Because there is no clue after a long search, and the time is getting later and later, now I can only pin my only hope on the Ax Gang.Just as I was about to dial the number, my cell phone rang suddenly. Could it be Liu Hui and the others calling? That threatening phone call over there?

But no matter who called, for the safety of the two girls, I still connected quickly, even if the other party asked me to exchange their lives for theirs, I would have no regrets.

After the number was connected, I called twice, but still no one spoke. Maybe the kidnapper was thinking about what to say. I patiently waited for the other party to make a request, as if I was waiting for the death sentence.

"Hello, brother Yuwen? I'm Liu Hui. There was something wrong with my phone just now, so I didn't hear you."

Liu Hui's voice came from the other end, which made me instantly happy, "Liu Hui, where are you now? Did Mr. Liu arrest you? Don't panic, Brother Yuwen will come to rescue you right away."

"Brother Yuwen, don't worry, we have not been arrested by the bad guys, we are now at the headquarters of the Ax Gang." Liu Hui's words were like the sun in the dark night, instantly dispelling all worries in our hearts.

"Then why didn't you tell me when you went to the ax help, let us worry for nothing, do you know how anxious we are? We looked for you all over the street at night, and your second brother and I almost killed Mr. Liu's house with a knife It's gone." When I thought about these two little girls making us worry for nothing, I couldn't help but get angry.

"Brother Yuwen, I'm sorry, when we were waiting for you in the ward today, the hall master and the others came. We wanted to tell you, but our mobile phone was out of battery. We forget about it as soon as the Lord is happy." From the other end came the intermittent sobbing of Liu Hui and Wang Xin, and this was the first time I scolded them so heavily since we met.

"Brother Yuwen, forget it, the two cousins ​​are also unintentional, and we should be happy now that we know they are fine." Seeing me so furious, Qianqian scolded Liu Hui and the others to tears, and quickly pulled my hand to persuade.

The second son and the others are also helping the two little ladies to say good things, actually thinking about it, I should be happy since they are fine, "Okay, I won't talk about you, we will wait for you at home." After finishing speaking, I Just hung up the phone.

Qianqian and I went directly back to the community and waited for them to come back. Originally, the second son and the others would follow, but I thought it was so late and told them to go back.

"Brother Yuwen, I know you must be very angry with your two cousins ​​now, but I hope you don't get angry with them when they come back. After all, sister Xin has just been injured and discharged from the hospital, so she shouldn't be provoked anymore." Qianqian gently held my hand , her jade hands are so warm and delicate.

"You don't have to worry, I have a measure." I squeezed her hand and told her not to worry. I just scolded them in anger. Followed me to suffer so much.

Qianqian and I sat on the sofa and watched TV. The current TV shows are all about love affairs.


"Well... Brother Yuwen..." Qianqian blushed, her head was almost buried in her breast.

"Brother Yuwen, do you really want to..." Qianqian asked in a low voice, if it wasn't for my sharp ears, I really wouldn't have heard it.

"What do you want?" I asked suspiciously.

"That's it. I saw that you always touched that lady's place during the competition today." Qianqian came over and sat in my arms, and put my hands on her breasts.

Pfft, I feel my nose is wet, this guy really doesn't let me down, and always shames me every time, but Qianqian's breasts are really comfortable, although they are not the kind of giant, but the size is right, and I feel that they are still ducks pear shaped.

"Qianqian, don't get me wrong, I'm competing today, I didn't do it on purpose." I hurriedly explained seriously, but there was no delay in my hands, kneading and pinching, Qianqian's jade rabbit kept under my claws Changing this shape constantly, it turns out that no one knows me better than my Qianqian, I love her so much.

"Well, I know Brother Yuwen didn't do it on purpose." Qianqian's sensitive parts have become short of breath under my ravages, I don't know if I can go further, but seeing Qianqian's innocent appearance, I really can't bear to eat it she.

However, my hand was still a little uncontrollable to touch her under her, and gently lifted up Qianqian's skirt, my hand went up along Qianqian's white, tender and round thighs, and finally touched the place that all men yearn for. In the mysterious garden, Qianqian's white panties were already wet a lot. I didn't expect this little girl to be so sensitive. I gently covered her garden with my hand, and Qianqian let out a groan.

Boom, at this critical moment, there was a knock on the door, which interrupted our passion in an instant, like a raging fire being poured with cold water, not to mention how uncomfortable it was, and Qianqian was like a frightened little rabbit. I jumped off my body and ran into the bathroom in a hurry.

Needless to say, it must be Liu Hui and Wang Xin who came back. They came back at the right time, just to interrupt my good business. Now I feel like a fire is burning in my heart. Not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

But I couldn't let the two little girls wait outside for a long time. I hurriedly got up and opened the door for them. Sure enough, after the door opened, the two girls were lowering their heads and didn't dare to look at me. I pulled them and they walked into the room. .

"Brother Yuwen, we know that we are wrong, so you can punish us." The second daughter admitted her mistake after entering the room, but she had a very good attitude, and she just pouted her little butt and asked me to spank her.

I, who was already in flames, was tempted by the sexy little butts of the two women, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I really wanted to rush over and punish the two women on the spot. Unfortunately, Qianqian was still in the bathroom at this time, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Can only dry swallow saliva.

I raised my right hand high and finally slapped the second girl's upturned buttocks lightly as a punishment. It was more like touching than hitting. Aftertaste.

"Brother Yuwen, is this all right? How about you hit us again to punish us?" Liu Hui, this girl, isn't she trying to seduce me? Could it be that the second girl has a tendency to be abused and likes to play SM and the like, with a leather whip? Candles too?If that's the case, then I can't do this or that, my mind is full of scenes of martial arts movies on the bed.

It's a pity that the time and place are wrong, and Qianqian will come out soon after hearing the sound, "Forget it, I will forgive you this time, remember not to be an example."

After hearing what I said, the second daughter's eyes were reddish, tears rolled in her eyes, and she was about to cry, didn't she? own hands.

"Brother Yuwen, didn't you agree to not be angry with the two cousins ​​again?" Qianqian saw Liu Hui and the others crying sadly as soon as she came out, and she slapped me hard.


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