Stunning weapon

Chapter 954

In the ancient tomb under the yellow sand, Mo Xiaochuan leaned against the stone gate, the wine in the jug had been drained, he shook the jug, walked over to fetch a jug of water, tied Jianghu to the scabbard, Taking a deep breath, he stepped back to the stone door, supported the stone door with a little force with his hands, and pushed hard, the stone door made a loud sound, and slowly opened a gap.

Following Mo Xiaochuan's movements, the stone gate gradually opened up, revealing the scenery inside.


Mo Xiaochuan exhaled and clapped his hands lightly. His physical condition has been improving, which made him relieved but also full of doubts.He raised his eyes and looked inside the stone gate.In between, the furnishings here are very simple, only a stone table and a few stone benches.

However, in the very center, there is a clear spring with a faint fragrance.

Mo Xiaochuan came over, stretched out his hand and stroked the spring water twice, feeling that the spring water was slightly warm and very comfortable.He raised his head and looked again, only to find that there were no stairs leading to the upper floor around him, but only a stairway. If his body was in good condition, he could go up to such a height with a single jump.However, it is obviously not possible now.

The short activity made his stomach make a light noise, it seemed that he was hungry.It's just that the jerky has been eaten, and now it seems that there is nothing to eat.I searched in the house, but there was nothing, only two mushroom-like things were planted in the flowerpot.

Mo Xiaochuan walked over, sniffed lightly, and found some fragrance.

"Is this food edible?" Mo Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment, and said to himself.

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the stone bench beside him, looked at the mushroom-shaped thing, blinked his eyes, and said, "This thing seems to be the fire ganoderma my mother-in-law said. Is the ganoderma so ugly?" ?”

As Mo Xiaochuan said, he stood up again, went over to pinch a piece, gently broke it, and then broke it off. Along with the port, this mushroom thing actually bleed out a blood-like liquid.It seems that it also knows pain, bleeding and injury.

Mo Xiaochuan put it in his hand, and was about to put it in his mouth to taste it, then paused again, stretched out his hand and broke off a piece from another plant, and what came out of this plant was milk-like liquid.There is still a burst of fragrance.

This seems to be a little tastier.Mo Xiaochuan reached out and threw it into his mouth, and chewed it lightly, but it tasted bitter.Mo Xiaochuan frowned, and threw the piece he broke off earlier into his mouth, and the taste seemed to be better.

He was also extremely hungry. When the thing entered his stomach, there seemed to be a gust of air, which gave people a feeling of fullness, so he stopped thinking about it so much, reached out and pulled out the two plants, started working from left to right, and ate with big mouthfuls.

After eating, the spirit seems to be much better.

Sitting next to the spring water, Mo Xiaochuan was hesitating whether to take a bath or not.It stands to reason that time is running out now, although there is drinking water, but no food, delaying for too long will not benefit him at all.

Hurry up now to restore your skills, which should be the ultimate party affairs. Taking a bath seems to be a luxury for me.

Just when Mo Xiaochuan was about to give up, suddenly, he felt a little hot on his body, and this kind of heat came from the inside out, like a fire burning in his stomach.He said in his heart that he was not good, it must be something wrong with the food he ate earlier.

He hastily exercised his kung fu to suppress it, but found that the true qi in his body was also beating at this moment, without the restriction of the meridians, the true qi was agitated by this heat flow, and it was actually strewn around in the body, completely uncontrollable.

Mo Xiaochuan was terrified. Could it be that he escaped a catastrophe just now, and now he is going to die again?

He frowned deeply, this hot feeling was still tolerable, but the sense of loss in his heart was a bit uncomfortable.However, after thinking about it, my meridians were completely destroyed, and I should have been a dead person. Now I can walk and move, which is considered a great fortune.Even if he died here, it seemed that he would not lose much money.

Anyway, if you are going to die, why not let yourself die more comfortably?

Thinking this way, he jumped into the spring water and soaked it.Strange to say, after entering the spring water, the slightly warm spring water gives people a feeling of coolness and comfort, and the dryness and heat in the body seem to be much better all of a sudden.

When Mo Xiaochuan was surprised, suddenly, the feeling of dryness and heat surged up again, and the coolness in the spring water seemed to increase significantly. The two forces seemed to be competing with each other through his body. His body was squeezed tightly, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The pain gradually increased. Mo Xiaochuan originally thought that lying here would be more comfortable, but unexpectedly, the pain became even more painful. Even with his pain-bearing power, he couldn't help but hum.This feeling seemed to be more unbearable than the pain when I was with Mo Ying.

He clenched his teeth, trying to jump out, but he couldn't.It seemed that his body was no longer his own, and he couldn't move at all.

Here, Mo Xiaochuan was suffering in pain. On the desert, Lin Feng, Xin'er and Wen Fang were also hurrying on the road.

