Stunning weapon

Chapter 826 Lin'er Has a Great Talent

A few days later, in the court hall, the final decision on whether to implement Kogu's proposal has not yet been made, but the voice of opposition has gradually diminished.Just when everyone thought that it was a matter of time before it was settled, Mo Xiaochuan was summoned into the palace by Mo Zhiyuan.

This simple move made many people wait and see with wide-eyed eyes.Because, what Mo Xiaochuan said to Kou Yilang that day has been widely circulated. Some people say that Mo Xiaochuan is upright, and Xiliang has a good prince who is not afraid of power; , and what he did was extremely incompetent. This time, he might have offended a lot of people, and he couldn't afford it.

In short, no matter how people look at this matter, they are very concerned about Mo Xiaochuan's entry into the palace this time.I want to see what Mo Xiaochuan's result is.

When he came to the imperial study room, Mo Xiaochuan stood quietly, Mo Zhiyuan was still the same as before, he didn't give him a good face, ignored him, and just reviewed the memorial.Mo Xiaochuan stood aside, like a pupil who was punished to stand, with his head down and his eyes fixed.

However, Mo Xiaochuan felt relieved.Mo Zhiyuan treated him like this, which meant that he would not do anything to him.If he really wanted to deal with him, he might not be able to see Mo Zhiyuan's face. [

Time flows slowly.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Mo Xiaochuan just felt like standing and chatting to the extreme, and seeing Mo Zhiyuan repeating the actions of reading and reviewing the memorial, he felt even more chatty.Thinking about it in my heart, it seems that the emperor is not very interesting.

Just when Mo Xiaochuan was thinking wildly in his mind.But Mo Zhiyuan closed the memorial, raised his head to look at him, and said in a very calm voice: "What are you thinking?"

"I was wondering how much money the emperor will fine this time. I have no money. If I punish the people in the mansion again, I will have nothing to eat." Mo Xiaochuan looked cautious, but the words he said were a bit strange. Playful.

Mo Zhiyuan smiled slightly and said, "Are you going to have no money?"

Mo Xiaochuan nodded vigorously, and said, "Your Majesty, you are indeed very poor."

"Stop being slick." Mo Zhiyuan stood up, slapped the table hard, and said, "If you keep messing around like this, do you really think I won't kill you?"

Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly knelt down and said, "The emperor forgives the crime, but I didn't mess around."

Mo Zhiyuan stepped aside the table, walked to the front, looked at Mo Xiaochuan who was kneeling on the ground, snorted softly, and said, "Get up."

Mo Xiaochuan stood up and took two steps back, as if terrified.

"Still pretending?" Mo Zhiyuan glanced at him again, came up to him, and said, "Our Mo family, how could someone like you ever come out of our family? Although, some officials in the court did some things But to punish them, there are laws of the country. You are a member of the Mo family, a member of the royal family, how can you say whatever you want? Such a law. If the royal family is like this, how will the people of the world view the law?"

Mo Xiaochuan lowered his head and said, "Uncle, calm down, my nephew knows it's wrong."

Mo Zhiyuan snorted again, and said: "Indeed, your "grandma" pampers and protects you. But don't forget, you are still a prince, and I will let you lead the army to fight. How can you be reassured by your appearance?"

Mo Xiaochuan's expression brightened, and he said, "Uncle, no... Your Majesty, do you really want me to lead the army?"

"I originally planned to do so, but now I have to think about it again." Mo Zhiyuan said.

"Ah?" Mo Xiaochuan said with a bitter look on his face, "Your Majesty, I will not dare to do so in the future. Please let me lead the troops. Those barbarians are so arrogant that they dared to invade our border. If we don't teach them some lessons, Let them know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

"As reckless as you are, you still want to lead troops? How can you let me trust the lives of the soldiers in your hands?" Mo Zhiyuan said coldly.

