Stunning weapon

Chapter 917

After drifting in the sea for five days, Mo Xiaochuan and Long Ying were sitting on the bow of the boat, Mo Xiaochuan's whole face was extremely ugly, and the two of them hadn't spoken a word in the past few days.Long Ying didn't take the initiative to speak up, and Mo Xiaochuan didn't bother her either.

Mo Xiaochuan sat at the stern and Long Ying sat at the bow.

Except for giving the other party a message when it is convenient to avoid the other party, basically they don't even say hello.

On this day, the sky was blue, and the entire sea was also blue. The sky and the sea were connected to one place, making people feel that they were in an infinite space. It seemed that everything had no end. Alone and helpless.

Long Ying tried to find the location of Xiandao Mountain in the past few days, but after counting the time, the originally planned itinerary had already passed.But she has never seen the shadow of Xiandao Mountain, and she feels a little desperate in her heart. In this kind of place where there is no discernible point, even if she knows the direction, trying to find Xiandao Mountain is undoubtedly a dream .

Because they don't know where they have deviated. For example, if they headed straight to the southeast, they could reach Xiandao Mountain. In the north, according to this situation, it is right to turn to the south, but if you still follow the original direction to the southeast, it must be more and more deviated.

Long Ying and Mo Xiaochuan both understand this point, but it's a pity that even though they know it, this is the most troublesome thing for them up to now. If they don't know where they are, it is the most uncomfortable thing.

Long Ying is still sitting on the bow of the boat today, and the three jars of rice wine that Mo Xiaochuan gave her are running out.If there is no result today, the two of them don't know how long they can hold on.Just when Longying was at a loss, there was a muffled noise from the stern of the boat, Longying turned her head and saw Mo Xiaochuan fell on the board of the boat, and the jug in her hand fell there, but she didn't know what happened.

She frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, did not move, waited for a while, but saw that Mo Xiaochuan still did not respond, then got up and walked towards the stern, and when she came to the stern, she saw that Mo Xiaochuan's face was pale and his lips were already chapped Terrible, this is a serious water shortage performance.

Startled, Long Ying hurriedly helped him up, lowered her head and picked up the wine jug that had fallen beside her, put it in front of her nose and sniffed it, there was a strong smell of alcohol inside, it turned out to be spirits.

Long Ying's face was a bit complicated, and she didn't understand why Mo Xiaochuan still drank strong alcohol at such a time.Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she hurriedly ran towards the bow of the ship, and opened the deck, revealing a jar of wine inside, none of which was covered with mud, and it could be clearly seen that the wine was as clean as clear water Generally speaking, the bottom is clear, and there is no jar of rice wine at all.

A complex look appeared on Long Ying's face, and she remembered what Mo Xiaochuan had said that was teasing that day.

"I'll only give you three jars, save some, and I won't give them after you finish drinking them. The rest are mine..."

At that time, upon hearing this sentence, Long Ying only thought that Mo Xiaochuan was joking, or that it was between life and death, that she showed her own way of saving her life.Only now did I understand that there were only three jars of rice wine, and the rest were all spirits. Mo Xiaochuan actually gave him all three jars of rice wine, and he was drinking spirits all the time to maintain himself.

No wonder he has the symptoms of dehydration now.

Long Ying became anxious, and the resentment towards Mo Xiaochuan seemed to disappear in an instant.He hurriedly brought over half of the jar of rice wine he had left, squeezed Mo Xiaochuan's mouth open, and poured it in.

Mo Xiaochuan's body was very weak, and he couldn't drink anything at all in a coma.However, Longying is a master of the inner family and proficient in medical skills. There are many ways to make a coma open his throat. After a while, half a jar of rice wine was poured into Mo Xiaochuan's mouth.

This kind of rice wine has a very low alcohol content, and Longying has never covered it with mud, and with the volatilization of the past few days, it can already be used as drinking water.

Seeing Mo Xiaochuan drink all the rice wine, Long Ying felt relieved.Touching Mo Xiaochuan's cheek, her heart ached so much. She didn't know if this could save Mo Xiaochuan. Although she was proficient in medical skills, under such conditions, she could help Mo Xiaochuan Very few.

After a teardrop fell on Mo Xiaochuan's face, she realized that looking at Mo Xiaochuan's appearance, she would cry in distress.It wasn't until this moment that Long Ying understood the weight of Mo Xiaochuan in her heart.

Although, I have been sulking a few days ago and ignored Mo Xiaochuan.However, she knew in her heart that he was always by her side, and as long as he was there, her heart seemed to be at peace.At this moment, Mo Xiaochuan became like this, and she was already in danger of her life. Only then did she feel that she could no longer live without him.

Long Ying didn't wipe away her tears, but just stroked Mo Xiaochuan's face with her hands, using her body to cover him from the sun, she didn't know what it was like.

