing what Mo Xiaochuan said, she smiled and said, "You are the master of this yard. You decide."

"That's natural." The two smiled and walked towards the other courtyard.

Time seems to be going backwards again, back to the small town on the border of the Yan Kingdom, the playful young man and the spoiled daughter reappeared...

In the other courtyard, there used to be Situ brothers and sisters and a group of servant girls.

Since the assassination of Xia Chuyue was unsuccessful last time, the family was ruined and Situ Xiong was arrested. Only Situ Yu'er, Liu'er, and a few servant girls were left here.

After entering Situ Yuer's room, an elegant fragrance came, and the whole room was tidy, without any clutter. It was a hundred times better than when Mo Xiaochuan went to Situ Yuer's boudoir for the first time. .

Situ Yuer grabbed a chair and asked Mo Xiaochuan to sit down.

Mo Xiaochuan looked around and asked softly, "By the way, I haven't seen Liu Er for some days. What is she up to lately?"

"Liu'er is studying!" Situ Yu'er said, took the water basin from the maid, put it at Mo Xiaochuan's feet, and said: "Liu'er said that I didn't have a chance to study before, and I always feel very regretful, and, She is also a person who doesn't like excitement, so she spends all day studying hard and rarely goes out, and I only see her every now and then."

"Oh! That's it!" Mo Xiaochuan watched Situ Yu'er putting some flower petals and medicinal materials into the water basin, while talking, he thought to himself, this woman is quite troublesome, and she needs so many things to wash her hands.

After finishing the water, Situ Yuer tested the temperature of the water again, put it under Mo Xiaochuan's feet, and said with a smile, "Master, take off your shoes!"

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Situ Yu'er in surprise, and said, "Is this for washing my feet?"

Situ Yuer nodded.

Mo Xiaochuan's heart warmed, his eyes showed a bit of tenderness, he nodded slightly without speaking, raised his legs, and took off his shoes and socks.Put your feet into the water basin, a sense of comfort rises from the soles of your feet, and the pain is also relieved a lot.

He closed his eyes, enjoying a moment of silence.

Suddenly, a pair of soft little hands grabbed his ankles, Mo Xiaochuan was slightly startled, and hurriedly opened his eyes, only to see Situ Yuer squatting down, lifting up his trouser legs for him.

"Yu'er, what are you doing?" Mo Xiaochuan grabbed her hand and said, "I can do it myself, if you are like this, let me..."

Situ Yu'er looked at him, the teasing smile was missing in her eyes, and there was only tenderness in her eyes. She shook her head lightly and said, "I know what you want to say. I'm not trying to be mean to myself, you let me come."

Mo Xiaochuan hesitated, wondering if he should let go.

Situ Yu'er slowly withdrew her hand from his, and said in a low voice: "Although I haven't looked for you for two days, every day I stand by the flower garden and look at everything in the mansion. Injury, I discovered it a long time ago. During the day, I went to my mother-in-law to get medicine, and the medicine in it is for your leg injury. "

Mo Xiaochuan let go of his hand slowly, and said: "Yu'er, you treat me like this, tell me to..."

Situ Yu'er shook her head and said, "You don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry about anything, and I don't have to use this to make you change your mind. I do this because I want to do this. I have no other intentions, and I don't want to get anything. .”

Mo Xiaochuan was speechless in a daze.I don't think I think of Yan Shu's Huanxi sand in my mind. <, it is better to take pity on the person in front of you...

At this moment, I seem to be in such a situation.Especially this sentence is not as good as taking pity on the person in front of him, making his heart move, looking at Situ Yuer, his heart is slightly tense, that pair of pure white jade hands, I am afraid that they have not even touched a little dirty water before, but now they are doing it for themselves. It is impossible to say that I am not moved after washing my feet.

However, Mo Xiaochuan knew that he could not give Situ Yuer the status of a regular wife, so letting her be a concubine seemed to have wronged her too much.Besides, Situ Xiong, as the eldest grandson of the Situ family, although this status has become an embarrassing thing now, does he tolerate his younger sister being a concubine?

Ever since he was young, Mo Xiaochuan would never agree to Guan'er being a concubine. <, it’s better to take pity on the person in front of you..." However, Ren Jiu unconsciously said the last two sentences of Huanxisha, and then closed his eyes.

When Situ Yuer heard it, she was startled suddenly, raised her face, looked at him blankly, shook her lips, and a teardrop fell into the basin.Then he gently wiped away his tears, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

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