Stunning weapon

Chapter 264 Day 3

~ri date:~October 11ri~

"Rotten wood can't be carved, and a wall of dung can't be can't be a grandson if you are young. It's difficult to raise, if you are close you will not be inferior, if you are far away you will complain..."

Early in the morning, there was the sound of reading loudly in front of Mo Xiaochuan's door.

Mo Xiaochuan patted his forehead and pushed open the door, "Guan'er, what are you doing?"

"I'm studying!" The little girl replied with a giggle.

"What book are you reading?" Mo Xiaochuan frowned.

""The Analects of Confucius"!" The little girl nodded and said, "Didn't my brother let Guan'er read "The Analects of Confucius?"

"Then why do you only read the words that are swearing?" Mo Xiaochuan had a headache and couldn't help but patted his forehead again.

The little girl was serious, and said: "Guan'er thinks these words make sense. However, this rotten wood, dung, whose property is whose? It should be the mother-in-law and the old grandfather, the woman and the villain, Guan'er who is old and not dead. Even if she is a woman, she is not considered an adult, so I should say Guan'er... No wonder my brother doesn't like Guan'er recently, it turns out that Guan'er is difficult to raise..."

"Oh..." Mo Xiaochuan patted his head and said, "Okay, okay, you can read another book, this "The Analects of Confucius" is not suitable for you!"

"Yeah, Guan'er listens to my brother very much!" The little girl nodded vigorously, smiled cunningly, and ran away with her book in her arms.

Mo Xiaochuan saw the little girl running, and knew that she did it on purpose, but even so, he didn't know what to do with her. He shook his head slightly, walked into the room, and picked up a cup of herbal tea on the table , rinsed his mouth.

Ru'er came in with a basin in hand.

Mo Xiaochuan took the basin, and while washing his face, he asked, "Ru'er, what books would you like to find for Guan'er to read?"

"Isn't she reading "The Analects of Confucius?" Ru'er asked.

Mo Xiaochuan glanced at her, and said: "After staying with Guan'er for a long time, you girl has also learned badly. Is she studying? She is obviously angry with me."

Ru'er couldn't help laughing and said: "The young master said what books should I give the young lady?"

Mo Xiaochuan sighed, and said, "This... I don't have any ideas for the time being, I'll leave it to you."

Ru'er nodded with a bitter face.

"Not sure?" Mo Xiaochuan wiped his face and turned his head.

"Servants do their best!" Ru'er replied.

Thinking of the little girl's nirvana just now, Mo Xiaochuan felt a headache, waved his hands, picked up the basin, handed it to Ru'er, and said, "Forget it, you can figure it out. There are many things today, and I don't have time to take care of them." She's gone." After saying that, he strode out the door.

After Mo Xiaochuan left, Ru'er tidied up the room and was about to go out with the water basin, when suddenly, the little girl ran in and almost bumped into the water basin, Ru'er was surprised: "Miss, what are you doing?" , so flustered."

The little girl took a look and asked, "Is brother gone?"

"Already gone!" Ru'er nodded.

"Did brother scold Guan'er?" The little girl raised her head and asked somewhat.

"You also know that you can't fool the young master?" Ru'er laughed.

The little girl giggled and said, "Brother is so smart, but "The Analects of Confucius" is really boring."

"Young master said, if you don't read "The Analects", then don't read it, let me find you some other books-< >-read "The Book of Songs"!" Ru'er thought for a while and said.

The little girl pouted, frowned, and said, "Do you really want to read this?"


"Can't it be changed?"


"Can Guan'er choose one?"


"Really not?"


The little girl sighed and said, "Okay..."

Ru'er felt that she had finally been persuaded this time, and she had a small sense of accomplishment, so she laughed unconsciously.

When Mo Xiaochuan came to the front yard, Situ Yuer stood in front of the door to see him off as usual. The two smiled, and Mo Xiaochuan got on his horse and went straight away.

