These days I always feel irritable and irritable, and I can't calm down. This is a big taboo for martial arts practitioners. If it is mild, the skill will go backwards, and if it is serious, it will be crazy, but I can't calm down no matter what.I haven't seen Qianqian for several days. I don't know where she went. I think her colleagues have inquired and said that she hasn't come to work for several days. I went to her residence to ask, and the neighbors also agreed. I haven't seen the little girl back for a few days.

Immediately, I panicked, like an ant on a hot pot. I searched everywhere and almost turned the whole city upside down, but there was still no news of the beautiful woman, and the second son and the others were also helping me find it, but still to no avail.

"Second son, do you think Qianqian will not be kidnapped by bad guys?" I asked nervously.

"Probably not, the law and order in H city is quite good." The second son didn't know the reason, so naturally he couldn't answer me.

Hearing what the second son said, my heart twitched. This kid doesn't know how high the sky is and how big the sea is, but he dared to say that the city is safe. If I let him know that there are so many underground forces in this city, I'm afraid he won't be able to say that. up.

What should I do? Do I really need to go to the Axe Gang to find a helper? After all, it is the second largest gang in this city. It must be much easier to find someone than me, but I have never been to the Axe Gang since I became the leader of the gang. , Now I have something to ask others, I feel a little embarrassed.

"Good news for the second brother, just now your sister-in-law called to say that Qianqian has returned." Just when I decided to go to the ax gang with the cheek, the second son hurried over.

This is really good news that couldn't be better. A big stone that has been pressing on my heart for the past few days has finally landed.

Just as I was about to rush to Qianqian's residence, I suddenly realized that today is September [-]th, isn't it Qianqian's birthday?So I temporarily turned a corner and went to the cake shop to buy an exquisite birthday cake. This is my first birthday with Qianqian, so I can't be careless.

Seeing me coming, Qianqian forced a smile, it was far-fetched, I am not a fool, so I could see it naturally, my heart skipped a beat, and a strong uneasiness surged in my heart.

Qianqian actually cried when blowing out the birthday candles. Originally, she shed tears when I was happy in the future, but I saw her depressed until eating the cake, and she didn’t even take a bite of the cake. Could it be that something happened to Qianqian, she won’t leave me Well, my heart skipped a beat for no reason.

"Qianqian, what happened?" I asked cautiously, fearing that the ominous premonition would come true.

Qianqian didn't speak, just shook her head, then turned her head to the side, and didn't even dare to look at me. Could it be that I guessed it right? My heart ached instantly.

"Qianqian, am I still your boyfriend now?" My heart almost jumped out of my mouth when I asked this sentence, I won't be falling in love again.

"Brother Yuwen, don't get me wrong. I'm really fine. I'll go to the kitchen to get some food." After speaking, Qianqian got up and walked to the kitchen. The moment I turned my back, I found that Qianqian's face was covered with tears.

I rushed up and hugged her tightly from behind, "Qianqian, don't leave me, please?" I found my voice trembling a little.

Qianqian turned around and hugged me tightly, buried her head on my shoulder and cried loudly, the tears flowed down her face and wet my clothes, I patted her back lightly, hoping she would feel better point.But I was very sad in my heart. Is it really going to end? My heart seemed to be pierced by a knife, and I tried to raise my head to keep my tears from flowing.

After a while, Qianqian raised her head to look at my face, stroked it carefully, then she brought her lips together and kissed me frantically.

"Qianqian, can you tell me the reason?" I kissed the tears on Qianqian's face and choked up.

"Brother Yuwen, don't ask how you are? Can you stay with me tonight?" Qianqian seemed to have made a major decision.

"No, if you don't tell me the reason, I won't let you go." I held Qianqian's hand stubbornly, worried that she would disappear from my sight again.

"Really, Brother Yuwen is useless. The only thing Qianqian can give you is tonight." Qianqian's tears flowed down her face. I can feel that she really likes me, and she hasn't changed her mind. she leaves.

"Qianqian, if you still think of me as your boyfriend, tell me the matter. If you really don't love me anymore, I'll turn around and leave immediately." After I finished speaking, I turned my back and pretended to leave.

"No, brother Yuwen, don't go." Qianqian suddenly rushed forward and hugged my back, leaning on my back and crying nonstop.

I turned around and hugged her, I really want to know why, I don't believe she will change her mind.

"Brother Yuwen, can you listen to me? The thing is like this. I went back to my hometown last weekend. Brother Yuwen, do you know the reason?" Qianqian looked at me affectionately with red and swollen eyes.

I shook my head, it turned out that she had returned to her hometown these days, no wonder I couldn't find her in the city.

"Last weekend, my mother told me that my father was sick and hospitalized, so I went back to my hometown, but the doctor in the county confirmed that my father had kidney failure. The doctor said that the kidney must be replaced within a month, otherwise my father would die. It was not guaranteed, but the doctor said that a kidney replacement would cost hundreds of thousands. You also know that our family did not have much money, so my mother and I went to borrow money everywhere, but the money we borrowed was not even a fraction. Later, the village party secretary of our village He promised to lend us money, but he has a requirement that I must marry his son immediately, and then he can lend us money for surgery. But the son of the village party secretary is a well-known fool in our village, and there is no girl in the village I am willing to marry him, but in order to cure my father's illness, my mother and I had no choice but to agree to his request. In fact, I also have a younger brother. When I was ten years old, my younger brother had a high fever. It was night, and the doctors in the village were unable to treat me, so I needed to be sent to a big hospital in time, but because my family was very poor, when we borrowed money everywhere, my brother had heart failure due to high fever, and he left us soon. I have already lost my brother I can't lose my father again, so brother Yuwen, please forgive me? You are so good and you will definitely find a better girl than me." Qianqian was crying as she spoke, which shows how much her heart hurts Well, she had to give herself to a fool for her own father, so I have no reason to blame her.

"No..." I shouted loudly, I didn't expect that I would be knocked down by money again, no, I must not lose Qianqian again this time.

"Qianqian, listen to me, we can slowly find a way to pay for your father's medical treatment. I don't allow you to spoil yourself like this. I will marry you in this life. You are my wife, my beloved, and I don't want you." Leave me." I hugged Qianqian tightly, afraid that she would disappear from my arms.

"It's useless. It's impossible for us to raise so much money in such a short period of time. Brother Yuwen, please forget about me." Qianqian kept shaking her head and struggled to leave my embrace.

"Qianqian, would you please give me half a month? Yes, just half a month, and I will definitely get the money to save your father." I forcefully turned Qianqian's head and made her look into my eyes.

"Brother Yuwen, you must not do anything stupid." Qianqian's tears had already dried up

"Qianqian wait for me." After I finished speaking, I turned around and ran out the door, no matter how Qianqian shouted behind me, I didn't look back, I must hurry up and collect this huge sum of money within half a month.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For the sake of his beloved, how will Yu Wenxiang, who was originally penniless, collect this huge sum of money?What unexpected things will happen?Stay tuned for the next chapter on underground casinos.


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