Stunning weapon

Chapter 845 is wrong

In the study room, after half an hour of secret talks with Mo Xiaochuan, Liu Juanniang left overnight.During the conversation with Mo Xiaochuan, he realized the seriousness of the matter, although Mo Xiaochuan did not tell Liu Juanniang what he knew.It just talked about the relationship between Steward Wang and a man named Wang Xin, and Wang Yao didn't even mention it.However, just this made Liu Juanniang startled.

Qi Xintang has always been loyal to the King of Qi, and also to the Mo family, although there is hatred between Mo Zhiming and Mo Zhiyuan, the king of Qi.But this does not affect Qixintang's sense of belonging to Xiliang.

What's more, Mo Xiaochuan is now the master of Qixin Hall.And the relationship between Mo Xiaochuan and Mo Zhiyuan can be considered harmonious.Therefore, the current Qixintang's attitude towards Mo Zhiyuan has also changed. Although some people in the hall still care about King Qi's enmity.However, it was no longer Qi Xintang's top priority.

Under Mo Xiaochuan's rectification, Qixintang gradually moved closer to the functions it had when King Qi established him.Collecting information and doing some dark things are Qi Xintang's original mission.

During the discussion with Liu Juanniang, Mo Xiaochuan proposed another plan, which is to manage Qixintang's property and Qixintang's personnel rights separately.Liu Juanniang also understands what Mo Xiaochuan means. Qixintang has been walking in the Jianghu for too long, and many things have the atmosphere of the Jianghu, such as the direct link between the industrial chain and the people in power in the hall, which is very different from when it was attached to the army. up.

Of course, the reasons for this situation are well known to everyone.After the death of King Qi, Qi Xintang was suppressed, and it was impossible for the army to provide them with food and salaries, which made Qi Xintang have to find his own way out.

It was completely helpless to do so at the time, but until now, Qixintang has become bloated because of the helplessness at the beginning. This kind of self-sufficiency has made Qixintang's work efficiency much worse than before.Even some people who only know how to do business have a higher status in Qixintang.

If Mo Xiaochuan hadn't taken over Qixintang, I'm afraid that within a few years, Qixintang would slowly and completely change its nature and become a big gang in the Jianghu. Church's functions.

Therefore, this matter, now it seems that it has little impact, but it must be done.Leaving Qixintang alone and being satisfied in this kind of self-sufficiency will not only make Qixintang gradually lose its vitality, but also greatly weaken Qixintang's cohesion and Mo Xiaochuan's control over Qixintang.

Like the time when Bai Yifeng was acting hall master, in fact, Qixin hall has undergone great changes, and Bai Yifeng's power is not as good as when Bai Changqing was the deputy hall master of the previous generation.

After discussing this issue with Mo Xiaochuan in depth, Liu Juanniang agreed with Mo Xiaochuan's idea.With Liu Juanniang's support, Mo Xiaochuan ordered Liu Juanniang to complete this matter within one year.

Liu Juanniang immediately nodded her promise.However, Mo Xiaochuan is a little worried. After all, if this matter continues, it will damage the interests of many middle-level personnel in Qixintang.If it is forcibly suppressed, it is likely to cause a backlash.Neither Mo Xiaochuan nor Liu Juanniang wanted to see this kind of situation.

In the end, Mo Xiaochuan proposed a plan, that is, Qixintang's industry still needs manpower to take care of it. While separating, these middle-level managers can choose by themselves whether to operate Qixintang's industry or master power over subordinates.Leave room for them to compromise, and things won't become too radical.Of course, in addition to this, Mo Xiaochuan also gave a tempting condition, that is, the personnel in Qixintang will be assessed from now on, and if they pass, they will be given official positions at this time next year.

When Mo Zhiyuan and Mo Zhiyuan asked for the right to be temporarily appointed, Mo Xiaochuan began to plan for it.Throwing out this condition now, let the people of Qixintang see the hope of Qixintang returning to its former glory.

In fact, many people in Qixintang wanted to get rid of their reckless status and become members of the Xiliang court.

Originally, Liu Juanniang felt a little tight about the one-year period, but she couldn't explain it to Mo Xiaochuan.After hearing Mo Xiaochuan's promise, he felt a little relieved, but his confidence in this matter was much greater.

However, it is also a problem to take back Qixintang's property and who will take care of it.Originally, Liu Qingrou should be the best candidate, but it's a pity that Liu Qingrou is Liu Chengqi's daughter, before the relationship between the two is established, it's okay to let her manage the property under Mo Xiaochuan's name, there is no problem.It would be inappropriate to let her run Qixintang's property.Of course, this doesn't mean that Mo Xiaochuan doesn't trust Liu Qingrou.

Rather, he has to worry about various reasons. Even though he is the supreme ruler of Qixintang now, he cannot completely become his own Yiyantang.The so-called rulers and ministers have to die, but they also need a reason. If the emperor is good at killing ministers for no reason, he will not be far from perishing.

Mo Xiaochuan is well aware of this, so Liu Qingrou cannot be used temporarily.Situ Yu'er has a lot of experience in business management. After all, most of Mo Xiaochuan's property is the result of her and Liu Qingrou's busy work.

But Mo Xiaochuan's thought was only fleeting, and he was denied by himself just as he thought of it.

Situ Yu'er does have some talents in this area and can do business well, but her vision is still a little narrow.In terms of leading the overall situation, without Liu Qingrou's decisiveness and overall perspective, it would be good for her to manage the entire business in Shangjing.If she is asked to manage the Qixintang's properties that spread throughout the Central Plains, it will appear that she is not capable enough.