As time passed, Mo Xiaochuan gradually opened his eyes, only to find that Long Ying was hugging him. Although his throat was still a little thirsty, he felt much better. He looked at the wine jar beside him, and suddenly understood.

"Oh!" He sighed softly.

Long Ying's body trembled violently, supported him, and said, "Are you awake? How do you feel? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Mo Xiaochuan stuck out his tongue, licked his chapped lips, forced a smile, and said, "I feel much better. However, the strength of this rice wine is still too small, not enough flavor..."

Long Ying had stopped crying at first, but at this moment, hearing what Mo Xiaochuan said, tears burst out again, she stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears, and said: "It's this time, you still have the mood to joke. Why do you Don't tell me, there are only three jars of rice wine?"

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head, smiled wryly, and said, "So what can I say? There are only three jars, and the two of us may not be able to persist for three days. If this is the case, it is better to leave it to you, at least you can persist as long as possible." A few days. Besides, I like to drink, it's strong wine!"

Long Ying bit her lips tightly and said nothing more. At this moment, looking at Mo Xiaochuan, she couldn't get angry anymore.All he wanted was his own body, but he paid back himself with his life.What else can I say?In her heart, there was Mo Xiaochuan, and now, Mo Xiaochuan treats her like this.She no longer has the slightest bit of resentment, let alone the slightest bit of regret.

She hugged Mo Xiaochuan's head, leaned down, kissed Mo Xiaochuan lightly on the lips, and said: "If you want to die, let's die together. If you die, how lonely I am alone..."

Mo Xiaochuan struggled to sit up, touched her cheek with his body, and said: "Anyway, you have given me the rest. It is useless to say more, that's all... It's just that I always thought you were a smart person." Girl, but she doesn't want to, she is also a stupid girl."

Long Ying was stunned, and said: "If you are stupid, be stupid..."

The sea breeze was blowing gently, Mo Xiaochuan's hair was not tied up, his long hair fluttered with the wind, and his beard grew a little, giving him a sense of vicissitudes.After half a day, his body was basically fine.

Lying on the deck with her head up, Long Ying slept sideways beside him.

Turning his head and looking at Longying, Mo Xiaochuan suddenly asked: "Did you think I was going to die before?"

Long Ying thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

"Hey, she is really a stupid girl. I am a master of the holy way. How could I die so easily? In fact, I used my true energy to suppress the functions of my whole body, slow down my heartbeat, and slow down my metabolism. In this way, I can be better. It's just about controlling water loss..."

Mo Xiaochuan's words fell into Long Ying's ears, Long Ying didn't understand very well, in fact, she didn't want to understand either.After showing a rare smile, he shook his head lightly and said, "It seems, very powerful..."

As soon as Long Ying said this, Mo Xiaochuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Long Ying in amazement, with a look of surprise on his face.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him like this, Long Ying couldn't help but blush and couldn't help asking.

"Our girl Long can actually joke?" Mo Xiaochuan said with a laugh.

"Uh..." Long Ying froze for a moment, but shook her head helplessly.

"This time, I didn't expect this to happen. You said, if we die here, how will future generations guess after they find out? Will they think we are a couple?" Mo Xiaochuan said.

"Perhaps, they will think that we are a pair of mother and son..."

"Uh..." Mo Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment, then sat up abruptly, and said, "Don't bring such an advantage..."

Long Ying couldn't help giggling, and she smiled very nicely.

Seeing it, Mo Xiaochuan slowly stretched out his hand, put his palm on her neck, rubbed his thumb against her cheek, and said, "Longying, actually, you look really good when you smile. That's, Before, you laughed too little."

After Mo Xiaochuan's words fell, Longying fell silent, speechless for a while, and after a while, stretched out her hand to hold the back of Mo Xiaochuan's hand, moved her body, sat up as well, and said: "Actually, the outsiders took what Jianzong said So good. In my opinion, but not so nostalgic..."

"Why is that?" Mo Xiaochuan asked.

"Outsiders know that there are many masters in Jianzong, but they don't know that there are many rules in Jianzong. The martial arts of Jianzong have never been passed on to the outside world. After so many years, how do you think it is done?" Long Ying Said something softly.

Mo Xiaochuan was silent for a while, and said: "Could it be that the marriage contract of Jianzong must be determined by the elders? Moreover, the people of Jianzong must marry the people of Jianzong, so that's it?"

Long Ying was a little surprised. She paused for a moment, with a smile on her face, and said: "No wonder mother-in-law said you are smart. I only mentioned one sentence, and you thought of so much. But it's not just that. The power goes out. If I can go out, I have to do some tasks. For example, I came out this time to replace my mother-in-law, and I am stationed in Xiliang. If I can stay in Xiliang forever, I will not be able to marry or receive only."

"Then Guan'er?" Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help frowning.

