Stunning weapon

Chapter 861

() Chang San was rushing to kill, and the opponent seemed to have noticed the arrival of reinforcements, and attacked even more frantically, blocking Chang San's charge.all in

Chang San ordered the two soldiers to carry the corpse of their companions to block the arrows, and risked their lives towards the direction of the reinforcements.

However, when he rushed to Taniguchi, there were less than 200 people around him, and he took everyone with him, even he himself, who was protected by others, was shot by two arrows.There are still an unknown number of enemy troops ahead, but the reinforcements are still far away, and it is impossible to arrive at all. With regret in his heart, he looks at his comrades who are constantly falling beside him, hesitating, he is going to die under the chaos of arrows Next, or commit suicide.

At this time, suddenly, the blocking people in front became chaotic, and at the same time, they heard a voice shouting loudly: "General Chang, don't panic, this king is here."

When Chang San heard this voice, his eyes suddenly lit up. It was Mo Xiaochuan's voice, and he could tell it.

However, isn't the reinforcements still far away?Why did Mo Xiaochuan come suddenly?Although Chang San was very puzzled in his heart, his face was extremely excited, and he stopped thinking about it, and shouted loudly: "Thank you, my lord. Brothers, let's go!"

At this moment, Mo Xiaochuan was holding the Beidou sword in his hand, and the red light and shadow flickered. Every time it flickered, he would hear the screams of barbarian soldiers. He did not ride a horse, but rushed into the crowd on foot.This kind of darkness may be extremely unfavorable to others, but for Mo Xiaochuan, who can see things in the dark, it is the best battlefield.

In just a moment, no less than a hundred barbarian soldiers fell in the place he passed.

Every time Mo Xiaochuan charged forward, the heads would dance.This caused the barbarian army to be in chaos. They just felt that they were hit on the head by the head of their companions, and they didn't know what was going on. Who the hell came here?

Or, is this still human?

As soon as the barbarian army was in chaos, the soldiers who came after them began to charge and kill. Immediately, there was a loud cry of killing. Now, the situation is completely reversed.The barbarian army didn't know how many reinforcements came from the other side, but they just felt that the people on their side died inexplicably.The red streamer seemed to be drawn by the scythe of the god of death, and every time it passed, it would bring death.

Finally, Chang San and the others successfully rushed out.Mo Xiaochuan didn't intend to fight here, because this place was an ambush place prepared by the barbarian army, and it must have been prepared.Mo Xiaochuan was able to kill them into chaos, and it was only the effect of the surprise attack. If he went too deep, he would be besieged instead.Even if he could see things in the dark, the soldiers couldn't.

When Chang San rushed to Mo Xiaochuan's side, the torches lit up.I saw that Mo Xiaochuan's white shirt had turned bloody, and his face was also stained with a lot of blood. He looked as if he had bathed in blood.

This made him startled suddenly.

Before Chang San could speak in the future, Mo Xiaochuan said: "Extinguish the torches, retreat quickly!"

Only then did Chang San understand, and ordered the soldiers to throw all the torches to the front.

Under the light of the torches, the barbarian army lying in ambush in front also revealed their true faces.However, it is only fleeting.They seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and then changed their hiding place.

This was obviously very useful to Chang San. He had also adopted this tactic before, but because the opponent changed their position, it was useless.

But Mo Xiaochuan was different, Mo Xiaochuan could see it, but the barbarian army didn't know about it.Their previous hiding place was selected in advance, so it can naturally resist the incoming arrows and wait for me, and there are bunkers around them that can be used.

However, when they met Mo Xiaochuan at this moment, it was as if they had voluntarily discarded these bunkers and exposed them to Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows in that direction.

Suddenly, screams sounded.

These barbarian soldiers finally realized how Chang San felt before.

On Mo Xiaochuan's side, there were originally more archers.This is because Mo Xiaochuan had thought before that the soldiers at the frontline battalion were all trained on the battlefield. No matter how hard they practice, they can't catch up with them. Only archers can make up for it. This short board.

After all, archers generally just shoot their arrows from behind. This kind of training, relatively speaking, is better than soldiers who fight with swords and guns.In addition, there were many archers among the original forbidden army, which made it difficult.Mo Xiaochuan has a lot of archers here, but at this moment, they come in handy.

