Stunning weapon

Chapter 593 Small things

() In the next few days, Mo Xiaochuan and Liu Jingting can be regarded as living in peace. Liu Jingting doesn't talk much, as long as Mo Xiaochuan doesn't provoke him too much, he won't make things difficult for Mo Xiaochuan, even Mo Xiaochuan's body is a little bit When he is unwell, he will also help out.

His performance made Mo Xiaochuan a little confused. Originally, Mo Xiaochuan guessed that Liu Jingting would capture him instead of killing him. He probably wanted to be a hostage and exchange his life for something. But I don't know.

However, as Liu Jingting's attitude changed, he felt that the matter was not as simple as that. He vaguely felt that this matter had something to do with the internal struggle in Xiliang, but he was still uncertain.Gradually, after following Liu Jingting for another two days, Mo Xiaochuan was completely lost and didn't know where he was.But at this moment, Liu Jingting stopped.Mo Xiaochuan looked around, and saw that the place he was in was a barren hill with no human habitation at all, and most of the surroundings were bare hilltops. Based on the road he traveled, Mo Xiaochuan could only roughly estimate that here is Northwest of Yan State.

He has never set foot here, and he doesn't know why Liu Jingting didn't leave. ..

While Mo Xiaochuan was observing the terrain, Liu Jingting slapped him on the neck suddenly from behind. When Mo Xiaochuan woke up, he found that he was no longer on the original barren hill, but in a fully furnished room. within the room.

Under him was a large bed covered with thick cotton pads, which was very comfortable.

Mo Xiaochuan was puzzled, and hurriedly got up to check his body. Except for the slight pain in his fingers, the other parts were not damaged, and even the Beidou sword on his back was just untied and placed on the table beside him.Mo Xiaochuan raised his hand and looked at his finger, only to see a small red spot on the finger, which should have been punctured by a needle. He didn't think much about such a small injury.He hurriedly walked towards the table where the Beidou sword was placed, and put the Beidou sword back on his back. Suddenly, he felt that he had really lost something. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly understood that the wooden plaque and jade pendant that Steward Wang gave him Things connected together are gone.

However, right now he is too lazy to look for it. Anyway, it has been on him for several years, but he has never found it to be of any value. He didn't know where it was, and naturally he didn't have time to look for it, so he walked slowly out the door.

The room he was in was a simple suite. A bedroom inside and the hall outside were separated by bead curtains. The bead curtains were green all over, like emeralds. Mo Xiaochuan didn't have much research on jade, so he didn't. I am concerned about whether these bead curtains are real jadeite.

Lifting the bead curtain lightly, there was nothing in the hall outside except for some ordinary furniture. He didn't want to linger, so he walked to the door quickly, opened the door slowly and looked outside, and saw Outside is a yard, although it is not very big, it is picturesque and very eye-catching.

However, Mo Xiaochuan was no longer in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and was about to open the door to go out, but saw a figure walking towards this side. Mo Xiaochuan could see clearly that the figure was Liu Jingting. The Beidou sword was untied, quickly lay down on the bed, and continued to pretend to be unconscious.

Just as Mo Xiaochuan was lying down, Liu Jingting walked in, which made him feel very dangerous in his heart, quietly closed his eyes, and listened to Liu Jingting's movements.

At this time, not far from this room, a man with black beard and black hair and elegant appearance held a feather fan in his right hand, and a small object tightly in his left hand, his eyes were fixed on the small object in his hand, Although no changes could be seen on his face, his eyes were in a trance.

This person is Liu Chengqi, and the little thing in his hand is exactly the thing that Mo Xiaochuan lost with the jade card and the wooden card strung together.

At this moment, he didn't look at the wooden tablet, but held the jade tablet tightly, motionless.

After Liu Jingting entered the room where Mo Xiaochuan was, he looked at him quietly, with a complicated look on his face, and after a while, he said softly, "Stop pretending, get up and follow me."

Mo Xiaochuan still closed his eyes and did not move.

Liu Jingting took a step forward, and was about to stretch out his hand to grab Mo Xiaochuan up. Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly sat up and said, "Okay, okay, what's wrong with lying down for a while? By the way, where is this place? You bring me here to do it." What?"

