Stunning weapon

Chapter 926 What You Want

Mo Xiaochuan grabbed a chair and sat down, staring blankly at the handwriting with a wry smile on his face.Luo Yimin was so scheming, and after abolishing such a big plan, he still couldn't escape from the evil path in the end. He thought he could get some clues, but now it seems that he was busy in vain.The only clues are basically useless. As for saying that Qi Sword can temporarily restrain Sha Dao, this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket and a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Moreover, every time he uses the Yiqi sword, although Mo Xiaochuan can temporarily break himself out of the evil way, he generally feels that he has taken another step forward.This is the same as the stubborn disease on the body. When you scratch it, it feels good. After scratching, you find that it is more itchy than before.

He took out the jug from his bosom and shook it lightly. Jianzong's wine has a fragrance, not strong, but it's good to drink. Yesterday, Mo Xiaochuan specially asked his senior sister from the same school to help him fetch a jug. .At this moment, it came in handy.

Holding the jug, he raised his head and took a sip, swallowing slowly, feeling a little calmer.

The current him is always like this, and he doesn't know when he developed the habit of drinking. It seems that he is becoming more and more inseparable from this thing.After sitting quietly for about half an hour, Mo Xiaochuan's heart was no longer so irritable.

He also looked at it a bit more, if the evil way can't be removed, just follow him.Even worrying doesn't help.

He stood up, flicked the dust off his shirt lightly, and then walked towards the layman.Jianzong was also built by Luo Yimin, so it's not like nothing was gained from coming here this time.Mo Xiaochuan thought in his heart, with a wry smile on his face.

Came outside the door of the hut, walked slowly, walked to the edge of the high platform, and looked down.Taking a casual glance, the bottom is full of potholes, with water and stones, which seems to be different from the flat atmosphere of the ancient tombs I went to in the past.

Just when Mo Xiaochuan was about to look back, suddenly, he seemed to sense something was wrong, he frowned and looked over carefully.But he couldn't see anything, so he poked his head out of the high platform and looked down. In between, there was a small platform under the high platform, which could only accommodate one person standing on it.It looks like it's just an ordinary rock, nothing special.

Mo Xiaochuan thought for a while, then jumped up and down from the high platform.While falling, he pulled out the Beidou sword abruptly and sliced ​​off a rock.Immediately, the moment he approached the protruding small stone platform, he took a sudden step and stepped on the fallen mountain rock. His feet exploded suddenly, but he used the seventh form of the Qingmen Nine Forms.

Immediately, the figure flashed and stood on the small stone platform.

When he came here, Mo Xiaochuan looked up and down, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.When he raised his eyes and looked down, he was taken aback suddenly. In the meantime, the potholes below, which looked messy from above, looked like a map from here.

The stones that were discarded at will have now become mountains.Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help but gasped, where is the map here?He identified it carefully, as if he couldn't see it.Looking at the mountains and lakes, Mo Xiaochuan suddenly realized that this is not a map of a single place, but a map of the entire Central Plains, but there are no cities on this map.

Looking at the map, Mo Xiaochuan carefully identified it, and slowly discovered that there is actually Xiandao Mountain in the map, and the map is not completely on the flat ground below, or on the rock wall. Yes, looking from this side, those carvings have also become part of the map. In the end, Mo Xiaochuan discovered the location of Xiandao Mountain where he stepped, and the place where he stood was Xiandao The main peak of the mountain.

Mo Xiaochuan was a little shocked by this ingenious technique, but at the same time, he was also full of doubts. Could it be that Luo Yimin did this just for fun?

He thought about it, and put the thought aside.

Luo Yimin shouldn't be so free, looking at the statues on the sword sect, when she was here, she should have been troubled by evil ways, she definitely didn't have such a mood.So, what did she want to leave behind by doing all this?

Mo Xiaochuan watched carefully, at the place where he was standing, he slowly found that there was some obvious pattern in one place, he lowered his head and blew away the dust on it, and the pattern appeared.

It was the destiny pattern on Mo Xiaochuan's hand, and Mo Xiaochuan knew that this destiny pattern was not unique to him, Luo Yimin also had it.What is his intention of leaving this fate pattern?

Mo Xiaochuan looked at the fate pattern of that day, but found that this fate pattern was not exactly the same as the fate pattern on his palm. There was an extra piece in one place. Although it seemed very harmonious, it fell on Mo Xiaochuan. In Xiao Chuan's eyes, it was not so harmonious.

Because this pattern is something on his body, and he has already gotten used to it after looking at it all day long, so he will naturally notice the difference at a glance.