Perhaps the barbarian army would never have imagined in their dreams that they, who are good at Qi shooting, would one day be shot by the soldiers of the Central Plains.

At this time, the surrounding darkness made up for the contradiction of the recruits' timidity.Soldiers, just listen to Mo Xiaochuan's command, and they can shoot wherever they are told, without having to look at the blood. For them, the psychological burden is much smaller.

With the fighting here, the follow-up reinforcements have also arrived, but when they arrived, they all put out the torches and joined here.

Mo Xiaochuan has a shield, and it is impossible to fight the barbarian army without a shield. For this, Mo Xiaochuan has prepared a large number of shields in advance, so that when the arrows from the barbarian army are shot, the arrows from Mo Xiaochuan's side The soldier hid behind the shield.

But the barbarian army over there did not wear shields, so the battle gradually turned to Mo Xiaochuan's side.

Chang San was at the side, although he couldn't see it clearly, but hearing Mo Xiaochuan's commanding voice full of enthusiasm, the sound of the soldiers of the new army pulling bows and shooting arrows neatly, and the screams of the barbarian army on the opposite side, let him He admired Mo Xiaochuan so much.

Of course, he didn't know that Mo Xiaochuan could see things in secret.I just feel that, compared with Mo Xiaochuan, I was too bad before, and I was so helpless to fight back.

He is now thinking in his heart, is Mo Xiaochuan really only 20 years old?Then this person must be a well-known figure in the Central Plains in the future.No wonder he is the son of King Qi, he is simply born handsome.

Actually, it wasn't what surprised Chang San the most.What surprised him even more.How did Mo Xiaochuan suddenly come behind the barbarian army?Before, I saw those torches in the distance. Even if Mo Xiaochuan extinguished the torches and came quietly, he couldn't be so fast.

Chang San didn't know, in fact, Mo Xiaochuan didn't wait for him to see it before he extinguished the torch and came here.Mo Xiaochuan had noticed the battle here before, so he had already thought of this. Immediately, he brought a team of elites, put out the torches, and came here quickly.At the same time, let the army behind closely follow.Because the distance between the two teams widened, this not only made Chang San realize that he was wrong.

It even made the barbarian army misjudge.

They thought that Mo Xiaochuan's reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, but Chang San wanted to break out of the siege, so they planned to kill Chang San as soon as possible before the reinforcements arrived, and then deal with Mo Xiaochuan.Unexpectedly, Mo Xiaochuan had already arrived ahead of time and stuck in their backs, causing the barbarian army to be in chaos.

Now, take advantage of the chaos.The barbarian army that killed even more has been retreating.

Watching the barbarian army retreat into the dense forest, Mo Xiaochuan did not order to pursue, but led the army towards the front camp.

Over there, there is the barracks of the new army.Now, there are only more than 1 soldiers in the new army camp. If the barbarian army attacked, it would be difficult to succeed.Mo Xiaochuan knew this in his heart, so he didn't want to fight.What's more, even if you chased him into the dense forest, if you fought hand-to-hand with the barbarian army, the soldiers on your side would not have any advantage, and on the contrary, they might kill themselves.

Just when Mo Xiaochuan was about to withdraw his troops and return, the barbarian army that had retreated into the dense forest rushed out again and let them attack Mo Xiaochuan from behind.

Mo Xiaochuan had no choice but to stop and confront the barbarian army again. With the appearance of the barbarian army, Mo Xiaochuan gradually understood the situation. The barbarian army here is not too many. It seems that there are more than 3000 people.

Therefore, it is not difficult to eat them.

However, when Mo Xiaochuan pursued them, those barbarian troops retreated into the dense forest again, which caused Mo Xiaochuan a bit of a headache.After going back and forth several times, the barbarian army lost most of their strength, but they were still in such a stalemate with Mo Xiaochuan.

Mo Xiaochuan gradually felt that something was wrong. If the barbarian army could gain some advantages, perhaps it would be good for them to do so.If the barbarian army can't gain an advantage, and the whole army may even be wiped out here, then why are they doing this?

Could it be?Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

Mo Xiaochuan was shocked again. Today, he was shocked too much.The weirdness of these barbarian troops is completely different from when he fought against them back then.Tactics are really changeable, making people hard to guard against.

