Stunning weapon

Chapter 514

() Luo Lie raised his head, looked inside, and said, "Go ahead and have a look."

Mo Xiaochuan turned his head and glanced at the two corpses behind him. Indeed, there is no good way now. It would be even more difficult to go out through this door.It can only go forward.He nodded, and took the first step forward.

Walking along the trail among the flowers and plants, I came to the central yang, looking at the stone statue, I felt more majestic than before.Mo Xiaochuan raised his head and looked at the statue of Mo's ancestors. With such a face and momentum, he was indeed a hero of his generation. It's a pity that he died young, leaving behind many regrets. . .

He shook his head slightly, walked around the stone statue and walked inside.

Luo Lie watched Mo Xiaochuan walking over like this, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you going to pay homage to your ancestors?"

Mo Xiaochuan ignored Luo Lie, not to mention that he was not a genuine member of the Xiliang royal family, even if he was a genuine member, he would not bother to worship a person who died hundreds of years ago.But Luo Lie obviously had a strong sense of respecting ancestors. Seeing that Mo Xiaochuan ignored him, he stopped talking, knelt down respectfully, and kowtowed a few times.

Then, he got up and followed Mo Xiaochuan's footsteps and walked inside.Not far away, I saw Mo Xiaochuan standing there blankly, as if he was staring at something.

Luo Lie leaned forward suspiciously, only to see that in front of him was a stone tablet, most of which was covered by flowers and plants, only half of it was exposed.I saw the engraved words "my late husband Mo Fan Zhiying..." were blocked by flowers and plants, so I couldn't see clearly.However, one can also guess that this is a tombstone. . .

Mo Xiaochuan looked at it, and stretched out his hand to push the flowers and plants away, only to see that the person who erected the monument was signed by Luo Yimin.He raised his head, looked at Luo Lie, and said, "Didn't you say earlier that Luo Yimin never married? Why..."

"This..." Luo Lie chuckled, and said, "How can we as the younger generations know so clearly about the ancestors, but there is also a record in the family letter that the ancestors were married to the ancestors of the Mo clan after the death of the ancestors. He was married. These people have followed suit, so many years have passed. Who has figured it out, anyway, whether they are married or not is not important. There is no need to delve into it like this?"

Mo Xiaochuan didn't say anything else, just looked at the tombstones and said, "It seems that this is indeed a real ancient tomb. It's different from the previous ones."

Luo Lie nodded and said: "According to what Yao'er said when he came back, this place is indeed unusual. Although all the traps outside have been cleared by the people of Yemen, there is no trap at all here. It seems that it is Afraid of disturbing the dead."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded, said nothing more, bypassed the stele and walked forward.

Here, everything looks so serene. It is very different from the ancient tombs I entered before. Since entering the stone gate, I have not seen any oil lamps. However, after the stone gate is closed, it is lit up here, and the light source is unknown. Looking at the luxuriant appearance of the flowers and plants, the light should be sunlight, but when I looked up, I couldn't find any sunlight coming through.

The design here is really ingenious and unbelievable. It is a level higher than the ancient tombs I saw before.

Mo Xiaochuan sighed and continued to move forward. After passing the stone tablet, there was a high wall in front of him. There was a round door in the Central Plains. Kind of door, stepping in, is a high platform, at a glance, there are about a hundred steps, climbing up step by step, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

There is an ancient tomb in front of me, it is like a garden, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants compete for beauty, among the flowers and plants, there are all kinds of buildings in the corridors and gazebos, and there are rows of houses and small houses in the middle. On the building, in front of the house door, and by the well, there are servants carved with stone statues who seem to be working.

From a distance, these people seem to be alive, which is really amazing.

It seems that Luo Yimin was afraid that Mo Fan would be alone here, so he specially built it for him. This woman is also very infatuated.

Mo Xiaochuan watched and thought.Luo Lie looked at it, but there was another kind of sigh. He looked at the scene in front of him and kept making "tsk tsk" sounds in admiration.After a while, the boss sighed: "Ancestor, you are really a god. I have dug a tomb all my life, but I have never seen one like this. It is really amazing. How can this be made by manpower? It is simply a stroke of genius, a stroke of genius..."

"Old man, can't you go down? Do you want to give you some more time to admire for a while?" Mo Xiaochuan frowned, and glanced at Luo Lie. After hanging out with Luo Lie for a long time, the previous honorifics also disappeared. Too lazy to use it.He just called the old man directly, but Luo Lie seemed to be more useful than the senior, he shook his head and said: "Forget it, forget it, I don't study much, no matter how much time I give, I can't say it." what come?"

Mo Xiaochuan curled his lips and walked down first.

Luo Lie hurriedly followed.

The two walked down the steps wrapped in flowers and plants, walking among the flowers and plants, their faces were different.But they are unwilling to spend more time here. Although the scenery here is so beautiful that it makes people linger, but they all know that this is not only an ancient tomb, but also a place in Yemen.The person who was stuck by the door before screamed like that, I am afraid that many people have gathered outside the stone gate now.

If you can't leave as soon as possible, you will be swallowed alive by Yemen's people.

