Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 14 Unexpected Ending

Facing the fierce attack of the strong man, I am afraid that if I am hit by him, I will be heartbroken. In order to block the knee from his violent attack, I have to withdraw my fist and quickly resist with both palms.

Bang, my whole body was blown away, this strong man was too powerful, even though I had already used my palms to resist, the momentum still made me fall to the ground.

The referee came over, looked at me and started counting down, like a death sentence.

There was a loud cry from the audience: "Kill him, kill him...".

"Haha, you can't do it, kid." Mr. Liu gloated at the second daughter of Liu Hui and laughed loudly.

The two daughters Wang Xin and Liu Hui also rushed to the stage nervously. I waved to them and told them I was fine.Damn, I really turned me into a mud, I stood up again, this time I'm going to take the initiative.

Just like that, I had a great fight with that strong man, and the audience cheered loudly. Although I hit the strong man more often, but with his rough skin and thick flesh, I I can't do much damage to him at all, but every punch he makes me suffer. There are times when I feel like I'm about to fall apart, but it's strange to say that when I'm about to die, there's always something in my body. There will be a warm current gushing out, which makes me have fighting power again in an instant, and I found that the acupuncture points that I have been unable to open for the past few days have loosened. Is it true that fighting is the best way to practice as the novel says.

Bang, I was punched out by the strong man again, and this time I was injured more seriously than before. I felt that my internal organs were about to be broken, and I spit out several mouthfuls of blood. The second daughter, Liu Hui and Wang Xin, were already crying softly When I got up, I couldn't hear what they kept yelling, I only saw the audience opening their mouths wide open as if they wanted to devour me, and the only thing I could hear clearly was the sound of the big man approaching me Footsteps, I think I'm dying.

"Boy, you are a respectable opponent, but I still want to finish you." The strong man walked towards me step by step, and every step he took off the stage would make a dull sound.

"Haha, that kid is finally dead, I'm so happy." Mr. Liu was still as rampant as ever.

I lay quietly on the ground, what should I do with my Qianqian after I die, do I want to watch her marry someone else.No, I don't agree, I can't die.I kept yelling in my heart, as if I heard my yell, a surge of internal energy rushed out of my dantian, like a thousand troops rushing forward, I seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking, and then I realized Many acupoints in my body were opened up, and a stronger warm current flowed through my whole body, and flowed to my limbs, which made my injury heal by more than half in an instant, so I stood up hard again.

Well, the audience was shocked by my sudden standing up, the whole arena suddenly became silent, the second daughter Liu Hui and Wang Xin covered their little mouths with their hands in disbelief, even the strong man stopped Footsteps looked at me in disbelief.

I don't know who called first, but suddenly the whole arena shouted: "Xiaoqiang, Xiaoqiang..."

I shook my dizzy head and wiped the blood on my face with my sleeve. I wanted to see myself more clearly. I counted the time, and almost five or ten minutes had passed. As long as I hold on After 10 minutes, it is victory. If you don't want to win, you just want to be undefeated.

Kill, I fought with the strong man again, but this time I adopted a roaming tactic, trying not to go head-to-head with the strong man. If it didn't work, I ran around the strong man. But my body is much more flexible than his, so I have to give full play to my advantages. After a while, the strong man was turned dizzy by me. I took advantage of his inattention and gave him a few times to beat him straight back and won the stage. The audience burst into applause.

Hush, the whistle sounded, and the game finally reached an hour. In the end, no one fell down between me and the strong man, and we were judged to be a tie.This result was beyond everyone's expectations, but it was still a wonderful game. With my perseverance, I finally got to this point. I deserve this honor. All the people applauded for me.

"Young Master Liu, right? You see, I, brother Yuwen, are the best." Seeing that the result of the competition had been decided, Liu Hui taunted Mr. Liu next to him.

"Hmph, let's go!" Mr. Liu snorted angrily, got up and walked out, followed by a group of people.

"Mr. Liu, you seem to have forgotten something. You haven't paid us the money for the bet." Wang Xin stood up and called to Mr. Liu.

"You..., very good, here you are, here is more than 100 million, the password is six zeros, I will give you the extra money, but I will remember you, don't fall into my hands, stinky bitch " Mr. Liu turned pale, angrily threw a card to Wang Xin, then turned and left.

