Stunning weapon

Chapter 760

Strolling in the mansion, Situ Yuer held Mo Xiaochuan's arm and walked slowly.The two were talking softly, and Situ Yu'er felt that she was the happiest at the moment.While the two were walking, a figure appeared in front of them. Seeing that figure, Situ Yuer was startled, and slowly rested her head on Mo Xiaochuan's shoulder, showing a kind of vigilant dependence. .

The figure in front came from the side of the flower garden, wearing a black cotton skirt, his appearance was somewhat similar to Situ Yu'er, except that there was a little more sadness between his brows.Seeing Mo Xiaochuan and Situ Yu'er, she showed a slight smile, her sadness was well concealed.She stepped forward and said softly: "Yu'er, I heard that you are pregnant, why didn't you tell my sister. I can come and take care of you. Today, I still heard from Miss Ru'er, so I wanted to come and see, Unexpectedly, such a coincidence, just happened to meet."

Situ Yu'er slowly let go of Mo Xiaochuan's arm, stepped forward to hold Situ Lin'er's hand, and said, "Yu'er wants to let you rest for a while, and I don't want to disturb my sister. Unexpectedly, Ru'er missed it, so I'll talk about her when I look back."

"Miss Ru'er also has good intentions, but Yu'er must not be like this." Situ Lin'er said this with a smile on her face, but it was very natural, but there was a trace of bitterness in her heart.Unexpectedly, when the sisters meet again, it will be like this. Situ Yuer has changed since that day. In front of Situ Liner, Situ Yuer has now become a master.Facing Situ Liner, she seemed to show concern in every way, but she also rejected Situ Liner everywhere.

They seem to be no longer the same family as when they were in Los Angeles.Situ Lin'er was here, as if she was just a guest.

Situ Lin'er is well aware of this change, and also understands the root of this change. When she first entered the palace, Situ Yu'er was not like this. At that time, she still regarded her as a Family view.

However, when the two reached out to squeeze Mo Xiaochuan's shoulders at the same time, the change began.

Situ Lin'er knew that Situ Yu'er was protecting herself. She had already sensed the danger from Situ Lin'er. It seemed that she was deeply afraid that she would rob her of her man.

Situ Lin'er knew it clearly, but she couldn't express it.She even wanted to tell her sister that she wouldn't do this, and even if she liked it in her heart, she wouldn't grab a man from her sister, but how could she say that.The bitterness in my heart can only be experienced by myself.

"Is my sister still used to living these days? If my sister is not doing well in any way, I still need to take care of her." Situ Yu'er said slowly with a gentle smile on her face.

Seeing Situ Yuer's smile, Situ Liner sighed in her heart, smiled helplessly, and said, "We are sisters. Why be so polite."

"Sister is walking casually with her husband, why don't sister come together?" Situ Yu'er said with a smile as if she didn't recognize the helplessness in Situ Lin'er's painting.

"No, you guys go. Seeing that you are well, I am relieved. I will go to my elder brother's place." Situ Lin'er shook her head slowly and said.

"Alright!" Situ Yu'er said without leaving her behind, nodding slightly.

Situ Lin'er raised her eyes to look at Mo Xiaochuan, then turned her head and walked quickly towards Situ Xiong's residence, but at the moment when she turned her head, Mo Xiaochuan saw that her eyes seemed to be foggy.

Situ Lin'er is a strong girl, even in the environment of Yan State Youzhou, she is not like this, but at this moment, with her sister's indifference on her face, she feels very uncomfortable in her heart.Of course, Mo Xiaochuan knew all this, but at this moment, he didn't know what to do.

What Situ Yuer did, he couldn't say it was wrong, after all, they were sisters, and he could understand Situ Yuer's inability to accept sisters serving a husband together.He could guess how Situ Lin'er felt in his heart.But could not be comforted.

It seemed that Situ Lin'er was gone, and Situ Yu'er's expression darkened. After his father left, the three of them felt that each other was the closest relative in the world. There should be no grudges in their hearts, and they should always be a family People, even though Situ Lin'er left that year, the two sisters hadn't been in touch for a long time, and she always had this sister in her heart. She missed her very much and wanted her to come back very much. The sisters live together, However, she never thought that the two sisters would reach this point.

Although she looks a little strong on the surface, she is also very uncomfortable in her heart.If it weren't for the trace of emotion that shouldn't be seen in her sister's eyes, she wouldn't say anything like this. Facing Situ Lin'er's helpless smile, every hurtful thing she said seemed to be pierced in her heart Usually, I also feel uncomfortable when Situ Lin'er says "We are sisters".At that time, Situ Yu'er only felt that her heart was so uncomfortable that her whole head seemed to be blasted by thunder.However, she hardened her heart immediately.

