Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 216 Relic Angel Wings

"Boy, can you finally stop running?" The Bloodthirsty Earl opened his mouth and walked towards me. He was very annoyed along the way, and he was seriously injured by a dying boy.

"I can't die yet!" I gritted my teeth and roared. At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sword in my body seemed to be alive again.

"Ah!" The bloodthirsty earl began to fester all over his body after being illuminated by the golden light, and his whole body was smoking, as if he had been roasted, his whole body exuded the smell of barbecued meat.

"It's you!" The bloodthirsty count looked at me with resentment on his face. This golden sword finally made him realize that I was the one who broke into the castle by force. He had to run away quickly.

I was also greatly relieved that the Bloodthirsty Earl escaped. I didn’t expect Xuanyuan Sword to save me again. Now my whole body is seriously injured, and my vitality is also severely damaged. Now I can only heal my injuries in place and go to Liu when the injuries are better. favor them.

I sat cross-legged on the same spot, and began to meditate on Xuanyuan Zhenjue silently. Amidst the painful groans of all the cells in my body, I began to draw the little bit of energy I had to walk the Great Week. With the end of the 49 Great Weeks, the physical injuries finally healed. It's getting better, thanks to the special effect of Xuanyuan Zhenqi's healing, otherwise I don't know that it will take the year of the monkey to get better, so when I look at the watch, three hours have passed, it seems that I have to break through the period of the law as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be difficult to escape when encountering a master like the Bloodthirsty Earl. Now I have reached the peak of the seventh stage of the golden body stage. I will see if I can break through the magic stage after breaking through the eighth stage. After all, it is difficult for human beings to break through the ninth stage of the golden body stage Heavy.

I searched all the way along the mark left by Elena, and finally found them in a cave, but Liu Hui was in very bad condition, dying, and was hanging on his last breath waiting to see me for the last time.

"Hui'er, you have to hold on, it's Yuwen brother's fault for not being able to protect you well." I grabbed her hand with tears streaming down my face, feeling so cold.

"Brother Yuwen doesn't blame you, Hui'er is already very happy to be your woman in this life, and she no longer expects to have her." Liu Hui opened her dry lips with difficulty, her voice was weak, and I had to put my ear next to her mouth to hear clearly.

"No, I don't want you to die, I want you to give birth to many babies for brother Yuwen, let them call us mom and dad, you wait for me to go to the city to get you medicine." I said, I got up and went to the city .

"Brother Yuwen is useless. I have already used holy light to heal Sister Liu's wounds, but it has no effect, and ordinary medicine may not be of any use." Elina held me back and shook her head. The holy light technique is a holy healing technique, which has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. If this holy light technique is useless, it will really be sentenced to death.

"Then there is no other way?" I reluctantly grabbed Alina's shoulder.

Alina shook her head, "Brother Yuwen, you scratched me."

"I'm sorry." I let go of Alina and sat down on the ground next to her.

"Brother Yuwen, don't be like this, Hui'er has accepted his fate, but after I leave, you must live well, save the Fengshen hall master, and heal sister Qianqian's injury." Liu Hui tried hard to open her eyes and looked at me, a bean Large teardrops flowed from his eye sockets.

"No, I don't want it." I suddenly took out the sword from my body, slashed my wrist with the sword amidst the screams of the women, and blood gushed out from the wrist.

"Brother Yuwen, what are you doing?" Alina ran over with her face changed drastically and shouted loudly.

"Leave me alone, quickly cast the holy light technique on Liu Hui!" I put my wrist next to Liu Hui's mouth.

"Brother Yuwen, I don't want it!" Liu Hui desperately turned her head away.

"Silly girl, be obedient!" I forcibly fixed her head with the other hand, letting the blood flow into her mouth, and big tears flowed down her face.

Although I don't know why I feed Liu Hui blood, Elena still cast the holy light spell on Liu Hui according to her words, and the holy white light instantly enveloped Liu Hui.

I don't know how long it took, and finally I passed out due to excessive blood loss.

"Liu Hui, don't go!" I don't know how long I've been in a coma, I suddenly screamed and sat up, breaking out in a cold sweat, and found that I was still sitting in the cave, but the cave was empty, and I don't know if Liu Hui was saved or not.

"Brother Yuwen, you're awake!" At this moment Liu Hui ran in from the cave, her face flushed a lot.

"It's okay, are you okay?" I looked at Liu Hui in front of me, she was gently wiping my face.

"I'm fine, brother Yuwen thank you!" Liu Hui looked at me with tender eyes.

"It's fine, I've been in a coma for a long time?"

"It's been three days and three nights!" Liu Hui replied with some distress, thinking of my snow-white face at that time, Liu Hui is still terrified now.

"I've been in a coma for so long, where did Elina go?" I moved my body with difficulty, but fortunately Liu Hui helped me, otherwise it would be difficult to move.