"Hmph, don't think that this girl is afraid of you, who are you?" Wang Xin said unconvinced.

"You two aunts and grandmas have caused a big disaster this time. Mr. Liu is the only son of the mayor of this city. You have to be careful if you offend him." Seeing that Liu Hui's two daughters had repeatedly offended Mr. Liu, Ge Lao immediately came over to warn him.

"Hmph, we're not afraid of him. Offending my aunt is still making him look good. Liu Hui put her hands on her hips, looking like she's the only one who respects her aunt.

Seeing that the second daughter couldn't listen at all, Mr. Ge left with a sigh.

Only then did the second daughter realize that I had collapsed on the stage, and my whole body was covered with blood. When the second daughter couldn't care less about Mr. Liu, she hurried over and helped me backstage.The second daughter took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the blood and wounds on my body. I knew that I must have been seriously injured at this time, and my face might have changed beyond recognition, but I couldn't care less. He collapsed on the seat and could only let the two girls do what they wanted.

I don't know how long it took, Mr. Ge walked in and sent me and the strong man 3 yuan each.Originally, there should be only [-] yuan for one person in a tie, but according to Ge Lao, due to the disparity in strength between the two of us, the audience all bet on the strong man, so the tie ending allowed the casino to earn a grand slam, and the other [-] yuan is considered The casino rewards us.

After taking the money, I was supported by the second daughter and prepared to leave the casino, but I ran into Mr. Ge standing at the door.

"You two young ladies, you really shouldn't offend Mr. Liu today. This person is notorious for vengeance and cruelty. You have to be on your guard against this person." Before leaving, Elder Ge told the two daughters Liu Hui.

"Hmph, we're not afraid of him, just go after Miss Ben." Liu Hui has a fiery temper, and when he hears this, he gets angry.

"Sister Liu, don't be like this. Mr. Ge, thank you for your reminder. We will pay attention to it." Wang Xin knew that Mr. Ge also meant well.

After leaving the noisy casino, we returned to the bar again.

"Brother Yuwen, can you still go?" Wang Xin asked worriedly.

"Yeah, how about I carry you?" Liu Hui also saw that I was a little unsteady when I walked.

"It's okay, I can walk by myself." If people saw me walking on the back of two women on the street, how would I be able to function in society in the future.

"Who is Mr. Liu that the old man said just now? It seems that the old man's tone is not young." I don't know why, I can't calm down when I hear that someone is going to hurt the second daughter. Maybe they have grown up without knowing it. an integral part of my life.

"It's okay, it's the son of that corrupt official, Mayor Liu, who dared to insult you, so we'll fix him up." Liu Hui said indifferently.

Damn, it turned out that I offended this great god. Mayor Liu in H City is the emperor of the land. Who dares to break ground on the head of Tai Sui, that is, the two of them don't know the heights of heaven and earth, but then again, they did it for me, I can There is no reason to blame them, but it will be difficult to get along in H City from now on, and you have to always be on guard against that young master's stumbling block.

When I got home, because I was seriously injured, I could only let the second daughter bathe me and change into loose clothes to avoid touching the wound. At the same time, my whole body was covered with plaster. According to Liu Hui, it was They usually applied it after they were injured in martial arts practice, and the effect was particularly good, but after applying this medicine, they felt much more comfortable, and then they fell into a deep sleep.

But I fell asleep, but the second daughter, Liu Hui and Wang Xin, couldn't fall asleep. The second daughter looked at me covered in bruises, and couldn't stop crying.

"Liu Hui, today I suddenly discovered that the leader of the gang is a real man, a man who stands up to the sky." Wang Xin wiped the tears from his face, his eyes were red like rabbits.

"Yeah, the boss is the bravest man I've ever met, and now I find myself falling in love with him." Liu Hui gently stroked my bruised face.

"Then shall we let the gang leader go tomorrow?" Wang Xin looked at me who was seriously injured.

"It's up to the leader to decide. The leader is a very stubborn person. If he decides, we can't stop him." Liu Hui sighed, no matter how much she persuaded me, I couldn't give up in order to achieve my goal.

"Okay then, let's go to bed too, I'm really worried to death today." After speaking, Wang Xin got up and went to turn off the lights.


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