Stunning weapon

Chapter 714

On the morning of the eighth day of the first lunar month, the Fang Mansion was full of happy guests, not only people from the Fang family came together, but also people from the other two great families, as well as court officials.Early in the morning, the eunuch who passed the decree came to the door, and Fang Xin's face was enough.

As today's protagonist, Fang Chengzhong was even more joyful, as if the beating didn't spoil his mood at all.Facing the guests, he advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, which attracted a burst of praise, and Fang Chengzhong himself seemed to be in high spirits.

The Patriarch of the Situ family did not come, but Xia Chuyue asked him to bring him to congratulate him.Although Xia Chuyue's power in the Yan Kingdom may not be appreciated by those present, her status is very noble. Let alone the younger sister of the queen Xia Chuyue, the head of the Xia family is the most favored daughter. The status in the hall makes people very afraid, not to mention the first-rank wife who was personally appointed by Emperor Yu and so on.

Therefore, Fang Xin did not dare to underestimate Xia Chuyue, and when he saw Xia Chuyue's arrival, he brought Fang Chengzhong over to greet her.

Fang Chengzhong has always heard about Xia Chuyue's beautiful name, but he has never met each other. When he saw it today, he was immediately shocked. Fang Chengzhong was stunned on the spot by Xia Chuyue's smiling face. Too charming, as if the soul has been hooked away.

It was only Xia Chuyue who couldn't help laughing out loud, and said: "I heard that the third son of Fang was very tall, but I didn't meet him. Today I saw him, and he was as good as his name, with a dignified appearance. The daughters are married back."

Fang Chengzhong was still in a daze, unaware of answering Xia Chuyue's words, until Fang Xin couldn't help coughing lightly, then under his father's lust, he reacted, and quickly smiled awkwardly, saying: "Mrs. I'm so envious, I just saw her and I can't even speak, I'm really ashamed."

Hearing Fang Chengzhong's words, Xia Chuyue looked up to him a little bit. It seems that Fang Xinjiao's son also has a way. It seems that Cai's state just now is to deliberately praise Gao Xia Chuyue, and the embarrassing thing is not so embarrassing.

Xia Chuyue smiled charmingly, nodded slightly, and said: "Third Young Master is absurd, but the slave family can't bear it. There are still many people coming later, Third Young Master, let's get busy first, and I will go to pick up the bride later. I won't bother you here."

Fang Xin smiled and asked Xia Chuyue to come in, and then went on to greet the next group of people.The next person who came in was a member of Situ's family. This person looked to be in his 40s. Although he looked rough, he had a bit of a scholar's air, which was very rare.

The heads of the Situ family, like the Xia family, are old men in their seventies. Basically, these two old men seldom go out.Usually, for this kind of marriage, someone is sent to replace it, and this time the person from Situ's family is the next generation head of the family that everyone is optimistic about.Originally, the successor of the Situ family should be Situ Qing. However, Situ Qing had a good relationship with the emperor and devoted himself to serving the emperor, even disregarding the interests of the family. Therefore, he was thrown to Los Angeles by the old man of the Situ family. Without Situ Qing, This is the hottest person.

He was originally Situ Qing's cousin, named Situ Xiuqi. Although he was a bit rough-looking, he was a restrained person. He was in his 40s, and he was already the Minister of the Household Department of the court. Moreover, the Minister of the Household Department He is old, and it seems that he will be able to top it in a few years.In the country of Yan, he is also a character who can shake the ground three times with one stomp.

Naturally, Fang Xin would not neglect such a character, he took the initiative to step forward, laughed loudly, and said, "Brother Xiu Qi, why did you come here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I was thinking about having a few drinks with you today. It can be regarded as waiting for someone, please come inside."

Situ Xiuqi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Master Xiangguo shows his love, how dare you not come, but I thought about it last night and didn't know what clothes to wear today, so I got up late for insomnia, which made Master Xiangguo laugh."

"Brother Xiu Qi just likes to joke." Fang Xin laughed loudly, pointed at Fang Chengzhong, and said, "This is the dog Chengzhong." After finishing speaking, he said to Fang Chengzhong, "I haven't seen Uncle Xiu Qi yet." .If you are kind enough to teach you a thing or two, you will never end up benefiting from it in your life."

"Little nephew Fang Chengzhong, I have met Uncle Shi." Fang Chengzhong saluted very politely.

"My nephew is free of courtesy." Situ Xiuqi hurriedly helped him up, couldn't help nodding, and said, "Sure enough, the younger generation is formidable." After speaking, the other party believed him, and said, "Mr. Take it out and see that my nephew's family has a long history, even if he can learn half of Xiangye's ability, it is much better than me and others."

"Okay, okay, let's stop complimenting each other." Fang Xin smiled and invited Situ Xiuqi inside, and then went to greet other people.

After Situ Xiuqi left, Fang Chengzhong was a little puzzled, and said, "Father, this Situ Xiuqi looks like a rough man, why do you value him so much?"

Fang Xin glanced at his son, snorted calmly, and said, "What do you know? Although he is only a servant of the household department now, since he became the servant of the household department, since he became the servant of the household department, he has served both the father and the Xia family. No matter how difficult it is to arrange someone to enter the household department, you will not be able to see how powerful this person is. In the future, you will understand when you enter the court."

Although Fang Chengzhong was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to disobey Fang Xin on the face, so he nodded to show his understanding.

Afterwards, the father and son welcomed many important guests, and it was almost time to greet their relatives.Fang Chengzhong was beaming in a red robe, with a big red flower on his chest and a hat on his head, looking full of energy.

Walking out of Fang Mansion, there are hundreds of people clearing the way in front of and behind them, and they are all dressed in red, looking extremely dignified.

The surrounding people also stood on both sides of the road watching the excitement.Today's Fang Chengzhong can be said to save enough face.Among the crowd, there were a few unremarkable people who looked at Fang Chengzhong coldly, among them was Mo Xiaochuan.

Su Yan also followed him, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the manpower is ready, and when to do it, you only need to give an order."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded, but glanced at some hardcover men mixed in the crowd, and said: "Fang Chengzhong, you don't need to pay attention to it, just subdue these people later."

"My lord, are you planning to do it yourself?" Su Yan couldn't help but said, "It's too dangerous."

But Mo Xiaochuan chuckled, and said: "There is no reason to let others do it for women." After finishing speaking, he took out a folding fan and shook it against the cold wind, but there was something vulgar about Lin Feng, which made Su Yan Can't help but be speechless.

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