Therefore, Mo Xiaochuan and Luo Lie walked very fast, striding forward, and came straight to the front door of the small building.

The door of the small building is stained with vermilion lacquer. After so many years, the color has not faded obviously, and it looks very bright. On both sides of the door, two guards made of stone statues are guarding left and right. The door is half open, and there is a stone statue inside. The sculpted servant girl bowed her body slightly, as if waiting for her master's return.

Mo Xiaochuan took a look, then walked in.

Luo Lie hurriedly said, "Be careful..."

Mo Xiaochuan turned his head, glanced at him, and said, "I have entered several of Luo Yimin's ancient tombs. Of course there are many traps, but I have never seen one with traps in the room."

"Uh..." Luo Lie was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red. It seemed that Mo Xiaochuan questioned his expert judgment, which made him feel very embarrassed. After a while, he finally choked out a sentence: "Boy, I Is it Zuka Yingmen’s, or are you?”

After he finished speaking, Mo Xiaochuan had already walked in.

Entering the small building, there is nothing special, just as Mo Xiaochuan thought, everything is very warmly arranged, just like the room in the ancient tomb in the northwest grassland that he and Xiaoyao entered.However, this place is more like a couple living together, and the overall style is a little more grand.

Looking around, there was nothing special, so Mo Xiaochuan lost interest, and walked up the stairs. The wooden stairs seemed to make a soft "creaking..." sound because of the age, but there was no sound. fracture.

It seems that preservation is also excellent.

Although Mo Xiaochuan itself is not too heavy, the Beidou sword on his back is full of weight. Let alone such a long-standing staircase, even the stairs in the outer city, if he steps on it, he will feel the same way. sound.

Seeing that Mo Xiaochuan was fine, Luo Lie followed him up.

Pushing open the door on the second floor, the air inside seemed a little humid, with a faint bitter taste.Mo Xiaochuan frowned, hesitating a bit, after all, this is an ancient tomb, so it is better to be careful, the air here is so abnormal, if it is poisonous, it will be bad.

However, this time Luo Lie did not go in first, and said as he walked: "Boy, I have no experience. The air here is bitter, which means nothing is wrong, and it is likely that there is a spiritual medicine hidden. If there is a strange fragrance, Then you have to be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, his feet were suddenly empty, followed by the sound of "Plop!" accompanied by the sound of cracking wood, and looking at Luo Lie, he had already disappeared into the room on the second floor.

Mo Xiaochuan rushed forward, only to see a big hole in the floor of the second floor, Luo Lie fell in along the hole, and fell down, screaming for pain while rubbing his buttocks.After a while, he jumped up and stomped a few times on the broken plank.

Seeing that he was still alive and kicking, Mo Xiaochuan was relieved.He asked softly, "Old man, are you alright?"

Luo Lie was furious, raised his head, and said: "What do you mean it's okay? My problem is serious. Your butt hurts to death, so you're okay. Why don't you fall down and try..."

Mo Xiaochuan smiled. He didn't expect that the old man was still in the mood to joke around at this moment, so he also jumped down, came down, looked at the broken boards, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.I saw that these wooden boards were not loose due to disrepair for a long time, so they could not withstand Luo Lie's weight, but the floor on the second floor was not fixed at all, and all the wooden boards were pressed against each other. , it is the same as an ordinary floor, but as long as something heavier than a cat is pressed on it, it will inevitably collapse.

It seemed that Luo Lie's fall was not an accident.

If it wasn't an accident that he fell, then there might be danger here, and when he was here, the smell in the air became more and more intense. It seemed that the smell came from here.

Mo Xiaochuan looked around vigilantly, and saw that this was a small room, and there was nothing unusual, except that there was an Eight Immortals table on the east side of the room, and a box on the table, which was very delicate.

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Luo Lie.

Luo Lie raised his nose and sniffed, then strode towards the table.

Mo Xiaochuan followed him vigilantly, cautiously, and shot at any time along the way.

The two came to the table of the Eight Immortals one after another. Luo Lie reached out and picked up the box. The box was not locked, but there was a note.Luo Lie looked at the words on it, but he didn't recognize them, and the handwriting was the same as the ones on the small notebook Mo Xiaochuan gave him.

Luo Lie looked at it, then handed it to Mo Xiaochuan, and said, "Do you recognize it?"

Mo Xiaochuan took it, looked up, and saw that it said "useful things, all in the box. Take the box and leave quickly...don't disturb..." Looking at the writing on it, Mo Xiaochuan read it out.

Luo Lie was a little speechless, and said: "The ancestor is really a fairy, I admire her five bodies, she calculated that I would come here hundreds of years ago..."

"Whoever comes is equally good?" Seeing Luo Lie's self-indulgent appearance, Mo Xiaochuan interrupted him mercilessly, saying: "This Luo Yimin is also a straightforward person, so we don't need to delay any longer, you are an expert , see how we leave?"

"This place is not an ordinary ancient tomb. The things built by our ancestors are extraordinary. How can I figure them out in a short while?" Luo Lie said angrily.

Mo Xiaochuan glanced at him, stopped asking any more questions, and raised his hand to open the box.