"Didn't my nephew already say it, don't you dare..." Mo Xiaochuan muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Mo Zhiyuan asked lightly. [

"" Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly closed his mouth.

"However, you are the leader of the young people in the forbidden army this time. If you are kept, there is no suitable person for the time being. Besides, our royal family also needs to express an attitude towards the world this time. You can go, but , if you dare to be so reckless again, don't blame me for not protecting you anymore." Mo Zhiyuan said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Mo Xiaochuan knelt down again and said loudly.

"Originally, the Privy Council and the Ministry of War wanted you to be the deputy commander. However, seeing how impulsive you are, the position of deputy commander will be given up for the time being. It will depend on your performance in the future. Let you take the position of deputy general and lead the troops. Go to support the frontline battalion, I will send an order to Citi, and in the future, you need to listen to him." Mo Zhiyuan walked slowly to the screen of the imperial study room, with his hands behind his back, said: "You step back."

Mo Xiaochuan nodded, and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something.Turning around, he said, "Your Majesty, I have one more request."

"What's the matter?" Mo Zhiyuan frowned, but he still said, "Say!"

"You asked the minister to lead the soldiers, but where is the soldier?" Mo Xiaochuan asked weakly.

Mo Zhiyuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "I'm so confused." Then, he took a piece of brocade silk from the desk and threw it to Mo Xiaochuan, saying: "This military department I have already agreed to what you proposed. You can do it according to this. I will let people cooperate with you."

Mo Xiaochuan showed joy on his face, picked up the brocade, and looked at it carefully.In fact, he already guessed about the content above, but he needed to make an attitude.After reading it carefully, Mo Xiaochuan frowned, and said: "Your Majesty, can I not follow the instructions above?"

"Huh?" Mo Zhiyuan turned his head.

"Look, there is a line on it: 'Every soldier of the Xiliang Imperial Army can voluntarily submit a letter of invitation. As long as he submits the letter of invitation, he can go out with the army.' I feel that something is wrong. First of all, conscription should not be limited to In the imperial army, all my people in Xiliang have the responsibility of defending the land and serving the country. As long as they are willing, they can join the army. If it is limited to the imperial army, it will not block many patriotic ambitions. And, "Just hand out the letter of invitation , then you can go out with the army.' This sentence is also wrong. Some people are negligent in training on weekdays, and they are slack, which is fine. However, some people are in extremely poor health. In terms of combat strength, if you take them all with you, it will not only waste the military salary, let them die, but also add many uncontrollable variables to the army, and even affect the victory of a war Therefore, I implore the emperor to allow me to control these flexibly." Mo Xiaochuan said respectfully with a sincere look on his face.

Mo Zhiyuan thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said, "You are right, sure."

After hearing this, Mo Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Your Majesty, I would like to ask for an imperial decree."

"Why do you have so many things to do?" Mo Zhiyuan frowned: "Speak!"

"I would like to ask the emperor to give me the right to assign appointments for a short period of time. Of course, the position is limited to the lieutenant general. Moreover, there are many unruly children in the imperial army. They grew up in the family of officials. For many deputy commanders. I also ask the emperor to give me the right to fully mobilize the reinforcements. Of course, I will follow the order of the commander." When Mo Xiaochuan said this, he seemed to have summoned up a lot of courage. Well, even some sweat on the forehead.

Mo Zhiyuan lowered his brows and pondered for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "It's fine to be appointed at zero hour. What's the matter with this appointment? Since it's temporary, do the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials need to register? If so, then , What kind of temporary is it? If you don’t need it, what’s the matter with your appointment? Don’t mention this appointment again.”

Mo Xiaochuan hurriedly said: "What I mean is that Rong Chen will be appointed in advance, and then report to the Ministry of War. If the Ministry of War evaluates at that time and feels that the position conferred by the minister is different, then make a decision."

Mo Zhiyuan pondered for a while, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay. Is there anything else?"