Today, when I came to the Forbidden Army's camp, the camp was even more unremarkable, and the queue was not evenly organized for the time being.

Mo Xiaochuan came to the school grounds, gathered everyone here, looked at the place where the list was pasted, and sure enough, it was torn away again.He smiled, did not speak, came to the high platform, sat down, and said: "You have read the list, and you all know the prohibition! Later, you will recite one by one, and those who can't recite it will be the five army sticks." , those who don’t know a single word, Ten Army Sticks!”

After hearing this, everyone was in an uproar!

Mo Xiaochuan ignored them, and said to Huang Ping: "You go over there to assess this time, and record them one by one. Those who do not cooperate will get twenty army sticks!"

"Yes!" Huang Ping took the order and left.

Mo Xiaochuan cast his eyes on the people below again, exhausted his skills, and said: "Who tore up the two bulletins, stand up for me." After the words fell, no one moved, he smiled, and said: "Why, don't you think of yourself as a man? Dare you dare to admit it?"

As soon as this remark came out, more than 30 people immediately stood up and said that they tore it up by themselves.Moreover, the number of these people is still increasing, and in a short while, there are more than 50. There are only two posters, so naturally there is no need for so many people to tear them up. This is obviously ordered by someone to give Mo Xiaochuan a bad look. Mo Xiaochuan Not in a hurry, still with a light smile, said: "There are only a few people, are there any more?"

Immediately, more than 50 people stood up.

Mo Xiaochuan waited quietly without speaking, watching those people gradually increase, and when there were 1 people who admitted that they were tearing up the list, the number stopped increasing.There are 300 people in the Tenth Battalion of the Forbidden Army. The [-] people are not too many, but they are enough to make Mo Xiaochuan look bad.

In the audience, some people already had a sneer on their faces.

Mo Xiaochuan looked at those people and said: "There are thirty prohibitions in the list, so each person will have thirty military sticks."

There was an explosion below, and the noise was unbearable. Three hundred people shouted in unison, scolding Mo Xiaochuan for being unfair.

"You want to be fair, don't you?" Mo Xiaochuan stood up and said, "That's good, one stick for each!"

Seeing Mo Xiaochuan backing down, everyone became quieter.

Mo Xiaochuan asked people to remove the table in front of him, put a bench on it, smiled lightly, and asked, "Who will come first?"

Among the 300 people, a tall man shook his shoulders and said, "Isn't it just a military stick? My ass is itching. I'll come first!" After that, he strode up and pointed at the people below He cupped his hands, and laughed loudly, as if he was not receiving a punishment, but rather an award.

The people below also applauded loudly, exaggerating that person into Zhang Fei.

Mo Xiaochuan took an imperial army soldier from the hand of the imperial army soldier on the side, and asked someone to set up a bench next to it, and there were two people standing with army sticks. He looked at the applauding people below, and said: "Over there Thirty army sticks, I have one army stick here, you choose yourself..." Then, he said to the man who was still bowing his hands, "Can you get down?"

The man glanced at Mo Xiaochuan, snorted coldly, lay down on the bench, and said, "Don't hit me, give me two sticks if you want to hit me..."



Before the man finished speaking, Mo Xiaochuan's army stick fell down. He held the stick with one hand, and it seemed that he didn't use much force, but when the stick went down, the bench under the man broke, and the army stick hit the ground. On the ground below, several pieces of blue bricks on the ground were also smashed into the air. The man's whole body fell into the blue bricks, his eyes protruded, his body turned back from his buttocks, his mouth was wide open, he was motionless, and he died. ...

Mo Xiaochuan looked at the army stick that was broken in two, shook his head, and said: "Not strong enough..." He threw it aside casually, took another army stick from the soldier beside him, and said, "Next... "

This time, there was no more commotion from below, and everyone looked at Mo Xiaochuan, their eyes wide open, unable to speak...

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