Liu Jingting didn't answer his words, but said: "You will find out when you come with me."

Mo Xiaochuan had no choice but to come to the table and reached out to pick up the Big Dipper Sword.

Liu Jingting seemed to move his ears slightly, but he didn't pay attention to him.Seeing that he didn't stop him, Mo Xiaochuan was happy, put the Beidou sword on his back, and followed Liu Jingting to the outside.

The two walked through two round gates, one behind the other, and stopped in front of a house facing south.

Liu Jingting said to Mo Xiaochuan, "Wait here, I will call you in later, and you can come in again."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded indifferently.

Just as Liu Jingting was about to go in, he paused again, and said: "Don't think about running away, you know you can't escape, it will cost me a lot of trouble, and you will suffer a lot."

Mo Xiaochuan spread his hands, noncommittal.

Liu Jingting still felt a little uneasy, and called out in a low voice, "Come here."

Accompanied by Liu Jingting's words, an old, fat and short man crawled out from behind the rocks not far away like a ghost, and replied in a low voice: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Elder Song, take good care of him for the old man." Liu Jingting said softly.

"I understand." The dumpy old man nodded in agreement.

The elders of Falcon Hall?Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help but looked at the short and fat old man curiously, knowing that this old man must be difficult to deal with. Since Liu Jingting asked him to come out and look at him, even if he couldn't catch him, he could still entangle him.Then he put away his thoughts of wanting to escape.

After Liu Jingting gave the order, he seemed completely relieved, pushed open the door, and walked in with big strides.

When he came to the house, Liu Jingting went straight into the back room. Liu Chengqi was sitting on the bed in the back room at the moment, still holding the jade pendant tightly in his hand.

"Brother, the man has already been brought. Do you want to see him?" Liu Jingting asked.

Liu Chengqi raised his head, slowly put down the jade pendant in his hand, sighed in a low voice, and said, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Liu Jingting stood in front of Liu Chengqi expressionlessly, and seemed to be a little angry, and said, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Big brother actually took Xiaoyu..."

Liu Chengqi sighed softly, and said, "This is all a foolish thing when I was young, so don't mention it."

"Young?" Liu Jingting said with a sneer, but didn't go any further. As his elder brother, Liu Chengqi had been the object of his admiration since he was a child. However, over the years, this kind of admiration has never diminished, but today, Liu Jingting feels a little shameful towards his elder brother in his heart.

This matter has to start from that day when Mo Xiaochuan was brought here by Liu Jingting.

This time he brought Mo Xiaochuan to see Liu Chengqi. It was originally agreed by the two brothers in advance, but Liu Jingting's footwork was a little faster, and Liu Chengqi was half a day late, and he was still in the country of Yan, but it was very secretive. The place where the Falcon Hall code was built is not known to outsiders, so it is very safe.

While waiting for Liu Chengqi's compliment, Liu Jingting searched everything on Mo Xiaochuan's body. Of course, he even let go of the jade pendant and the pills on Mo Xiaochuan's body.

After collecting these, he quietly waited for Liu Chengqi.

After Liu Chengqi arrived, he heard Liu Jingting's explanation and knew that Mo Xiaochuan hadn't woken up yet, so he wanted to see what Liu Jingting found from Mo Xiaochuan first, but when his eyes fell on the jade pendant, his whole body was completely Surprised speechless.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Jingting was also very surprised. When he asked Liu Chengqi if he recognized the jade pendant, Liu Chengqi just nodded slightly at that time, and then ordered Liu Jingting to put back all Mo Xiaochuan's things, except for the jade pendant attached to the wooden pendant. The jade pendant of the card is in his hand.

Liu Jingting was puzzled, but he still followed Liu Chengqi's instructions and put the things back on Mo Xiaochuan's body.

Returning to Liu Chengqi's side again, seeing that Liu Chengqi was still staring at the jade pendant in a daze, he couldn't help asking again.Only then did Liu Chengqi slowly tell the secret that had been buried in his heart for decades.