She felt uncomfortable, but she felt that her sister shouldn't have such feelings for her husband. She must suppress this feeling and not let it develop.Situ Yuer is no longer the original Situ Yuer.I can no longer go back to the straightforward girl who said whatever she wanted.This is her growth, but also her regret.

The same is true for Situ Lin'er.Seeing that Situ Yu'er has the ability to protect herself, she is happy for her, but when she thinks about the current situation of the two of them, she is filled with bitterness.This kind of contradictory mentality made her sigh helplessly and bear it alone.

After Situ Lin'er left, Mo Xiaochuan and Situ Yu'er continued to walk forward. The palace was very large, and walking slowly on the road, the servants who passed by would stop and salute.The two walked slowly, not speaking for a long time.

After a while, the two came back from the new palace, and stopped in front of the flower garden where they were sitting quietly.

Situ Yu'er looked at the flower garden, not knowing what she was thinking.Just looking at the sprouts that grew out, I was dazed...

Xiliang is located in the north. At this time, although it is already spring, the weather is still cold, and early spring is like winter.The buds in the flower garden swayed with the wind, as if they would be frozen and broken by the wind the next moment.

Looking at the two buds that are tightly connected, Mo Xiaochuan stretched out his hand, pinched one of them, gently pulled it out, held it in the palm of his hand, looked at it, and said to himself: "If the same root is connected, every wound will hurt." .This grass is still too tender..."

Hearing what Mo Xiaochuan said, Situ Yuer was startled suddenly, raised her face, and looked at Mo Xiaochuan.Looking at Mo Xiaochuan's calm eyes, and the buds that were blown away by the wind as he let go of his hand, she pursed her lips, not knowing what Mo Xiaochuan meant.

If Mo Xiaochuan was referring to her and Situ Lin'er, it would be appropriate.However, Mo Xiaochuan's gaze was always calm, without any waves, which made her a little uncertain.

Thinking in her heart, there was also a thoughtful look on her face. In front of Mo Xiaochuan, she couldn't hide it, and she didn't deliberately try to hide it.

Mo Xiaochuan didn't say anything, just stood aside, waiting for Situ Yu'er to think.

After a while, Situ Yu'er raised her head, looked at Mo Xiaochuan, and said softly: "Sister Liu will come today. Yu'er is inconvenient, so I won't accompany her. The husband will accompany her. In the evening, I will accompany my sister and elder brother Eat. After my sister came back, I haven't eaten with her yet."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded slightly, and said, "Yes! It's windy outside, so let's go back first."

Afterwards, the two walked towards the house slowly, but there was no more words.After a long time, seeing that the door was approaching, Situ Yu'er raised her head again, looked at Mo Xiaochuan's face, and said softly, "What is Xianggong thinking?"

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "It's nothing. It's just that I haven't been so calm for a long time and didn't think about anything. So, I just stayed for a while."

"Is that so?" Situ Yu'er paused for a moment, as if she had realized it, she nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

Mo Xiaochuan and Situ Yuer returned to the house. Situ Yuer had just sat down, but the door was knocked lightly, and the voice of the servant girl outside came in: "Your Majesty, Guard Lin is asking to see you."

"Yeah!" Mo Xiaochuan hummed softly, held Situ Yu'er's hand, and said, "I'll go out and have a look, you rest first."

"Msister-in-law will go on his own. Yu'er will take care of herself." Situ Yu'er said softly.

Mo Xiaochuan turned and went out.Watching the door close, Situ Yu'er lowered her head, frowned beautifully, showing a pensive look, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

After Mo Xiaochuan came out, Lin Feng was already waiting outside the door. When he saw Mo Xiaochuan, he stepped forward and said, "My lord, Hall Master Liu wants to see you."

"Oh?" Mo Xiaochuan asked, "Where is she now?"

"Gu Ming went to pick her up." Lin Feng replied.

"Well! After people bring it, take it directly to the study." After Mo Xiaochuan said, he sighed slightly in his heart. It seems that this peaceful day is about to pass again.In fact, he knew that he should have gone to see Liu Juanniang long ago.After all, it has a lot to do with it.There is no room for sloppiness, and, since I don't have much time, I should be sent to the front camp again soon.

However, recently, he felt very tired in his heart, so he wanted to take a short break, but Liu Juanniang took the initiative to attract business, which made him unavoidable, so he could only get busy again.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Xiaochuan waited for Lin Feng's order to go on, and then led him towards the new palace.The new palace, that is, the renovated original Qi palace, although Mo Xiaochuan never moved his residence there.However, the study room has been moved there. After all, with so many servants in the backyard, it is obviously not suitable for business affairs.Moreover, he didn't want to stay here with his business.Just want this to be a quiet place to live...

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