What does this mean?Mo Xiaochuan thought about it carefully, and raised his head suddenly, and saw that from here, those spiraling roads, combined with the top rocks of the mountain space, were exactly the pattern of the Destiny Pattern.

Looking up and looking down again, Mo Xiaochuan suddenly realized.This difference, then you should leave something.

Thinking of this, he didn't linger any longer, and with a sudden leap, he used his Beidou sword to stand on the rock wall, and then jumped onto the steps that climbed up the side of the mountain.Looking up, he quickly walked to the high platform where he was before, and looked from here.I can't see any difference anymore, but Mo Xiaochuan has remembered that he observed the place before, jumped up, and then jumped back and forth a few times on the sword-shaped stone pillar, and when he stood still, he stood On the hilt of the sword-shaped stone pillar at the front.

Standing here, the road ahead is already a stone wall, and there is no road.

Mo Xiaochuan stared at the stone wall, held the Beidou sword, and suddenly swung a few swords forward. Following his movements, the stone wall in front collapsed.The dust stirred up, making Mo Xiaochuan cough a few times.

Looking at the smashed ground below, Mo Xiaochuan frowned. Lu Qi should have heard the sound, and I don't know if she would break in to see if she had ruined the place.

After waving the dust around, Mo Xiaochuan took a deep breath and looked forward.

On the rock wall that he cut off in front, there was a dark hole.Mo Xiaochuan saw it in his eyes, with a smile on his face, the secret should be here.Jumping up, the whole person got into the hole.

This place is extremely small, and the surrounding area can only allow him to squat down.Although it was dark, it did not affect Mo Xiaochuan's vision.Looking inside, I saw that the inside was a little more empty.

Mo Xiaochuan moved his body and entered the cave. After walking about a hundred meters, the front door suddenly became brighter, and a huge iron gate blocked his way.

Looking at the iron gate, Mo Xiaochuan did not hesitate, holding the Beidou sword, he inserted it into the keyhole in the center of the iron gate, twisted it lightly, and there was a sound of machine springs, and then the iron gate creaked. With a soft sound, a gap slowly opened.

Mo Xiaochuan stretched out his hand and pushed on the iron door. The door was very heavy. Even he had to use all his strength to push it open a gap that only allowed one person to enter.

Taking a breath, Mo Xiaochuan stepped into the iron gate.

As soon as he stepped in, the inside was lit up, and the familiar oil lamps illuminated the surrounding passages one by one.

Mo Xiaochuan walked unhurriedly, and walked a few hundred meters away, the passage disappeared, and another empty space was revealed.Here, there is another hut, which is very similar to the one outside.

Roy's hobby made Mo Xiaochuan somewhat disagree, but every time she left something, it was excellent.Therefore, without hesitation, he walked a few steps to the hut and pushed open the door.However, what makes him a little strange is that, under normal circumstances, the huts are built on high places, but the huts here are all under a slope.

After looking at it twice, Mo Xiaochuan didn't pay too much attention, and walked into the hut.

When I came inside, sure enough, it was the attire of a woman's boudoir.

However, there is no study here, just two rooms inside and outside.Inside, the quilts on the bed were spread randomly and were not folded.Mo Xiaochuan came to the bed and sat down. Luo Yimin should leave something behind.He searched carefully.

At this time, Lu Qi, who was waiting outside me, frowned slightly. She didn't know what Mo Xiaochuan was doing inside, and why she made such a big noise before. After waiting for a while, Mo Xiaochuan didn't come out, so she thought Go in and have a look.However, just as he took a step, he stopped again. After all, Mo Xiaochuan's martial arts skills are good, and there is no danger in it, so nothing will happen to Mo Xiaochuan.

Thinking of this, she sat down on the rock beside her again.

Mo Xiaochuan was inside and had been tossing and turning for a long time, but he found nothing, so he couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, so he sat on the bed again and looked around.

After looking at it for a while, I still didn't find it, so I lay down. On the roof, there was a portrait of Luo Yimin.Looking at this portrait, Mo Xiaochuan couldn't help but want to laugh, how narcissistic this sister is, she actually wants to hang her portrait on the roof, this is to be seen every day before going to bed, and the first time she wakes up look at yourself?

Mo Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile, and couldn't help frowning, because the portrait didn't seem very simple, and Luo Yimin's eyes were a little strange, as if staring at himself.He hurriedly got up, moved aside, and looked again, but saw that Luo Yimin was not staring at himself, but at the bed.

Is there something tricky about this bed?

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaochuan grabbed the bedding and threw it aside.

Sure enough, without the cover of the bedding, a line of handwriting appeared on the bed.Mo Xiaochuan knew this handwriting, it was written by Luo Yimin himself.

On the bed board, there are only a few words, "The things you want are under the bed".

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