Seeing this, Luo Lie hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

Mo Xiaochuan didn't raise his head, and said: "Since you don't know, you can only take a look from here. In the past, the exit will be marked in the picture. Maybe there is a picture inside, so you can't be sure." He opened it completely, and Luo Lie couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

Fortunately, there was no danger. After the box was opened, there was nothing else except that the bitter taste became stronger, choking people and even causing some air crashes.

Looking at the box again, the outermost layer was covered with a piece of sheepskin. Mo Xiaochuan picked it up casually, handed it to Luo Lie, and said, "You are more proficient in this way, see what clues are on it." Then, he looked into the box again look.

Inside is a small porcelain bottle, the cork is removed, and there are some orange elixir inside.There is also a white handkerchief next to it, with a line written on it, which roughly introduces the use of these elixirs.

After Mo Xiaochuan watched it, his eyes lit up.

Because these elixirs are actually to suppress the backlash brought about by the Qingmen Nine Forms.

Although Mo Xiaochuan has bad skills, he is careful every time he uses them, and he never dares to be careless. Even after suffering all the hardships, up to now, he can only use the seventh of the nine Qingmen moves.The following eighth and ninth moves, not to mention using them in actual combat, even practice, he dare not.

Because, this eighth form is too dangerous.The seventh of Qingmen's nine styles is just to see the real qi burst out from the valve to achieve instant explosive power.And this eighth pose actually wants to condense the true energy into a substance and turn it into something visible, and even throw the true energy out of the body like a hidden weapon to kill people.

Of course, if zhenqi becomes a physical thing, its power is not only comparable to that of hidden weapons.

In the past, Mo Xiaochuan only thought that after the eighth form, the people who created this martial art probably didn't even practice it. They just guessed it out of thin air, because, in theory, the eighth form can be realized, but human The body is not made of steel, so it must not be able to bear such a serious backlash.Don't talk about hurting others when the time comes, I'm afraid that if I didn't hurt others, I would die first.

Mo Xiaochuan has always felt that the eighth of the nine styles of Qingmen is to die with others when there is really no other way.Because, once the true energy is compressed into substance, once it explodes, the whole body of the person will become a powerful bomb. At that time, the body will naturally be smashed to pieces, and the bones of the people around will also be gone.

As for the ninth form, he even felt that he could only learn it if he became an immortal.

However, looking at the handwriting on the handkerchief and the efficacy of these pills introduced, it seems that using the eighth formula is no longer a delusion.Although Mo Xiaochuan still didn't dare to believe it completely, he was very happy with the little hope given.

It's always good to have hope.

Seeing Mo Xiaochuan's complexion changed, Luo Lie took a closer look, yelled softly, and said, "Boy, what are you doing so foolishly by yourself? Is this medicine really poisonous?"

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head, took out the porcelain bottle, put it in his arms, and said: "It's nothing, it's just that these medicines are of great benefit to my injuries, so I'm a little excited. Seniors can see from this picture What happened?"

After Mo Xiaochuan finished speaking, Luo Lie looked at him suspiciously, as if he was also curious about the medicine, but he didn't ask any more questions, just said: "It's a bit tricky, there is no mark on how to get out on this picture. It's just a drawing of what's on top of this place."

"Things on the upper floor?" Mo Xiaochuan was very strange. Isn't the Yan Kingdom Palace above the ancient tomb?What is the use of marking this.

Luo Lie shook his head slightly and sighed: "The ability of the ancestors is really unimaginable. Ever since I came in, I have been wondering why I haven't been able to come in since Yemen has already occupied this place. Even though the stone gate is extremely difficult to open, but since You can also get in by digging through the side. Only now do you understand the brilliance of your ancestors."

"Don't be a fool." Hearing Luo Lie's words, Mo Xiaochuan was a little anxious, and said, "What's going on?"

Luo Lie didn't answer in a hurry, but walked to the door of the hut, opened the door and walked out.Mo Xiaochuan also followed him outside.

Luo Lie looked around and said, "The place we are in is actually in an underground lake."

"Underground lake?" Mo Xiaochuan looked at Luo Lie in surprise. The old man must be stupid. He didn't see even a drop of water here. How could it be a lake.

Luo Lie seemed to know that Mo Xiaochuan would not believe it, and then explained, "I don't know what method the ancestors used to completely block the water outside, and this place was built like this. Moreover, there is nothing around The passage leads to the outside. If I want to go out, I have to go through the stone gate. Otherwise, once I open a hole here, the water above will wash it away in an instant, and more than half of the palace of Yan Kingdom will collapse. So , people from Yemen have never dared to dig..."

"You mean we can't dig it either, right?" Mo Xiaochuan said.

Luo Lie nodded and said, "That's right."

Mo Xiaochuan took a deep breath, looked up at this magical place, for a while, felt that his head was a bit big, and if he dug it out from here, there might be no bones left.If you go out from the main entrance, you may lose your bones.

This is really retreat is also death, advance is also death.Even if you stay here, you can live temporarily, but staying here with a bad old man for a lifetime is not an option. At that time, I'm afraid it will be worse than death.

For a moment, he had no idea what to do.

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