Immediately, Mo Xiaochuan ignored these people and led his troops towards the barracks.

However, before he had gone far, he saw scouts reporting that Lu Shang had already fought with the barbarian army.

This made Mo Xiaochuan stunned again. Could it be that the barbarian army rushed towards Lu Shang as he first deduced?However, if he made a mistake in his judgment, the barbarian army did not go there, but a feint attack?

He fell into a dilemma.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Xiaochuan suddenly said to Chang San, "General Chang, I will give you five thousand soldiers and horses now, and you are here to stop these barbarian troops. Remember, don't love to fight. As long as they come after them, just shoot them back with arrows." .”

At this moment, Chang San already respected Mo Xiaochuan like a god, and when he heard Mo Xiaochuan's words, he nodded in agreement without any doubt.

Mo Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Go back to the camp!" In the end, Mo Xiaochuan chose to go back to the camp. After all, there was still Kou Yilang on Lu Shang's side, and there were only Situ Lin'er and ten thousand soldiers in the new army camp. Soldiers

Mo Xiaochuan knew the strength of these soldiers.Lu Shang put it down here, maybe he will be fine.However, if Situ Lin'er was put down, the camp might be destroyed.Among the camps of the new army, there were also people who were short of food and grass.

If it is destroyed.Very bad for yourself.

Now, Mo Xiaochuan didn't expect that Dai Liang in the front camp would send troops to support the camp of the new army.Because, the frontline camp is likely to face more fierce attacks.

Mo Xiaochuan led his troops towards the camp quickly.

However, here is still [-] miles away from the camp, so how can I go back in a while.Now he can only pray that if the barbarian army failed to break through the camp, the new army could resist for a while, or if he made a mistake in his judgment, the barbarian army would not attack the camp.

In fact, Mo Xiaochuan's idea is very unrealistic in his opinion now.After all, it is impossible for the barbarian army to spend such a large amount of money just for a mountain pass village.

In fact, it was the same. At this moment, Situ Lin'er was already standing in Mo Xiaochuan's big tent, holding Mo Xiaochuan's token in his hand, and issued military orders to the captains below.Originally, she didn't have this power, but she claimed to be a military adviser, and she had a military order from Mo Xiaochuan in the big tent.This gave her a lot of power.

Situ Lin'er voluntarily gave up a large area of ​​camp.Gathered 1 people and guarded them around the granary, so that the soldiers could only defend them. Facing the attack of the barbarian army, they could only resist with bows and arrows.

As if the arrow didn't want money, it shot out desperately.

Facing so many arrow rains, the barbarian army had no possibility of rushing in, not to mention, the biggest target of the barbarian army was the front camp.On the other hand, the frontline camp now showed signs of being breached.

Mainly, Dai Liang did not dare to abandon the camp and ordered to defend it with all his strength. The camp originally had more than 20 troops, but now there are only more than 4 troops, and they are defending. This made the troops scattered and left a breakthrough for the barbarian army.

The barbarian army is on the offensive side, and they are very mobile.The main attack direction can be changed at any time, which makes Dai Liang not dare to be negligent and completely disperse his troops.

In this way, when the barbarian army concentrates its forces to attack a point, although the number of soldiers does not seem to be larger than that of the frontline battalion, the effect achieved is obvious.

Dai Liang was completely devastated at the moment, facing the barbarian army, there was nothing he could do.

Naturally, they couldn't support Mo Xiaochuan's new army.But Mo Xiaochuan was still on the road at this moment.

Situ Lin'er's resistance was barely maintained.Everything seemed precarious.

Situ Lin'er watched the barbarian army rushing up in large numbers, holding her little hands tightly. Although she has talents in this field and has read a lot of military books, she is only a woman and has never led a war before. Just talk on paper.

Facing such a bloody scene, she was extremely uncomfortable. Before, she almost vomited, but although she held back her face, she turned pale.At this moment, Long Ying was standing beside her, but in comparison, Long Ying was much calmer.

Seeing Situ Liner's haggard look, Long Ying could only comfort her softly in her ear: "Don't worry. He will definitely come back to save us."

Situ Lin'er looked up at Long Ying, nodded slightly, hummed, and said nothing more.Concentrate on commanding the team to fight the barbarian army.

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