"Oh! She's gone to Castle Nicholas."

"Going to Nicholas Castle? Why are you going there?" I wondered what she was doing there, it was very dangerous.

"I heard that it's time to watch the fun. Today, the leader of the mafia went to Nicholas Castle to ask for someone. It's a lot of fun to watch."

"Oh! It's a pity that my body can't go, otherwise I really want to go and see, by the way, where did the chick I brought back go?" Only now did I realize that I haven't seen my hostage yet.

"You mean Yi Ansi, she's cooking outside the cave."

"Aren't you afraid that she will run away when she cooks alone?" I suddenly asked nervously.

"No, she's a very good girl. Brother Yuwen, I think you can send her back when you recover." Liu Hui said with difficulty, this little girl is kind-hearted.

"Okay, I'll send her back when things are over." I replied casually, since it's useless to keep it when the time comes anyway.

At this moment, someone came in with a meal, and I saw that it was really the chick Yi Ansi, and when she saw me, she blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at me.

Under Liu Hui's care, I ate some food, and after a while, the little girl Elena came back, her little face was full of excitement, it seemed that she brought back good news.

"Nana, tell me, is there any good news?" I waved to Elena and asked.

"Ah, Brother Yuwen, you are awake. I can tell you that there is good news this time. Today, sister Yi Ansi's father went to Nicholas Castle to ask for someone. The momentum was really cool, and a big fight almost broke out. " Alina said excitedly with a small face.

"Is there a fight? Has that guy Nicholas come out?" I asked quickly.

"No, that kid Nicholas didn't show up in the end." Alina suddenly said with a sense of loss.

"I can't force that kid out like this. It's really weird. I don't know where the problem is." I knocked my head in confusion.

"However, Ianse's father finally said something harsh, and they are limited to handing over Ianse's sister within half a month, otherwise my old vampire's face will turn green when they step down Nicholas Castle. It's so cool." Ellie Na talked about it dancing and dancing.

"That's good, so we still have a chance, so we have to make a good plan." I thought for a while and said.

I have to quickly break through the phase of the law, I secretly decided, and talked to Liu Hui and the others, I began to meditate in the cave, sitting cross-legged, with my five hearts moving towards the sky, and moving towards the eighth stage over and over again. Heavy shock.

Boom, there was a muffled sound in my body, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of my mouth, and the injuries in my body were finally healed, and I finally broke through the eighth stage of the golden body stage.

Next, I started to attack the Dharma phase, and the vitality in my body surged up, like a thousand horses, to attack the Dharma pool. According to the exercise explanation given by Yun Zhenzi, after the golden body phase, there will be corresponding The secret realm, and the Dharma Aspect Phase corresponds to the Dharma Aspect Pool Secret Realm. As long as the vitality enters the Dharma Aspect Pool and the bridge between the mind and the Dharma Aspect Pool is established, it is a sign of breaking through the Dharma Aspect Period. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t find out where the Dharma Phase Pool is. I didn't even touch it, so I had to give up roguely in the end.

I sat on the ground a little dejected, and began to check my body over and over again, but in the end I didn't find out what the problem was, but at this moment I discovered that the stone tablet in the middle dantian was shining with golden light. I took a closer look Lines of small characters appeared on it, and I sank my mind to read it carefully with some curiosity. This is a practice, the name is "Chaos Blood Refining Dafa", the name is a bit evil, but I am delighted when I read its content Very much, I didn't expect this to be the cultivation method that can make the golden body break through the fifteenth level and reach the legendary super divine body.

However, the following training requirements immediately made me lose my temper, and I actually asked to reach the tenth stage of the golden body stage, but now I am only the eighth stage. , but now I have no way to reach the tenth weight.

At this moment, Elina and the others all ran in when they heard my exclamation.

"Brother Yuwen, what happened?" Liu Hui asked with concern.

"It's okay, just something happened." I replied casually.

"By the way, Elina, do you have any way to quickly break through the golden body stage and reach the legendary tenth level?" I looked at Elina with some hope, but I didn't hold any hope in my heart.

"It's really difficult for an ordinary person to break through the tenth stage of the golden body stage, but there is a way." Elena thought for a while and replied, I didn't expect it to happen, and I was suddenly ecstatic.

"What method?" I asked anxiously.

"It's hard, I think it's better to forget it." Alina shook her head and said.

"Say it quickly, don't tantalize your appetite." I said a little unhappy.

"It's really difficult. Every ten years, our holy church will hold a ceremony to select the master of the holy vessel. Anyone who is selected by the angel wings of the holy vessel will be the new leader of our holy church, but usually the former saint It is said that with the assistance of the Angel Wings, the holy weapon of our sect, and the assistance of our holy pool of light, we can reach the tenth stage of the Golden Body Stage." Elena said eloquently.

"Angel's Wings, it sounds amazing, but it's too long to wait ten years, I don't have time." I said disappointedly.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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