Stunning weapon

Chapter 379

When the little girl heard Situ Yuer's words, she laughed happily, clapped her little hands, and said, "Really? Seriously?"

"Naturally it's true." Situ Yu'er smiled and said, "You are brothers and sisters, so you are naturally alike. Do you even need to ask?"

Hearing these words, the little girl's expression darkened, she shook her head, and said, "But brother is from the Mo family, Guan'er is from the Mei family, not relatives..."

Situ Yu'er stretched out her hand, took her small hand, held it in her hand, and said, "Silly girl, don't say such stupid things anymore. When will your brother stop treating you as his own sister? If you let me know what you say, If he hears it, he will be sad."

The little girl raised her round face, looked at Situ Yu'er, and said, "Guan'er knows, and Guan'er has never doubted brother at all. It's Guan'er's fault, she shouldn't think about these things. Regardless of brother What's the surname, as long as the elder brother is still the elder brother, then all of them will be Guan'er's elder brother, right?"

"Naturally." Situ Yu'er nodded.

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded vigorously, and said, "So, Guan'er is practicing hard. Guan'er knows that her martial arts is not very good now, even one finger of her brother..." The little girl said, stretching out her kung fu. After thinking about it, I thought it was wrong and replaced it with the little finger, and then said: "Even my brother's finger is not as strong..." After finishing speaking, it seemed that it was wrong again, so he hurriedly added, "It's half, half None of them are great."

"You will be very powerful in the future." Situ Yu'er picked up the little girl, put the little girl on the wall of the flower garden, sat down next to herself, and said, "You are much better than Sister Yu'er now. How can you say that?" Isn't it that I'm not even as good as your brother's fingernails?"

"Hee hee..." The little girl laughed and said, "Sister Yu'er is different, you can give brother a good son in the future..."

Situ Yu'er's face turned red suddenly, she didn't expect the little girl to say such a thing, she couldn't help spitting lightly, and said: "Little boy, what do you know, don't talk nonsense."

"Hee hee!" The little girl smiled and said, "Okay, Guan'er doesn't understand, but Sister Yu'er does, otherwise, why are you blushing?"

"Uh..." Situ Yu'er was rendered speechless by the little girl's words, and after a long while she said, "Well, you girl, you actually made fun of Sister Yu'er." armpit.

"Hehehe..." The little girl couldn't help laughing, she pushed Situ Yu'er's hand, and said, "Guan'er doesn't dare..."

Situ Yu'er put down her hand and said, "It's getting late, I'll take you back to your room to rest."

The little girl shook her head, and said, "Guan'er doesn't want to go back, she has to practice in a while, Guan'er needs to get better quickly, and then go help her brother." Accompanied by the voice, the little girl's expression became serious, her little hands were still tight clenched his fist.

Situ Yu'er looked at the little girl, startled slightly, and couldn't help but think of her elder brother.

I don't know what happened to him there.

I've been thinking about Mo Xiaochuan before, but I haven't thought about it yet, but now I'm listening to the little girl talking about her brother.Situ Yu'er couldn't help but miss Situ Xiong a little too.

However, remembering that before she left, she had already written everything down on paper and asked Situ Xiong to carry it close to her body, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, so she felt more at ease.

However, what Situ Yuer didn't expect was that Situ Xiong went wrong precisely in this respect. All the way from Xiliang to Yanguo, he only wanted to be fast, and he didn't even stay in the shop. He drove fast, and, Everyone wants to walk on the small road.

When he was about to reach Youzhou City and crossed a wooden bridge, because of his impatience, he didn't notice that the bridge deck had been in disrepair for a long time, and he couldn't bear the weight of him and his mount at all, so he and his horse fell into the river.

In addition, he himself does not know how to swim, so he tossed in the water for a long time, and was washed to the shallow water downstream before he climbed ashore.

He spat out the water in his stomach, and then checked his luggage, but it was completely lost. Even the letter Situ Yuer wrote to him was ruined by someone.

Moreover, after tossing in the water for so long, the place where I climbed up was a forest. Under the cover of trees, it was difficult to distinguish the south, east, north, south, let alone find the way.When he came out of the woods, he had deviated from his original path.

Only then did they inquire all the way, looking for Youzhou City.

The people in Qixintang have been looking for him, but they didn't expect him to enter the city from another direction, so they didn't find any news about him.

After such twists and turns, Situ Xiong entered Youzhou City three days later than expected by Mo Xiaochuan and Situ Liner. He only came to Youzhou City tonight, but the whole person had already come to an end. look like.

He was penniless, and he didn't know how to find Mo Xiaochuan.

Originally, Mo Xiaochuan's identity in Youzhou City was public. If he went to the government to look for him, he should be able to find out. Unfortunately, he carried the title of Yan Guoqin on his back. Well, how dare he go to the government.

In desperation, he could only live on the street.

As the saying goes, a penny stumps a hero. Situ Xiong was originally the eldest son and grandson of the Situ family, and his previous status was unusual. Although he suffered a lot in Xiliang, he still maintained a bit of arrogance in his bones, so naturally he would not do it. Those sneaky things.

He wanted to fill his stomach and help others with work, but because Xing Rufeng crushed his collarbone, his arm could only be lifted to the shoulder, so he couldn't do much work at all.

In this way, he was wandering around in Youzhou City by himself, doing nothing, and he could only hear the gurgling sound in his stomach.

As time went by, there was really no way, so he began to look for ways to support himself.

Walking on the road, suddenly, I saw a signboard hanging in a small alley, which read: "When you grit your teeth and stomp your feet, you will be rich in life; if you are cruel and close your eyes, you will be full of glory." He looked strange and couldn't help but walk away. I went over and took a few glances.

After staring at it for a while, the courtyard door opened, and a person came out from inside, looked at Situ Xiong, and said, "Brother, I see that you have been standing for a long time, do you want to find a place to eat?"

Situ Xiong looked at the man and asked strangely, "How do you know?"

"People who come to our place are all looking for a place to eat. People, when there are always difficulties, you should be cruel, and you will be cruel..." The man said with a smile.

"Where are you here?" Situ Xiong asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's for an ambitious person like you to solve the problem." The man replied.

"I don't have any ambitions." Situ Xiong smiled wryly, and said, "I just want to find a job that can support me."

"This is easy!" The man looked Situ Xiong up and down, and said, "Please come in!"

Situ Xiong looked at the man, his stomach growled again, he couldn't help but walked in...

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