It has to be said that these two people are indeed a burden, especially Wen Fang, who almost blackmails Lin Feng as if he is a local tyrant, reaching out for food and water from time to time.Lin Feng showed bitterness, and in the end, he simply handed everything over to her and let her distribute it by herself.

Wen Fang looked at Lin Feng with some doubts, as if thinking about whether he still had some private affairs.

Lin Feng didn't know that Mo Xiaochuan's senior sister had such a personality. After a while, he couldn't bear her eyes and said, "Miss Wen, it seems that these things are all mine. I gave them to you now." , you took me for a thief instead."

Wen Fang was taken aback for a moment, and then felt that what Lin Feng said was right, so she smiled and said, "Nope. The younger brother said that the people outside are very treacherous, so I should be careful at all times. I am not thinking, Should I be wary of you?"

Lin Feng said helplessly: "If I have malicious intentions, the worst thing is not to give you food and water. No matter how high your martial arts are, if you are thirsty for three days, you may not be able to use any martial arts. If I have any other purpose, Why bother to give water and food to you?"

Wen Fang blinked, and said, "It seems to make sense." After finishing speaking, she turned her head to Xin'er, and said, "Women with big breasts, what do you think?"

Xin'er looked a little embarrassed, and said, "I have a name."

"I know you have a name. It's too long to remember." Wen Fang waved her hand and said.

"Then you can call me Xin'er?" Xin'er said helplessly.

"What's the matter with your heart? It's a big-breasted woman." Wen Fang giggled and said, "Quickly tell me, is he treacherous or not?"

Xin'er sighed softly, and said: "This Mr. Lin is treacherous or not, I can't see it, but I think that others should be more wary of you."

"What?" Wen Fang shook his sword sharply, and said, "Say one more thing, if it's okay, I'll cut you off with one sword."

Xin'er frowned, and was about to speak.But Lin Feng came between the two of them and said: "Okay, you two. We are seriously short of supplies now, whether we can get out of here is a question, so don't argue about it? Save some energy. We have just had enough. Some of the road ahead is when you are hungry."

Lin Feng's words reminded Wen Fang of her life in the past few days, her complexion changed, she put down her sword, and snorted softly.

Xin'er is still a little weak, but Lin Feng has been away all year round, and he has medicine on his body, which has been given to her. Now her condition is much better than before.Looking at these two women, Lin Feng sighed softly, not knowing how Mo Xiaochuan got along with them.

The current food and drinking water are obviously not enough. It takes at least four days to go out. I hope that the people under my command have come to meet him.Otherwise, the road ahead will be extremely difficult.

Lin Feng sighed and walked forward.

Day turns to night, another day passes.Lin Feng wiped his sweat, Wen Fang sat down on the spot, and said, "I'm starving to death, take a rest..."

Lin Feng turned around and said: "Miss Wen, we have already rested several times during the day, and now the weather is no longer hot, it's time to hurry, right now, don't rest."

Wen Fang wanted to say something, but when she saw Xin'er dragging her weak body and was still walking ahead, she couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced, thinking that she couldn't lose to this big-breasted woman, so she nodded and stood up. Get up and walk forward again.

Under the yellow sand, Mo Xiaochuan finally passed out from the pain. When he woke up, he didn't know how long it had been. These days, he had no concept of time at all.I just feel that my body seems to be much more solid than before.Gently moving the body, the physical strength has also recovered a lot, the true energy in the body is vigorous, and the true energy has also recovered proudly during the period of coma.

Mo Xiaochuan was overjoyed.Walking out of the spring water, I saw that the spring water had turned a little reddish at the moment, probably because the blood mist on his body had mixed into it.

Looking up, Mo Xiaochuan stretched his ankle at the top of the stairs and walked over.

Standing at the foot of the stairs, there was an explosion under his feet, and he used the seventh of the Qingmen Nine Forms.This time, the seventh pose was used, but the effect surprised Mo Xiaochuan. He flew to the upper floor suddenly, and his head almost hit the roof of the second floor.

Landing on the ground of the second floor, Mo Xiaochuan's complexion changed slightly, and he was horrified. What's going on?He has used the seventh form countless times, and he has never been out of control. How could it be like this this time?

Amidst the surprise, he turned his mind to think carefully, and slowly understood that the true qi in his body is not restricted by the meridians, and the speed of movement is not the same as before, although the true qi he mobilized is the same as before. Many, but, because of the increased speed, the power is several times stronger than before.

Knowing this, Mo Xiaochuan's heart suddenly brightened.It seems that the greatest power of the Qingmen Nine Forms can only be exerted without the meridians.This should be the correct way of cultivation.No wonder the Nine Forms of Qingmen damage the meridians so much that he has walked countless times before the gate of hell.

However, who created this kind of martial arts, destroying the meridians without dying, I am afraid that I am the only one in the world.This kind of kung fu is really not practiced by humans.

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