Stunning weapon

Chapter 280

~ri date:~October 11ri~

, nbsp; Early in the morning of the next day, it began to rain heavily in Shangjing.

Mo Xiaochuan stayed overnight among the forbidden army at night, and did not go back." Woke up early, the family members of the mansion came in the rain and delivered a letter.

Spreading it out, Situ Yuer's beautiful notes fell into his eyes.

Although this girl used to be savage and capricious, she could write well, at least much better than Mo Xiaochuan.

Just watch.

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head lightly and smiled. Nothing major happened in the mansion. It was just because it opened today and it happened to be raining heavily. Expect.

Mo Xiaochuan wrote a reply on the back of the original letter and handed it to the servant.

The servant hurried back in the rain again.

Back at the Mo Mansion, Situ Yu'er and Liu Qingrou were waiting anxiously.

Seeing the letter brought back by the servant, the two spread it out, only to see four words written on it, don't lose your integrity.

Situ Yu'er was a little puzzled, and asked, "What does this mean?"

Liu Qingrou smiled, and said: "Sister Yu'er, what Mr. Mo said is very clear, let us act according to the plan. It is true, it is my fault that I am a little hesitant. In fact, Mr. Mo does not need to remind you about this kind of thing."

Situ Yu'er smiled back and said, "In that case, then we are ready to go!"

Liu Qingrou shook her head and said, "It's not us who set off, it's me. You forgot, Mr. Mo won't let you go out."

"It's not my sister who reminded me, I almost forgot!" Situ Yu'er stuck out her tongue and said, "Then it's my sister's fault."

Liu Qingrou nodded and asked someone to pack up the goods, then bid farewell to Situ Yu'er and left Mo's residence.

Along the way, sitting in the sedan chair, her heart was full of sweetness, she lowered her head in thought, her face blushed, she felt that Mo Xiaochuan's refusal to let Situ Yuer follow her was due to her complete trust in her.

When I came to the gate of Buzhuang, there was a plaque hanging on the surface of a new clothing store next door, with the word "Moshi" written on it.

The store door was closed tightly, and a wooden sign was hung on the door. The prices of the three varieties of "Mo's Fuyan Silk" were written on the wooden sign. "Exquisite Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" has now been priced at two hundred guan; top-grade [-] guan; ordinary ten guan.The quantity is indicated after each type.

The following is the date of opening, which is today.

"Miss Liu, there are too many cars ahead, it's not easy to pass. Look, do you want to get off here?" Outside the sedan chair, the servant of Mo Mansion asked softly.

Liu Qingrou hummed softly and got out of the sedan chair.

As soon as she got out of the sedan chair, she couldn't help being startled. She saw countless carriages retreating outside, and she couldn't see the end at a glance. In front of the door of Mo's shop, many women held umbrellas and formed a long queue.

Liu Qingrou was surprised and speechless, remembering that when she went to Mo's residence, there were not so many people, why so many came all of a sudden.

After being dazed for a while, Liu Qingrou asked someone to move the goods, and let her enter the shop through the back door.

At this moment, there was still half an hour before the opening time, and she hurriedly ordered everyone to place the goods, especially feeling a little strange in her heart, confused by the scene outside.

In fact, this is all thanks to Mo Xiaochuan.

The color of the sky changed suddenly last night, and Mo Xiaochuan thought that today may have an impact. If the opening time is moved to a later date, it will inevitably damage the atmosphere he has painstakingly created. For this reason, he came up with a way.

While sending people to publicize that there are only [-] pieces of "Exquisite Mo's Fuyan Silk" and the concept of first come, first served, they found Feng Wan and asked him to find a few women to wait for news.

After Situ Yu'er's letter arrived, Mo Xiaochuan knew it was time, and after explaining to Feng Wan, Feng Wan sent someone to notify his wife, and Mrs. Feng immediately recruited her sisters, and rushed back to Mo's residence while delivering the letter. At the same time, they also hurried to line up in front of the store.

In this way, many people who are here will come here one after another, whether because of today's weather, the "Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" will be rescheduled, and this has formed the current scene.

Liu Qingrou naturally didn't know what Mo Xiaochuan had done, so she was so surprised.

However, she is very experienced in this area. When doing business, what she fears is that there will be no source of customers. There is no reason to be afraid of crowds. Although Liu Qingrou is puzzled in her heart, the arrangements are well-organized and not chaotic at all.

Half an hour later, the door of Mo's store opened slowly, and the people in front rushed in.

He directly squeezed Liu Qingrou who was about to say a few words into a corner.

Liu Qingrou opened her eyes wide, she had never seen such a formation before.

