Stunning weapon

Chapter 300 Assassin

The next morning, Mo Xiaochuan went out early and came to the Forbidden Army. Mo Zhiyuan told him last night that he went to court this morning, and he still had a fresh memory of coming to the Forbidden Army.

It is said that you are not joking, Mo Xiaochuan has no doubts about this, and Mo Zhiyuan said it himself, so there is no reason not to go.

As a result, he waited until noon and did not receive a summons.

This made him a little puzzled. Could it be that there are so many things in the court today, and the court has not been dispersed until now?He sent someone to inquire about it, only to find that today's morning break was earlier than in previous days, and all the ministers had already left.

This made Mo Xiaochuan even more puzzled.

Mo Zhiyuan himself said last night that he broke his promise today, this should not be something an emperor should do.

For three days in a row, Mo Xiaochuan was a little bit worried about this matter, and sent someone to investigate, but there was no result.Could it be that Mo Zhiyuan broke his promise because he said it as an uncle?Mo Xiaochuan could only comfort himself like this.

But he was always worried.

More than ten days have passed, and there is still no news from Mo Zhiyuan, and Mo Xiaochuan can't ask him face to face, he can only wait quietly, and will stay in the camp every day, not daring to go out, only when Cui Xiu comes, He will walk out of the camp and play chess with him.

Half a month later, Mo Xiaochuan's chess skills improved, and Cui Xiu brought a new set of chess.

This chess is different from chess and go, and it uses mountains and rivers as the board, and small people as pieces to start a simulated battle.

Every time, Cui Xiu would let Mo Xiaochuan have many sons, but Mo Xiaochuan used several times the strength of Cui Xiu, but he was always defeated. Even if he won occasionally, he suffered heavy losses, and the losses of both sides were disproportionate.

Cui Xiu would smile at this time and teach him to focus on the overall situation and not to win at the cost of hurting himself like this.

Another half month passed.

Gradually, Mo Xiaochuan was able to stand in a stalemate without Cui Xiuxiang giving way. Although sometimes, the two couldn't tell the winner for several days in a row, Mo Xiaochuan was interested and interested.He also became more and more aware of Cui Xiu's unusualness.

Although the old man has not revealed his identity until now, Mo Xiaochuan has already seen that the old gentleman in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person, and he respects him more and more.

Several times, Mo Xiaochuan wanted to worship Cui Xiu as his teacher, but was rejected.

Cui Xiu's reason is that he is already a person who is about to enter the earth, so he is not suitable for taking any more apprentices. The two of them are friends who have forgotten their years, talking and playing chess every day, but they are more relaxed than being a master and apprentice.

In this way, Mo Xiaochuan no longer insisted.

The two played chess every day, and sometimes when they were tired, Cui Xiu would invite him to go out for a walk, enjoy the mountains and rivers near the capital, and talk about her experience and what she heard and seen from time to time.

Whenever this time, Mo Xiaochuan pays special attention.

Because, what Cui Xiu said seemed to be random, but all of them were the spirit of using soldiers.

Mo Xiaochuan also respects Cui Xiu very much ≤ he wants to invite him to the mansion as a guest, but Cui Xiu always puts the topic aside with a light smile.

In this way, a month passed quickly.

The summer in Xiliang just passed by in such a hurry, and autumn came quietly.

In a flash, a year and a half has passed since Mo Xiaochuan's life in Xiliang. Looking back, it seems to be like yesterday. It feels very close, but it seems very far away.

The business of Mo's store is getting better and better.According to Mo Xiaochuan's idea, "Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" has always been the signboard of Mo's store, especially the price of "Exquisite Mo's Rejuvenating Silk" has been rising and has never fallen, and the production volume in the store has also increased. Not many, in the past there would be supplies every day, but now it is adjusted to only a few days, and the quantity has never exceeded fifty.

This result was the same as what Mo Xiaochuan had expected at the beginning, the more so, the more attractive he was to those women.

Later, "Mo's Hand Cream" and "Mo's Moisturizing Lotion" were launched one after another with him as the main formula, which was researched and improved by Granny Lu. , divided into Jingpin, Top Grade and Ordinary.

