Stunning weapon

Chapter 276 Soles

~ri date:~October 11ri~

Downstairs of Qin, it was very lively and bustling with people, only the veiled woman was around.When the disheveled middle-aged man shouted ten thousand taels of silver to lift his veil, the crowd erupted and applauded.

That middle-aged man is Liu Suizhu, he is a frequent visitor here, naturally he is very familiar with this Xing girl, it is rumored that this woman only sells art but not her body, and she is always covered with a veil, never showing her true face, Liu Suizhu Today's move is a bit too much.

If it was the past, he would definitely not be like this, and he doesn't know what happened today, when he heard the name Mo Xiaochuan, he couldn't get angry.

When he was yelling happiest, his subordinates tugged at his sleeves.

Liu Suizhu was a little annoyed, she finally got excited, this kid came to disturb her again, and was about to scold her, when suddenly she heard someone under her command whisper: "That tall, thin, good-looking boy is Mo Xiaochuan. "

Liu Suizhu turned her head to look at him, followed her gaze, and saw that there was indeed a thin and good-looking young man looking at him. This was the first time she met Mo Xiaochuan, and she saw this young man who killed Qin Mu with her own eyes. , but he was a little dazed.

Mo Xiaochuan's skin was fair, and he looked thin and thin. Under the light, he even looked a bit childish. Would such a person kill more than 20 Falcon Hall experts including Qin Mu in a short time?

Liu Suizhu couldn't help but have some doubts.

It is said that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, meeting is worse than being famous, but Mo Xiaochuan's nirvana made Liu Suizhu puzzled.It is impossible to connect him with the person who has the wrong number of "Shashen".

"Do you recognize it clearly? Is it really him?" Liu Suizhu had to confirm again.

"Eldest young master, don't worry. Even if he turns into ashes, his subordinates will recognize him."

Hearing what his subordinates said with such certainty, Liu Suizhu nodded slightly, accepting the fact.

Mo Xiaochuan watched for a while, and saw Liu Suizhu looking at him, his eyes were surprised at first, and then became a little unfriendly.Naturally, he didn't know Liu Suizhu, and he didn't care to ask about the brothel, so he took another look and then walked away.

"Follow him!" Liu Suizhu whispered.

The subordinates nodded and quietly followed behind Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan strode forward, and the man followed unhurriedly.After a while, Liu Suizhu also followed.The people under him were a little surprised, and said: "Eldest young master, why did you follow?"

"I want to see if this kid has three heads and six arms!" Liu Suizhu said with a cold snort.

The subordinates complained in their hearts, Liu Suizhu is not expected to stalk people, she is good at stalking, so she dare not follow too closely, if I bring another him, I am afraid that this person is not good enough to talk to others, so I looked up Look, Mo Xiaochuan didn't know where he went.

"Where are people?" Liu Suizhu asked.

"It should have passed the curve ahead."

"Then hurry up!" Liu Suizhu cursed in a low voice, quickened her pace, and hurriedly chased after her.

Fearing that he might miss something, his subordinates hurriedly chased him, and when they reached the corner ahead, the subordinates overtook Liu Suizhu, turned the corner first, followed closely by Liu Suizhu.

However, when the two came here, not only did they not see Mo Xiaochuan, but there was an extra sole in front of them.

"Don't follow me!"

Accompanied by the voice, the sole of the shoe was suddenly pushed closer, and stepped directly on the face of the subordinate, calm and reasonable, and immediately flew the person away, and at the same time the person flew out, the back of the head hit Liu Suizhu's bridge of nose .

The two flew far away at the same time, and fell into the mud pit at the foot of the wall not far away.

Mo Xiaochuan glanced at them and strode away.

Liu Suizhu's head was knocked dizzy, and she didn't recover for a long time. The stinky water in the mud puddle choked her mouth, and there was a puff. Someone must have urinated in it.

Although the people under him were also a little dizzy, they didn't have time to worry about themselves, they hurriedly pulled Liu Suizhu and pushed him into the mud pit first.Then, he also climbed up.

The two of them were sitting on the ground, their faces covered with mud. The face of the subordinate was kicked by Mo Xiaochuan, and the nosebleeds had already flowed across the face.

The two people covered in mud were mixed with nosebleeds, as if two clay statues had been graffitied with red paint.

Liu Suizhu coughed loudly, the muddy water that had just poured into his mouth was unspeakably disgusting, he bent down, vomited, and vomited out all the wine and food in his belly, and then he got better.

Wiping his face lightly, the bridge of his nose hurt deeply, which made him furious. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Mo Xiaochuan, I will never end with you. If I can't kill you, I will not be called Liu Suizhu."

The people under his command felt very ashamed when they heard the master's anger, and said in a low voice: "Young master, there are many people here, so don't reveal your name casually, or it will be spread tomorrow."

Liu Suizhu was also a little confused with anger, and after being reminded by him, she understood a lot, snorted, and cursed: "Don't go to the car."

The people under him rushed to stop the car.

Liu Suizhu touched his nose again, and the pain made him gasp. Although he was not pampered since he was a child, he was well-clothed and well-fed. Where did he suffer from such anger? Now the bridge of his nose has been broken. He was very angry, and his anger towards Mo Xiaochuan became more and more intense.

When the people under his command found the carriage, Liu Suizhu hurriedly jumped on it, urged it to start, and headed towards the mansion.

He is now furious and wants to kill someone. If it wasn't for how embarrassing this image is, he wouldn't be able to bear it for a while. The taste of the muddy water just now is something he will never forget in his life, because the muddy water is his own. The worst thing I've ever drank since I was born.

Enduring the pain, after gently wiping his face with a handkerchief, Liu Suizhu furiously raged at his subordinates, and said: "You are limited to count the people around Mo Xiaochuan who can attack within three days, if not, you will also Don't come to see me, just grab your head off and apologize!"

"Yes!" The people under his command hurriedly agreed, but secretly complained in his heart. If it wasn't for your eldest young master insisting on following, how could he be discovered so easily? Now that he thinks about it, he feels that the kick he just suffered is a bit awkward. Injustice, however, did not dare to say anything in his mouth, he could only nod his head and agree.

Seeing the carriage driving slowly, the onlookers all started talking in amazement.Mo Xiaochuan came out from the crowd, glanced at the carriage going away, frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Liu Suizhu?"

After saying it again, he wrote down the name.Just now when he was in front of Qin Lou's gate, he felt that this middle-aged man must have an extraordinary status, otherwise, how could he just shout out ten thousand taels of silver, but he didn't expect that this person was Liu Suizhu, just now he heard Liu Suizhu say Only after saying his name did he understand why they looked at him like that.

Mo Xiaochuan was walking on the road, and he had already put Liu Suizhu on the list of people who paid the most attention in a short period of time...

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