A pair of beautiful eyes blinked again, and he didn't say a word when he was ready. He could only hear those women yelling in his ears. The girls in front of the counter were busy answering various questions, and they were too busy to collect money and deliver goods. Come.

Because the sellers are all women, these women have nothing to worry about. Some people even throw away the money and snatch the goods from the girls. Road bloodstains.

Liu Qingrou swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Before Mo Xiaochuan decided to change all the sellers from men to women, he still has some, because although women are not banned in this era, they still rarely make a living in public, so the waiters in taverns and inns are also men. There is a woman, Liu Qingrou, who only runs a shop, and does not sell the goods herself. In her cloth shop, most of the men are selling goods. She only occasionally goes to the shop to sit quietly, and only when she meets acquaintances will she talk to her one time.

But now it seems that hers should be superfluous.

For this kind of women's products, it is better for women to sell goods.

Liu Qingrou stood in the corner, listening to the noise, only felt her head buzzing...

After an hour passed, the sales girls all looked tired, looked at the bare counters and shelves, and looked at each other, all pretending to be stupid.

Following some people who came behind and cursed and left after seeing that there was no stock, the store gradually fell silent.

After Liu Qingrou ordered the store to be closed, she still couldn't believe the facts in front of her. She looked at the girls who were also in a daze, and asked softly, "All sold out?"


"It's really light?" Liu Qingrou asked again.


"Huh!" Liu Qingrou exhaled, with a bright smile on her face, feeling that the task Mo Xiaochuan entrusted to her was accomplished gloriously, she felt relieved, and said, "Today, everyone will be rewarded with a consistent amount of money."

The dazed women cheered collectively.

Liu Qingrou waved her hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's count the money first, and come to me tomorrow to get the money!"

After some busy work, it started. I was busy until the afternoon before checking the accounts, but the amount of money was more than 500 yuan, which surprised Liu Qingrou. The person who bought the goods gave more money, and he was relieved. After all, it is better to have more than less.

Fifty pieces of "Exquisite Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" each with 350 guan, that is 860 guan; [-] "Top Grade Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" is [-] guan; "Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" was sold for [-] guan, the proceeds from the sale were [-] guan, plus the extra [-] guan, the total was [-] guan.

The entire underside of the counter was piled full of money.

According to the prices in Xiliang, 6000 guan can buy a very good house, and with more than 3000 guan, you can buy more than a dozen good houses∽ After the cost, at least a net profit of more than [-] guan.

In less than two hours, he made so much money.

The girls who counted the money really counted the money until their hands cramped.One by one was so tired and weak.

Liu Qingrou was also very tired, but there was more joy in her heart.

Afterwards, she asked the servant of Mo's mansion to go back to the mansion and called Lin Feng over, because she was really worried about asking the servant to send back so much money.

After Lin Feng came in, he was a little dumbfounded looking at the money.He asked blankly, "Miss Liu, did you earn all of this today?"

Liu Qingrou nodded.

Lin Feng took a deep breath: "With Miss Liu, Captain Mo simply picked a money tree..."

Liu Qingrou blushed, and said, "I'm just helping out, everything was arranged by Mr. Mo."

Lin Feng sighed, and said: "In the past, I thought that Captain Mo could only lead troops, but I didn't expect to make money. Besides, if you don't make a sound, you're done. It's a blockbuster..."

Liu Qingrou raised her head and said, "Mr. Lin, you'd better have someone move back to the residence as soon as possible."

Lin Feng almost dropped his head on the ground with a sentence of Mr. He is a self-proclaimed man, so he naturally likes others to be called a son, and now a sentence of Mr. seems to make him suddenly look a few years older.

He waved his hand and asked his subordinates to pack the money into boxes, sorting the silver and copper coins separately, and he was busy for half a day. It was late in the day before he packed them up, and then he and Liu Qingrou headed towards Mo Mansion.

Back at Mo's Mansion, Situ Yu'er was also surprised and speechless, and asked after a while, "Sister Liu, is it really all sold out?"

Liu Qingrou nodded.

"I still can't believe it now." Lin Feng interjected, and said, "It's amazing that Captain Mo can still do business..."

Situ Yu'er smiled and said, "There's nothing strange about it. Commander Mei was born in a merchant back then, and Mo Xiaochuan has his family skills."

"That's right!" Lin Feng nodded, with an expression of sudden realization.

Such a good result was achieved on the opening day, which made everyone full of joy.

Granny Lu was the first to say: "Boy Lin, go get Boy Mo back, don't leave today, let's have dinner together later!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Grandma's words, how dare you disobey, I will go now." After saying that, he left the mansion in a hurry.

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