Mo's store is getting bigger and bigger, and in just two months, five branches have been opened.Of course, Mo Xiaochuan's current social status has also been rising.Disregarding working capital now, his fixed cash has already reached as much as 30 guan.

In this era, the so-called rich family means a rich man, and now Mo Xiaochuan is considered a full-fledged rich man.

However, he always felt that he was not fulfilled enough, and his heart was a little empty.

Since then, he has never met Yingying again. Although the two have been exchanging letters, Mo Xiaochuan always feels that there is no bottom line.After the military expenditure of the imperial army came down, it was really very little, only enough to maintain the daily expenses of the tenth battalion, but it was far from enough to replace those obsolete military facilities.

Mo Xiaochuan had to pay for it himself.

After really investing in the army, it was only then that I discovered that raising soldiers is indeed a bottomless pit. If one hundred thousand yuan is put into it, it will be spent in just a few days.However, the results were remarkable. The combat power of the tenth battalion had improved a lot, and the entire tenth battalion had a completely new look, which was completely different from when he first arrived.

This day, when Mo Xiaochuan and Cui Xiu returned to Shangjing, it was already dark. After the two parted, he headed back towards the mansion.

During these days, I don’t know who is advocating that he wants to choose a mate. Countless matchmakers have poured into the Mo Mansion. Famous courtiers came to propose marriage, so it was difficult for him to choose whether to refuse or not.

If it is rejected, it will naturally hurt other people's face, so don't refuse.He really wasn't used to such a scene, so he had to hide. Every day when he returned home, he would take a detour and go back quietly through the back door.

Today he still walks around the road.

Walking in a small alley, the surroundings are very quiet, there are no pedestrians, Mo Xiaochuan felt relieved, and finally he was able to be quiet for a while.

Suddenly, a fast horse rushed forward and went straight to Mo Xiaochuan.

Immediately, a girl in red, with a whip in her hand, shouted loudly, and hit Mo Xiaochuan on the head. The soldiers behind Mo Xiaochuan hurried forward, but they were a little late. Still rushed out from the corner suddenly, leaving them unprepared.

Seeing that the whip in the girl's hand was about to hit Mo Xiaochuan, Mo Xiaochuan suddenly lay down on the horse's back and let her go.

The two horses missed each other, and the girl was a little annoyed at being dodged by Mo Xiaochuan. She wanted to turn the horse's head and rush back, but she didn't want to, the little black horse's hooves had already arrived.


Accompanied by the sound, the little black horse's hooves hit the ass of the girl's horse.

The horse let out a mournful cry, and suddenly fell to the ground. The girl was also thrown off, and sat down on the ground.

"Ouch! I hurt Miss Ben to death..." The girl hurriedly jumped up and rubbed her buttocks, and said, "It's all broken into four pieces, Mo Xiaochuan, you bastard, you don't feel pity at all..."

Mo Xiaochuan frowned slightly, turned his head to look, and saw the girl with delicate features and round face, she looked fourteen or fifteen years old, very cute.But at this moment, he was staring at himself angrily. Looking at the girl, Mo Xiaochuan felt as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Just when Mo Xiaochuan was hesitating, several soldiers had already rushed forward and pinned the girl to the ground.

"Mo Xiaochuan, what are you going to do?" The girl was furious and shook her hands, but was held tightly by the soldiers, unable to move. The girl raised her legs and kicked the two soldiers. kicked her in the crook of the leg.

"Plop!" The girl knelt down.

The girl was furious, struggling, and said: "Mo Xiaochuan, you bastard, you dare to do this to Miss Ben. Do you know who I am?"

"Who is it?" Mo Xiaochuan scratched his head and said, "By the way, your name is an assassin!"

"You are called an assassin!" the girl said angrily.

"What is the crime of assassinating the general of the imperial army?" Mo Xiaochuan asked.

"Return to the general, death penalty!" A soldier replied.

Mo Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Cut it off..."

"Yes!" The soldiers took the order.

"How dare you!" the girl stared.

Two soldiers held her down, and the other one suddenly pulled out his saber, and slashed at the girl's neck.

"No..." The girl's sharp voice shook...

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