Based on Mo Xiaochuan's understanding of Situ Yu'er, this matter can be known without trying.

Aside from these two people, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't think of anyone else for the time being.If Granny Lu is willing to come forward, with Situ Yu'er and Liu Qingrou on the side to help, maybe it will be possible.However, how could Granny Lu get involved in trivial matters like her own.

The candidate gave Mo Xiaochuan a headache, at this moment, he couldn't help but think of Yingying again.It would be great if Yingying was still around. Whether it was Yingying's leadership ability, ability to employ people, or overall perspective, they were all extremely competent in this regard.Hand it over to Yingying, and he will be completely at ease.It's a pity that there is no news of Yingying until now, and Mo Xiaochuan can only look around and sigh.

Exhaling lightly, Mo Xiaochuan calmed down.This candidate has not been found at the moment, but fortunately, there is no rush. Liu Juanniang's side may not be very smooth, and it will take time.If you can't find a manpower for a while, you can ask Liu Juanniang to take over for the time being.Although, this is not a long-term solution, if Liu Juanniang takes over for too long, it will not be mentioned whether she will inflate herself, and the people in the hall will probably speak ill of her, thinking that she is taking power for herself.

This will cause Liu Juanniang's prestige to decline.Originally, as a woman, Mo Xiaochuan gave her so much power, and some people privately criticized her. If such a thing happened again, it would definitely shake people's hearts.

Mo Xiaochuan sighed softly and stopped thinking about it.Pushing open the door, he walked out of the study and walked towards the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, he felt a little tired. Although his body wasn't tired in the past few days, his heart was very tired. In just two days, so many things happened in succession, which really made his heart exhausted.He took off his clothes indiscriminately, he didn't plan to go back to the palace today, he just slept here for one night, and left the rest for tomorrow.

Throwing the clothes on the hanger, Mo Xiaochuan walked inside. The curtain at the head of the bed was tightly closed. In the center of the bedroom, there was a bathtub near the table. It was steaming inside. I tried the water temperature, but it was just right. It seemed that the green hat had prepared it before going to bed.

Since it was the beauty's wish, Mo Xiaochuan stepped into the bathtub and washed it indiscriminately. Looking at the clean white cloth prepared in advance on the table, he smiled, dried himself, and walked towards the bed.

Suddenly, his brows sank, and he stopped vigilantly. Behind the bed curtain, there was a faint breathing sound that was trying to hide, and it came to his ears. Before, Mo Xiaochuan didn't think much about it, and he didn't pay attention, so, Did not notice.

At this moment, I couldn't help being startled.At this moment, he had just finished taking a shower, and he was standing there naked without any underwear on, but he approached the bed cautiously and slowly, he suddenly lifted the curtains, reached in, and at the same time he took a breath from the quilt, his body stepped back slightly, getting ready to sleep. Meet the opponent's sneak attack.

The moment the quilt was lifted, Mo Xiaochuan was taken aback for a moment.All I saw was a beautiful woman with a frightened face and naked clothes exposed under the quilt.The woman was lying on her side, the white lotus peak on her chest was very plump, her slender waist and slender legs were all exposed in front of Mo Xiaochuan's eyes.Even the small amount of black hair under her lower abdomen was seen by Mo Xiaochuan.

"Green girl... why are you here..."

Mo Xiaochuan said something in surprise.

The person lying on the bed was the green hat. At this moment, the panic expression on her face had turned into a blush, as if she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. After a long while, she said submissively: "My lord let me Stay late, and let me go back to the bedroom before, so I..." At this point, she already knew that she completely misunderstood what Mo Xiaochuan meant.

Mo Xiaochuan asked her to go back to her room, but she didn't go to Mo Xiaochuan's room. There are quite a lot of rooms here, which are completely enough to live in.However, it's too late to say anything now, not only did she wash her body, but she also prepared bath water for Mo Xiaochuan, let alone, at this moment, she was still naked, lying on the bed.

The prince must think that I am a frivolous woman.The cuckold was so remorseful that he was about to cry, bit his lips tightly, paused for a while, and said: "Yes, it's my subordinates, I misunderstood the prince. Don't blame the prince, I'm leaving now..." As he spoke , the green hat hurriedly jumped out of bed, grabbed the clothes from the bed and ran out.

It's just that she just ran two steps, but Mo Xiaochuan grabbed her wrist, and pulled her back lightly.The green hat's crisp chest was pressed against Mo Xiaochuan's chest. She was much shorter than Mo Xiaochuan. At this moment, she was like a frightened little rabbit leaning against her master's arms, looking very pitiful.

Mo Xiaochuan glanced at her responsibly. He had some conflicts in his heart before, but he didn't expect that his words would actually make the cuckold think of this.However, if you think about it carefully, it is not unreasonable for the green hat to think so.

When I was in the palace, I was so close to her, and I told her not to leave tonight, and I told her to go back to the bedroom before, so it is easy to think of this place.However, even if it was a misunderstanding, if the cuckold were to leave at this moment, it would definitely leave a shadow in her heart.

Therefore, Mo Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment, then pulled her back, then put his arms around her waist, and said: "Forget it, anyway, you will be my woman sooner or later. Although today is a misunderstanding, it is not a misunderstanding. Leave."

At this moment, the green hat had tears in his eyes, and he remained silent without speaking.

"What? You don't want to?" Mo Xiaochuan pinched her chin, raised her face, and asked softly.

Looking into Mo Xiaochuan's eyes, the cuckold didn't dare to look at him, and hurriedly looked away again, paused for a while, and whispered: "I, I am willing..."

Hearing what the green hat said, Mo Xiaochuan put his arms around her legs, hugged her violently, and walked towards the bed...

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