"In the past, I only taught Guan'er some methods of self-cultivation and ordinary sword moves. These were not the martial arts of the Sword Sect. Later, my mother-in-law came forward, and I passed on the mind and sword skills of the Guan'er Sword Sect. "Long Ying said softly: "If it wasn't for my mother-in-law, I wouldn't have passed on the martial arts of Guan'er Sword Sect."

"In this way, in order to keep Jianzong's skills from being passed on to the outside world, people like Guan'er and I who have learned Jianzong's kung fu will be eradicated?" Mo Xiaochuan said.

Long Ying nodded and said: "Indeed. However, the mother-in-law has accepted you as the sect master on behalf of the sect master. The mother-in-law has also notified you in a letter. You can say that you are already half a disciple of the Sword Sect. Once you have passed the ceremony of apprenticeship, you can be regarded as a formal disciple of Jianzong."

"So, you already have a fiancé in Jianzong?" Mo Xiaochuan said with a smile.

Long Ying was startled suddenly, raised her face, but after a while, she lowered her head and didn't say anything.

"I don't mind these things. You don't have to worry about anything. Besides, we don't know how many days we can live. Do we still want to keep these secrets between us? Wouldn't it be a panic to bring them into the coffin..." Mo Xiaochuan sighed softly and lay down again.

Long Ying thought for a while, shook her head slightly, and said: "Actually, what you said is quite right. Indeed, in Jianzong, I have a marriage contract. However, I don't know if it is a marriage contract. There are very few men in Jianzong. There are a lot of women. Moreover, the men of Jianzong are not allowed to marry before the age of 30, and they can only devote themselves to sword training. Therefore, the person who has a marriage contract with me is my uncle, and he is almost 12 years old. Moreover, This marriage contract was made when I was four years old. If it wasn't for this time, if I tried my best to leave Jianzong and come to Xiliang to find the Great Elder, I am afraid that I would have married him now... Originally, I I have always thought that this is the order of the daughter of Jianzong, and I just obey it. However, when I was [-] years old, there was a person who went to Jianzong. That night, he probably drank a lot and told me a lot I said a lot of things that I didn't understand before. Only then did I realize that we can choose our own destiny, but after I learned a few times, I found that I was powerless to resist..."

Listening to Long Ying's words, Mo Xiaochuan felt a little shocked.He had never known these things before.Granny Lu didn't say a word either. Thinking about it, Granny Lu also had some scruples. She was afraid that if she knew this, she would feel repulsive towards Jianzong.

"Who is that person?" Mo Xiaochuan asked.

"Daoist Qingxuan!" Long Ying said.

Mo Xiaochuan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "Unexpectedly, the old man has done some good things."

"Actually, sometimes, I blame him a little bit. If he hadn't told me so much, I might, like other Sword Sect members, regard this as my own destiny, not to resist, just let nature take its course, so , maybe it won't be so painful..." There was a trace of sadness in Long Ying's words...

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Longying, frowned, and said, "Then, what do you think about going to Jianzong with me this time?"

"I don't know." Long Ying shook her head and said, "Actually, I didn't think about it that much. Maybe, with the letter from my mother-in-law, I should be able to leave Jianzong with you and go back to Xiliang."

"Should? Maybe?" Mo Xiaochuan felt a little annoyed by Longying's uncertain words. After listening to Longying's introduction to Jianzong, he also understood why Longying would wait for a while. He lowered his eyebrows and said: "If this time, we are ordered to go to Jianzong, I will definitely not make things difficult for you. Because you are already my woman..."

Long Ying stared blankly at Mo Xiaochuan, only to see that there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, his expression was very serious, and he couldn't help biting his lips, feeling very moved in his heart.

Mo Xiaochuan stretched out his hand and hugged Longying in his arms. At this moment, he felt sorry for her.People from Jianzong, once they appear in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, they must be famous all over the world, but who would have thought that maybe they are very envious of ordinary people in the outside world.

No wonder Longying's personality becomes indifferent to others. Sure enough, people with this kind of personality are rarely born, and most of them are caused by the environment. Longying is like this, and Mo Ying is also like this.However, Long Ying was fighting against fate, while Mo Ying was made a big joke by fate.Therefore, the indifference between the two of them is also different.

Mo Xiaochuan looked at Longying, smiled, and said: "Forget it, don't talk about these things, it's unpleasant. Actually, I also have a secret. I haven't told anyone about it. Now, we are going to die. .I'll tell you about it."

"En!" Long Ying nodded.

"Actually, I'm not from this world." Mo Xiaochuan said.

"Ah?" Long Ying showed a weird expression, because these words were too unreliable. In her opinion, Mo Xiaochuan should be joking again to make her happy, so she couldn't help but Suddenly said: "Could it be that you are a fairy?"

"Maybe I'm still a monster...haha..." Mo Xiaochuan laughed loudly, looking at the dark clouds floating in the distant sky, with a smile on his face, he said, "Perhaps, we might not have to die..."

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