"No more." Mo Xiaochuan took a deep breath, with a smile on his face, and said: "Uncle is the best uncle in the world, and also the best emperor in the world."

"Flirtatious..." Mo Zhiyuan waved his sleeves and said, "Go down."

"Yes! Your Excellency will leave." Mo Xiaochuan saluted respectfully and exited the Imperial Study Room.

After Mo Xiaochuan retreated, Mo Zhiyuan looked at the closed door with a pensive look on his face, after a while, shook his head and smiled, and continued to review the memorial. [

After leaving the gate of the imperial study, Mo Xiaochuan did not stay, and left the palace quickly, not even going to the Queen Mother's Palace to visit the old queen.It wasn't until he was far away from the palace gate that a serious expression appeared on his face.

Before, in the imperial study room, in fact, he was under quite a lot of pressure.Mo Xiaochuan couldn't figure out Mo Zhiyuan, but he could control himself now.For a long time, he gave Mo Zhiyuan the impression that he was talented in force and the army, but he didn't know much about the court and tactics.

He didn't want to destroy Mo Zhiyuan's impression of himself, but last time, after Mo Xiaochuan was taken away by Liu Jingting, Mo Zhiyuan almost changed his impression of him, so this time, Mo Xiaochuan tried his best to restore situation.Therefore, when it comes to matters concerning the imperial court, he tries his best to be a little weak. In this regard, he will not turn around at all, but he expresses his thoughts on the selection of soldiers and the military.

Although he didn't know how much Mo Zhiyuan would agree with him, he could only do as much as possible.

It's just that the process of doing so, suspected of seeking skin from a tiger, made him feel more pressured. The sweat on his forehead at that time was not pretended, but just flowed at the right time.

Take a long breath.Mo Xiaochuan urged the horse to move forward, feeling a bit more settled in his mind.Although Mo Zhiyuan has made an order, but it has not been announced in the court, if he goes to do the conscription now, there will be more troubles. Therefore, this matter is not urgent today, and it can be started tomorrow.However, preparations in advance can be done.

Back in the mansion, Mo Xiaochuan went directly to Situ Lin'er's residence.

Since Situ Lin'er came to the palace, Mo Xiaochuan has never been to her room, and everything is left to Ru'er.Coming in now, she was a little surprised. When Situ Liner saw Mo Xiaochuan coming to the door, she hurriedly greeted her, and said, "What kind of fragrant wind is this that brought our great prince here."

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Situ Liner, and it seemed that since Situ Yuer's attitude towards her changed, her personality had also become more lively.The first time she met, she gave people a dignified and resourceful feeling.

When meeting her in Youzhou City, Mo Xiaochuan felt that she even became a little scary, just like those people who have been in the power field all the year round, she is deep and every word she utters seems to be hiding a conspiracy.

But now, she is a little more cheerful that only a girl can have. Moreover, it seems that the burden on her body has been lightened, which makes her less heavy. Feel the oppressive Ayutthaya.

In contrast, Mo Xiaochuan prefers the current Situ Lin'er.

Hearing her joking tone, Mo Xiaochuan smiled and said: "Ms. Lin'er is saying that. If there is no fragrant wind, can I not come?"

"How dare Lin'er stop the prince. This palace belongs to the prince, and he can go wherever he thinks. The little girl wants to stop it, but can she stop it?" Situ Lin'er said, leading Mo Xiaochuan inside go.

The place where Situ Lin'er lived was the renovated Prince Qi's Mansion.Now it has become part of the Chenjun Wangfu.The building here is much better than the backyard where Mo Xiaochuan lives. Situ Liner's residence is also very spacious. There are two floors in total. The upper floor is the boudoir and study room, and the lower one is the living room and dining room.

Situ Liner and Mo Xiaochuan came to the second floor, but they did not enter the study room, but came to Situ Liner's boudoir.Stepping into the house, it doesn't have the air of makeup like an ordinary women's boudoir, but in comparison, it adds a lot of scholarly air.