It turned out that the concubine married by King Qi was a righteous daughter adopted by Liu Chengqi, because this little girl lost her relatives because of the war when she was seven or eight years old. When it was strong, Xiliang later blocked the army of Yan State because of Qi Wang Mo Zhiming's talent, and even turned defeat into victory.However, Mo Zhiming was only in his teens at that time, and Mo Zhiyuan was only about the same age as Mo Xiaochuan now.

Emperor Taizong was dizzy and incompetent. During the war between Xiliang and Yan Kingdom, he was often defeated. During this period, many children lost their parents. , and also very smart, Liu Jingting looked at her fondly, and couldn't bear such a cute child to live on the street like this, so Liu Jingting took her back, and was later adopted by Liu Chengqi, named Xiaoyu.

Because this child was already smart, after receiving the influence of Liu Chengqi's scholarly atmosphere, when she was 16 years old, she knew everything about poetry and songs, and she was proficient in everything.And the development of things afterwards also exceeded Liu Chengqi's expectations.

This girl named Xiaoyu met Mo Zhiyuan and Mo Zhiming brothers by chance, and soon they had a happy conversation, and after that, they often went out to play.Of course, the Mo brothers were still a very harmonious pair at that time, and they didn't turn against each other for any reason.And the two brothers, at the same time, developed a heart of admiration for this girl named Xiaoyu.

In the end, Mo Zhiyuan withdrew from the competition for some unknown reason, and watched his younger brother marry Xiaoyu away.

Of course, if things were that simple, everything would be easy to say.

Although the world thought it was so simple, Liu Chengqi knew that things were not so simple, because two months before Xiaoyu married into the palace, Liu Chengqi actually did something beastly to his adoptive daughter after drinking.

Afterwards, he regretted it very much, persuaded Xiaoyu well, and gave her a jade pendant, telling her that if she was pregnant with his child, he would pass this jade pendant to the child in the future.Although Liu Chengqi has a heart of repentance, but this is just his rhetoric to Liu Jingting, saying that he knows the reason behind it.

Because as far as Liu Jingting knew, Xiaoyu had always been closer to Mo Zhiyuan before this. At that time, both Liu Jingting and Liu Chengqi thought that Xiaoyu was likely to marry Mo Zhiyuan. Maybe Liu Chengqi also wanted to learn from that. Lu Buwei, who was once a robber of the country, made such a bad plan.

Of course, these words were only in Liu Jingting's mind, and he didn't say them out.He didn't have the courage to make the relationship between the two brothers so rigid, even though Xiaoyu, who called him second uncle, loved him very much, he couldn't.

What happened after that was beyond everyone's expectations. Xiaoyu married Mo Zhiming. Later, King Qi repelled the army of Yan State and established supreme prestige among the Xiliang Army. Actively preparing to compete with the crown prince Mo Zhiyuan for the throne.

What happened later is that everyone knows that just before the concubine of King Qi gave birth to a full moon, Prince Qi's mansion caught fire, and only one eunuch escaped from the whole mansion.

Because Liu Chengqi had such a romantic affair, he was so shocked when he saw the jade pendant.Long before Mo Xiaochuan woke up, he asked someone to take a drop of Mo Xiaochuan's blood and made a blood confession. As a result, his blood and Mo Xiaochuan's blood were completely fused.

If this kind of thing is put into the present, there are many explanations. First, this method is neither scientific. If it is in salt water, no matter what kind of blood can be fused together. First, the quality of the water determines the result. .Furthermore, as long as the blood type is suitable, they can be compatible, and this probability is also very high.There are many people with the same blood type, and when looking at blood fusion or not, the main thing to look at is the red color, and the red blood cells in type O blood can fuse with most blood.

Therefore, his blood and Mo Xiaochuan's blood merged together. From the perspective of the 21st century, this is just a game.However, the technology of this era is very backward, and this ancient method is still generally accepted.

Even though Liu Chengqi was an extremely smart person, he didn't fully believe in such things as confession by bleeding, but with the reasonable evidence of jade pendant, it was difficult for him to believe it or not.In this way, his original plan had a major change, but it made him unable to make up his mind for a while.

Asking Liu Jingting to call Mo Xiaochuan over mainly wanted to confirm this matter, but this matter was not so easy to talk about. He hadn't come up with an absolute solution, so he still hesitated.

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