Situ Lin'er is very different from ordinary women. Even in this study room, it is also very grandly arranged. There is a table next to it, with paper, pen and inkstone on it. On the thick paper, there is a beautiful small script record What is there, behind the table case is a bookshelf that fills the entire wall, filled with books of various colors, and there is a place that is obviously turned over frequently, and the books are a little disturbed.

Mo Xiaochuan went over to have a look, most of them were books about terrain and the art of war, and even some books about Qimen Dunjia.However, Mo Xiaochuan didn't really believe in these Qimen Dunjias, so he ignored them after a glance.

However, it is not difficult to see from these that Situ Lin'er has been studying these recently, probably to help Mo Xiaochuan in the battlefield.

Randomly picked up the paper on the table, looked at the handwriting on it, Mo Xiaochuan became interested, raised his eyes and asked: "You wrote these?"

Situ Lin'er nodded slightly, and said: "It's a little 'messy', the prince should not be offended. The little girl is a lazy person, and sometimes she is too lazy to take a few steps to the study, so she moves most of the things here. And, to buy these things, It also spent a lot of money from the prince. Don't think that Lin'er is a idler."

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head and didn't answer, but carefully looked at the beautiful petty lowercase scripts. This handwriting was not something he could write. His handwriting was not very good at first, but now he has practiced a lot. However, it is only barely able to meet people. It is impossible to reach Situ Lin'er's level without ten years of work.Moreover, "savvy" is mentioned in everything, but Mo Xiaochuan lacks "savvy" in calligraphy.

But the key point is not the beautiful font, but the content of the record.After a quick glance, she saw that Situ Lin'er was already planning how to recruit soldiers, how to select them, how to boost morale, etc., all kinds of plans.

Most of them are similar to what Mo Xiaochuan thought, and what he did was more careful and comprehensive than what he thought.This made Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help but look at Situ Lin'er more. He always thought that Situ Lin'er was smart and knew a lot about tricks.

It is only now that I realize that this woman is actually a genius, and she is also very good at coordinating things in this line of work. Moreover, reading the books she often reads, I know that, I am afraid, she should also have a good grasp of the battle situation and layout. quite capable.Bringing her back by himself seems to be a treasure.

Mo Xiaochuan took a deep breath, turned his head, looked at Situ Lin'er, and said, "Miss Lin'er really surprised me."

"Why?" Situ Lin'er smiled slyly, and said, "Is the little girl's handwriting as good as the prince's eyes?"

"It's not just eye-catching. Even if I do it myself, I may not be able to do it better than Miss Lin'er. Although, some places need to be changed because of the imperial decree, but it's not a big problem." Mo Xiaochuan said sincerely.

Situ Lin'er smiled and said: "Thank you for your compliment. Lin'er lives and eats at the mansion for nothing all day long. If she doesn't do something, she will feel bad about it. Being able to do something for the prince can be regarded as peace of mind. "

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Situ Lin'er, smiled, and said: "However, Miss Lin'er has such a great talent, but it makes me a little bit reluctant. If you want to marry someone someday, I don't know whether I should agree or not. It is extremely detrimental to me for someone else to acquire such a talent."

When Situ Liner heard what Mo Xiaochuan said, she stared at him with her beautiful eyes, blinked slightly, and said, "The prince is so smart, so he didn't think of any countermeasures to prevent this kind of thing from happening?"

"Oh?" Mo Xiaochuan asked: "Either Miss Lin'er can help me think of a countermeasure."

"Before others marry, it's good for the prince to marry first." Situ Lin'er said, giggling, and said: "I'm just kidding, how can a little girl be worthy of the prince. Since the prince said something inappropriate, you might as well point it out , Liner can also modify it."

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Situ Lin'er, and nothing could be seen from her face, it seemed that what he just said was really a joke, but Mo Xiaochuan always felt that there seemed to be some hidden meaning in it.

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